Coalition Universe Species

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Coalition Universe Species

Post by Graham Kennedy »



Status : Coalition members

Vital Statistics (100% = average Human male) :

Height : 152 - 198 cm
Strength : 76 - 81 %
Lifespan : 97 styr
Mass : 45 kg
Endurance : 83 - 95 %
Visual Sensitivity : 164 %
Aural Range : 8 Hz - 23 kHz
Visual Resolution : 138 %
Aural Sensitivity : 125 %

Physical :

Physical :

The Galth are comfortable in standard environmental conditions. The head contains the major sensory organs - two eyes, a nose, and ears. The mouth is not in the head, but is instead at the base of the neck. The brain is beneath it in the upper torso.

Galth skin is grey in colour. They have no hair. Their hands are four fingered, and like the Turgrans they have two opposable thumbs on each hand. Their fingers are extremely long, approximately 20 centimetres each, and quad-jointed. The Galth are known for the dexterity of their fingers, and are in demand for any work involving this skill.

The torso and limbs of the Galth skeleton are essentially similar to, but smaller than, a Human skeleton. The main differences lie in the neck. This is composed of two ~23 cm bones jointed at the shoulders, skull, and midpoint. The lower and center joints are elbow type, allowing 170° rotational movement in one plane only. The upper joint is a ball and socket type, giving the head considerably freedom of movement. The neck can fold back along the spine, bringing the head into close contact with the shoulders and minimizing the height. Or it can straighten completely, adding 46 cm to the height.

Galth are naturally hermaphroditic, though rare cases of male or female Galth are known. It is possible for a Galth to fertilise its own eggs, producing offspring that are essentially clones of themselves. Such is not unknown although there are some cultural pressures against it, most likely stemming from the biological disadvantages of such a method. It takes 328 days to carry a Galth to term; multiple births are extremely rare amongst the Galth, and twins all but unknown.

Cultural :

The Galth are regarded as one of the most vivacious of the Coalition's members. They are extremely intelligent and inquisitive and are reknowned as keen explorers, artists, soldiers, scientists and engineers - it is said that whatever a Galth turns his or her hand to, they are both capable and determined to do it as well as possible. In some ways they are the driving force behind the Coalition itself; Galth are one of the more expansionist member groups, and have almost constantly pushed for everything to be bigger, newer faster and better. The Galth do not generally value the past, and are rarely interested in ancient monuments, buildings or works of art in the way that Humans are. There is also little value placed on rarity or other specialness; to most Galth, a sufficiently perfect copy of an original item is just as good as the original. As a result there is a large market in Galth cultural and artistic works, all of which they are happy to sell, and many Galth works are to be found in alien galleries and museums. Historically the Galth sold such treasures cheaply, but after a few decades of contact with aliens they became more savvy of the price which such things could fetch.

As mentioned, their long fingers and twin opposable thumbs make their hands extremely dexterous, and they have a reputation for being amongst the best in the Coalition at fine work with their hands. They are also, unfortunately, reknowned as being the best pickpockets and thieves.

For most of their history the Galth lived under a monarchist system. In 2756 an elected parliment was formed, but this had no real power and acted only in an advisory capacity. Over time the parliment became more and more critical of the government, and by 2762 open condemnation of the Monarch was common. The Monarch acted to close the parliment, resulting in a brief civil war in which the Monarch and most of the military were pitted against a popular rebellion. Although the monarch won the war in a matter of months, the need for modernisation and reform was accepted afterwards. Power gradually shifted to the Parliment over the next hundred years, until the Monarch held a largely ceremonial role. In 2877 the Monarchy was formally disestablished and an office of elected president was created to act as the head of state.

Galth tend to be highly active politically and enjoy heated debates. Riots are a semi-regular feature of the Galth parliment.

Galth family structure is somewhat simplified by the lack of gender. Single pair bonds are the commonest, but trio, quad and larger groups are common. In larger groups children are generally regarded as belonging to the entire family, and Galth who leave the family structure often leave children behind.

