SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Sonic Glitch »

Atekimogus wrote:
Tyyr wrote:The Maquis had been blaming Starfleet for years for abandoning them to the Cardassians if not out right selling them out. On top of that Starfleet had at times actively hunted the Maquis.
Excuse me, but they didn't abandon them as far as I remember, they offered them plenty of opportunity to settle elsewhere, probably with even better living conditions instead of fighting an interstellar war because of a few stuborn settlers dancing around their magical tree on their sacred homeworld-soil. (Settled 50+ years ago probably). Up to the point the maquis was introduced the whole premise of TNG was that humanity is evolved enough that they would recognize the rights of other species to the point where they even remove whole colonies voluntarily to live in peace (and did so quite a few times).MEANING THEY ALSO IGNORE THE RIGHTS OF THEIR OWN CITIZENS FOR THE SAKE OF NOT FIGHTING AN EMPIRE THEY COULD PROBABLY HAVE BEATEN IF THEY TRIED. The maquis should be smart enough to see that resettling, while unfortunate for the needs of the few - is a relativly small price to pay for not having another war with massacres left and right.
Key edit added by me. So you're saying the settler's rights to their home deserve to be ignored?
Now I am refering mostly to the beginnings of the Maquis shown in "Journeys End" and portrayed as native americans in space. I never was able to take the maquis seriously after that. (or Chakotay for that matter). Here you have a rather prudent, logical and scientific universe and those people go around talking about spirit guides, sacred soil and whatnot. They shouldn't be removed because of the Cardassians but should be treated somewhere safe because of their mental state imho. :wink:
Right, and I guess you believe the Amish and Orthodox Mennonite belong in mental asylums too?
Fair enough. Suppose the federation did the right thing agreeing to a peace were both sides must make concessions screwing a few citiziens over in the deal and the Maquis popping up despite offering them resettling and whatnot.
Tell me, if you had lived in Post-WWII Germany or better yet, Poland would you accept being handed over so happily? Really, what happened to the Maquis is somewhat akin to what happened in Poland after World War II. The United States and UK had promised to support free elections in Poland and establish a home-ruled Polish state. Instead the state is handed over to the Soviets when the Soviets start playing dirty. Tell me it was morally the right thing to do, for the U.S. to say to Poland "for the sake of staying friends with Stalin we're gonna virtually hand you over to the Soviets. Sorry. You can immigrate out if you want."
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Captain Seafort »


Key edit added by me. So you're saying the settler's rights to their home deserve to be ignored?
Given the situation, absolutely. The Cardassian War had dragged on for years, and I very much doubt that Setlik III was the only massacre of civilians during the war. Neither side was strong enough to force the other to sue for peace, so it ended in an armistice and protracted negotiations before the final treaty was signed. That treaty was your typical give-and-take - both sides lost and gained territory. Would you throw away that, and restart a war that had probably already killed millions, and would probably kill millions more if it resumed, in favour of moving a few thousand colonists?
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by BigJKU316 »

Captain Seafort wrote:

Key edit added by me. So you're saying the settler's rights to their home deserve to be ignored?
Given the situation, absolutely. The Cardassian War had dragged on for years, and I very much doubt that Setlik III was the only massacre of civilians during the war. Neither side was strong enough to force the other to sue for peace, so it ended in an armistice and protracted negotiations before the final treaty was signed. That treaty was your typical give-and-take - both sides lost and gained territory. Would you throw away that, and restart a war that had probably already killed millions, and would probably kill millions more if it resumed, in favour of moving a few thousand colonists?
Yeah, it is a simple thing really. The Feds could likely finish the war, but either could not pull the forces necessary away from other areas/exploration crap or were simply unwilling to pay the price for a colony that probably was a net loser in the end anyway. The Federation Cardassian war always sounded more like a border skrimish (on a large scale) than a war of life and death for the two powers. Both likely just wanted it to go away at some point because the Cardassians had no hope of really defeating the Federation and the Feds lacked the will to beat the Cardassians into submission.

