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Re: After they got back

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:23 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Monroe wrote:
GrahamKennedy wrote:EMH : Will remain with Voyager. He'll introduce the Federation to a number of alien medical techniques picked up in the DQ; not exactly revolutionising medicine, but certainly making a big contribution. He will also continue working towards greater freedom and respect for holographic life forms through the Federation legal system. In a couple of hundred years, Voyager's EMH will be looked on by much of the Federation as a Martin Luther King figure.
I sure hope not. I think the whole holographic rights thing is retarded. I made a post about this awhile ago but where's the line going to be if you start making projections living things.
IMO, the line is intelligent, conscious, self aware beings of any sort.

Re: After they got back

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:34 am
by katefan
GrahamKennedy wrote:
Monroe wrote:
GrahamKennedy wrote:EMH : Will remain with Voyager. He'll introduce the Federation to a number of alien medical techniques picked up in the DQ; not exactly revolutionising medicine, but certainly making a big contribution. He will also continue working towards greater freedom and respect for holographic life forms through the Federation legal system. In a couple of hundred years, Voyager's EMH will be looked on by much of the Federation as a Martin Luther King figure.
I sure hope not. I think the whole holographic rights thing is retarded. I made a post about this awhile ago but where's the line going to be if you start making projections living things.
IMO, the line is intelligent, conscious, self aware beings of any sort.
I think the argument goes back to TNG's Measure Of A Man when someone had asked the question "What if the Enterprise D's computer refused to accept an upgrade?" It comes down to a matter of sentience; Moriarty and The Doctor certainly are sentient, but what about Worf's opponents in a standard combat simulation? Is he committing murder if he erases the program? If you design the WWII Nazi program are you doing something immoral if you erase the SS commandant? Were you immoral for creating him in the first place?

I never understood using The old EMHs for hazardous duty. First of all, do all of them still have all that medical knowledge? Because my impression was it was a huge chunk of software. What do they know about mining? If they had to be reprogrammed for mining wouldn't they have just used a miner as a template? I guess like a lot of Voyager writing I was never supposed to look too closely.

Re: After they got back

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:27 am
by Teaos
Its also the fact that since holograms and androids have such superior capabilities in most fields that humans cant hope to compete.