Gamma Mission Brief

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Gamma Mission Brief

Post by Teaos »

Gamma Mission

Set 2390

Location Gamma Quadrant

Mission: Seek, negotiate, neutralize.


A small faction of Founders has broken away from the Dominion proper. Not willing to accept the new peace with the solids they wish to try to again dominate them.

Information on them is sketchy at best but while they do have ships and facilities there capability does not appear to be over whelming.

Due to their laws about not harming other founders the Dominion is refusing to do anything to stop this rogue faction but as per their treaty with the Federation along with some internal support from members they have agreed to allow a joint alliance strike force to enter the quadrant and deal with the threat least they provoke another war.

The strike group will operate under heavy surveillance and rules. For the duration of the mission there will be no travel between the quadrants and the only communications will be sent via the Dominion.

Bellow is the limited information we have on the enemy fraction:

Make up:

The make up of the enemy group is somewhat known due to contacts with in the Dominion.

It is known that anywhere from two to three dozen Founders are the driving force behind the rogue faction.

They split from the Dominion proper due to their wish to continue in the dominance of the solids and the elimination of those who would oppose them.

They have limited cloning facilities, able to produce both Vorta and Jem'hadar clones, at the moment their capability are estimated at around 200-300 units a week.


The Splinter group is rumoured to have set up base in the Remaran sector, a high density sector of space with dozens of stars, most with planetary bodies around them, the whole sector is also dotted with clouds of proto-system dust left over from the formation of the many planetary bodies in the area.

This area of space is very rich in resources but has very few habitable planets due to the young age of the systems.

Intelligence reports that the splinter group has significant mining and production facilities on at least one planet with smaller operations on several more. They are also reported to have employed several space stations of both military and industry makes.

It is assumed they have established ship production facilities, but due to the small amount of time they have had and the difficulty in establishing such facilities it is assumed they are not running at any significant production.


The size of their fleet is the biggest unknown, due to the large size of the Dominions own fleet it is hard to tell just how many and what types of ships the group were able to claim when they left the Dominion.

It is assumed they managed to acquire a small fleet of stack craft along with several capital ships. It is unknown if they were able to acquire any of the Dominions Battleship class ships.

Mission parameters:

Due to the sensitive nature of this mission and it operating in Dominion territory it is under some heavy restrictions.

* The fleet sized and strength was limited under orders from the Dominion. Thus the fleet is not allowed any reinforcements under any conditions as per their treaty, They are also not allowed to stray more than 100 light years from the Alliance base with out Dominion permission or escort.

* All communication with the AQ must be replayed through the Dominion, this essentially cuts off all lines of communications with the AQ as no sensitive information can be passed on.

* A Vorta will be stationed on the Alliance Starbase facility as a go between and to ok any major military actions, there will also be a small group of Jem'hadar there for the Vortas protection.

* Any breach of these rules may lead to the termination of the mission and the ejection of the alliance fleet from the Gamma quadrant.

* The alliance fleet is to under no condition engage in combat with any true Dominion ships or facilities.

Alliance fleet mission:

A break down of the fleets mission.

Stage one:
To assemble at DS9 for Mission brief and final preparation

Stage two:
Enter the gamma quadrant and establish the Alliances base and facilites.

Stage three:
Secure the area and begin to search for sign of the splinter groups activites.

For security reasons it is of top importance that the splinter group not learn of the location or activities of the alliance fleet.

Stage four:
Gather information on the size/capability/intent on the splinter group.

If at all possible the command staff should make all possible efforts to resolve the situation with out battle. If not possible the fleet should act in the best interests of the Alpha quadrant up to an including the destruction of the rogue faction.

Stage five:

Establish friendly relations with the Dominion and await further instructions.

Ship assignment:

Paladin: Secure the area of the alliance base and the protection of the alliance fleet.

Ravage: Lead exploration vessel, search for information on the splinter group.

Daystrom: Exploration, defence.

Valkyrie: Scout out the sector of space, security/exploration.

Pegasus: Search the local system for resources and information on the enemy.

Klingons: In charge of fleet security.

Romulans: Scouts, explore.

Fleet makeup:

The alliance fleet for this mission is lead by the Federation contingent and is under the over all Command of Admiral Grayling. It is also made up of elements of both the Romulan Star Empire navy and the Klingon Defence Force navy.

Each powers portion of the fleet has their own head officer although they are under the over all command of the Fleet commander. Each power was limited to a single first line ship for each power as well an additional, yet limited number of capital ships.

The expeditionary force was allowed only a limited number of land troops for this mission under conditions from the Dominion. This number is almost wholly taken up by the Federation and their newly created Marine core. Both the Romulans and Klingons only brought along a small number of troops stationed on one of their ships.

It has also brought along a portable Federation space station to act as its HQ for the duration of the mission.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Gamma Mission Brief

Post by Teaos »

Our Fleet:

Federation compliment:-

Fleet commander: Commodore Grayling (NPC)

1 x New Federation Battleships - USS Paladin
Crew: CO - Fletcher (Teaos/NPC)
XO Rochey (Rochey)
CTO Mark Knight (Mark)
CSO Teaos (Teaos)
Tactcal officers: Danial Collins, Tar Ritan, Susan Miller (NPC's)
Scientists: Sotal, Turod, Villir, Tinnas, Vellar (NPC's)

1 x Akira - USS Daystrom
Crew: CO Mikey (Mikey)
XO Hewer (Thorin)
CEO Liam Hewer (NPC)
CMO Watson Holmes (Mark)
Doctor: Dr. Salan (NPC)
Nurse: Alissa Elbram (NPC)
Medic: Pigrath'er Talknegreee (NPC)
CSO Amy Sternson (Teaos)
COO Darel (Reliant)
Opps crew: Van Pelt, Friedman (NPC)
Flight crew: Carson and Taylor (NPC)
Tactical officer Leo Moncano (Monroe)
Petty officer Kasper (Shran)

1 x Nebula - USS Ravage
Crew: CO Mathew Lewis (M,M&I)
XO: Jordan Sinclair (Mark)
COO Devi (Tsu)
Helm Lorcan (Tsu)
Chief of Secuirty: Uzume (Tsu/Uzume)
CSO: Lt Smith (NPC)
Tacitcal officers: Lt Gillteo, Lt Jones (NPC's)

1 x Nova - USS Pegasus
Crew: CO Berkley (NPC)
XO Grahame Niles (NPC)
CEO: Donnie McDuff (Mark)
CTO Sara Tucker (NPC)
COO Laren Kyra (NPC)
Medic: Ryan Hewer (NPC)
SILO Tina Jordan (NPC)

1 x Intrepid - USS Valkyrie
CO Grildor Tusk (NPC)
XO Monroe (Monroe)
CTO Forrest Howe (Grundig)
CMO Mairin Mac Ardghail (Macardle) (NPC)
Security: Sethrithis "Seth" Cix (Staplic)
COO Anker Zionex (NPC)
Engineer: Charles Nelson (NPC)

Commander: Monroe (Monroe)
Squad Leader: Kyfro Dansch (Stapic)
Platoon Leader: James N. Corrin (Stapic)
Company Commader: Zora Kane (Stapic)

Romulan Compliment:-

1 x D'Deridex - RSE Ac'ron
Crew: CO Mer'an (NPC)

3 x Norexean:-
RSE D'cred

RSE Lacron
Crew - CO D'Tyra (Reliant)
XO N'yatra (NPC)
Liaison: Grr'lek (Mikey)

RSE Draylen

Klingon compliment

1 x Negh'Var - KDF Mac'la
CO Kathforn (NPC)
Comms officer: Centurion Mi'serna (NPC)

2 x Vor'Cha's
KDF Var'nof
CO Grathess (NPC)
Security: Kleth (NPC)
Crewmen: Keck (NPC)

KDF Karam
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Gamma Mission Brief

Post by Teaos »

Monroes Characters

Commander Boush Munro
Species: Breen
Age 45
Promoted during last mission from security crewmen. Formed a close alliance with Commander Rochey. Killed a fellow crew man during first mission onboard the Daystorm, was investigated but cleared of all charges. Given a verbal warning from the captain. Few weeks later took command of the ground forces that led the bloody charge in what would be known as "Night of the Red Mountain". Commadore Ford took most of the credit publically but people in the know credited Munro with the act. As a result he was promotted from Lieutiant to Lieutiant Commander. Several years later he recieved a promotion to Commander and transfered to an Intrepid class under is old comrade M'Real.

Tac Ops of Daystrom Akira- Lieutiant Leo Moncano
Species: Human
Age: 29
Mars born human he ended up in last place of his class at Starfleet. However was given a chance by the departing Captain Fletcher, after three previous assignments, to the TacOps station onboard the Daystrom. He performed okay enough for the Captain to keep him before transfering off.

Rocheys characters

Name: Andyeskovene Rocheineskina, [for ease of pronunciation this is often abrieviated to 'Rochey']

Rank: Commander

Position: Fleet coordinator (USS Paladin)

Age: 52

Homeworld: Tholia

Service record:
After joining the Tholian Military at the age of 23 as a tactical officer, he rose quickly through the ranks to become second in command of the starship TAS Tnyeskine. During one of Starfleets officer exchange programs he was transfered to the USS Daystrom at the rank of Commander.

He was later transferred to the USS Dakota and acted as XO on that vessel for a brief period before returning to the Tholian Assembly, at which point he was inducted into the Assembly Inteligence Unit for the next nine years. Further details during this period of his career are currently unavailable.

