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Re: DW 30x12: The Stolen Earth

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:22 pm
by Graham Kennedy
As with all things of the British military, national pride makes us want to buy our own, and build stuff that is up to standard with the rest of the world, and cheapskate pennypinching makes sure that we hamstring whatever we do build so that it's a fraction as effective as it could and should be. People die because of it, but the treasury don't care about little details like that.

Re: DW 30x12: The Stolen Earth

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:25 pm
by Aaron
GrahamKennedy wrote:As with all things of the British military, national pride makes us want to buy our own, and build stuff that is up to standard with the rest of the world, and cheapskate pennypinching makes sure that we hamstring whatever we do build so that it's a fraction as effective as it could and should be. People die because of it, but the treasury don't care about little details like that.
We have the same problem. The Halifax, Tribal, Kingston classes are all good examples of that. Not to mention the LSVW and Iltis vehicles.

Re: DW 30x12: The Stolen Earth

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:27 pm
by Reliant121
I note that the Type 45/Daring class ships also have the provisions for RGM-84 harpoon missiles but they are not fitting them, plus the for but not with thing for STWS system to launch Sting-ray torpedoes. The armament of this thing is utterly dismal, she doesnt carry a single anti ship launcher. They are using the Lynx for everything, anti surface and anti submarine. she does seem to have a relatively capable anti air battery though. then again she was designed specifically in the anti air role. But she should still have something to fight other ships with besides 4.5 inch DP gun.

POST EDIT: WHAT THE HELL? the 45's are suppose to replace the 42's?! Their letting go of some of our most potent DDG's for aerial defence ships?!

Re: DW 30x12: The Stolen Earth

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:48 pm
by Graham Kennedy

The 45s should be very capable air defence ships, no doubt about it - though I hear they are having problems getting the Sampson radar to work properly. But beyond that they are virtually useless. As things stand they have the 4.5 inch gun, which they can engage other ships with if they are foolish to come close enough, or hit shore targets with. One possibility is that they'll take the harpoons off the 42s as they retire and put them on the 45s since it would be a very low cost option.

The very least a ship like this needs is a quad of harpoons and a bunch of cruise missiles to hit inland targets.

Rumour has it that there's a long range version of the Storm Shadow / Scalp in the works that can be fired from the Sylver VLS. They'll need deeper silos than they have to launch them, though, and I have no idea if they have the room for that. One can only hope.

Re: DW 30x12: The Stolen Earth

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:50 pm
by Reliant121
Well as far as i am aware, they have the spacing and provisions to fit Harpoon launchers, but they are not planning to fit them.

IMO, still cant beat the old Leanders or the type 22's. but i have a bias :P

Re: DW 30x12: The Stolen Earth

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:51 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Should have put Mark 41 VLS into them in the first place, then you could carry just about anything you wanted to. But nooooo, we have to be all European about these things and buy crap.

Re: DW 30x12: The Stolen Earth

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:53 pm
by Reliant121
True enough.

well at least the batch 3 type 22's such as Campbeltown and the type 23's like Iron duke are still staying in service.