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Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:08 pm
by colmquinn
Lt. Staplic wrote:As for the mystery projectile,
I've wondered if that was a shuttle breaking off or some system they all activated that jettisoned some search probe, but I don't know for sure.
Was that not in the system where they lost the 3 crew members when they went through the gate to the other planet destiny didn't want them going to? I'd like to think that they went to an inhabited world and that it belonged to the inhabitants. I know it looked the same colour as destiny but brown is a common colour. It'd be nice to see the writers throwing something small in that gets used much later like they did in B5 like when Sheridan's wife's ship went to the shadow world and it turned out it was them that woke the shadows, (or whatever)
Sorry for all the spoiler tags but I've no idea who has seen what of the series so far.

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:30 pm
by Tyyr
Given that we're in a thread about the episode itself I hardly see the point of the spoiler tags.

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:58 pm
by Monroe
Lt. Staplic wrote:They probably developed systems unique to those ships to be able to fly into stars, that they didn't put on their other ships because they didn't plan on flying in to stars.

Also I think that there are only 2 gens of these ships, a bunch went out first to explore and deposit stargates, then Destiny went out to follow the most interesting course, that's why there is a stargate on Destiny so the Ancients could go to the ship once it was far enough away, and populate different galaxies.
But at the same time hiding from the Ori
/doh :p

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:36 pm
by Lt. Staplic
yes, if the Ori ever showed up in the Milkey way or whatever galaxy they moved to afterwords (since they weren't in the Pegasus galaxy yet) they could just...well the opposite of 'jump ship' and get away.

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:08 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Right, I just saw it last night.

Overall, a very good episode. Greer and Eli both ceased to be annoyances, and Rush stops being an arse for a while. It was also great to see everyone preparing for what they thought was imminent death in their own different ways.
Also, loved how Rush's glasses were still broken. Very nice continuity on something so minor.

That said, it wasn't perfect. The entire thing was ridiculously predictable. I knew that the ship refueled itself from the star, but I'd avoided other spoilers about the episode. Despite that I was able to accurately predict everything that went on in the episode.
Well, except for the bit with the end with the insinuation that Rush knew what was going on all along. Seriously, what was the point of that? I know that the writers are trying to cast Rush as a character with questionable motives, but that bit at the end was not only completely unnecessary, but also stupid. It was quite clear that Rush hadn't a clue what was going to happen. At best he might have had a vague suspicion that he didn't want to announce in case he was wrong, but even that's stretching it.
While the characters that usually annoy me became much more tolerable in this episode, Chloe took up the role of most annoying character with ease. They need to do something with her, quickly. As it stands she's an utterly useless character. The only reason for having her there is an idiotic love-triangle concept. Knock her into a good, contributing character. And do it fast.

All in all, I'll rate it 4/5. Not perfect, but much better than what we've been getting so far.

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:34 am
by Tsukiyumi
Sionnach Glic wrote:...As it stands she's an utterly useless character...
I would've said "remarkably easy", but yours works too.

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:07 am
by Graham Kennedy
I actually enjoyed this one more than any other episode so far. The "we're the wrong people for this" aspect of it worked well, I thought, in that they weren't a bunch of steely eyed heroes facing stoically up to certain death. People actually reacted to it more or less as you'd expect real people to, even to the point where it looked like they were going to try and storm onto the shuttle.

I still maintain that this episode makes a mockery of everything that went before regarding how short of power they are. If you refuel from a star, you do NOT wait until you are critically short of power before doing so. Essentially the ancients designed the Destiny with so little in the way of energy reserves that it literally can't keep lightbulbs running when it's close to refuel mode. That's dumb, dumb, dumb.

The implication that scientist guy (I haven't learned their names yet) knew about what would happen was pretty absurd. From his reactions it was clear that he didn't know. BUT, I interpret this in a slightly different way. It's clear that he didn't know, but what I find interesting is that people think he might have. We the viewers had the benefit of seeing his reactions even when he was alone with no need to pretend. The people around him didn't see any of that, they only saw how he reacted in front of them - and if he's faking, then there's no reason why he couldn't fake those reactions.

Point being, I see this not as a hint that he's untrustworthy, but rather that he's not trusted despite being trustworthy. Given how he's behaved so far you can hardly even blame them for thinking that. And that offers up some interesting possibilities for the future.

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:37 am
by Sionnach Glic
GrahamKennedy wrote:The implication that scientist guy (I haven't learned their names yet) knew about what would happen was pretty absurd. From his reactions it was clear that he didn't know. BUT, I interpret this in a slightly different way. It's clear that he didn't know, but what I find interesting is that people think he might have. We the viewers had the benefit of seeing his reactions even when he was alone with no need to pretend. The people around him didn't see any of that, they only saw how he reacted in front of them - and if he's faking, then there's no reason why he couldn't fake those reactions.
IIRC, that's not quite true. The only scene from yesterday's episode that I can remember where we see Rush alone is when he's in his cabin after just finishing the book and he realises that they're not dead yet. Every other reaction had at least one other person around.

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:22 am
by Graham Kennedy
When he rushes up to the big window room he doesn't realise there are other people in there until after he runs in going "yes! yes! yes!"

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:02 am
by Lt. Staplic
Who was around when he saw the core light up again?

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:28 am
by Tsukiyumi
Lt. Staplic wrote:Who was around when he saw the core light up again?
No one.

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:28 am
by Lt. Staplic
I didn't think then theirs that scene too where his reactions were for no one else's benefit

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:42 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Okay, a grand total of two scenes.

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:52 am
by Lt. Staplic
Well that's one more scene where we can verify his actual surprise.

Re: SG:U 1X05 "Light"

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:40 am
by Graham Kennedy
Another thing on that line is, they said "Well what if he thought it would be okay all along..."

Well... what if he did? What would his motivation be for hiding it? Lying got him... nothing that I can think of. Nothing whatsoever.The only benefit I can possibly think of is that if he's small and petty enough, he might get a bit of pleasure from the "I know something you don't know" factor.

Whereas if he felt that way and actually said "I have faith that the ancients knew what they were doing so I'm staying no matter how bad it looks." Then when he's proved right, it would only make people trust his opinions more from now on - something that there has been an issue with thus far. And besides, his saying it might have calmed people down a bit, given them hope.

No, the more I think about it, the more him lying makes no sense. But them thinking he lied out of pure paranoia... that I like.