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Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:00 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
me,myself and I wrote:
ChakatBlackstar wrote: Just because we can change the rules doesn't mean we should change the rules.
Says the one who supports what Enterprise did to Trek.

TOS Dialogue trumps whatever rating-garnering bull TPTB decide to pull later. If they say "shortly after the 3rd world war" or "during the Eugenics War", then there was somewhere in the history a WWIII or an Eugenics War, we can argue about the exact years till the cows come home, or a later series can establish the time frame, but regardless, they are still separate wars.

If Mr. Spock says "with primitive atomic weapons and in primitive space vessels"--than it was in primitive space vessels with primitive atomic weapons, not upside down Akira-Class Vessels with everything retro-named.
What makes TOS' dialog trump visuals? People can make mistakes. Visuals can't.

Or maybe another possiblity is that photonic torpdoes are atomic warheads complimented by a pack of anti-matter. It sounds stupid but it wouldn't be the first time someone did something stupid in advancing technology. I remember a friend telling me about a WWII era plane that was practically a jet, except for a fan or something that made the engine less efficient. So maybe Photonic torpedoes are both atomic warheads and anti-matter warhead.
Regardless of whether you are a he, she or somewhere in between you did insert a non-canon species into the other RPG. So it was convienant to change things then when it suited you, now it doesn't and you oppose it.
I came up with an explination for it. There is no reason to arm an NX-class ship with weaker weapons then those seen on screen.

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:05 am
by Tsukiyumi
ChakatBlackstar wrote:...There is no reason to arm an NX-class ship with weaker weapons then those seen on screen.
There's no reason the lasers have to be weaker, as I've stated.

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:06 am
by Aaron
ChakatBlackstar wrote:
I came up with an explination for it. There is no reason to arm an NX-class ship with weaker weapons then those seen on screen.
And? There's been several explanations floated in this very thread to justify the change, how are they any less valid than than what you can up with for the other RPG? Stuff that has no basis in canon given the ban on genetic engineering in Trek.

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:08 am
by Aaron
Tsukiyumi wrote:
There's no reason the lasers have to be weaker, as I've stated.
No, you don't understand. You see lasers are less advanced than phasers, so you see they must be less powerful. Right, right? :roll:

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:13 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Tsukiyumi wrote:
ChakatBlackstar wrote:...There is no reason to arm an NX-class ship with weaker weapons then those seen on screen.
There's no reason the lasers have to be weaker, as I've stated.
Then what's the point of renaming them if they're as strong as phase cannons?
No, you don't understand. You see lasers are less advanced than phasers, so you see they must be less powerful. Right, right?
Who said anything about phasers?

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:14 am
by Aaron
ChakatBlackstar wrote: Who said anything about phasers?
What exactly do you think a phase cannon is? What do you think a photonic torpedoe is? Their exactly the same thing as in TNG, they just rearranged the names.

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:18 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Cpl Kendall wrote:
ChakatBlackstar wrote: Who said anything about phasers?
What exactly do you think a phase cannon is? What do you think a photonic torpedoe is? Their exactly the same thing as in TNG, they just rearranged the names.
Did you watch the show? They are far more primitive and less powerful then their TNG era counterparts. And projectile weapons have been similar for 100's of years. the changes to projectile weapons increase their rate of fire and penetrating strength, ect. Why can't phase pistols and photonic torpedoes be the Star Trek equivilent of muskets and cannonballs?

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:23 am
by Aaron
ChakatBlackstar wrote:
Did you watch the show? They are far more primitive and less powerful then their TNG era counterparts. And projectile weapons have been similar for 100's of years. the changes to projectile weapons increase their rate of fire and penetrating strength, ect. Why can't phase pistols and photonic torpedoes be the Star Trek equivilent of muskets and cannonballs?
Yes I did watch the show and I even remember NX-01 blowing up a mountain in Silent Enemy apparently the size of Mount Mckinley a feat not duplicated in Trek to my knowledge. And of course there's the photonic torpedo which Reed described thusly :"knock the com array off a shuttlepod without scratching the hull, or put a three-kilometer crater into an asteroid." in The Expanse. Which sounds exactly like their TNG counterparts.

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:29 am
by Aaron
At any rate, I suggest that we STFU about this and agree to abide by the poll decision or scrap the entire idea and set an RPG in a different setting. Like the Cardassion War or some such.

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:31 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Cpl Kendall wrote:
ChakatBlackstar wrote:
Did you watch the show? They are far more primitive and less powerful then their TNG era counterparts. And projectile weapons have been similar for 100's of years. the changes to projectile weapons increase their rate of fire and penetrating strength, ect. Why can't phase pistols and photonic torpedoes be the Star Trek equivilent of muskets and cannonballs?
Yes I did watch the show and I even remember NX-01 blowing up a mountain in Silent Enemy apparently the size of Mount Mckinley a feat not duplicated in Trek to my knowledge. And of course there's the photonic torpedo which Reed described thusly :"knock the com array off a shuttlepod without scratching the hull, or put a three-kilometer crater into an asteroid." in The Expanse. Which sounds exactly like their TNG counterparts.
I thought photon torpedoes could wipe out cities, and I'm pretty sure citys are bigger then three-kilometers. And Phasers can punch a hole 300,000 km into a planet, if I remember correctly when they were drilling. And their stated power is much less then the stated power of their 24th century counterparts.

Besides, phase pistols only have two settings, stun and kill. Phasers have 16 settings including stun, kill, heat, and vaporize along with wide beam settings. Ya...that's the same :roll:
At any rate, I suggest that we STFU about this and agree to abide by the poll decision or scrap the entire idea and set an RPG in a different setting. Like the Cardassion War or some such.
I vote scrap at this point.

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:37 am
by Aaron
ChakatBlackstar wrote:
I thought photon torpedoes could wipe out cities, and I'm pretty sure citys are bigger then three-kilometers. And Phasers can punch a hole 300,000 km into a planet, if I remember correctly when they were drilling. And their stated power is much less then the stated power of their 24th century counterparts.
Visuals trump dialogue, remember? NX-01 blew up a mountain and the E-D drilled a hole several km's into a planet. And 300,000km's is slightly larger than the diameter of a planet BTW.
Besides, phase pistols only have two settings, stun and kill. Phasers have 16 settings including stun, kill, heat, and vaporize along with wide beam settings. Ya...that's the same :roll:
Now your just arguing semantics. A weapon does not have to have the same number of options to function the same. And the phase pistol apperently has a third, the cut wood setting.

I vote scrap at this point.
As do I.

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:45 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Cpl Kendall wrote:
ChakatBlackstar wrote: I vote scrap at this point.
As do I.
At least we can agree on something

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:48 am
by Mikey
Scrap it? Who are you two? I have my opinion, which I've made clear - but if these minor issues bug you two that much, then get out... there are other people involved who may not want to scrap it.

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:51 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
this shouldn't be an issue at all. Why are we even having this discussion. If this is a Star Trek RP it should have Star Trek stuff in it.

Re: Laser stats or The ENT Stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:52 am
by Mikey
How about this for an idea: let's have a poll on which way to go, and everybody agrees to abide by the majority result.

Wait a minute...