NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Sonic Glitch
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Sonic Glitch »

{Authors Note: Just Prior to departure--bumps against Reliants post}

Federov watched as the officers assumed their station on the bridge. He checked a readout on his console to ensure everything was in order. "Captain Chinatsu, may I assume the Bridge for a moment, I had a little ceremony planned for launching."
"Oh really? I'm intrigued.. the bridge is yours lieutenant."
"Sir, I am picking up a small object on a proximity sensor. Roughly 18inches long." Reported Subcommander T'Varaan. Lieutenent Federov merely smiled, an action which did not go unnoticed by the captian.
"May I assume you have something to do with this?" asked Chinatsu with a wry smile.
"Um, yes, you may Captain. I didn't figure you'd mind to much. Subcommander could pull up the view from camera E-7?" T'Varaan glanced at the captain and Chinatsu nodded her consent. On the viewer was the image of a bottle tumbling through space. At a key point in it's spin it caught the light of a nearby sun.
"Chateu Picard, 2151" read Lieutenant Federov, "the year of the launch of the first successful NX-Class, and an excellent year for Chateu Picard. It was hard to get the supply chief to part with it."
Chinatsu smiled with sudden understanding, "Lieutenant would you like the honor? Or may I"
"I figured you may take it Captain, I merely wanted to make sure it got underway."
"Thank you Lieutenant. Also, put me on intercom while your at it. Subcommander could you put that feed throughout the ship?"
"Yes Ma'am..I'm afraid I don't understand the purpose of this."
"I'll explain later subcommander. Lieutenant, am I on?"
"Anytime you're ready Captain."
"All Hands, this is Captain Chinatsu. It is suggested that you direct your attention toward the closest screen or starboard viewport, whichever is more convienient." When the bottle finally impacted the hull, cheers and applause went up amongst the human crewers as Captain Chinatsu's voice came over the intercom, "I christen thee Buran, the road to the stars is open."
After the applause died down and Federov had restored the bridge to the Captain, she asked the all-important question:
"Status Mr. Diego?" Chinatsu called out to the helm station. The Hispanic man was dancing his fingers accross the panel, checking all was in good condition.
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Reliant121 »

- meanwhile, in the Dep'namash system, outside sensor range -

A bulkhead plate buckled in the bridge, being blasted out into a the weapons officer of the Andorain cruiser Sha'leyan. The plate sliced into his torso and drove him against the floor. He was dead on instant. The sharp edge of the panel had sliced straight through his chest, ripping into the ribcage. The corpse lay unmoving as the blood trickled out of the oriface of which had been carved in his stomach.

The commander, Sh'nahren leaped over the console and recovered weapons control, bringing the particle cannons to bear on the strange, green vessel.

"Helm! Evasive manouevres! Take us underneat that thing if you can!" He shouted as another plasma shot ripped into the hull. It had appeared from nowhere. an alien design that simply appeared behind them, firing off plasma bursts at crucial locations.

"Firing now!" He reported, more to himself than anyone. One of the particle cannons sprang to life, spearing at the green craft. It merely stuck the shields as the ship swung round. It opened fire again, ripping at the warp engines. Sh'nahren got off a last shot that seemed to have had a small effect on the green ship. its power faultered for a second just as the weapons linkages on the Sha'leyan cut off. He hurred to the comms panel, throwing another dead crewman out of her battered seat. He put all power he could to the communications system, and pulsed the distress signal into space.

Just in time. The green craft fired a final shot, blasting at the warpcore. The hull integraty field collapsed, and the Kumari cruiser exploded, sending shards of blue hull plating in every direction possible. The green assassin suddenly became covered in a bright field of shimmering lights, and then dissapeared into the abyss.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Sonic Glitch »