Shortly after the unveiling of the new Federation 'Paladin' class of warship, he was transferred back to the Tholian Starfleet and his name was put forth as a candidate for the next Assembly/Federation officer exchange program. Due to his previous service with the USS Paladin's captain he was assigned to that vessel as fleet coordinator.

Rather reclusive, he is not often seen unless on duty, prefering to keep to his quarters which he keeps at a more 'comfortable' temperature. He is more militaristic and willing to use force to achieve results than other Starfleet officers and has also earned a reputation among the crew as being quite ruthless and vicious in combat.
He is also prone to complaining about the designs of Federation ships and, occasionaly, the temperature the ship is normally kept at.

Effecient and punctual, he detests laziness or idleness amongst the crew and comes down hard on members of the crew he considers to be shirking their responsibility. This has not made him popular amongst the crew members, who see him as stern and rather merciless in handing out punishments to those under his command.

Staplics Character

Name: Sethrithis "Seth" Cix
Position: Security Chief and Tactical Officer USS Valkyrie
Rank: Lieutenant
Race: Xindi-Reptillian
Age: 44
Height: 6'6
Weight: 300 lbs
Hair: None (spikey scales only)
Eyes: Red
Birthplace: Xindi Colony in formar Delphic Expanse

Seth is VERY secritive about his background. He is from a Xindi colony, from which he enlisted in Starfleet when he was 18. He literally dropped off the proverbial map for 20 years. All that is known is that during this time, he was assigned to Starfleet Intelligence and Special Operations, and some suspect he did some work with Section 31, a topic on which Seth stays VERY quiet. He returned to the fleet six years ago, having worked his way up the enlisted ranks to Master Chief, after which, upon his return to the fleet he was assigned to OCS and graduated with the rank of Ensign. Ensign Cix was assigned to the USS Soverign for 2 years to the security department, where he recieved three various commendations for his performence. He was soon promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade, and accepted the position as Tactical and Security Officer for the Nova class science ship USS Newton. Unfortunately after only 2 and a half years, while investigating a gravitational anomoly, the Newton was somehow caught in the event horizon. Captain Reed abandoned ship, and even though the ship was subsequently destroyed, no casualties were suffered, and the entire crew was rescued several days later. He spent the last six months teaching small unit tactics at Starfleet Acadamy, until offered the tactical position aboard the Valkyrie.

Seth is a VERY private individual, and doesn't discuss his past unless under direct orders. It's not hard to guess that he had to do some things he is ashamed of and hurt by. He is rather quiet and standoffish, but intensly loyal to his ship and crew. He has awsome physical strength and a very authoritarion voice. He occasionally becomes pushy and somewhat bossy as he is used to leading, and occasionally needs to be put back in his place.

Seth is one scary looking individual. His stern gaze has made brave men tremble. He has tried several times to tone down his appearence so as not to intimidate his fellow officers, but each effort has met with miserable failure.

Name: James N. Corrin
Age: 28
Rank: 1st Lieutenant (O-2)
Position: Platoon Leader
Species: Human
Appearance: James is about 6'2" with a slightly deceiving build. He has a medium to light build but possesses almost no body fat and is in great physical shape. His has dark hair which is naturally curly, however, to avoid dealing with it as he hates to do he keeps it relatively short. He has deep blue eyes in contrast to his dark hair and perfectly straight white teeth which he shows off when he smiles, though he does this rarely.
Personality: James is a very seclusive individual. He can be social when he needs to be but he prefers to spend much of his time alone or with what few good friends he has. He's very disciplined and will follow orders, but he's also very smart and thinks through his orders instead of following them blindly. He's not easily angered, but once he is it is like an eruption. His trust and respect is also hard to gain but once it is he treats you like family. Similarly once that trust is broken it is never offered again.
History: James wanted to join Starfleet much like his older brother and father had done, however when he enrolled at the academy he couldn't make the same connection to it as they had. He dropped his senior year and was about to find another job when an old teacher approached him about applying to the Marine Training School. He did and found this new branch much more to his liking. After the first course he applied to the Marine Officers Institute and graduated with honors. He served briefly as a 2nd Lieutenant on a Starbase near the Romulan Neutral Zone. After this he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant and took command of a new Platoon. They were moved through the Federation staying on Starbases occasionally being posted to ships, then to planetary defense. They were chosen along with a few other platoons to form a Battalion stationed on the refitted Intrepid Class ship USS Valkyrie as the main non-ship fighting force for the mission into the Gamma Quadrant

Name: Kyfro Dansch
Age: 25
Rank: Command Sergeant Major (E-9)
Position: Squad Leader under Lieutenant Corrin
Species: Dazen

Appearance: Kyfro, like all Dazen, almost human. His skin however is completely flawless and has a certain glow to it. He also has very angular features such as his cheek bones and eyes. His ears tapper to a point on both sides, and he has a small ring piercing in his right ear. His hair is about a medium length and will hang down over his face and is white in color. He also has light green eyes. He stands at just over five foot, rather tall for a Dazen, and also has a deceiving build. Dazens are much stronger and faster than Humans, but not quite as powerful as Vulcans.

Personality: Kyfro is a much more open and outgoing person than his CO, but he can be just as strict a serious if the situation calls for it. Dansch likes to have a good time with his men and make them feel relaxed outside of battle and this has gained him recognition as a leader. Dansch has a good relationship with his CO also and will often suggest how best to tend to certain matters of discipline and rewards as he knows the men better.

History: Kyfro comes from a military family. Five previous generations have served in the Dazen Domestic Guard; the reserve army the Dazen employ should their world fall victim to any kind of attack. Kyfro chose to join the Starfleet Marine Corps instead of following his family which brought scorn from most of his family at first, but time has allowed them to cope and congratulate his decision to join Starfleet. Once in the Marines he was posted on the USS Sovereign which was patrolling the Federation-Cardassian Boarder. His superiors all noted Kyfro's leadership ability, and promoted him several times. When he was reposted as a Sergeant Major to a Starbase on the Romulan Neutral zone he was placed under the indirect command of 2nd Lieutenant Corrin and they developed a good relationship. When Kyfro's Squad leader was transferred off, Kyfro was offered a promotion and the ability to take his spot as the Squad leader. Corrin was also promoted and took over total command of their platoon. They stayed together through the next few years he began to build a string rapport with the other core members of their unit.

Name: Zora Kane
Rank: Captain (O-3)
Species: Andorian
Gender: Male
Bio: Zora joined the Marines after serving briefly in Starfleet. This added experienced allowed him to graduate with the Rank of First Lieutenant. He was involved in several small skirmishes with along Federation boarders before being promoted to Captain. He took over the 1st Battalions Alpha Company for the Gamma Mission.

Thorins characters

Jonathan Hewer
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of Birth: 17th June 2351
Rank: Commander
Role: Daystrom's XO

Family: father died in Cardassian war as a lieutenant, mother lives on earth with her grandchildren and daughters in law. Jonathan's 26 year old brother, Ryan, is currently a 4th year cadet undertaking field experience as an assistant doctor on the USS Pegasus, a Nova class ship. He joined the academy later, like Jonathan, after first going to university and gaining a degree in biochemistry. Jonathan's 28 year old brother, Liam, is the Daystrom's chief engineer, a Lieutenant who was promoted to his position after the previous chief engineer, Lieutenant Commander Seafort, took up assignment in Starfleet's research and development department.

Bio (Jonathan's): graduated university with a masters in theoretical physics in 2372. Graduated the academy in 2376 with distinctions in astrophysics and tactical analysis. After graduation, Jonathan had a two year stint onboard the USS Exeter as a tactical relief officer as an ensign. In 2378/79, he attended advanced tactical training, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant J.G. upon graduating. Had served upon the USS Daystrom for 11 months before the Tholian incidents, and was then promoted to lieutenant. He served upon the Daystrom for a further 2 years before being offered the tactical position on the USS Sovereign. In 2384 he was promoted to lieutenant commander and offered the XO position on board a Nova Class, but declined, and served for a further 3 years on board the USS Sovereign. In 2387 he was again offered an XO position, on board a Steamrunner Class, accordingly with a promotion to commander. He this time accepted, and served for two years as the Steamrunner's XO. In 2389 he was contacted by his middle-brother, then lieutenant junior grade and assistant chief engineer of the USS Daystrom, notifying him of an opening coming up as the Daystrom's XO, and urged him to apply. Jonathan decided to take his brother's advice and was assigned as the Daystrom's second in command, under Captain La Forge. Captain La Forge was soon after, in 2390, offered the captaincy of the Galaxy Class USS Challenger and accepted. Captain W'Trisk was then offered the USS Daystrom and accepted.

Cadet 4th year Ryan Hewer: Jonathan's youngest brother, on 'field experience' as a medic onboard the Pegasus

Lieutenant Liam Hewer: Jonathan's middle-brother, the USS Daystrom's chief engineer

Tsu's characters
Commander Devi Patel
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Height: '5 3"

Position: Ops/Science/Tactical

Growing up as an only child on the USS Galaxy, Devi spent much of her free time going through the ship's database learning about ship operations, or getting first-hand experience on available holodecks. She enrolled in Starfleet Academy as soon as she was able, and took every opportunity to expand her knowledge; her instructors soon grew tired of her after-class visits, and began sending her additional lessons at home via computer.

Her first posting was to the Lakota-class USS Shoshone under Captain William Thompson, whom she soon grew to admire both as an imposing, courageous captain, and an intelligent, caring individual. A year after joining the crew, the Brotherhood Incident occurred, leading to the loss of Captain Thompson, many of Devi's friends, and the Shoshone herself. Unbeknownst to Starfleet, Chief Engineer San'dral shared a brief mind-meld with Devi before dying, and so imparted a great deal of her wisdom and knowledge, as well as a fair bit of Thompson's courage and intuition.