Almost like Korea or Vietnam in a way.
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Atekimogus »

Sonic Glitch wrote: Key edit added by me. So you're saying the settler's rights to their home deserve to be ignored?
That depends on how "right" they were to settle there in the first place. First if you settle on another planet you should and are probably aware of the risks involved. Second, to settle near or even within the claimed borders (which was never really made clear iirc) of a known hostile and fascist empire just because my spirit guide told me to......now that surley isn't a recipe for desaster later on, isn't it.

If they settled within the federation and later got sold out because the UFP was not willing to protect it's own citiziens, then by all means the Maquis is in the right and should do everything they can to protect their interest, but that is just not the impression I got during the whole Maquis arc.

Sonic Glitch wrote:Right, and I guess you believe the Amish and Orthodox Mennonite belong in mental asylums too?
No. But I would probably not enjoy a startrek episodes showing us Amish in space as well. Not that they do not belong there, given the similar worlds concept you could also have christians and muslims in space but as a "personal" preference I'd rather not have them.
Sonic Glitch wrote:Tell me, if you had lived in Post-WWII Germany or better yet, Poland would you accept being handed over so happily? Really, what happened to the Maquis is somewhat akin to what happened in Poland after World War II........You can immigrate out if you want."
No I would not be happy handed over so easily and it was morally wrong even though it was probably the right choice. (considering what a war between US and UDSSR with the willingness to drop nukes at an all time high would have meant for the world) But then I am a stay at home guy who is quite happy in the country he lives in and sees no reason to resettle on another planet near an hostile empire. The maquis-guys are far more mobile exactly because they settled elsewhere not long ago and I bet they knew the risks. Now without further information about the treaty, who settled when were it is hard to pass judgement, but really the impression I got from the maquis is that they are just semi-religous troublemakers and terrorists.
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Tyyr »

Atekimogus wrote:Not always beeing logical doesn't mean they are stupid. Pooling resources and working togther in a situation like Voyager found itself does even make sense from todays point of view, and aren't people supposed to be a bit more evolved than today?
Again, people aren't logical and what's the Maquis big reason to want to go home now? Everyone they were involved with is dead and their cause crushed. What is their great motivation to continue cooperation to get home? And you don't evolve in couple of centuries. You don't. Humans in the Federation are still humans just a hell of a lot more self-righteous.
Excuse me, but they didn't abandon them as far as I remember,
And that cracking boom you just heard was the point making a low flyby of your head at mach 1. It doesn't really fucking matter what you think is the truth of the situation. To the Maquis that's what happened to them. Their own government abandoned them to the Cardassians. When you want to talk about character's motivations in relation to what they may or may not do you have to do is take your own omniscient outside observer POV and forget about it. How do the Maquis crewmen perceive it? They were pissed off enough at the Federation to fight them, so yeah, when they finally lose and all their friends die who is going to be the easiest to blame? The Federation for what they perceive as dumping them because they can't get a clean shot at a Cardassian 50,000 lightyears away.
Now I am refering mostly to the beginnings of the Maquis shown in "Journeys End" and portrayed as native americans in space.
Which is a rather stupid way to judge the entire organization given that after that the Maquis were a rather generic group of Federation citizens and a movement spanning multiple worlds for the remainder of their existence in Star Trek.
I never was able to take the maquis seriously after that. (or Chakotay for that matter). Here you have a rather prudent, logical and scientific universe and those people go around talking about spirit guides, sacred soil and whatnot. They shouldn't be removed because of the Cardassians but should be treated somewhere safe because of their mental state imho.
"You don't think like I do therefore I'll throw you in a mental institution," yeah. That's the enlightened thing to do.
Fair enough. Suppose the federation did the right thing agreeing to a peace were both sides must make concessions screwing a few citiziens over in the deal and the Maquis popping up despite offering them resettling and whatnot.

What would be your solution? (if total war with the cardassians until only one is left is not an option, of course)
Pretty much the same thing the Federation did. I never made a judgment call on whether or not the Federation or the Maquis were right.
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Atekimogus »

Tyr wrote:Everyone they were involved with is dead and their cause crushed. What is their great motivation to continue cooperation to get home? And you don't evolve in couple of centuries. You don't. Humans in the Federation are still humans just a hell of a lot more self-righteous.
Did they know that? I seem to remember that they only had knowledge of the Maquis demise when they establised communication with starfleet almost at the end of their voyage, at which point they were well integrated into the crew.

