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Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:09 am
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Monroe wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:[
SBS was a piece of shavit, my most-hated book.
I actually liked SBS. it has some errors and the amazing lightspeed flying of the X-Wings was kind of POS but it was fun. I liked the death toll.

KJA I don't mind. Not the best author but he's not terrible. He's got good storylines, just a minimalist.
That's just it. The death toll was one of the reasons I got pissed off about it. Lusa dn Lyric, two of my vaves, got killed off offscreen. DId I mention those two were next gen characters and could've carried the series... if they weren't friggin' Voxyn fodder?

And of course Anakin 'Lucasarts thinks we're idiots!' Solo's death. Brilliant! Kill off the one character who got good development one in the NJO... and leave a gaping hole in the next generation of characters. Let's go back to what is rapidly becoming the geritol generation... :madashell: :madashell: :madashell: :madashell: :madashell: :madashell:

Please keep in mind, I didn't get in through the OT. It was the YJK that got me into SW. And Monroe, I am sorry if I sound like I'm bashing you or anything like that. I'm not, I swear. I jsut get... passionately pissed off by the NJO. *Sigh* And then I feel like an idit after.

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:14 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Don't worry, most people hate the NJO too.

Your criticism on how they keep the same old characters alive at the expense of the younger ones is quite valid. I mean, come on, these people have to be getting old at this point. The older characters need to be either killed off or quietly pushed into the background to make way for the newer generation. Seriously, the only character from the films to die at all was Chewbacca. It's ridiculous that you can have this same half-dozen strong group of people on the front lines of every major conflict, yet they never die. The EU writers need to take a lesson from Dan Abnett and let lose with the death tolls on characters we actualy give a damn about.

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:31 pm
by Deepcrush
You forget Rochey that Dan Abnett is just awsome and most on the current SW writers are crap.

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:06 am
by Monroe
I did think killing Anakin Solo was a waste of an amazing character. I know the author of the book about him being on Yavin during the NJO was particuarlly upset about it. But decisions on who to kill off that are important aren't made by single authors alone AFAIK.

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:39 pm
by Captain Seafort
Monroe wrote:I did think killing Anakin Solo was a waste of an amazing character. I know the author of the book about him being on Yavin during the NJO was particuarlly upset about it. But decisions on who to kill off that are important aren't made by single authors alone AFAIK.
In this case, the decision was made by a single individual - the boss. The original plan for the series had been to kill off Jacen, and have Anakin be the hero of the series by the end of TUF. However, Lucas didn't want two Anakins running around as central characters simultaneously, so the roles were swapped.

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:15 pm
by Deepcrush
And then Mara Jade dies and Jacen tries to take over the Galaxy while everyone who owes the Solos and Skywalkers and the Jedi for all they've done now turn their backs on them. Great story line... that has only been repeated fifty times in SW. You'd think by now the Jedi would just go... "Fine, you want to be on your own, here you go"... and leave the galaxy to fall apart as it always does. Maybe then the Jedi could go on without having to get killed off all the time for people who could care less about them.

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:34 am
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Oh... okay, thanks all. :)

Who is Dan Abnett?
Captain Seafort wrote:
Monroe wrote:I did think killing Anakin Solo was a waste of an amazing character. I know the author of the book about him being on Yavin during the NJO was particuarlly upset about it. But decisions on who to kill off that are important aren't made by single authors alone AFAIK.
In this case, the decision was made by a single individual - the boss. The original plan for the series had been to kill off Jacen, and have Anakin be the hero of the series by the end of TUF. However, Lucas didn't want two Anakins running around as central characters simultaneously, so the roles were swapped.

Yes, Seafort. Oh, wait. I worked with four other people named 'Jon' or some variant thereof. Quick, kill the other four! :bangwall:
Deepcrush wrote:And then Mara Jade dies and Jacen tries to take over the Galaxy while everyone who owes the Solos and Skywalkers and the Jedi for all they've done now turn their backs on them. Great story line... that has only been repeated fifty times in SW. You'd think by now the Jedi would just go... "Fine, you want to be on your own, here you go"... and leave the galaxy to fall apart as it always does. Maybe then the Jedi could go on without having to get killed off all the time for people who could care less about them.
Ah, yes. Legacy of the Force was a bad prequel rehash... and that's saying something, too.

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:00 am
by Sionnach Glic
Who is Dan Abnett?
He's easily the best writer for 40K, and has written a tonne of stuff for 40K and other things. His Gaunt's Ghosts 40K series, aside from each book being better than the SW EU combined, has realistic casualties in them. As in, characters die. Characters we actualy care about. Hell, he even killed off several of my favourite characters in the series.

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:37 pm
by Monroe
Harry Turtledove does that too. That's my approach too. If you're going to kill someone who you gave a name to the reader should care.

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:38 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Exactly. It's fine having redshirts we've never met before die in some situations, but if every character who dies is some nameless guy you were introduced to a paragraph ago then you just shrug and go "sucks for him".

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:24 pm
by Tsukiyumi
I'm glad my writing doesn't suffer from "unkillable main character syndrome". :)

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:34 pm
by Reliant121
Thats what i like about Mass effect. alot of these games, the main characters cant be killed. in one situation you have to choose between two of your members to live (on Virmire) and on the same world, you might have to shoot another dude.

Re: Another Travissty

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:29 pm
by Monroe
Yeah KOTOR did that. Hell I think even my first RPG Shining Force did that.. though come to think of it not nearly enough.. I think half my people had to sit out on missions. Very annoying.