After the battle, she and shipmate Lorcan O'Carroll began a brief, but intense relationship, and they never lost touch afterward. When Captain Matthew Lewis of the refit Nebula-class USS Ravage handpicked him, Lorcan's persistence led to Devi's re-assignment as well. She was glad to be reunited with Lorcan, as well as a valued colleague in the captain. She and Lorcan both respect Lewis immensely after his contribution during the Brotherhood Incident; neither would likely be alive if not for the innovation of his crew during the battle.

Her personality is calm and businesslike, but caring and vulnerable. After the meld with San'dral, she retained a great deal of knowledge and skill from the stoic Vulcan, and her beloved William, and has used the gained insights to advance to her current position. Rumors have been circulating throughout Starfleet's upper echelons that she's due for a promotion, and is being highly considered for captaincy of Starfleet's next-generation exploratory vessel, currently under development.

Lieutenant Commander Lorcan O'Carroll
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: '5 11"

Position: Helm/Navigation/Tactical

Lorcan was born deep in the Beta Quadrant (2358) on a long-range exploratory vessel crewed by Federation civilian scientists. They spent the first eight years of his life searching for subspace anomalies that allowed exponentially faster warp travel: the aptly-named "warp highways", like the one that allowed the astonishingly fast trip Captain James T. Kirk made to the galactic core in 2287. The day before Lorcan's ninth birthday, the ship discovered such an anomaly near the galactic barrier on the far edge of the Beta Quadrant, with a terminus near the edge of Gorn space. The ship made the 11-year, 7,000 LY trip back to Federation space in a little over ten months, and Lorcan spent his tenth birthday in Dublin, meeting the rest of his family for the first time.

Three months later, he and his parents joined the expedition in the Alpha Quadrant that eventually discovered the Indri VIII highway in late 2368. During the mission, he often served as a third-watch helmsman, and learned enough to confidently enlist in Starfleet three years later.

In the Academy, he excelled in tactical simulations and exercises, and finished in the top 2% of his graduating class. Captain William Thompson noticed him early, and personally requested his assignment to the USS Shoshone in 2376 in the multi-role position of helmsman, navigation and tactical officer. He served in this position for four years before the 2380 Brotherhood Incident. During the Incident, he earned the Christopher Pike Medal for Valor "for bravery and endurance beyond the call of duty" after losing his right eye during the battle and staying at station to the end.

His best friend on the Shoshone, Devi Patel, left six months later, after their deep relationship put a strain on their careers. Afterward, Lorcan wandered a bit, transferring from ship to ship. His promotion to Lieutenant Commander in 2387 was immediately followed by a permanent reprimand on his record for assault on a fellow officer. After close examination of the situation, the other officer was abruptly discharged from Starfleet service and institutionalized for sexual assault on a female ensign. Lorcan still mentions the reprimand alongside his Christopher Pike Medal for Valor every time he's asked about his honors.

When Matt Lewis offered him another multi-role position aboard the Ravage in 2389, he jumped at the opportunity, and convinced the Captain to bring Devi on in a similar capacity.

His personality is humorous and carefree on the surface, but his underlying strength of will, and sense of honor and dedication is unparalleled, and he is considered one of the best tactical pilots in Starfleet service.

Lieutenant Leia Uzume
Species: Romulan/human
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Height: 5'2"
Position: Chief of Security.

Leia Uzume was born on a remote Romulan colony, daughter of a captured Starfleet officer and the colony administrator. Her mother, the administrator, had her father executed when Uzume was still a small child, an incident she never forgot. As a young teen, her aptitude for quick thinking and physical prowess attracted the attention of the renewed Tal'Shiar, and she was soon drafted into the still-recovering organization. Shortly after her 16th birthday, she assassinated her first target: an upstart Senator with a reformist agenda. Over the next year and a half, she killed over thirty people of varying importance, developing her skills to the point that her superiors became wary of her ambitions, while she grew to resent the government for their repression of the Romulan people. After she was captured on a botched mission in Federation space, she defected, and after a long period of confined isolation and re-education, she was allowed to join Starfleet on a provisional basis. Since reuniting with her human family, she's taken to using the name her father gave her as a token of respect for him, and a way to better fit in to human society.

As of the current mission, she's been assigned to the USS Ravage under the command of Captain Matthew Lewis for the past six months, and although he was initially wary, she's proven her loyalty on a number of occasions.

Uzume is extremely quick-witted, and downright lethal, armed or unarmed. Her rowdy personality can be abrasive to some people, but she's very charming, and generally fun to be around. She's a bit of a social chameleon, blending in to whatever crowd she's currently in; this skill was honed by the Tal'Shiar, and it's often hard to gauge whether she's genuinely interested, or merely playing along to fulfill her own agenda. She's also considered quite beautiful, a trait she took full advantage of in service to the Tal'Shiar; as of the current mission, she has eschewed the traditional short Romulan hairdo, and grown her brunette locks down to her waist

Marks characters

Name: Mark (knight)*
Rank: Lieutenant
Current Posting: Tactical and Security Chief / USS Paladin
Age: 26
Race: Human
Height: 6'0 feet
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue


At 5 years old, Mark was orphaned when an unexplained warp core breach on board the USS Plaito killed both of his parents, who were serving aboard her as officers at the time. He was rescued from the exploding ship by Lt Cmdr T'llar, the Vulcan Operations Officer and ships 2nd officer, who as a result of rescuing him suffered irrepairable damage to her inner ear, effectively ending her deep space career. Mark, having no surviving family at all, was "adopted" by T'llar (who had been very close with Mark's father, Cmdr Steven Knight, the Plaito's first officer, whom she attended the acadamy with), and brought back to Vulcan to be raised with her husband and other children. T'llar and her husband Sturek (who was an instructor with the Vulcan Science Acadamy), not knowing what else to do felt it logical to raise the human child in traditional Vulcan ways hence distinguishing him by his first name only. Early on, while Mark excelled at his schooling, earning grades equel to and sometimes exceeding his classmates, he was continually tormented by the Vulcan children, who would find ways to provoke him and get him to throw the first punch, therefore justifying there physical abuse. At age 13, after a particular nasty episode with an older Vulcan boy forcing a mind meld on Mark, Sturek took him to a master of Pan, an obscure form of Vulcan martial arts. Mark excelled beyond Sturek and Master Turon's expectations, quickly earning the level of Sha'dar 4th level, as well as learning the correct application of the Vulcan Nerve Pinch (almost impossible for a human to do). At age 17, he applied for early enterence into Starfleet Adadamy and was accepted. Again Mark excelled in his classes, quickly becoming one of the Acadamy's rising stars, until an unfortunate event in his 3rd year at the Acadamy, when he was involved in a brawl with four 4th year cadets. The lead cadet admitted to starting the fight and was expelled, with the other three and Mark recieveing a permanant reprimand on there record and being forced to begin the year over again. Upon graduating, Mark was given his first assignment, to the USS Intrepid, as a relief bridge officer. After 2 years he was promoted to Ltjg, and transferred to tactical and security as deputy chief. Unfortunatetly, around that time, one of the ships senior officers began making unwanted sexual advances, and upon completetion of his second tour on Intrepid and promotion to Lieutenant, he requested an immediete transfer off the ship. He has been posted at spacestation DS9 for the past two months awaiting transfer to the new taskforce preparing to enter the Gamma Quadrant.

Lt Mark is a curious cross between reserved and shy, and outgoing and emotional. Growing up on Vulcan taught him to repress his emotions, but he's only partially successful. His emotions after a while tend to give way in a torrential flood resulting in sometimes unwarrented emotional outbursts. He his highly intelligent, and WOULD have graduated the acadamy with top honors, but for the black mark he recieved. His Vulcan martial arts training has made him somewhat more philisocphical and introspective than most humans his age, but his exposure to humans and human emotions tends to make him uncomfrotable in most social situations.

Mark is handsome caucasian male who is utterly clueless how attractive he actually is. Due to his Vulcan upbringing, he is meticulous about his grooming and appearnce, because not doing so would be illogical. Due to growing up on the planet Vulcan with it's thin air and high g enviornment, Mark is much stronger, faster, and has greater endurance than most other humans, but doesn't even come close to matching a Vulcan in that regard. When he joined the acadamy, it was noted that his PSI was low, even for a human, likely resulting from a telepathing assault suffered in his youth. As such it is rather difficult to reach or decect him telepathically, and cause him excruciating pain to do so.

Name: Dr. Watson Holmes
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Current Posting: Chief Medical Officer / USS Daystrom
Age: 52
Race: Human
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170lbs
Hair Color: Brown, shot with grey
Eye Color: Blue
Birthplace: Boston, Mass.


Watson Holmes was named after one of his mother's favorite characters from literature, Dr. Watson, sidekick to the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes (her last name, coincedentally). He was born in Boston, to a single mother and as an only child, and grew up never knowing nor really caring who his father was, and his mother refused to speak about the subject. Watson was always rather anti-social and rather aloof as a child, preferring to spend time either with adults, mostly his mothers colleuges, (she was a practicing doctor at Mass. General) or by himself. Early on, he demonstrated that he had a photographic memory and could instantly recall anything he had ever seen, read, heard, or even thought. He was taken for an IQ test and tested at 198 on his first try. A second test was then administered as the Doctor administering the test was sure that there was some kind of mistake. On the second test Watson scored a 201, stunning everyone involved, then just as quickly offending everybody present by calling them a bunch of morons.