After his ship and the successful launch of the Buran Lt. Federov decided to give the resequencers another chance with his Pelmeny. The taste was slightly off last time (the minced meat tasted like fish) so he reckoned the resequencers needed to be adjusted. Well, what he smelled decent enough. One his way to get a drink he found himself in line behind the new docter. Mac Daire he had said his name was.
"You know, a ship like this could really use a pub." Federov heard the docter mutter to himself.
"I concur docter..a little medicinal belt every now and then correct?"
Mac Daire reacted with surprise, "Oh, I didn't expect anyone to hear me. But yes, quite right." He allowed himself a small smile.
"You're right docter, it's quite a shape a ship named for the Russians doesn't have a decent place to get a drink. But, you know that bottle of Chateu Picard I had?" He smiled conspiratorily and continued when the docter nodded his recognition, "I happened to get more from the supply chief on the station. Vulcans aren't big drinkers you understand. He had quite a surplus. I suggest docter, we could go into business for ourselves...?" He raised his eyebrow appropriately. Mac Diare stared at him for a moment before laughing, "Surely you're not serious Lieutenant? No, you're Russian this is as serious to you as it is to me, you wouldn't joke about this. Alright, you float it to the captain and we'll see."
"Could I have in writing the CMOs endorsement? Saying it is 'vital to the health and moral of the crew to have a space where they can meet in a casual atmosphere not provided by our mess hall'?" Asked Lt. Federov. "It may help our arguements considerably" he added with a smile.
Mac Daire smiled back, "Why the hell not? I'll type up something appropriate for you."
"Doc, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship..."
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Reliant121 »

Maddox turned to his console as a bleeping began, drawing the attention of the bridge crew. it was the button "incoming distress signal".

"Captain, Incoming distress signal. its on an Andorian frequency."

Chinatsu turned, signalling T'varaan to locate it. T'Varaan nodded and began triangulating position.

"Location confirmed. It is within the Dep'namash system, within the asteroid ring surrounding Dep'namash IV. I am unable to provide a more detailed analysis."
Chinatsu sat in contemplation for a minute. They were headed for that system anyway. So there was little reason not to investigate.

"Very well. Diego, alter course to intercept, and increase velocity to maximum. Work in collaberation with engineering to get us up to maximum. T'Varaan, keep scanning. Try to get us all the information possible. Are there any Vulcan ships in the area?"

"The D'kan, D'kyr class should be nearby."

"try and get a hold of them. Right...T'varaan, you have the bridge," Chinatsu said as she retreated to her ready room.


A chime at the door awoke Chinatsu from her daydream, dragging her into consciousness. the computer still displayed the tactical readouts on the D'Kyr class. She closed them down and called for the visitor to enter. Lieutenant Federov walked over the threshold.

"Ah, Lieutenant, what may i do for you?" she asked, smiling.

"Well captain...I have a proposition for you. One of the things that i think this, and many starships lack is a place to relax, a place to chat and unwind. and to get some decent beverages off duty. Yes we have the messhall, but thats not all that glamerous. I am proposing retrofitting one of the cargo holds to make way for a bar, were drinks and such will be served. I have the support of the CMO, and i'm sure the whole crew would be glad for it."

Chinatsu smiled. It had never occured to her. And it was a fantastic idea.

"Of course, Lieutenant. But I will leave the organization to you. Just as long as you have a Bottle of Nihonshu or Shōchū in stored, it has my full graces."

Federov smiled as he left, thinking up the plans.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Mikey »

After a nap, Harvey went to engineering to check on the status of the hull polarization update. He found Darwin working on it and Shravak tensely monitoring the warp core. "Report," he barked.

Darwin answered first, excited by the progress he had made. "Good news, sir! By adding capacitance to the charging circuits, I was able to eliminate the power ramp-up. The extra impedance will also allow for a little more power toward polarization."

Harvey was a bit surprised by the inventiveness of the shy young man. "Er... Excellent job. What's our drive status?"

Shravak answered, "Steady at max warp - negligible fluctuations in intake flow or manifold throughput."

"Exc- wait, there ought to be some variation in one or the other." Harvey slammed his fist on a console. "They're going to beat up this engine and then complain when it doesn't act brand new." He opened the intercom and said, "Captain? Fulton here. You're going to have to alter speed for a bit if you want the core to respond when we get where we're going."

"We're answering a distress call, Mr. Fulton," came the answer, "and we don't really have the luxury of taking our time. What exactly do you need?"

"Just cut it back to 4.2 for 20 minutes to give the intakes a chance to adjust. After that, I'll have them ready for more abuse."

"20 minutes, then." The intercom closed and after a moment, the rhythm of the warp core slowed.