And as to the evolve part, well physically you don't, you are right. But a few hundred years is the difference between the roman empire and the middle age, the difference between middle age and renaissance, between Napolean and today. Ignoring the technological achievments for a moment consider the social developments during those few hundred years and I think it doesn't seem that farfetched that by the end of the next few hundred years there could be a more mature society.
Tyr wrote:It doesn't really f***ing matter what you think is the truth of the situation. To the Maquis that's what happened to them. Their own government abandoned them to the Cardassians.
Fair enough I suppose, yet I never had the feeling that they hate the UFP that much, at least not enough to activly fight against them when left alone, something which is not true against the cardassians.
Tyr wrote: "You don't think like I do therefore I'll throw you in a mental institution," yeah. That's the enlightened thing to do.
Well as a member of this century I have the luxury of not being supposed to be enlightened. Furthermore I thought it was obvious that I was being sarcastic. :roll:
Tyr wrote: Pretty much the same thing the Federation did. I never made a judgment call on whether or not the Federation or the Maquis were right.
Ok then, but you said iirc that you think they gave away much potential the maquis arc would have offered. How should the whole arc have played out in your opinion?
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Tyyr »

Atekimogus wrote:Did they know that? I seem to remember that they only had knowledge of the Maquis demise when they establised communication with starfleet almost at the end of their voyage, at which point they were well integrated into the crew.
Which is what the discussion is about. Once the Maquis found this out how would they react.
And as to the evolve part, well physically you don't, you are right. But a few hundred years is the difference between the roman empire and the middle age, the difference between middle age and renaissance, between Napolean and today. Ignoring the technological achievments for a moment consider the social developments during those few hundred years and I think it doesn't seem that farfetched that by the end of the next few hundred years there could be a more mature society.
...really? Because frankly I don't see any evolution in human behavior, any maturing of the society. I see the same blood thirsty, self absorbed, selfish, untrusting, herd mentality brutes we've always been. Oh sure, modern (western) society dresses it all up, tries to look more developed but we've still got our gladiators, our whores, our drugs, our alcohol, all the old crimes like murder, rape, theivery, etc. are still going strong. The only difference is we have referees who seperate the gladiators (MMA fighters) before they kill one another. We waste a lot of time and effort outlawing prostitution (some places) but that does nothing for the throngs of women who sell their bodies and men eager to rent them for the evening. Drugs and alcohol, well that speaks for itself. The crimes, there's nothing new under the sun, just different ways to go about it.

And if you want to open up your perspective beyond the comforting little cocoon of "civilized" western society and take a look at the world writ large the claim that societies are maturing or bettering themselves is just laughable.
Fair enough I suppose, yet I never had the feeling that they hate the UFP that much, at least not enough to activly fight against them when left alone, something which is not true against the cardassians.
There's certainly a range of reactions to the UFP. Some of them seemed to genuinely want to get the UFP to back them or help them. That portion seemed to not want to fight the UFP at all. There were definitely some who didn't have the least bit of a problem pointing a phaser at a Starfleet officer though.
Ok then, but you said iirc that you think they gave away much potential the maquis arc would have offered. How should the whole arc have played out in your opinion?
I don't know. I'm certainly not suggesting that the potential of the Maquis laid in any one ending for them. It's not that they lost, therefore their potential was wasted. It's that they never amounted to anything story wise. They were a well set up minority group, one that could have had more going on with them in TNG and should have been a very big part of DS9 and Voyager but in the end nothing was ever done with them. They got bit parts in episodes once in a while and they were used as a convient way for some characters to not get along, at least for a few episodes, but in the end a very nice set up that could have added a lot to several series was marginalized so badly they were barely a B plot in the series and more like a C.
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Atekimogus »

