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Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:20 pm
by Captain Seafort
Jordanis wrote:I could take a screenshot the next time it happens, maybe?
Good idea - we can then take a look at it and see if we're all having similar problems of if it's simply coincidental trouble at the receiving end.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:27 pm
by Jordanis
It happened again. First, the screenshot:

This is the sort of thing that happens, but it's a crap shoot which errors happens in which frames. It looks kind of like the load is getting interrupted midway through.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:46 pm
by Captain Peabody
Actually, I've been getting almost the exact same errors every single time I try to get onto DITL, as well as on the forum here. I'm using Internet Explorer 7, if that helps; but I haven't been able to get onto the main site in weeks...
Here on the forums, a lot of images have been replaced by boxes with 'x's in them...and when I'm posting, the window that's supposed to show previous posts says Service Temporarily Unavailable most of the time. Does anyone know what's going on?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:01 pm
by Mikey
I've seen that "service unavailable" error within a particular frame very occasionally, but it's certainly not chronic. And I don't recall having had problems with any of the embedded images.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:52 pm
by Sionnach Glic
I've never seen anything like that before, myself. :?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:27 pm
by Captain Picard's Hair
I'm getting it regularly on the main site (exactly what Jordanis posted), but having less severe problems on the board. Sometimes the board loads with the little "Bell" icons to the left of the forum titles invisible, as well as the small icons to the right of the last posters name (which are replaced by the text link "View latest post"). So far I haven't had any problems seeing the topic review in the posting window.

I'm using the latest version of Firefox with Earthlink hi speed internet provided through Time Warner Cable's "triple play" digital cable/phone/internet package.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:36 pm
by Teaos
I almost never have problems with it. Sometimes the page misloads but that just takes a refresh to fix.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:11 am
by Jordanis
Captain Picard's Hair wrote:I'm getting it regularly on the main site (exactly what Jordanis posted), but having less severe problems on the board. Sometimes the board loads with the little "Bell" icons to the left of the forum titles invisible, as well as the small icons to the right of the last posters name (which are replaced by the text link "View latest post"). So far I haven't had any problems seeing the topic review in the posting window.

I'm using the latest version of Firefox with Earthlink hi speed internet provided through Time Warner Cable's "triple play" digital cable/phone/internet package.
I've been getting these board problems you describe as well. Is it just me, or are the people on the eastern side of the atlantic the ones reporting no problems?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:11 pm
by Mikey
I'm in the US, and I don't really have any problems.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:31 pm
by Jordanis
Mikey wrote:I'm in the US, and I don't really have any problems.
Put another way, then, people on the islands or continent are not having problems, people in the US may or may not be having problems. This is only an impression, though, further research may provide different conclusions.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:14 pm
by Mikey
Jordanis wrote:Put another way, then, people on the islands or continent are having problems, people in the US may or may not be having problems. This is only an impression, though, further research may provide different conclusions.
But you said you WERE having problems. Oregon didn't secede from the Union, did they? :P

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:42 pm
by Jordanis
Mikey wrote:
Jordanis wrote:Put another way, then, people on the islands or continent are having problems, people in the US may or may not be having problems. This is only an impression, though, further research may provide different conclusions.
But you said you WERE having problems. Oregon didn't secede from the Union, did they? :P
Not for lack of desire, I think. :P (look up 'Cascadia', it's an active secessionist movement out here). That said, I see I managed to drop a 'not' in my previous post in this thread. :P

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:01 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Strange; I got two complaints about this, but the site works fine for both me and Ian, so we figured with only two complaints it was probably their end rather than ours. Maybe our ISP is having a bad month or something.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:16 am
by Jordanis
It's been getting worse. I'm getting nonloading images even more on the forums now, and most of the time the first time I load the ditl homepage I get one or two frames that AREN'T blank.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:45 pm
by IanKennedy
Hmm... This is interesting. Reading the posts it seems it's people in the US that are having problems, while people here in the UK/Europe seem to be OK. Now, the surprising this is that the web hosting company that we are using is in California.

OK, now for a little bit of homework. If you get this problem can please run the following test and PM me with the results. Please indicate the ISP you are using and the time of day (including the timezone). I will attempt to see if there are any patterns in the data and talk to the hosting company.

OK, on to the test:

On windows

- Start a Command or DOS prompt (Usually in Start / Programs / Accessories )
- Type 'tracert' and press return

On Mac:

- Start a terminal window ( in Applications / Unitlities )
- Type 'traceroute' and press return

In each case you will get something like this:

traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 1.404 ms 0.967 ms 0.965 ms
2 ( 45.258 ms 42.833 ms 54.374 ms
3 ( 39.261 ms 39.982 ms 39.379 ms
4 ( 41.723 ms 42.079 ms 42.206 ms
5 * ( 42.755 ms 42.153 ms
6 ( 42.803 ms 41.815 ms 42.150 ms
7 ( 43.005 ms 42.466 ms 42.243 ms
8 ( 42.701 ms 42.705 ms 42.464 ms
9 ( 200.320 ms 199.357 ms 200.726 ms
10 ( 198.315 ms 283.013 ms 187.977 ms
11 ( 197.945 ms 197.863 ms 198.570 ms
12 ( 197.869 ms 198.637 ms 200.184 ms
13 ( 198.797 ms 198.645 ms 198.504 ms
14 ( 197.477 ms 197.800 ms 197.853 ms
15 ( 202.232 ms 203.455 ms 199.588 ms
16 ( 197.567 ms 197.815 ms 197.652 ms
17 ( 197.712 ms 208.261 ms 198.032 ms

Please send me all of it.