Watson made the descision to practice medicine early on, to "raise the bar" as he put it, citing that most people died from their doctors being "idiots". Starfleet approached him while he studying at Stanford at 16 years of age, and invited him to apply to the acadamy, where he proptly told them to go get stuffed. A year later, he recanted and graciously informed Starfleet, that he would consider joining their orginaztion for the chance at a real challange.

Watson's acadamy days were filled with arguments, debauchery, practical jokes, toga parties, heavy drinking, and only a bare minimum of studying. He had the dual honor of graduating first in his class academicely and as the cadet with THE MOST demerits on his record to ever be graduated from the Academy. After moving on to Starfleet Medical, it was much the same, with a notable exception during his first year residency. It seems the guest lecturer had posted a holographic display of an uncureable virus for study. Holmes walked in halfway through the class, thought it was a homework assignment, and promptly found a cure to the uncureable virus, flabbergasting Starfleet Medical. When asked how he came up with the idea he looked around with scorn and disbelief and informed them that "if you weren't such a big bunch of putzes, it would have been obvious." After graduating from Starfleet Medical, again first in his class and again one step away from getting dismissed, he was assigned as a junior physician aboard USS Lexington. Six weeks later he was transferred to USS Hood, followed by USS Potemkin, USS Kenya, USS Grisson, and finally finding acceptence on board the USS Galaxy. (three gueses why he kept getting transferred) He was still serving on board Galaxy when the Dominion War broke out. He was assigned to a ground force defending a captured Ketricel White depot (which they were attempting to study and determine if it could be converted to some kind of weapon against the Jem'Hadar), when the Jem'Hadar counter-attacked. Holmes was critically injured suffering a plasma shock to his left leg, yet kept fighting to pull his patients out one at a time. After pulling out, Holmes was sent back to Earth where the doctors at Starfleet Medical prepaired to remove the damaged leg. Holmes refused, even once he realized that his leg had suffered muscle death, and had severe on-going pain from nerve damage. Holmes insisted on having the leg deadened against the pain, and chose instead to walk with a cane. He served for the next 20 years on various Starbases and Outposts, until a "disagreement" (which involved a polysynthetic adhiseve beamed onto her office chair) with the head of Starfleet Medical, a Captain Beverly Crusher, resulting in his immediete dismissal from his post on Risa, and transfer to the USS Daystrom as CMO.


Dr. Holmes is rude, crude, sarcastic, often disrespectful, occasionally insubordinent, and generally an over all pain in the a$$. He has recieved complaints of harassment, sexual harassment, disrespect to a superior, and failure to report for duty on his service record. The same superiors that reprimanded him however, have listed numerous commendations his record for courage under fire, medical innovation, surgical skills, diagnostic deduction, and trauma care. Patients that every other doctor around have deemed unsaveable are alive today as a testement to the skill of Dr. Watson Holmes.


Holmes is an average looking caucasion male, with a slight bostonian accent. We wears a trimmed moustach and beard, which, along with his hair are shot with grey. He walks around with a gleam of mischief in his eye, and a sarcastic grin on his face. His most noticable feature however, is his strong limp due to his left leg, and his ever present cane (of which he has several) which he must use to get around.

Name: Donnie McDuff
Assignment: Chief of Engineering, USS Pegesus
Rank: Master Chief Petty Officer
Race: Human
Age: 90
Height: 6'2
Weight: 220 lbs
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois

Donne McDuff has had one of the LONGEST careers in Starfleet, bar none. Enlisting in Starfleet at age 17, he has been a witness to many changes and the evolution of Starfleet. In 2318 he was given his first duty assignment on board USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B under the command of Captain John Harriman just a few years after the Tomed Incident. Since then, he has served on one deep space vessel after another. He has always been considered a good luck charm by other members of the crew, because no ship he has ever served on has been destroyed, while he was assigned aboard her. Apparently that luck expires after McDuff transferes. USS Bramuda was destroyed by an inidentified spaceborn alien lifeform two weeks after McDuff transferred off, as well as USS Enterprise-C which was lost a less than a year later, where he served for 18 months before transferring off in 2343. McDuff is by his own definition a "career enlisted man" and has refused three offers to attend OCS and earn a commission. Such is his experience and wisdom, that Captains he is serving under regularly find a reason to venture down into engineering for a few minutes of his time. He has served in every conflict that has arisen since he enlisted, including the Tholian Conflict, the Tzincathy war, the Cardassian war, as well as the more recent hostilities with first the Klingons and later the Dominion. He saw his assignment to USS Pegesus as a sort of retirement, until he learned they were going back in action. Hopefully, is luck will carry his comrades through one more mission.

McDuff is tough old boot, who has been building and rebuilding engines since most everybody else was in diapers, a fact he has pointed out to several flag officers on more than one occasion. He's not afraid to share his opinion with others and ofen shares it unsolicited, if he's not asked. He sees most everyone else "kids" and plays the protective uncle, especially with younger officers and crew.

McDuff doesn't look a day over 60. He's still broad shouldered and unbowed by age. He takes great pride in the fact that MOST of his organs are still the origianal one. He wears his hair cropped close, with a moustache and a goatee.

Name: Jordan Sinclair
Assignment: First Officer, USS Ravage (Recently promoted from Chief Engineer)
Rank: Commander (Recently promoted from Lt. Cmdr)
Race: Human
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: 32
Birthplace: USS Ambassador (Declared hometown San Fransisco, Earth.)

Jordan Sinclair comes from the prestigous Sinclair family, one of the longest serving and most widely spread of Starfleet families, and was literally born in space. The first Sinclair to serve in Starfleet launched with Captain Jonathan Archer aboard the NX-01 USS Enterprise, and nearly all of his desendants have served in Starfleet since. At present there are currently four generations of Sinclairs in service today. His grandfather, Admiral Robert Sinclair Jr., is the Chief of Starfleet Operations. His father, Rear Admiral Robert Sinclair III, recently took command of Starbase 313, and his oldest brother Captain Harold Sinclair, was just assigned command of his own Starship, as well as his other brother and two sisters, plus assorted cousins and nieces and nephews. All in all, his active duty family could nearly crew their own small starship.

Jordan graduated the acadamy with high honors, where he was targeted for command early on. His first assignment was to the USS Beleraphon as Conn Officer. After serving for two years, he was promoted and assigned as Tactical Officer and Security Chief, upon the death of his predessessor on an away mission gone bad. He served aboard Beleraphon two more years where he was promoted to full Lieutenant, before being transferred to the USS Venture in the same position. After a year of service in that position, he accepted another promotion to Lieutenant Commander and Chief Operations Officer. He served aboard the Venture with distinction for three more years, earning several commendations from her Captain. Two years ago, he was offered yet another promotion, to the smaller Nebula class USS Ravage, as her Chief Engineer and second officer. Recently, with the transfer of the Ravages XO to the space station, he was offered the post of First Officer, which he accepted with some trepidation.

Jordan is a friendly, ernest, and charasmatic officer, who has always been quite popular with officers and crew serving in his department. Unlike the rest of his family, which are known for a degree of arrogance, Jordan is quite humble. He is a highly qualified, experienced, and compatant officer, who has served in nearly every department head position on a starship, and yet is openly accepting about his lack of command experience, and quite receptive of input from his Captain, as well as the other senior officers. This is not to say that he is indesicive or unqualified, but more to say that he is completely aware of his lack of experience and feels no need to pertend otherwise to feed his ego.

Jordan is an attractive white male, with an open demeanor and a charming and easy smile. He is the kind of person most men want to be like, and most women want to be with. He can turn from charming to intimidating with just his eyes, however. He is clean shaven and keeps is hair short and combed straight back. He has a small scar on his forehead above his left eyebrow and another on his chin.

Shran's characters

Kasper Nijhoff
Aged 390 historically wise
biological age§: ±18 years

position± boatswain/petty officer

Bio: born of rich parents from the Eastern coalition while being born with autism, variant asperger, he was one nasty child, not reacting to any stimuli for a long time. At age 17, he was put in a cryosattelite, with his drug plug rebuilt to interface with his brain synapses to keep him in artificial coma. Due to his syndrome, he is somewhat obsolete as a carrier of knowledge and raw mathematical power, because computers outrun him. Recently, he was discovered by the USS Daystrom in a cryosattelite, well into Tholian space, having been adrift in interstellar space for several years. it is unknow as of now how he wound up there.

Soon after the beta mission of the Daystrom he was awoken by a team of the nearby station, using the data gathered from observations made by dr. Sarin Taal during his stay on the daystrom. Still somewhat stoic to his surroundings, the team decided to use his drug plug as his window on the world.
First attempts with regular hormones were unsuccesful, due to the different wiring of his brain relative to non-autistic humans.
As soon as his neural pathways were studied thoroughly, the medical team was able to recalibrate the hormones used, but attempts at social contact remained difficult, though he could function in his holographic recreation of the enviroment he was likely to have lived in.
Further surgery on his drug plug to interface directly with the brain through both chemical and electrical pulses proved to be succesful. It turned out he was ´normal´ inside his head, but had difficulties processing what impulses from the outer world came in and giving an output signal.

- Report by dr. Sarin Taal, alias Darkomen -

When I was first contacted by the bridge crew of the USS Daystrom I had no idea this was even possible. At some point in a reguar mission I got a call from the ops department that they found a cryosattelite from the Sol system, almost 300 years old, which contained a boy which was still intact. You can imagine how ridiculous it sounded, but we were used to that, considering we already had a 1st officer which was a tholian as part of an exchange program and a feline-like centaur creature from another reality that quite much shaped most of my EMH assistant.