The Galth home planet is Ovirios.
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

Post by Graham Kennedy »



Status : Coalition members

Vital Statistics (100% = average Human male) :

Height : 150 cm
Strength : 21 - 28%
Lifespan : 148.5 styr
Mass : 37.5 kg
Endurance : 27 - 32%
Visual Sensitivity : 79%
Aural Range : 15 Hz - 32 kHz
Visual Resolution : 84%
Aural Sensitivity : 273%

Physical :

Arafen skin is green, and changes shade with the mood of the individual - darker green indicates amusement, a yellowish tinge indicates anger, a more purple colour indicates fear. They are a physically quite fragile people, at least in comparison to Humans. Their bodies consist of a central torso with four lower limbs and two upper; each upper limb branches into three "fingers". There is no head - two tentacles branch from the upper part of the torso, each carrying a single eye. The Arafen can spread their eyes over a metre apart, giving them both all around vision and superb depth perception - they are amongst the finest natural marksmen in the Coalition, and are superb at any game involving throwing or catching. A mouth is located at the branch point of these two tentacles; this carries out the functions of breathing, smelling and eating.

There is a single Arafen gender, commonly referred to as "it" - Arafen often take offence at being called either he or she. They can become pregnant at any time they choose through an act of will, and give birth to litters of up to six offspring after an eleven month pregnancy, with the number also controllable through conscious choice. With another pregnancy possible within three months of giving birth, Arafen can be very prolific if they so choose. Variation in the offspring is a result of the high background radiation rate on their home planet of Azkaridial. Arafen living on planets with a normal radiation level typically expose themselves to artificial radioactive sources during pregnancy. The Arafen immune system is able to overcome most forms of cancer, making them largely immune to harm from radiation. They are also immune to most bacteria and viruses.

The Arafen skeleton is composed of a single piece of cartilaginous material which is both flexible and light. It is very difficult to break any part of an Arafen skeleton but is is relatively easy to inflict bruising, which is always very painful and can even be fatal.

Arafen flesh is smooth, soft, warm and dry to the touch.

Arafen are able to withstand a much broader range of environmental conditions than Human beings; they are comfortable in temperatures from -15 to +60C without clothing, and can tolerate 0.1 - 4 standard atmospheres without difficulty.

Arafen heal injuries more slowly than Humans.

Arafen eyes can see near infared; to an Arafen, objects above about 60C appear to glow.

Cultural :

Arafen are quite peace-loving, and only a relatively small percentage of their population is prepared to serve in a military force, but the large population base of the Arafen ensures that their military is quite formidable nevertheless.

The Arafen are largely apathetic about politics. They are governed by a simple constitutional republic system; once every ten years a leader - formally titled "Tyrant" - is elected by simple majority of the adult population. The Tyrant has sole power over all decisions of government, though its actions are constrained by a short constitution and a constitutional court system. This has three members, also elected by simple referendum of the population, each serving for life or until voluntary retirement.

Beyond the constitutional restrictions, the entire apparatus of government is under the direct control of the Tyrant. The operating principles of the whole system of planetary and even local administration is entirely at its discretion. Such a system of government is highly unusual in its simplicity, with few checks or balances built in. As a result each election can bring sweeping changes not only to individual policies but to the entire face of the government.

One might expect such a system to be unstable, but in fact this is only partially the case. Arafen are apathetic enough about politics to allow Tyrants to get away with more or less anything, but when a Tyrant's actions impact negatively on the population to a sufficient extent, violent overthrow of the government is not uncommon. This has resulted in occasional civil wars but these are usually short, almost bloodless affairs - more akin to riots than combat. The last known example lasted for less than three days and resulted in less than fifty casualties. Arafen rarely seem to care enough about politics to have a serious conflict over it. Although individual Tyrants have been overthrown, the system itself has remained unchanged for more than nine hundred years.

In general, the Arafen system works remarkably well. The government tends to be small and unobtrusive most of the time, living standards are generally equal or superior to those of Human worlds, and taxation rates are amongst the lowest in the Coalition.
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

Post by Teaos »

I really like the second one but I think it would be cool if you made it so that they are far far shorter usually but have the ability to pull themselves up to great height. It would make them more distinctive IMO if they lived closer to the ground.
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

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Well they could carry their eyes lower to the ground if they wanted to. But they're hardly giants at 150 cm (4ft 11in).

One of the trends I wanted to buck with Coalition Universe aliens is that Humans are actually amongst the largest and most physically capable. If you look at Star Trek then the Klingons, Romulans, Vulcans, Jem'Hadar, Gorn - all are said to be physically superior to Humans. Whilst there are CU species who are bigger and stronger than us, most of them are not.
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

Post by Reliant121 »

That would make sense as to why Humans are the main dominant species. The strongest takes the highest state of power.
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

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The Palgren


Status : Coalition members

Height : 170 cm
Strength : 76 - 85%
Lifespan : 95 styr
Mass : 75 kg
Endurance : 65 - 70%
Visual Sensitivity : 91%
Aural Range : 30 Hz - 24 kHz
Visual Resolution : 75%
Aural Sensitivity : 78%

Physical :

Palgren are swamp dwellers, and are most comfortable living in hot, wet environments. Their skin is moist to the touch, and they are uncomfortable in dry or cold environments for any length of time. They are omnivorous, using their long snout to search through mud for small animals or plant matter.

