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Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:17 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 7 - Tac Phase

Apparently making up for its recent poor performance, the Tomalak hits the Aft Section of the Valour with three of its four torpedoes, knocking the shields down to 66,500 TJ....the generators just barely holding together under the strain. The strain on the generators is further worsened when 55,000 TJ worth of disruptor fire hits the Aft Shields, knocking them down to 11,500.

In response, the Valour hits the Tomalak with a pair of Qtorps and the phaser array. All hits slam into the Port Wing, blowing it off in a spectacular blast and sending the Port Nacelle spinning off into space.

Damage Report
RES Tomalak
Damage: Port Wing destroyed, Port Nacelle severed.

USS Valour
Shields: Total Shield Capacity at 1,237,500 (247,500 per section)

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:32 pm
by Sionnach Glic
The Tomalak attempts to pull to starboard, but fails, leaving both ships still facing aft-to-aft.

Distance: >1KM

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:47 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turnn 8 - Tac Phase

The Tomalak sprays torpedoes at the Federation vessel. The first hits the shields, knocking them down to 167,500 TJ, but some damage bleeds through and causes a malfunction in the Aft QTorp Launcher's loading mechanism, sending torpedoes bouncing across the floor of the torpedo bay. The second misses, but the next two also slam into the shields, knocking them down to 7,500 but doing no further damage.
Staplic breathes a sigh of relief, thinking his shields have survived the barrage.....but a burst of Disruptor fire overloads the Aft Shield Generators and causes them to fail, letting 47,500 TJ through to hit the Aft Section (down to 315,500).

The Valour responds with a barrage of Qtorps, two hit the Port Engineering Section, and a third hits the Central Engineering Section. The Type X phaser also lances out at the Romulan ship, but misses.

Damage Report:
RES Tomalak
Damage: Port Engineering Section down to 540,000 TJ integrity, Central Engineering Section down to 660,000 TJ.

USS Valour
Shields: Total Shield Capacity down to 990,000 TJ strength (247,500 per remaining 4 sections)
Damage: Aft Section down to 315,500
Crits: Aft Qtorp launcher cannot be fired for the next 1 turn.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:49 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 9 - Conn Phase

Staplic yells at the helmsman to pull the ship up, putting their dorsal shields between them and the Tomalak. However, Tsu anticipates the attempts at evasive action, and sends his ship into a dive, with the result that both ships remain end to end.

Distance >1KM

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:06 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 9 - Tac Phase

Staplic fires his only remaining weapon, the Type X phaser, at the Tomalak, but the beam misses the Romulan vessel.

In response, the Romulan ship aims all its weapons at the Aft Section of the Valour. Two of the four torpedoes hit, causing heavy damage to the Aft Torpedo Launcher and knocking it temporarily out of comission.
Disruptor fire hits Main Engineering, causing panels to blow out and starting a fire in that area, but doing no further damage.

Damage Control
USS Valour: Aft Torpedo Launcher reloaded.

Damage Report
USS Valour
Damage: Aft Section down to 100,000 TJ integrity.
Crits: Aft Torpedo Launcher damaged, Fire in Main Engineering (-1 to all repair rolls until extinguished).

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:16 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 10 - Conn Phase

The Valour pulls up sharply, putting its dorsal shields between it and the Romulan vessel. The Tomalak tries to match the maneouver, but is outperformed by the more nimble destroyer.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:52 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 10 - Tac Phase

The Valour sends a phaser beam slamming into the Tomalak's Central Engineering section, knocking it down to 590,000 TJ.

In response, the Romulan vessel sends out a flurry of torps, with two hitting the shields, knocking them down to 87,500 TJ.
Disruptor fire hits the shields before they can recover, knocking them down again to 32,500, but they manage to withstand the barrage.

Damage Control
USS Valour: Damage control teams rush to Main Engineering to attempt to extinguish the fire. They manage to prevent it reaching the core, but are unable to fully put it out. Even worse, the fire has spread through the Jeffries Tube into the Starboard Section.