"Alright!" yelled Harvey, clapping his hands. "Darwin - rig up a manifold throughput meter and tie it into injector control. Shravak - set the injector control to adjust itself based on that input. I'll set the intake constrictors to react to the injector demands." After a split second, he continued more quietly, "Better do it right, too, because it's going to be tested."
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

Bastet spent most of her free time playing with her new gun, which she had dubbed the scatter gun, partially do to the scattering-like effect of it's beams and partially due to the fact that her subordnites scattered when she grabbed it after pissing her off. It had already proven useful when Grif and Tucker teamed up to make some lewd comments, and had stunned both of them in a single shot.

Now she was trying to get the guys to hit her, something that was proving difficult. "Men, not every enemy is going to be a male, so stop being old fashined and hit me in the stomach as hard as you can." The guys just looked at each other not sure what to do. "Come on. Are you MACO's or pussys?"

Tucker grinned, "I don't know about these guys, but I was always called a MACRO. Bow Chicka Bow OW!" Tucker feel to his knees holding his crotch.

"And now you're not half the man you used to be," said Bastet.

The only thing Tucker could say was, "uncle," before collapsing.

When the other MACO's held their positions Bastet sighed, "alright. What if you all attack me at once, that way no one is the jerk who went first to hit a girl?" The other guys nodded.

5 minutes later...

"Has anyone seen my balls?" asked Caboose.

"Excellent job beating the crap out of us sir," said Simmons.

"Only you would compliment someone who just beat us up," said Grif.

Bastet sighed, "well, guys, thank you for participating in this excersise. Had this been real life, you'd all be dead! Because you're all stupid! Jeez, did they give me tribbles when I asked for soldiers? Hit the showers men. We got a possible mission coming up as we don't know what the situation. Considering the possibility of combat may arise while responding to the Andorian destress signal so I need you guys at your best."

Bastet sighed to herself, "I miss the days when I didn't have men to train, and could just kick ass." Her wrist watch beeped, reminding her that she only had an hour before her monthly checkup in sick-bay. It wasn't necessary in her opinion but it would keep her from going crazy and possibly killing someone...again...but she still hated it as she saw it as a weakness.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Monroe »

Monroe entered the MACO training room stepping over the body of a soldier moaning in pain, "Sir, may I suggest that you don't pernamently harm the soldiers."

"Only way they'll learn."

"Perhaps but now they are combat ineffective. I'm serious sir, any injury that cannot be healed within a day needs to be off limits." Monroe said not backing down annoyed that Bastet would call martial excellence kicking guys in the balls.

"You ordering me First Sergeant?" She asked confidently.

"No sir, but I am going to press a former inquery into it if this continues. None of these men can fight for the next week. My orders and I'm sure the doctor will agree. Now I don't know what your problem with males is but it needs to end. Or I'm going to file sexual harassment for your fondess on touching testicles and I know that's not something we want. I'm coming to you first. I don't want broken bones, pierced organs, or testicles that have retreated into the body cavity." Monroe replied. "You can teach them combat without causing seroius pain or injury."

"You over exaggerate their injuries."

"Be that as it may I'm going to have to cancel tonight and tomorrow's PT at the least." He then snapped to attention and held up his hand to salute.

Bastet returned it and smirked at him as he walked out. "Perhaps next time you'll join us First Sergeant."
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Sionnach Glic »

"Evenin', Doc." Steven Foskin commented as Cú-Roí walked into Sickbay. "You're looking pleased with yourself."

"I bumped into the Captain in the coridor just a moment ago, she told me she was okay-ing that bar idea I told you about." The Doctor explained.

"Oh, right." Steven said, leaning against a wall. Amy was treating some crewman's (a member of the engineering crew, if he read the uniform right) wrist, while Tolin was sitting in front of a computer in the corner of the room.

"Some bad news as well, though."


"Yeah, Captain wants us to give the crew a check up. Make sure they haven't picked anything up while at that base." Cú-Roí explained. Steven groaned.

"Welcome to Starfleet." Amy commented, not looking up from her work.

"Yeah. Tolin, if you could schedule a check-up for all the crewmembers within the week when you have a moment. What happened to you?" Cú-Roí asked the engineering crewman.

"Fell. Off a ladder." He answered.

"Nothing major." Amy said, finishing what she was doing. "Sprained wrist, few bruises. Lay off any hard work for a few days, rest that wrist. And be more careful."