Cultural :

The Palgren are ruled by one of the most rigid class systems of any world in the Coalition. The lowest class is the Alknaria, which comprises about 70% of the population. Largely uneducated, the Alknaria are typically manual workers, servants, etc. The Sathiri are a middle class, comprised of merchants and entrepreneurs. The upper class, called the Esolotarch, are the landowners and rulers.

Each Esolotarch family owns a dominion, an area of land ranging in size from a few square miles to whole planets. The head of the family has control over the land, with the ability to raise taxes and impose laws.

Historically, rule was simple and direct; the Emperor had total authority over the Esolotarch families, who in turn had total control over their dominions. About fifty years ago the Emperor signed the Satina Convention, a document which assigned certain individual rights to all Palgren and created advisory bodies in the upper two stages of government. The Sathiri in each Dominion elect a panel of advisers to sit in a local parliment, whilst the ruling family in turn sends an ambassador to sit at the royal court. Both of these bodies are strictly advisory - the rulers are not required to follow or even listen to their recommendations. But this still represented a major move towards representative government, and was highly controversial at the time.

Class barriers are unofficial, but nevertheless rigidly enforced. The Alknaria are generally regarded as little more than property by the middle and upper classes, whilst the Sathiri in turn are regarded largely with contempt by the Esolotarch. The spread in living standards on Palgren worlds is larger than anywhere in the Coalition except Dietze.

The Palgren home world is Sfanara.
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

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Reliant121 wrote:That would make sense as to why Humans are the main dominant species. The strongest takes the highest state of power.
The Humans aren't the main dominant species, not in the Coalition and certainly not in the galaxy. The dominant species in the Coalition are the Turgrans; Humans run a reasonably close second, and a lot of that is due to help from the Turgrans over the years.
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

Post by Reliant121 »

GrahamKennedy wrote:
Reliant121 wrote:That would make sense as to why Humans are the main dominant species. The strongest takes the highest state of power.
The Humans aren't the main dominant species, not in the Coalition and certainly not in the galaxy. The dominant species in the Coalition are the Turgrans; Humans run a reasonably close second, and a lot of that is due to help from the Turgrans over the years.
Fair enough, Didn't realise that. I meant in the coalition.
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

Post by Teaos »

God the Palgren are ugly as sin arent they...

Can any of the species cross breed? Not that you'd want to with them.
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Teaos wrote:God the Palgren are ugly as sin arent they...

Can any of the species cross breed? Not that you'd want to with them.
Good lord no. A species evolved on a completely different alien world just happens to have compatible DNA to Humans? That would be utterly moronic, what kind of retarded sci fi universe would have that... :)
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

Post by Teaos »

Well I thought maybe they had genetics technology that would allow one to mate eith other species if they so desired.
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Good lord no. A species evolved on a completely different alien world just happens to have compatible DNA to Humans? That would be utterly moronic, what kind of retarded sci fi universe would have that...
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

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Teaos wrote:Well I thought maybe they had genetics technology that would allow one to mate eith other species if they so desired.
My presumption is that most species use DNA of some form, since I don't know of any other molecule structure that could come close to doing what it does (I'd love to be corrected on that by the way). From what little I've read there are other possible ways that DNA could be structured, which would make a lot of alien DNA completely incompatible with ours on a truly fundamental level. And those who do have the same structure have still evolved through literally millions of random mutations that we have never experienced. It would be like sticking alternate paragraphs together from two different books in different languages with different grammar and hoping that the result would be a readable book.

I suppose technically it would be within the Coalitions capability to take say Turgran DNA and mess it about so much on a molecular level that it would combine with Human DNA. But you'd have to re-engineer it to such a massive extent that it really wouldn't be alien DNA any more, just a variation on what we already have.

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Re: Coalition Universe Species

Post by Teaos »

Could you maybe combine bits of species that come from the same planet, like maybe make a animal with the body of a big cat but with the upper body of a human? Also we have to give them lots of redundant organs and big boobs, also above average intelligence is a must, they also need to be able to see ultraviolet light and have super sensors. Being hermafrodites would also be cool... nah on second throughts thats just retarded.
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Re: Coalition Universe Species

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