Initial studies of the body showed he was about 18 years old in terms of his physical age. Perhaps he was exactly 18 years old when he was put in cryostasis, as test results from his intestines showed some remains of a lot of fat and sugar and other ingredients common ingredients in birthday cakes of that time.
The second interesting discovery were his neural pathways and the level of development of his brains. Although not extinct, there are still people with psychic disorders which have their origins in the arrangement of their neurl pathways. This was an example: This boy was, or rather is, autistic. Considering autism can be divided into various sub-syndromes, I decided to dive a little deeper into his mind.
To find out what specific kind of autism this boy had, I had to raise his level of conciousness a little bit. A frozen body is interesting to study, but considering it has to be kept at the same temperature all the time and I didn't want to wear an enviromental suit constantly, I decided to place the body in one of the 2 holodecks, to simulate a slightly milder enviroment, while keeping him in a comateuse state. He would still be braindead, but I could see how his brain was wired and how it responded to pulses, in order to diagnose him further.
The conclusion was that he was/is indeed autistic, with a rather 'light' syndrome, called Asperger. First used in the 1980's by a researcher called Lorna Wing, she named it after an Austrian doctor which first 'discovered' patients in his clinic with similar synptoms.
Further details about asperger can be found in another report elaborating on Asperger.

- end of medical report -

With the Daystrom being the place he was awoken, it became his new home and he decided to stay there, as he had nowhere else to go. On that ship, he was taught by more or less the entire crew how to be ´human´ again, which is an ongoing process, which will probably never finish completely. also, he had to relearn his linguistics, as he had Dutch as his first language. Nowadays, he can speak federation English with little difficulty.

The next problem arose: burocracy. Considering he was declared dead by the local authorities well over 300 years ago, and he was alive and well walking around on the ship, some paperwork had to be solved. Luckily, the crew had many connections which solved the problem over time. Alongside of his very existence, his presence on the ship was posing a slight problem as well. Technically, he was a civilian, with no educational knowledge to speak of (whatever knowledge was present was outdated by 300 years) and not a momber of the crew.
To settle this matter, captain Fletcher decided to enlist him as a crewman, and he would follow starfleet academy classes via the holodeck, with his drug plug interfacing with the public part of the central computer, so he could update his knowledge to the 24th century. So far, no problems have occurred using this method

Reliants Characters

Commander D'Tyra
Age: 144 (getting on a tad)
Height: 5" 11'
Hair: grey, still with some black tints in though
Eyes: bluey grey

Commander D'Tyra is the calm, quiet almost sage-like commander of the Romulan contingent assisting the investigations with the Federation/Klingon strike force. Known thoughout the star empire for her rational, tactical thinking ability, and surprising profieciency with blade weaponry, She was chosen for this mission for her capability and actions she performed during the dominion war.
D'Tyra was born in teh capital city of Romulus, and entered into the military from an early age. She has never had a lover, never had any other devotion than to her duty and the empire. She can be regarded as quite a cold, heartless and dark by some, but it hides a generally well meaning personality. She is not afraid to act as ships councellor, in the abscence of commissioned ones. The only major problem that the Romulan navy has noted is she has a tendency to make heavy modification to each ship she commands to get the job done. She is also highly independant of the cloaking device, not using it to its effective end.

Name: Darel Ge'haan, Male, 34
Rank: Ensign, Race: Cardassian

Born: Lakarian City, Cardassia Prime
Previous occupations: Cardassian Military, Obsidian order

Darel is a somewhat cheery character, similar in Many respects to the famous Elim Garak, Although no-where near as well connected. He had a short but adventurous career in the Obsidian ordr before he was discharged for medical Reasons. A cure for the medical problem has now been discovered and He is fit for duty. He entered starfleet just before the war started. He obviously suffered much scrutiny but he pulled through. His true helmsman ability came out when the Helmsman of the USS Glorious, One of the older Miranda class ships, was killed in a battle with a Galor class cruiser. He took the helm and managed to evade the Galor's phaser blasts long enough for a timely rescue by the IKV Hah'Kugh. Since then he has taken his career choice down the helmsman route. He was assigned as a standby On the Daystrome. When the unfortunate incident wth Blackstar occured, Of which he insists He has no position on, He took over as the full time helmsman.
Following the battle with the Neutronium Brotherhood, Darel transfered to the Operations station aboard the USS Daystrome. He has also undertaken several training missions in hand to hand combat, tactical squad based operations, and phaser weapon usage.
Psychological and other notes:

Darel has proven a Positive and friendly character, if a little manipulative in his words. His cheery personality has sometimes come across as a little too much but He is intelligent and is a valuable asset to the crew.

Me, Myself & I's charactes

Capt. Mathew Lewis USS Yet-to-be-named Nebula Class

Class of 2370--Double majored in Stellar Cartography and History

Served for 6months on Enterprise-D in Stellar Cartography department. After Destruction of E-D decided to transfer to tactical (he felt his strengths lead him more in that direction than the sciences). Returned to Starfleet Acaemy for Advanced Tactical Training, graduated with honors. Did some work with Starfleet Intelligence prior to and during the Dominion War. While there became aware of existence of Section 31 and the group headed by Commander Elias Vaughn which works against 31 the best they can. Returned to Enterprise-E after incident in the Briar Patch. Served on E-E for up until the "Nemesis" incident. Requested a transfer due to..."personality conflicts" with Commander Madden. Became first officer of Sabre-Class USS Katana in 2380. Took command of Katana after Captain Ruhalter was killed in battle with the Neutronium Brotherhood. It was he and his crew who developed the tactic which was successfully used to take down the Brotherhoods Orbital Defence Platforms.
Following the battle he was re-assigned to Starfleet Intelligence as Sector Chief for the Tholian Border. His task was to clean house and repair the intelligence screw-ups which had lead to the Brotherhood Debacle. He served in that post for 5 years before finally receiving (after multiple requests) starship duty in the exploration branch of Starfleet.
He was assigned to the Yet-to-be-named Nebula Class vessel where he served as chief Tactical Officer/Executive Officer for four years. After a one year tour as First Officer he was permanently assigned to the Yet-to-be-named Nebula has her Captain where he has served since. He has finally achieved his goal of commanding a starship on an exploratory mission.

Mikeys Characters

Captain M'karn "Mikey" W'trisk
CO, USS Daystrom
race: Andorian
age: 50 yrs.
specs: 5'9"; 172 lbs. (approx. 78 kg); skin: blue; hair: white

background: somewhat of a troubled youth - minor legal brushes - but turned around in time to attend Starfleet Academy and graduate in top third of class. One five-year deep-space exploration tour on the Niagara-class Makamaka'ole out of the Academy as an ensign assigned to conn, followed by a three-year tour as Lt. j.g. as a junior tactical officer on the New Orleans-class USS Stilwell on picket/escort/patrol duty. Loyal and respectful of the chain of command, but can be a hothead... tries to control himself with meditation and traditional Andorian version of pankration.

Following the battle with the Neutronium Brotherhood, Mikey served as the XO of the Nebula-class USS Gage for three years, and then as captain of his old ships the Stilwell(2 years) and the Makamaka'ole(5 years) before being awarded command of the Daystrom. Upon becoming a captain, Mikey received an unexpected message from his father; it simply said, "I'm proud." After this subconscious dambusting, Mikey's ruthless pragmatism mellowed somewhat in favor of a more reflective mentality. This change has since been mitigated by his father's accidental death occurring before Mikey could visit home.

Lieutenant Grr'lek
race: Caitian
age: 37
Current assignment: Starfleet liaison/mission ops officer, RSE Lacron

- tall, slim, brown-furred; prior experience as an operations supervisor on a starbase; by nature somewhat aloof and reserved, sometimes seems to be almost lax, but this is due to the extreme precision and economy he excercises in words and in actions.

After the Neutronium Brotherhood battle, Grr'lek remained with the Daystrom at Starbase T-12 to assist with her repair and refit; he remained as a liaison for the civilian UFP presence in the area for three years, then served another five in operations on various Starbases. He was finally reunited with Captain W'trisk aboard the Stilwell, who then recommended him for the Romulan liaison position for the current mission.

Grundigs characters

Name: Forrest Howe
Rank: Lt
Species: Human
Age: 33 Earth Years
Birthplace: Earth, New York City
Current Posting: USS Valkyrie
Height: 5'5" / 1.65m
Weight: 160 lbs / 72kg
Hair color: Light Brown (receding)
Eye color: Hazel

Personal History: Forrest is unmarried. He comes from a small, closely knit family with one older brother. His father's family has a history of military service that had become dormant until Forrest decided to join Starfleet. From his mother's Italian heritage, he has inherited a keen interest in the arts, and at a young age took naturally to playing the double bass. Howe frequents a holodeck program set in a Harlem jazz club, where he has spent thousands of hours fine-tuning the personalities of the guests and the styles of the other musicians.

Career Record (brief):Forrest is highly intelligent, and in Starfleet he has shown an impressive ability to acclimate quickly to unfamiliar situations. His career, however, has always suffered from a lack of momentum. Howe often relies on his quick thinking to fix problems created by an undesirable level of distraction; reprimands are common as he daydreams about roads not taken.

In the past two years, Howe has worked hard to better his professional standing, and has managed to improve his ability to concentrate. His record, though speckled with demerits, continues to show his prowess at improvisation. The upcoming mission is a good opportunity for him to show his progress, and he secretly hopes to prove to himself that a career in Starfleet indeed has value.

Social Life: Forrest has made many friends, both in and out of Starfleet. He is friendly and engaging to those he meets, though some people notice his preoccupied nature. Ships' doctors usually give Forrest a hard time about his weight, and he has refused treatment for his hairline. Nonetheless, he has managed as healthy a romantic lifestyle as military service can afford.