"Will do." The engineer replied. He was just getting up to leave when about half a dozen people in MACO uniforms staggered in, sporting various injuries, one of them being helped in by another. The medical staff looked at them in surprise.

"Was there a war someone forgot to tell us about?" Cú-Roí asked sarcasticaly, getting up from the bed he'd been sitting on and gesturing the troops to sit down. "Right guys," He said to the medical staff. "come on, all hands on deck for this one. You too, Tolin, finish whatever you're doing later. Steven, if you could hand me that - yeah, that one. Thanks." The four medical personel picked out the four most seriously injured troops and went to work, the other two would have to wait for now.

"Uh, could I maybe have a male doctor?" The troop that Amy had moved to inspect asked.

"I am fully trained." She replied indignantly.

"Yeah, but it's just...uh..." He gestured vaguely towards where the problem was.

"Nothing I haven't seen before, soldier." She said.

"Yeah, well, still."

"Right: Tolin, Amy, swap patients." Cú-Roí ordered. As they did so, the door hissed open again and another soldier walked in. This one seemed unhurt, and Cú-Roí noted that his rank pins were different. "Care to tell me what happened here?" The doctor asked the newcomer.

"Sergeant Monroe." He introduced himself. "Training excercise." He answered.

"I didn't know MACO training consisted of using troops as human pinatas." Steven commented, bandadging his patient's arm .

"Yes, sorry about this. Their instructor got a bit.....over zealous."

"That's one hell of an under-statement." Cú-Roí replied, finishing his inspection of the soldier in front of him. "Head injuries, serious bruising, dislocated shoulder. This guy's going to be out of action for quite a while. And the rest don't look much better."

"So you'd suggest that Major Bastet go a bit easier?"

"If that's who did this, then hell yes."

"Good, I'd like you to mention that to her."

"This is going to hurt." The doctor informed the trooper he was examining before replying. "You would?"

"Yes. I think it's a bit counter-productive to have our troop complement hospitalised on the first day out."

"I'll mention that to her." He said over his patient's yelp of pain.

"She'll be here in a while, you can say it then, Doctor." Tolin commented, stepping away from his patient, who was now devoid of trousers, and opening a supply cabinet.

"She will?"

"Yes, she has a scheduled check-up later. About half an hour, I think." Tolin replied, then gave a frustrated sigh as he looked into the cabinet. "Okay, own up, who moved all this stuff around?"

"Blame Steven." Amy said, not looking up.

"I had all these sorted alphabeticaly!" Tolin complained.

"Bit busy to argue right now, Tol." Foskin replied, not looking up. His patient now resembled a mummy from an old horror film.

"I'll let her know." Cú-Roí told Monroe, stepping away from his patient and moving towards another. "And this guy is to stay off duty for the next week, and come back in two days to get that shoulder checked again."

"Yes, Doc." The soldier replied.

"Good. Now, Sergeant, if you'll excuse me it seems I have a bit of work to do."
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

Doctor Cú-Roí didn't notice Major Bastet walking in as he was working on one of the injured MACO's. When it looked like he wasn't holding anything he could drop or accidentally do any damage with she cleared her through startling him. "Major Bastet reporting for the required appointment," she said with a clear touch of disgust in her voice.

Looking her up and down the Doctor said, "So you're the leader of these MACO's? And the one who injured them?"

Bastet nodded, "that would be accurate."

"I have half a mind to file a complaint with the captain. One of your men has Head injuries, serious bruising, and a dislocated shoulder. The others aren't much better. Just what were you doing?" asked the Doctor.

Bastet shrugged, "I was trying to get them to hit me."

Doctor Cú-Roí was dumbfounded, "they didn't hit you so you beat the crap out of them?" Bastet nodded. "That's a new one."

Bastet snorted, "Not all the bad guys are men. They've got to learn how to fight women, as well as how to defend against someone who fights dirty. And it's better that they get the snot beaten out of them here where they can learn from their mistakes rather then in a real fight where they'll end up dead. You might disagree with my methods but they get results. And there's a good chance that this is a one-off thing. Hopefully this was enough of a learning experience for them to know what I expect out of them."

