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Re: Movie Era Light Corvette

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 7:20 am
by Mark
How would you improve the overall structural weakness inherent to the Oberth class? I mean, it's not just a matter of juicing up the shield or welding armor on. As we've seen in STIII, the Oberth can be vaporized by one lucky shot.

Re: Movie Era Light Corvette

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 10:29 am
by Reliant121
I think generally bulking things out might help. Try and make the struts more bulky, as well as the nacelles. This isn't designed to take on top of the line Klingon warships, more to take on Delapidated old tramp freighters that someone has bolted some guns too.

Re: Movie Era Light Corvette

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:19 pm
by Bryan Moore
Reliant121 wrote:I think generally bulking things out might help. Try and make the struts more bulky, as well as the nacelles. This isn't designed to take on top of the line Klingon warships, more to take on Delapidated old tramp freighters that someone has bolted some guns too.
Exactly. I'm not proposing making this a front line deal. But why can't you have one or two of those floating around some back end system in case some pirates show up, etc.

Re: Movie Era Light Corvette

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:24 pm
by Reliant121
Exactly my thoughts.

Re: Movie Era Light Corvette

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 10:39 pm
by Aaron
Lazar wrote:I like the idea of the ship, but would an Oberth work without a secondary hull? I've always imagined (based on the MSD and conjectural cross sections) that the warp core and deflector would be down there - and it's conceivable that they might store their fuel in there as well, considering the available volume.
You know, that's kinda bizarre. The warp core and fuel in the secondary hull when it looks to be a shorter distance to run the conduits from the saucer.

Re: Movie Era Light Corvette

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 11:53 pm
by Lazar
Cpl Kendall wrote:You know, that's kinda bizarre. The warp core and fuel in the secondary hull when it looks to be a shorter distance to run the conduits from the saucer.
Well it would really just be a Connie-style configuration with the saucer moved back between the nacelles. The saucer would seem to be the main place for habitation and science labs, plus it already has the impulse engines in it, so would a warp core fit? I don't think the fuel tanks would fit. The Oberth MSD from "Hero Worship" seems to suggest (as best I can tell) that the warp core is in the middle of the secondary hull, with the fuel tanks located in the bulgy area on the top of the secondary hull.

Re: Movie Era Light Corvette

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:20 pm
by Monroe
I like it. Cheap and easy to mass produce.

Re: Movie Era Light Corvette

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:23 am
by Aaron
Lazar wrote: Well it would really just be a Connie-style configuration with the saucer moved back between the nacelles. The saucer would seem to be the main place for habitation and science labs, plus it already has the impulse engines in it, so would a warp core fit?
Dunno, they can apparently make some pretty compact ones. The TOS shuttle had one in what was little more then a metal shoe box.
I don't think the fuel tanks would fit. The Oberth MSD from "Hero Worship" seems to suggest (as best I can tell) that the warp core is in the middle of the secondary hull, with the fuel tanks located in the bulgy area on the top of the secondary hull.
*shrug* I can't make much out of that dude.