Teaos' characters

Chief Science officer on the Paladin
Roll: Science officer

Character info: Human, 36, average height and build, graduated Oxford university before joined starfleet. Majored in Subspace science. Father ex starfleet officer mother was a civilian engineer. Sister and brother died in Dominion war.

A very aloof officer he only joined Starfleet to get access to there superior technology and scientific opportunities. Hopes to one day be given command of a Nova class science vessel.

Like to work in a close friendly environment with few rules and regualations, fosters a sense of family with in his department. Has a great dislike for "Weekend scientists" trying to step into his department and tell him his job. While he is an officer he generally doesn't pull rank unless he feels it is the best needs of his department, prefers to work with people the order them about.

Forming a close bond with his captain during the Daystroms missions Teaos elected to stay on the Daystrom during her refitting after the Brotherhoods battle for several years.

When Fletcher left to take up a position in Star Fleet Command Teaos took up a position at Jupiter station to continue his work on subspace.

When Fletcher was given command of the new Paladin class vessel he asked Teaos to once again be his CSO. Whether by fate or design Teaos has once again found himself back with many of his old friends.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Gamma Mission Brief

Post by Teaos »

Command crew

Captain Mer'an
Roll: Captain of the lead Romulan vessel and top ranking Romulan officer in charge of their fleet compliment.

Bio: A standard Romulan officer he got to his position through a combination of hard work and backstabbing. He gained notability in the Dominion roll for his contirubtion to the liberation of Betazed.

Captain Kathforn
Roll: Captain of lead Klingon vessel and top ranking Klingon officer in charge of their fleet compliment.

Bio: The heir to an influential Klingon household he was trained from a young age for the roll he would one day be expected to take. Arrogant and self assured he is not easily swayed from his opinion and frequently buts heads with other commanders.

Captain: Andrew Fletcher
Rank: Captain
Race: Human
Family: Age 63. One sister who is a nurse on deep space exploration vessel rest of family dead. Was previously the tactical officer of a Nebula class star ship during the War and latter helped in the rebuilding of Cardassia. Has respect for Starfleet protocol knowing the mayhem that can happen if people are given to much freedom but he does not let it dictate the way he runs his ship. Willing to let his crew solve problems between themselves but will step in if he feels it is necessary.

Fletcher stayed on as captain of the Daystrom for several years following the Brotherhood incident before taking up a position at Star fleet command. Due to being heavily involved with its design as well as well as an experienced captain Fletcher was given command of the USS Paladin upon its launch.

Commodore: David Grayling
Roll: Fleet commander.
Bio: A career officer Grayling has no real family and few friends. Having thrown himself into his career he climbed the ranks through hardwork and skill. Declining higher ranking positions due to his desire to stay in the field he has endeared himself to anyone who works with him.

When news of a fleet mission into the GQ came about there was only one name on peoples lips for who was to command it.

Science team NPC's
Name: Torak
Science Officer/Vulcan Science Acadamy
Race: Vulcan
Height: 5'10
Weight: 165 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Age: 30
Birthplace: Vulcan
This character is open for use, BUT IS NOT KILLABLE, yet

Torak and Mark have a unpleasent history together. Torak is a racist, and makes no pretenses about what he considers Vulcan supiorority, and especially dislikes humans, who he consider inferior due to their "limited" physical strength, intellect, and not having ANY telepathic abilities (which Torak considers paramount as he is a VERY powerful telepath). Torak was a chief rival of Mark, when they were younger, and is directly responsible for at one time breaking the boys left wrist, ribs, and right arm at different times. It was Torak who forcefully mind melded to Mark, making an honest effort to break Marks mind and drive him insane, which is what resulted in Marks telepathic damage and scaring. Torak is a genius, even according to Vulcan standards, and is a gifted scientist. He saw the chance to travel post war to the Gamma Quadrant as a monumental oppertunity, and had several of his superiors at the Science Acadamy use some of their influence to get him onboard. Tension runs VERY high when Mark and Torak find themselves in the same room.

Torak's team from the Vulcan Science Acadamy consist of five Vulcan Scientists listed below:

Sotal/Male- Physics
Turod/Male - Zoology
Villir/Female - Archeology
Tinnas/Male - Subspace Theory
Vellar/Female - xenobiology

All NPCs are useable, and killable, but PLEASE, don't kill them all off. I will need some later. I do reserve the right to make these characters inaccessable down the road if I need to.

Daystroms NPC's
Captain: Andrew Fletcher
Rank: Captain
Race: Human
Family: Age 63. One sister who is a nurse on deep space exploration vessel rest of family dead. Was previously the tactical officer of a Nebula class star ship during the War and latter helped in the rebuilding of Cardassia. Has respect for Starfleet protocol knowing the mayhem that can happen if people are given to much freedom but he does not let it dictate the way he runs his ship. Willing to let his crew solve problems between themselves but will step in if he feels it is necessary.

Fletcher stayed on as captain of the Daystrom for several years following the Brotherhood incident before taking up a position at Star fleet command. Due to being heavily involved with its design as well as well as an experienced captain Fletcher was given command of the USS Paladin upon its launch.

Lt. Amy Sternson
Role: chief of Science Dept., USS Daystrom
Bio: Her first assignment fresh out of the academy was the Daystrom, including serving in the Tholian slaver investigation and the assault on the Neutronium Brotherhood. The youngest of 5 shildren all girls she is glad to be out of her older sisters shadow. She majored in theoretical propulsion at the academy finishing in the top 5 of her class.

Staying on the Daystom after the departure of Commander Teaos she was promoted to head of department, due to her long tenure on the ship she knows most of the crew by name and has formed close bonds with other long term crewmen.

Van Pelt - bridge ops

Friedman - general ops

Carson and Taylor - flight deck

Name: Dr. Salan
Position: Medical Officer Specialty Alien Biology/USS Daystrom
Rank: Lieutenant
Race: Vulcan
Age: 45
Height: 5'6
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Birthplace: Mount Sileya, Vulcan
This character is open for use and is killable

Dr. Salan was assigned TAD to the USS Daystrom for the duration of it's mission into the Gamma Quadrent, due to the likelyhood of encountering as yet unknown Alien races, in the hopes of possibly being able to render aid. She is unusually mild mannered for a Vulcan, and actually has been known to tell and indirect joke, but only with those close to her. Working with Dr. Holmes is a double-edged sword. He is widely acknowledged to possibly be the finest doctor in Starfleet today, but he is known as being nearly impossible to work with, and quite impossible to work for. It will be left to see if Dr. Salan's Vulcan cool can stand Dr. Holmes "unique" personality.

Name: Alissa Elbram
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Position: Chief Nurse/Physician's Asst USS Daystrom
Race: Betazoid
Age: 25
Height: 5'8
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Birthplace: Betazed
This character is open for use and is killable

Alissa has always suffered from "Florance Nightengale Syndrome". She always wants to help others and to ease suffering. She uses her telepathic abilites to aid her with patients. She comes from a large family on Betazed, with two of her older brothers and a younger sister also serving in Starfleet. Alissa is quite breathtakingly beutiful, with large breasts and narrow hips, and therefore an obvious target for Dr. Holmes' "attentions", as well as many other men in the fleet. As this is her first deep space assignment, it remains to be seen how she will handle herself.

Name: Pigrath'er Talknegreee
Assignment: Field Medic / Lab Tech USS Daystrom
Rank: Master Chief Petty Officer
Race: Tellerite
Age: 47
Height: 5"
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Black
Birthplace: Tellar
This player is open for use and killable

Pigrath'er enlisted in Starfleet at 18 years old and has served in deep space ever since. He met Dr. Holmes when they were both assigned to the USS Galaxy together, where Pigrath'er was working as a lab tech. It was Holmes who gave the Chief his nickname of "Piggy" some years ago, much to Piggys chagrin and Holmes' amusement. Piggy served on side by side with Holmes in the conflict where Holmes' leg was ruined. Likely due to his racial propensity for arguements, he actually gets on quite well with Holmes, and most likely Dr. Holmes' only real friend. When Holmes was assigned to USS Daystrom, he managed to manipulate a few things and got Piggy transferred right along side him again. Piggy's first reaction after seeing is friend after all this time was to bite his cane neatly in half, and chase after him, welting the good Doctor's buttocks. Apparently, he missed Holmes as well.

Ravage NPC's
Lieutenant Smith
Former Daystrom crewmen

Lieutenant Gilliteo
Former Daystrom crewmen

Lieutenant Jones
Former Daystrom Crewmen

Paladin NPC's
Lt jg Susan Miller
Deputy Security Chief/Beta shift Tactical Officer
Race: Human
Height: 5'6
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green (one bionic)
Age: 26
Birthplace: Delano, Georgia
This character is both killable, and open for use.

Susan is from a small farm town in Georgia, where she grew up the youngest of five with four older brothers. When she was twelve one of her older brothers was playing with an archaic high powered nail gun that he had found buried in the attic, and accidentally shot her in the temple, resulting in her losing an eye. Her uncle, who was a doctor at Starfleet Medical was able to replace her eye, with a bionic implant, which actually increases her visual acuity to a heightened level. She first met Mark at their 2nd year in the acadamy, where she embarassed him at the phaser range. Due in part she is an expert markmen, and was sought by Special Ops, a commission which she declined. When they were at the acadamy, she developed a strong attraction to him, (of which he is completely oblivious) which was one of the deciding factors when she was offered a position serving under him. She is proficient in Terran Karate, and Tai Kwon Do.