Doctor Cú-Roí shook his head. "If this does happen again I'm writing you up Major. Now please take a seat on the scanner bed. I would like to know, why exactly this was listed as mandatory?"

Bastet lay on the bed with a clear dislike of the situation. "You'll see the second that scanner's lit up. You're in for a bit of a shock." Doctor Cú-Roí, who doubted that, activated the scanner. As Bastet exited the scanning chamber she laughed, as Doctor Cú-Roí's mouth was hanging open. "Told you so."

"But you have..."
"That means you're a..."
"Is that why you're such a...um..."
"Ya, partially at least. Hormone balance is a bit of an issue. And I'd prefer this to stay between us Doc."

"Of course," the Doctor said, "but how? Why?"

"I don't know how and I prefer not to talk about why. Let's just say it wasn't by choice, not really at least. But I've learned to live with it, and I'm making the best out of a bad situation," said Bastet, "now if you would be so kind as to give me the meds I need?"

"Oh, right of course." The Doctor assembled the appropriate meds, and made a note to send a complaint to command about not having the information he needed before the ship had launched concerning the Major's 'condition. "This should help," as he gave her an injection.

Bastet instantly felt relieved. The imbalance had been stressing her a bit for the past day or two. "Thank you Doc. I appreciate it. Is there anything else?"

"No that will be all, for now." The doctor could believe the sudden changes in her posture and attitude. The Doctor figured it must be in her head since the meds shouldn't have affected her that quickly.

Bastet nodded and left sickbay.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Sonic Glitch »

Federov was taking 3rd shift on the bridge and luckily there had been no major malfunctions. So nice having a brand new ship he thought. He knew they were on their way to answer a distress call so he felt he'd save time by remaining on the bridge. He was going over the supply inventory to kill time and try to plan the ships new "pub". Suddenly an alarm started going off on the science console.
"Sir..." called Ensign Page, a just-graduated junior science officer, "there's something on the scanners"
"Are we within visual range?" asked Federov.
"Not yet sir, but I'm reading monotanium fragments, and what seems to be oxygen gas."
"'What seems to be' ensign?"
"I'm sorry sir, there's an unusual radiation interfering with scanners, the computer doesn't recognize it. It's almost like it came from some sort of beam weapon. Sir, I'm also reading what appear to be Andorian weapon signatures." She reported with a question in her voice.
"Hmm..are we in visual range yet?"
"Just entered it sir."
"Put it on screen and take us out of warp, go to full impulse power."
The screen flickered and switched from the elongated star streaks of faster-than-light travel to display a rapidly expanding field of hull debris and gaseous atmosphere. Federov paused to stare for a moment then hit the intercom button. "Captain Chinatsu, Subcommander T'varaan please report to the bridge."
"Acknowledged" came the crisp response of the Vulcan.
"On my way lieutenant, what happened?" asked the captain.
"Sir, we found the origins of the distress call, or rather...what's left of it..." There was a pause,
"Understood, I'm on my way."
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Reliant121 »

T'varaan stepped onto the bridge at almost exactly the same time as the captain, taking her place at the science station and activating the microscope sensor viewer. She looked through the scattered particles and debris littering the area that the Ship tentatively drifted through. Small chunks impacted against the hull, scraping against the heavy plating.

"Spectral Analysis, commander," Chinatsu said. T'Varaan initiated the analysis, sweeping the sensors over the massive field of moderately useless scraps of metal for anything even mildly useful. Most of it was the standard material used in the construction of Kumari class starships, the most common warship design of the Andorian Imperial Guard. A plasma conduit here, a computer relay there. Even the lifeless body of some nameless Andorian woman, preserved by the dead, pure and untouchable cold of space. A slight trace of emotion flared deep within T'Varaan's shielded core, sparking for only a second before the schooled mind crushed it pitifully under pure logic. She didnt recognise the emotion. All she knew was it wasnt pleasant.

"Standard Monotanium panels, Hyperconductive material...Curious...I am detecting an unusual metallic signature. it is Still Monotanium, but the submolecular bonding is inconsistant with Andorian methods." Chinatsu wasnt exactly a technology expert. She did better with politics. But she could understand that this meant one of two things. Either something else was left here 'post mortem; so to speak...or something else took damage.