Tyyr wrote: ...really? Because frankly I don't see any evolution in human behavior, any maturing of the society. I see the same blood thirsty, self absorbed, selfish, untrusting, herd mentality brutes we've always been. Oh sure, modern (western) society dresses it all up, tries to look more developed but we've still got our gladiators, our whores, our drugs, our alcohol, all the old crimes like murder, rape, theivery, etc. are still going strong. The only difference is we have referees who seperate the gladiators (MMA fighters) before they kill one another. We waste a lot of time and effort outlawing prostitution (some places) but that does nothing for the throngs of women who sell their bodies and men eager to rent them for the evening. Drugs and alcohol, well that speaks for itself. The crimes, there's nothing new under the sun, just different ways to go about it.
Well that is a rather cynical view imho but to each their own, but let me maybe rephrase the question:"Considering the whole history of mankind so far, is there a century you honestly would rather live in than this one?".( I sure won't because in any other one I certainly wouldn't be able to discuss such things having neither a concept of anything else than growing potatoes nor the blessing of speaking another language almost passable enough to post on a board and be understood. In fact in any other century I would be long dead because of appendicitis, hernia or quite a few other things....)
Tyyr wrote:I don't know. I'm certainly not suggesting that the potential of the Maquis laid in any one ending for them. It's not that they lost, therefore their potential was wasted. It's that they never amounted to anything story wise. They were a well set up minority group, one that could have had more going on with them in TNG and should have been a very big part of DS9 and Voyager but in the end nothing was ever done with them. They got bit parts in episodes once in a while and they were used as a convient way for some characters to not get along, at least for a few episodes, but in the end a very nice set up that could have added a lot to several series was marginalized so badly they were barely a B plot in the series and more like a C.
Well we must agree to disagree. Other than featuring a bunch of terrorists/freedom fighters and starfleet beeing douchebags I don't see much I could have enjoyed much and a crew being on each others throat week after week is probably not something I would have liked to watch, but that is just my personal opinion.
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Tyyr »

Atekimogus wrote:Well that is a rather cynical view imho but to each their own, but let me maybe rephrase the question:"Considering the whole history of mankind so far, is there a century you honestly would rather live in than this one?".( I sure won't because in any other one I certainly wouldn't be able to discuss such things having neither a concept of anything else than growing potatoes nor the blessing of speaking another language almost passable enough to post on a board and be understood. In fact in any other century I would be long dead because of appendicitis, hernia or quite a few other things....)
And what you're speaking of is technological advancement, not societal advancement. If they could have performed surgery for appendicitis or a hernia 2,000 years ago they would have. Advancement in technology doesn't equal societal maturation. The only difference is I can book a whore on the internet to come service me in my hotel room while I watch my gladiators beat each other's asses on the TV instead of having to be in the arena.
Well we must agree to disagree. Other than featuring a bunch of terrorists/freedom fighters and starfleet beeing douchebags I don't see much I could have enjoyed much and a crew being on each others throat week after week is probably not something I would have liked to watch, but that is just my personal opinion.
Both of which are ridiculous exaggerations. In the first case Starfleet wasn't being douchebags. With additional screen time the shows could have developed the angle more and brought in more information about how the Federation needed the treaty, couldn't afford a war, etc. It would be an opportunity to provide depth to the situation which is what it called for. Secondly, then what was the whole point of them being Maquis anyways? Frankly I find it far more disingenuous that the supposed freedom fighters just integrated into the crew with nary a whimper and the issue was never brought to the fore front in any meaningful way.
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Atekimogus »

Tyyr wrote: And what you're speaking of is technological advancement, not societal advancement. If they could have performed surgery for appendicitis or a hernia 2,000 years ago they would have. Advancement in technology doesn't equal societal maturation. The only difference is I can book a whore on the internet to come service me in my hotel room while I watch my gladiators beat each other's asses on the TV instead of having to be in the arena.
True, those examples were technological, yet you didn't answer my question and you seem to willfully ignore the most obvious thing, being that in any other century I wouldn't have access to those methods. Me, being the son of a worker, would be put to work on the field, in the factory etc. and not visiting high-school, college etc. I wouldn't have insurance paying for life-necessary treatments because quite frankly the life of a non-nobility-human wouldn't be that high and I wouldn't be treated by female doctors since educated females are generally known as being witches.