Name: Lt jg Tar Ritan
Security/Delta Shift Tactical Officer
Race: Brikar
Height: 7'5
Weight: 550 lbs
Hair: None
Eyes: Grey
Age: 50
Birthplace: Brikar Homeworld
This character is both killable and open for use

Tar Ritan, a veteran of the Dominion War, realizes this is the last stop for him. He had a promising career ahead of him, and had even achieved the rank of Lt. Cmdr until an ill fated mission to retake a classified planet as part of a ground force. His commanding officer, Captain Dix, an inexperienced ground commander yet to arrogant to realize this was leading a ground assault againt a Jem'Hadar fortification, which then Cmdr Ritan kept objecting, who knew that it was a trap. After the trap was sprung Dix refused to fall back and realizing that Dix would get them all killed before admitting he was wrong, stunned the Captain with his phaser, picked him up and carrying him over his shoulder, led the survivors to the extraction point. Ritan was Court Martialed for his action, and demoted to the rank of Ensign, the only reason he was left in the fleet was it was wartime and they needed every experienced body they had, and he had managed to rescue the survivors of his team. Mark first met him as a child, on board the USS Plaito, serving as a transporter tech. Tar was just about ready to give up hope on his life in Starfleet when Mark requested him specifically for his department on board the new battleship.

Name: Ens. Danial Collins
Security Officer/Gamma shift Tactical Officer
Race: Human
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Age: 22
Birthplace: Luna City, Luna
This character is both killable and open for use

Oddly enough, the first time Dan Collins ever set foot on Earth was to attend the acadamy. He was born and raised in the domes of Luna City, where he had a sheltered childhood supervised by two overprotective parents. Joining Starfleet was the first thing that he ever did against his parents wishes, and that was the best descision he ever made. In the acadamy, he demonstrated a natural gift for manual targeting, setting a new acadamy record for the most targets hit WITHOUT the use of a phaser lock, which won him this posting on the Federations new battleship.

Pegasus NPC's
Commander Carly Berkley
Roll: Captain of the Nova class Pegasus
Bio: Attended the academy with Teaos the two had a rivalry during most of their time at the academy. During their third year when Berkley went into applied sciences and Teaos in theoretical sciences the two drifted apart.

As both of them swore to secure their own command by the age of 40 Berkley took great pleasure in informing her old rival about her promotion to captain of her own vessel. Now placed in the same task force the two are working together again for the first time since the academy

Lieutenant Commander Grahame Niles: former XO of tactical department
Former Daystrom crew

Name: Sara Tucker
Position: Security Chief/Tactical Officer USS Pegesus
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Race: Human
Age: 30
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Birthplace: Spokain, Washington
This character is both open for use and killable

Sara Tucker once had the potential to be an excellent officer. Graduated the Acadamy top of her class. Excellent evaluation from her first CO on board the USS Triton, but began getting into trouble while assigned to Deep Space Nine, where she developed a fondness for strong drink and questionable men, two black marks for a security officer. Her drinking got so bad at one point, she staggered into the station commander Col. Kira, and loudly berated the Col for being in the way. The argument escalated into security getting called and Sara was sentenced to 30 days in the Brig. Starfleet sent her to Betazed for treatment for Alcoholism for six months and allowed to return to duty. Sara was sober for three years, before she started niping at the bottle again, and was once again sent for treatment for Alcoholism, and recently completed her perscribed program. She was assigned to USS Pegesus as her first duty assignment upon her return to duty.

Name: Laren Kyra
Position: Chief Operations Officer USS Pegesus
Rank: Lieutenant
Race: Bajoran
Age: 28
Height: 5'5
Weight: 100 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Birthplace: Empok Nor
This character is open for use, and is killable.

Kyra's appoinment to Starfleet Acadamy met with great resistence from fellow officers and politicians from Bajor, as she is a member of a sect who worships the Paa Wraiths. The same sect in fact which was formed by Gul Dukat. She was born and raised on Empok Nor, where she stayed until she left to apply to the acadamy. Her first application was in fact denied, but she appealed citing discrimination of religious belief, and was then granted admission. It was found that she has an aptitue for command, and chose the operations track as a way to nurture that ability. However, it appears to be a dream that may never come true, as the is constantly finding herself assigned to the worst duty stations in the fleet, something she feels may be the result of discrimination. She graduated with honors and was immedietly assigned to a subspace relay station for two years. Following that, she served for 18 months at the embassy on the Breen homeworld, and was then assigned to Starfleet Quartermasters and served on freighter duty for two more years. She persisted and recieved her first decent assignment at Starbase 74, where she served for six months before being assigned to her first ship, USS Pegesus.

Lt. Commander Tina Jordan
USS Pegasus
Post: Systems Interface Liaison Officer (SILO)
Age: 30
Height: 5'10" / 1.78m
Weight 120 lbs / 54.4kg
Birthplace: San Francisco, California

Tina is an engineer temporarily assigned to Pegasus due to her experience at the shipyards during its planning and construction. Starfleet feels that her presence will help the new crew learn the ship's systems. Her patience often runs thin because most crew members are simply unaccustomed to the ship's new design. On a personal level, Jordan feels quite uncomfortable with strangers constantly meddling with 'her' ship, and barely makes a an effort to conceal this. She is quite attractive, with long brown hair and blue eyes, but she is rarely calm enough for her beauty to show.

Valkyire NPC's

Name: Grildor Tusk
Assignment: USS Valkyrie / Commanding Officer
Rank: Captain
Race: Tellerite
Height: 5'2
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Blond (going grey)
Eyes: Black
Age: 50

Captain Tusk has been the Captain of the Valkyrie for nearly seven years. He came up through the Security Department, serving on board several starships as Security Chief/Tactical Officer. His last posting before gaining command was a the head of security for Starbase 117, where he performed with unusual distinction and came to the attention of the Admiralty, after which he become one of only a handful of Tellerite Captains to command a Starship in the entire history of Starfleet.
It was his long standing belief that the Tactical and Security duties should be split, so each could area could recieve the undivided attention of it's department head, thus resulting in Valkyrie being one of only a few ships that have a different Tactical Officer and Chief of Security.

CMO Lt. Commander Mairin Mac Ardghail (Macardle)
Age: 42
Race: Human
Physical description: Relatively slender woman with long flowing red hair that falls down her head, stretching to her back and chest (it falls both ways). Extremely vibrant Hazel eyes. Very pale complexion.

Mairin was born in County Monaghan (Contae Mhuineacháin) in the Republic Of Ireland of her mother and father. Her, being a member of starfleet, died when she was very young in an accident on the science vessel Yemen, leaving her mother to care for her alone. Unfortunately, her mother was never of good health, and she also died when Mairin was 15 of the disease that had ravaged her for her life, Darnay's disease. This gave Mairin the drive to go out there and preach her medicinal inclinations on board starships, hoping to help colonies and new races of their sickness. Of course, it rarely operates in that manner, and she was stationed aboard the USS Valkyrie in 2386 as the chief medical officer where she has remained so far.
Mairin is generally quite happy and cheery, although she takes her job incredibly seriously. She's fond of a good drink now and then, and she can hold her alcohol to extraordinary levels for a human. She has taken several training courses in other fields, having developed proficiency in hand to hand combat, phaser operation, helm control and basic squad operations. She is currently training for basic engineering capability, not trusting engineers much near her sickbay's equipment.
Finally, she is well known for wearing a lab coat similar to that Immortalised by Dr. Crusher of the Enterprise, but Mairin's is more fitted toward the newer uniforms and has alot more pockets and compartments. The contents of this lab coat have come under much debate aboard the ship, but current suspicions include a small phaser or disrupter weapon, a set of hyposprays filled with a deadly neurotoxin...and small vials of Romulan ale., medicinal purposes of course.

Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Nelson: former tactical engineer
Former Daystrom crew

Lieutenant Commander Anker Zionex: former fighter pilot
Former Daystrom crew

Romulan NPC's
Captain Mer'an
Roll: Captain of the lead Romulan vessel and top ranking Romulan officer in charge of their fleet compliment.

Bio: A standard Romulan officer he got to his position through a combination of hard work and backstabbing. He gained notability in the Dominion roll for his contirubtion to the liberation of Betazed.

Sub Commander N'yatra
Under Commander D'Tyra

N'yatra is the second in command of D'Tyra's ship. Considerably younger than D'Tyra, N'yatra rose through the ranks surprisingly quickly, hinting at some form of foul play. The fact that she is the daughter-in-law of an influencial politician who later became the Pro-consul of Praetor Tal'Aura. She is relatively capable, although her political views about the alliance between the Federation, klingons (who she despises due to past family encounters) and the Empire. Many a time she has lobbyed with the Senate to cut off diplomatic relations with the other powers but she has failed miserably.
Her main competancy is of away missions and as a commando leader. Her skills with weaponry, stealth and alien technology make her invaluable for such actions. If D'Tyra herself does not take a commando team, you can be sure that N'yatra is at the head of it.

Centurion Mi'serna

Centurion Mi'serna is the communications officer of D'Tyra's vessel. He is an old man by Romulan standards, nearing 170 years old. He has never taken a promotion, prefering to remain with the enlisted men. But he is capable at his job, even if he does have a strong taste for Romulan ale

Klingons NPC's
General Kathforn
Roll: Captain of lead Klingon vessel and top ranking Klingon officer in charge of their fleet compliment.

Bio: The heir to an influential Klingon household he was trained from a young age for the roll he would one day be expected to take. Arrogant and self assured he is not easily swayed from his opinion and frequently buts heads with other commanders.

