
From 2001 to Invasion of the Body Snatchers
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Re: Kick-Ass

Post by Tyyr »

Saw Kick-Ass on Saturday and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Like Tsu I was expecting a comedy and got an action movie with a bit of comedy at times. It presents a good case why people don't actually try to be super-heros and the only real people who might be considered to even be on a superhero level both live very off-kilter lives and employ lethal force.

I honestly expected more to come of Kick-Ass's possession of a myspace page, namely him being tracked down quickly by people wanting to know who he is. They tied it up nicely with Big Daddy rerouting his IP but a the same time he was out in the open for a long time with no one finding him. I agree with Graham that the jetpack at the end was very out of place given the overall tone and point of the movie. Personally I think they should have gone with something like the military style armed robots with treads or even putting a gun on a drone helicopter or something. The jetpack was just... wrong for the movie.
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