It seems kind of moot discussing this since obviously as long as there is just one human in the world treated poorley or one woman discriminated because of her sex I suppose you find plenty of reasons to stick to your outlook, but imho we made tremendous societal progress compared to just a few hundred years ago, but then I do have a rather optimistic outlook on the future, maybe I should watch more news on tv to change that :mrgreen: .

(On a related note, what do you mean with gladiators? The only people I can think of atm who might die for amusment are maybe race-driver pilots who occasionally crash, but thats not the point of a car race, rather an accident and nobody forced them becoming a driver.
Or are you seriously comparing soccer, baseballplayers or boxers to "real" gladiators, the kind of being a slaves with no rights whatsoever and forced to kill each other or getting eaten alive by wild animals?)
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Tyyr »

Atekimogus wrote:True, those examples were technological, yet you didn't answer my question and you seem to willfully ignore the most obvious thing, being that in any other century I wouldn't have access to those methods.
I only ignored them because they were utterly irrelevant. You're not getting treated out of the kindness of anyone's hearts. They get paid for what they do, the hospital gets paid for use of its facilities, etc, either via cash, insurance, or taxes people are getting paid for their services just like always. No one is doing it just to be a nice guy. All you're talking about is an increased standard of living, not a basic change in human nature.
It seems kind of moot discussing this since obviously as long as there is just one human in the world treated poorley or one woman discriminated because of her sex I suppose you find plenty of reasons to stick to your outlook,
Sorry, bullshit. You're casually dismissing my opinion and my point and assuming you know why I think them as opposed to trying to understand it and debate the substance of it.

Take a look at this century. In the last 80 years we have seen some of the most widespread, systematic brutality inflicted upon the human race. Obviously you've got the holocaust in Germany (Godwin's Law!) where in a civilized, advanced western society systematically extermined approximately 11 million people on the low end. In that mature and advanced society an entire population chose to turn a blind eye to the rounding up and slaughtering of millions of their own country men and millions more prisoners just because they weren't the right race. And of course, on the grand scale of human misery for the century that was just the third worst.

In second place is the Soviet Union under Stalin who directly murdered or indirectly killed via famine about 30 million of their own citizens.

Then you've got Communist China in first who between outright oppression, murder, and famine killed between 45 and 60 million of their own citizens trying to enact their version of a perfect society. Well, ok, to be honest Mao's version of a perfect society. But still, even in a country of a billion people that's a lot of bodies. And of course today they're still all warm and fuzzy and full of love for their fellow man today.

And of course that's just the big three of the last 80 years. You can always start to throw in great humanitarians like Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge (7 million dead which for a country that size is a hell of an accomplishment), Saddam Hussein, the Japanese occupation of mainland China (first you rape her, then you bayonet her baby), Yugoslavia in 1990's, pretty much anything to do with drugs in Central America, communism in general, Apparthed in South Africa (wasn't that fun?), pretty much any of the ethnic cleansings that have happened in Africa in the last 50 years that the highly advanced west has done both jack and shit about, human trafficing in south east asia, child sexual tourism in south east asia, /b/ on 4chan, etc.

None of it's really new of course, the big advancement in human misery this century has been that we've industrialized it. So in the light of what we've managed to do to ourselves in the last century claims like:
but imho we made tremendous societal progress compared to just a few hundred years ago,
Ring incredibly hollow and naive. Yes, some portions of our population have done some really nice things.
but then I do have a rather optimistic outlook on the future, maybe I should watch more news on tv to change that :mrgreen:
I'd recommend a history book.
(On a related note, what do you mean with gladiators?
Like I said earlier, pretty much any combat intensive sport such as MMA or boxing. Sure we don't kill the loser ever forth or fifth time now a days. So hey, there's some societal advancement. We've gone from a combative sport with a 10 to 12% death rate to just wanting to watch a man be beaten into senselessness. Now that's some serious progress.
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Atekimogus »

Tyyr wrote: I only ignored them because they were utterly irrelevant. You're not getting treated out of the kindness of anyone's hearts. They get paid for what they do, the hospital gets paid for use of its facilities, etc, either via cash, insurance, or taxes people are getting paid for their services just like always. No one is doing it just to be a nice guy. All you're talking about is an increased standard of living, not a basic change in human nature.
What I do not understand is that we are talking about the maturity of a whole society and yet if it comes to point out the progress said societies made you point to individuals arguing that humans hadn't changed at all because they didn't get any nicer/person.