"Bring it in for tractoring. I want shuttlepods 1 and 2 to sweep and pick up any bodies, and as much of the debris as possible for analysis. T'varaan, search for any warp traces. Concentrate on Romulan frequencies. Ri...." She was cut off by a bleep at T'Varaan's console.

"New energy signature detected. Vulcan starship D'Kan inbound, Estimated arrival time of 17:24."

"Very well. Comms, inform them of whats going on." She said as she left the bridge.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Tsukiyumi »

The door to the kitchen hissed open as Doctor mac Dáire stepped in; Max didn't notice over the sounds of shrieking steam and sizzling oil from a number of pots and skillets. One pot in particular had his attention at the moment, as he stirred in a bit more pepper.

" That's just about done." He murmured to himself as he slid the pot onto a cold burner, and cut off the stove. Behind him, the CMO cleared his throat lightly.

Max spun, pausing as he noticed the rank insignia and caduceus symbol on the collar of the man's ill-fitting coat.

" I was told you wanted to see me, mister " the doctor paused, searching for the name.

" Chilton. Max Chilton, and yes, I have a few things for you," Max offered his hand; the gaunt doctor looked at it, a querulous look on his face. " I'm a chef, Doctor. My hands are as clean as yours."

The doctor shrugged, and shook Max's free hand; the other was sliding the large pot back to the front of the stove.

" First, I'd like you to try this; I made it special just for you." Another quizzical look appeared on mac Dáire's thin face until he caught a whiff of the potent mixture in the pot.

He smiled, " Is that cál ceannann? I haven't had any in years..." Max offered him a clean spoon with an anxious expression. The doctor scooped some of the thick mashed potato/cabbage melange into his mouth; the smile broadened.

" I think I used too many leeks, personally, and maybe not enough bacon..."

The doctor cut him off by grabbing another spoonful, " Ids purfec... Mmm. Whr..." He paused, swallowing the mouthful he'd been gnoshing, " It's perfect. Where'd you learn to make it? This is as close to traditional I've had since I left home."

" I picked up a few dishes studying in Europe. You really like it?" the doctor nodded, looking about for a bowl, " Well, it's yours. I'll get you a container to go. Actually, doctor, I called for you because I heard through the grapevine about the prospect of a bar being set up somewhere aboard. I may be able to help..."

" Any help would be appreciated, but we'll need a bit more alcohol before we can consider..." He stopped mid-sentance as Max opened one of the large storage bays at the back of the kitchen. At least thirty large crates marked from Absynthe to Whiskey filled the room; enough spirits for the entire crew for a year. Mac Dáire was astonished; he glanced at Max, whose mischievous grin was spread ear to ear.

He shrugged, " I figured this would be a long trip. Besides, it'll make excellent trading stock. You can have half for the bar, and more if needed. Though I imagine it won't be, for a while at least."

" Thank you, mister Chilton. That should be more than enough. I'll send someone down later to pick it up..." The incredulous look still lingered on his face as Max slid the hatch shut.

" Call me Max. And, the bourbon is mine, for reference. Now, let's get you some of that delightful cál... cea- er, colcannon, to go. I'll save some for you if you'd like seconds."

Mac Dáire nodded vigorously. Max smiled proudly; he hoped the rest of the crew would be as appreciative of his skill.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Mikey »

Harvey entered the bridge with his sleeves still rolled up - a look that was becoming customary for him - and holding a cup of coffee. "Did we take you from your breakfast?" Captain Chinatsu joked.

Harvey snorted. "You took me from keeping you from killing the engines. You may now safely resume beating them mercilessly."

"Thank you. I'm glad you're here. We have some interesting metallurgical questions to answer. Some wreckage found by the remains of the Andorian vessel is showing some unusual properties. We're having it tractored in; please join Commander T'Varaan in cargo bay 2 to help analyze it."

Fulton looked dubious at the idea of working with the Vulcan, but T'Varaan merely indicated the lift door and said, "After you, Lt. Commander."

"So there's an unknown alien ship out there that can blow apart an Andorian warship?" Fulton asked. "I'll meet you down there - I'm going to stop by the armory first."


With a toolbox full of analytical meters in one hand and a pistol on his hip, Harvey trudged around the cargo bay from one piece of flotsam to another, seemingly at random. "Are you currently analyzing the Andorian wreckage," asked T'Varaan, "or the unidentified material?"