Damage Report
RES Tomalak
Damage: Central Engineering down to 590,000 TJ integrity.
USS Valour
Shields: Total shield capacity down to 815,000 TJ (203, 750 per remaining 4 sections).
Crits: Aft torpedo launcher still damaged. Fire in Engineering and Starboard Section.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:52 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 11 - Conn Phase

The Tomalak accelerates to full speed, increasing the distance between the two stricken warships to 80,000 KM. The Valour stays stationary, but rotates in space, orientating its functioning dorsal shields to face the Romulan vessel.

Distance: 80,000KM

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:35 am
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 11 - Tac Phase

The Tomalak fires a salvo of torps at the Valour, two of them hitting the dorsal shields, knocking them down to 40,000 TJ. The disruptors also hit the shields, knocking them down and dealing 15,000 damage to the Aft Section.

The Valour fires its phaser at the Romulan vessel, but misses.

Damage Control
USS Valour: Damage control teams rush to extinguish the fires raging in the Aft and Starboard sections. The fire in the Starboard Section is succesfully extinguished, but the blaze in the Aft Section continues to rage, though cases no further problems.

Damage Report
USS Valour
Damage: Aft Section down to 85,000 TJ strength.
Shields: Total Shields Capacity down to 611,250 TJ (203,750 per remaining 3 sections)

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:02 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 12 - Endgame

Before the Romulan ship can react, the Valour boosts its engines into full impulse, slamming the stricken Defiant into the Central Engineering section of the Tomalak. Tsu attempts evasive maneouvers, but jut fails, with the Valour hitting the ship at an angle, its starboard side slamming into the hull of the larger warship. The impact deal 335,000 to the Central Engineering section of the Tomalak and the same amount to the Starboard Section of the Valour.

The entire starboard side of the Federation vessel is completely crushed by the impact, dozens of crewmen killed in an instant as the ship's compartments are torn apart around them. The nacelle, impulse engine and everything else in that part of the ship is pulped, and utterly useless. On a positive note, at least the fire in the starboard section is now no longer an issue.

The Romulan ship hardly fares somewhat better. The fact that it was moving away from the Federation vessel at the time has somewhat cushioned the impact to its aft sections. That said, there is still massive damage to the section, which is knocked down to 255,000 TJ. Explosions from ruptured fuel cells rush through the decks, starting fires all throughout the Central Engineering section. With such heavy damage, the warp core begins to overheat. Tsu's engineering crews attempt to eject the core......but just barely fail to do so as the Chief Engineer trips on his untied shoelaces and falls just short of the eject button.

The core of the ship detonates, completely destroying Central Engineering, Starboard Engineering, Port Engineering, the Starboard Wing and severing the Starboard Nacelle. The only remaining section is the Neck Section, which is now without power, armaments or shields.

Unfortunately, the Valour is also caught in the blast due to its close proximity. Its Central Section is destroyed, along with its Aft Section. The only remaining section is the Port Section, which is now without power, armaments or shields.


Both of the once mighty ships are now reduced to flaming chunks of wreckage. With no comms left functioning, there is no way for them to call for assitance from nearby allies. With no power, any survivors will die slowly in the dark, cold coridors of their ruined ships as the air runs out in one compartment after another. Years from now, the remnants of the ships will be found, with historians only able to look upon the ruins of their ancestors and wonder as to just what happened.

This thread is now open. Feel free to post here.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:32 pm
by Reliant121
That has GOT to have been the most epic battle I have seen.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:39 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Well, that's a hell of an ending. :lol:

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:41 pm
by Mark
No clear winner here.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:50 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Given that they both died, I think calling it a draw is a pretty safe bet.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:38 pm
by Mikey
Rochey wrote:On a positive note, at least the fire in the starboard section is now no longer an issue.
:lol: Pure gold.