Who seriously cares? I don't care that I don't get treated out of the kindness of the doctors heart. What I DO care about is, that the society as a whole agreed upon that such care for the majority of the people, along with another bunch of civil rights people did NOT enjoy even a few decades ago, might be a good idea. How is this not PROGRESS?

What you want is not progress in society but evolution of the human race, which isn't likely to happen in the next few thousand years, I agree.

Tyyr wrote:Sorry, bullshit. You're casually dismissing my opinion and my point and assuming you know why I think them as opposed to trying to understand it and debate the substance of it.

Take a look at this century. In the last 80 years we have seen some of the most widespread, systematic brutality inflicted upon the human race. Obviously you've got the holocaust in Germany (Godwin's Law!) where in a civilized, advanced western society systematically extermined approximately 11 million people on the low end. In that mature and advanced society an entire population chose to turn a blind eye to the rounding up and slaughtering of millions of their own country men and millions more prisoners just because they weren't the right race. And of course, on the grand scale of human misery for the century that was just the third worst.

In second place is the Soviet Union under Stalin who directly murdered or indirectly killed via famine about 30 million of their own citizens.

Then you've got Communist China in first who between outright oppression, murder, and famine killed between 45 and 60 million of their own citizens trying to enact their version of a perfect society. Well, ok, to be honest Mao's version of a perfect society. But still, even in a country of a billion people that's a lot of bodies. And of course today they're still all warm and fuzzy and full of love for their fellow man today.

And of course that's just the big three of the last 80 years. You can always start to throw in great humanitarians like Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge (7 million dead which for a country that size is a hell of an accomplishment), Saddam Hussein, the Japanese occupation of mainland China (first you rape her, then you bayonet her baby), Yugoslavia in 1990's, pretty much anything to do with drugs in Central America, communism in general, Apparthed in South Africa (wasn't that fun?), pretty much any of the ethnic cleansings that have happened in Africa in the last 50 years that the highly advanced west has done both jack and s**t about, human trafficing in south east asia, child sexual tourism in south east asia, /b/ on 4chan, etc.

None of it's really new of course, the big advancement in human misery this century has been that we've industrialized it. So in the light of what we've managed to do to ourselves in the last century claims like:
No, what is new is that first, we know of these things because of mass media compared to the late middle ages where noone knew or cared about the latest massacres in south-america with the indeginous people busy killing each other until the europeans arrived and finished the job for them, for example.

And second that almost all can agree upon the horrendous nature of those acts which are by most considered to be wrong beyond words compared to earlier ages were the next pogrom, witch hunt or forcefull removal of a people was considered no biggy.

Somehow I really just waited for WW2 to pop up as I knew it would but what you really need to understand is, that this was not a common event mirroring the state the world is in. WW1 and 2 were extreme exceptions in the history books, not the norm and if you look at the world directly at the end of those extreme event and at today, how can you not say we come a long way since then? Sure, not everyone is there yet but imho it is getting better.

Tyyr wrote:I'd recommend a history book.
Thanks, I recommend cutting back on wh40k literature, :mrgreen:

Tyyr wrote:Like I said earlier, pretty much any combat intensive sport such as MMA or boxing.
Well to be honest I needed to google what MMA even is, so I guess the popularity of that sport isn't that high, at least outside the US, but correct me if I am wrong.

But we surley can agree that this MMA has not the popularity of Soccer, Football or Gladiator games in ancient rome, so this seems a rather lame argument pointing to a niché sport as an indicator for cultural progress imho.
Tyyr wrote:Sure we don't kill the loser ever forth or fifth time now a days. So hey, there's some societal advancement. We've gone from a combative sport with a 10 to 12% death rate to just wanting to watch a man be beaten into senselessness. Now that's some serious progress.
Sorry, boxing professionals would probably disagree and that you compare this sports to ancient events where slaves and prisoners publically got eaten and killed by animals or forced to kill each other is beyond ridiculous.

