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Re: Reboot Star Trek.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:48 pm
by AlexMcpherson79
Yeah I had an idea where Ezri Dax is in command of the Aventine around 20 years post-dominion war, and the first ship allowed into the Gamma Quadrant or something. This provides connection to DS9... And One of the young engineers aboard is Naomi Wildman, a Lt JG... providing a link to Voyager. It's been long enough that the actress who played her could continue the role (though I think she's quit acting for a music career?)

I honestly dont get why they're sticking to the 23rd century. Movies, and otherwise. Hell, they could go, "you know what, lets do it where they're exploring another galaxy, and we're totally not Stargate: Atlantis, or even Andromeda - look the token holographic character learning to be human isn't the same name as the ship and the token local isn't from a technologically-unadvanced-because-bad-aliens society...."

Then again kind of glad they haven't tried to go back to the 24th... I can only imagine what horrors they'd inflict. Like, perhaps, making Janeway an Admiral or... wait...