"Both," said Harvey as he squatted by yet another shapeless hunk of metal.

"An inefficient use of your time," remarked the Vulcan.

"Maybe so," answered Fulton, "and maybe some human imagination can find something that Vulcan efficiency can't. Like this." He held up the display of his scanner as T'Varaan came over to look.

"Interesting. But what does it indicate?" she said, half to herself.

"Both the damage to the Andorian ship and the submolecular bonds of the unknown metal seem to show similar mechanics, but stemming from different energy levels."

"Specifically?" asked T'Varaan curtly, belying a slight tinge of impatience.

"The weapon that destroyed the Andorian ship and the tool that built the unknown one both used a slow nadion effect."

T'Varaan paused a moment before slowly saying, "Romulans." Harvey's right hand moved reflexively toward the grip of his pistol.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

[some point earlier, but after the appointment]

Bastet was getting some target practice in when the Captain approached her. "I understand you incapacitated half a dozen of our MACO's today."

Bastet was startled and stood at attaintion. "That's correct ma'am. There was a bit of a training...accident. I was trying to get them to be more willing to fight a female opponenet, however I overestimated what they could handle. I'm used to fighting stronger species, such as Klingons, that can handle more punishment."

"And the incident with Mr. Tucker's reproductive organs?" asked the captain.

Bastet looked down, "um...well Mr. Tucker was going to have that done to him sooner or later, if not by me then another woman. Perhaps even one who can't handle the situation herself. Hopefully it will discourage him from being a pig."

The captain grimiced, "The only reasons I haven't taken disciplinary action is because your file said to give you a little leinancy do to your medical condition and you get the job done. But if you push the limits any farther you will be spending hard time in the brig do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am."

"And it would go a long way if you were to apologize to Mr. Tucker," said the Captain. "Just a suggestion."

"I'll take that under advisement Captain," Bastet said as the captain walked. As the captain walked out Bastet did take a good long look at the captain's aft. "hmm...so cute when she's angry. I wonder what the rules are on MACO-Starfleet relationships." Bastet sighed, taking out several more targets before putting her scatter gun away, although the thought of bringing it along had crossed her mind.

Bastet made her way to the deck where Tucker's quarters were. When Tucker answered the door he stood at attention with a bit of terror across his face. "Um...what can I do for you Major?"

"I was hoping you'd accept my apology for kicking you in your genitals," Bastet said.

"You aren't going to kick me again if I say no are you?" asked Tucker.

It took all of Bastet's self-restraint not to make a sarcastic comment. With a forced grin she said, "of course not."

"This is hurting you isn't it?" asked Tucker, who had a grin on his face at his commander's pained expression.

"You have no idea," said Bastet.

Tucker snorted, "well, I guess the expression on your face right now is worth it. Considered it accepted Major. Maybe you want to come in to show me some..."

"Tucker, if you finish that sentence I don't care what the captain says I will break your nose," said Bastet. Tucker backed away slowly before closing the door. Bastet sighed as she walked to her own quarters, "It's amazing the human race isn't extinct yet, escpecially with pigs like him around. Wait. Why am I talking to myself?"
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Teaos »

Maddox sat at one of the tables in the mess with a plate full of pancakes and a heavily burned block of circuits.

He would have been doing this in his quarters usually but ever since he had heard rumours of a room full of booze he had been spending quite a bit of his free time around the mess hall.

He was currently trying to salvage any of the information one of the data units of the destroyed Andorian ship had, so far he had only retrieved pieces of some personal logs and a few bits of generic ship information.

A young engineering crewmen sat across from him and apart from some small chat about what Maddox was doing they had been pretty much keeping to themselves, both men didn't talk while eating.

The crewmen dropped his cutlery onto his plate and stretched out his arms over his head.

"Do you usually have pancakes for dinner Lieutenant?" The crewmen asked looking down at his plate that still had mash potato residue on it.

"Not really but the chef offered to make me anything I wanted" Maddox said licking his fingers which were liberally covered in syrup.

"Yeah he does seem enthusiastic" The other guy said looking over to the kitchen where banging and the occasional swear word could be heard coming from.

"Can only be good for us" Maddox said picking up his tools again to work.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.