The be completely honest, the last man who comes to my mind who died for his sport is Ayrton Senna. There were maybe others but nevertheless those 10% figure seems a bit on the high side.
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Tyyr »

Atekimogus wrote:What I do not understand is that we are talking about the maturity of a whole society and yet if it comes to point out the progress said societies made you point to individuals arguing that humans hadn't changed at all because they didn't get any nicer/person.
Because we're not talking about society as a whole. The original comment that started this line of discussion was my:
First off, people are not always perfectly logical.
Followed by your:
Not always beeing logical doesn't mean they are stupid. Pooling resources and working togther in a situation like Voyager found itself does even make sense from todays point of view, and aren't people supposed to be a bit more evolved than today?
I've continued to argue that humans today are no different from humans in the history and given that our basic natures have changed little in that time. You decided to start arguing that the society had evolved as opposed to just the people while I've continued to argue the original point that people are still just people.
What you want is not progress in society but evolution of the human race, which isn't likely to happen in the next few thousand years, I agree.
Thank you for finally admitting it.

No, what is new is that first, we know of these things because of mass media compared to the late middle ages where noone knew or cared about the latest massacres in south-america with the indeginous people busy killing each other until the europeans arrived and finished the job for them, for example.
Which has nothing to do with the basic point being that humans are still the massive collection of assholes we've always been.
And second that almost all can agree upon the horrendous nature of those acts which are by most considered to be wrong beyond words compared to earlier ages were the next pogrom, witch hunt or forcefull removal of a people was considered no biggy.
Except that in most of those cases from a basic psychological standpoint they were no different than what happened in the middle ages. For instance take, "She's a witch!" from the late middle ages and replace it with "She's a Jew!" or "She's a capitalist lackey," or "She's a different tribe," and you've got Germany circa 1941, China circa 1950, or Africa circa most of the last thirty years. It's window dressing over the same basic human nature we've always had.
Somehow I really just waited for WW2 to pop up as I knew it would but what you really need to understand is, that this was not a common event mirroring the state the world is in. WW1 and 2 were extreme exceptions in the history books, not the norm and if you look at the world directly at the end of those extreme event and at today, how can you not say we come a long way since then? Sure, not everyone is there yet but imho it is getting better.
And you have blatantly ignored the fact that of everything on that list the only one directly tied to WWII was the holocaust. You ignored the Stalinist regime, the Maoist regime, the Khmer rogue, Africa as a whole, etc. If you want to argue that WWII is an outlier then fine, go for it, now what's your explanation for the rest of the list? Are all of them outliers?
Thanks, I recommend cutting back on wh40k literature
Cute, but idiotic.
Well to be honest I needed to google what MMA even is,
And you've completely missed the point. I used MMA because it's a pretty easy analogy to make but the core issue is that we're still sick spectacle junkies. MMA, boxing, slowing down on the side of the road for a car wreck, going to a movie to watch someone gun down hundreds of people, or some girl get hacked apart. We still pay good money to watch bad things happen to other people for no good reason even if they are ultimately imaginary. The same impulse that drove people to watch the gladiatorial games in ancient Rome drives people to slow down when they see a car wreck.
The be completely honest, the last man who comes to my mind who died for his sport is Ayrton Senna. There were maybe others but nevertheless those 10% figure seems a bit on the high side.
Not if you're looking at what they actually reference, the mortality rate among gladiators.
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by stitch626 »

The same impulse that drove people to watch the gladiatorial games in ancient Rome drives people to slow down when they see a car wreck.
Hmm, strange, I slow down to see if anyone needs help.

I guess I'm weird.
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Re: SFDebris: Blaze of Glory

Post by Nickswitz »

stitch626 wrote:
The same impulse that drove people to watch the gladiatorial games in ancient Rome drives people to slow down when they see a car wreck.
Hmm, strange, I slow down to see if anyone needs help.

I guess I'm weird.

Yeah I am the same way in school, I go to a fight to stop it... So I guess we were just raised to be more responsible than the rest... :confused:
The world ended

"Insanity -- a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world" - R.D.Lang
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