Captain Grathess
Commander, IKS Var'nof
Height: 6' / 1.83m
Weight: 240 lbs / 109kg
Grathess is practiced in hand-to-hand combat, and a gifted tactician in battle. His leadership style is ruthless, but honorable nonetheless. Grathess is a trustworthy ally of Starfleet, but he is skeptical of the Romulan fleet contingent. He has commanded Var'nof since its maiden voyage 14 years ago.
[This character is playable and killable by all]

Kleth, son of Chor'da
Security, IKS Var'nof
Height: 7'1" / 2.16m
Weight: 335 lbs / 152kg

Kleth has served on the Var'nof for 7 years. He is slightly less intelligent than the average Klingon, however his stature is imposing to many of his shipmates. His shoulders are extremely broad, and his head is shaven clean, exposing numerous small scars and one large one near the base and rear of his skull. Unlike most Klingons, he does not like to talk about the origin of this scar. Since his posting he has been loyal to the ship's commander (anybody have a good source for Klingon rank hierarchy?), which is understandable when considering his limited intellect.

Name: Keck
Gender: Female
Species: Klingon
Posting: KDF Var'nof

Keck is a proud Klingon woman whose late father fell out of favor with the Klingon High Council for opposing the Cardassian/Klingon war. She is always defensive of his stance; above all else, she wishes to restore honor to her family's name. She serves aboard Grathess' ship simply because he allows her to. She is not trusted with important duties; she is forced to fulfill any duties her crewmates can't be bothered with. Keck is teased often, so she usually has a fiery, defiant response prepared, whether verbal or physical. There are times, though, that she cannot muster the strength to fight back.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Gamma Mission Brief

Post by Teaos »

Ship and station stats:

For the other ships we will assume they are the same as the ships we already know but assume they have been upgraded over time and would thus be anywhere from 20-40% stronger than the DITL stats. The exact numbers arent hugely important since all the ships are equaly stronger and the enmy ships will be stronger as well. The reason we have figures for the Daystrom and Paladin is because they are either new or heavily modified.

USS Daystrom

USS-Daystrom NCC-77127

Ship: Akira class heavy cruiser version 3.66

Length : 464.43 m
Beam : 316.67 m
Height : 87.43 m
Decks : 19

Mass : 3,055,000 tons
Crew : 475 (evac 4500)

3 x Type XII phaser arrays, total output 40,000 TeraWatts
15 x Pulse fire quantum torpedo tube with 1200 rounds and photon torpedo replicator

Regenerative shield system, total capacity 3,825,745 TeraJoules
Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 7.2 cm ablative armour.
High level Structural Integrity Field

Normal Cruise : 8.0
Maximum Cruise : 9.63
Maximum Rated : 9.9 for 12 hours.

Beam Firepower : 800
Torpedo Firepower : 10,125
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 1350
Shield Strength : 1417
Hull Armour : 1480
Speed : 1601
Combat Manoeuvrability : 2256
Overall: 3636

Paladin Class

Type XIV phaser arrays, phaser lance, pulse phasers; total output 200,000 TeraWatts
2 x Rapid fire quantum torpedo tube
4 x Type 4 burst fire quantum torpedo tubes
1200 quantum rounds

Automodulated regenerative shield system, total capacity 10,000,000 TeraJoules
Heavy Reinforced Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 60 cm ablative armour
High Level Structural Integrity Field

Normal Cruise : 8.5
Maximum Cruise 9.93
Maximum Rated: 9.99 for 24 hours

Beam Firepower : 4,000
Torpedo Firepower : 11,900
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 4,200
Shield Strength : 3,704
Hull Armour : 10,150
Speed : 4,125
Combat Manoeuvrability: 1,400
Over all: 6,517

USS Paladin - NCC-91874

After the Dominion war and the troubles with the Romulan empire the Federation called for a new class of starship.

This new class of warship would be the first true Federation Battleship.

Its roll is to not only to be able to go toe to toe with the Heavy ships fielded by other major power but also play a key roll in fleet operations. One of the key rolls learned in the Dominion war was the need for a sound and established strategy and chain of command in fleet actions.

Thus this new class of ship would not only be out fitted with the heaviest weaponry and armour currently fielded by any power known to the Federation but it will also be out fitted with a fleet operations centre.

While the call for a dedicated Federation Battleship was being made as early as the Dominion war it was not until 2384 that serious design and planning first started, this was due to the reduction in the threat level to the Federation along with opposition to Starfleet fielding a Battleship class starship.

Rather than going through the Traditional design process of replacing and upgrading an existing class of starship, Starfleets Starship deign team had to start from scratch dramatically increasing the design time.

The ship has also carried on the multiple redundant nacelles seen on the Prometheus class, while this offers a mild speed boost and added furl efficiency its primary roll is to add extra survivability in battle. The ship could lose several of its nacelles and still manage a decent warp speed providing greatly improved battle survivability. The configuration of the ship, with the nacelles tucked up close and under the ship provides good cover for them from enemy fire.

Bellow is a system by system run down of the ship:

Command unit:

Learning from the horrible loses suffered during the war, Starfleet has positioned the bridge of the ship deep inside the saucer section to protect the command staff.

Another new feature of the Battleship is the addition of a fleet control bridge, positioned directly behind the main bridge it is home to several holographic projectors and multiple communication stations so that a fleet commander or commodore can stay fully informed and in contact with the fleet.

Computer cores:

Another first is the addition of multiple independent computer cores, essentially every major department has their own major computer unit completely independent of the other cores on ship, this not only proves greater redundancy but makes hacking the ships computer or taking over the ship far more difficult as the only place all the computer cores are accessible from is the bridge.


The life support systems and security plans on the ship have been updated with the latest tactics and hardware to offer maximum control. This will allow far greater marco and micro control over the various systems of the ship and even allow them to be used offensively in case of a boarding.

The ship has also been divided into dozens of sections with the ability to be totally isolated. Entire portions of the ship could be blown away with no ill effect on the rest of the ship, this offers greatly improved survivability and reliability both in and out of battle.


The design brief for the new Battleship was to put protection and survivability above everything else. It was with this in mind that the new class of ship was to be fitted with the most advanced and comprehensive armour and high energy shielding seen on a Federation ship.

Armour and hull:

While the exact makeup of the amour is still classified it is known to be upwards of 60cm thick ablative armour, this is a level of protection unmatched by any other class of vessel currently fielded.

The hull its self has been almost ridiculously reinforced. With double the amount of bulk heads and structural reinforcing typically seen on a Federation Starship along with the most powerful SIF currently in use the Battleship has a survivability that is unmatched by any ship fielded in the quadrant.

With the exclusion of all non military related scientific equipment and the reduction in luxury the build quality of the ship was able to be dramatically increased as it didn't have to fit in large, and for a battleship, useless equipment.

Another first for this class of ship was the inclusion of a independent power unit for the shields to add extra protection and survivability in battle. This along with the simpler bubble shield configuration grants great survivability and dependability.



As the design brief both called for a ship with the raw fire power to take down any class of enemy ship it would come up against as well as taking part in wider fleet actions the weapons are thus a mix of extremely heavy weapons and more flexible weapons.

The Battleship will be the first class of ship in the fleet to field the new Phase lance weapon developed by Starfleet R&D.

The Lance had been in development for well over a decade, it was put into development after the Dominion war Starfleet realised the need for a weapon that could penetrate the heavy shielding and weapons that had been deployed by other powers.

After having been field tested on test bed ships the deployment of the lance signals a new age of heavy weaponry in the quadrant.

With the Lance providing extremely heavy forward fire power more conventional yet still extremely powerful phaser arrays were positioned around the ship for full coverage with heavier coverage on the forward section to rip through enemy lines.

In another first for a capital ship the Battleship is also fitted with turret mounted rapid fire pulse fire canons. Previously only seen on the Defiant class ship these weapons offer large destructive power for their required power. Four of these weapons are placed on forward facing turrets, two on the dorsal and two on the ventral. A final one is placed at the back dorsal surface of the saucer to cover the rear of the ship.

These weapons were added with the intention of having them disable enemy shielding while the more accurate phaser arrays disable the ship.


Due to the size and speed of this ship torpedo fire power was considered secondary to beam weapons and protection since the ship could not position for firing as well as others.

Nether the less due to the size of the ship it is still fields a formidable torpedo array.

Two Rapid fire torpedo tubes and one late Generation burst fire tube offer forward facing torpedo power in the same league as more dedicated torpedo ships. Another Burst fire tube and two burst fire tubes aft facing offer good coverage for the ship.

A moderate torpedo stock is supplemented by a Proton torpedo replicator which can restock the torpedo stock after battle.

Station G-1

A level 7 Federation Module station.

Made up from seven independent vessels that are able to move at warp speed independently before disassembling and forming into a repair and servicing station.

This station will be serving as the Fleets home base for the duration of its mission in the Gamma Quadrant.

This type of station was initially developed to provide support to Federation vessels far away from the core of the Federation where supplies and repair facilities had in the past been scarce.

The rapid deployment of these stations made it a perfect choice for the current operation.

With five docking bays and enough cargo space to supply the fleet for over a years worth of operations it is also able to deploy automated mining drones to resupply it with the raw materials needed to replicate anything the fleet could need.

It will also aid in the establishment of a small planet based facility.

Fitted out with two Federation industrial replicators and several workshops the station is able to produce almost anything the fleet may require.

It holds a permanent staff of just over 500 with the ability to hold over 4000 in case of emergencies.

Due to its modular build and design brief the station is light armed with only a few phaser banks and a single torpedo turret.

Dominion Gate station

Seeing the effectiveness of DS9 as not only a stepping stone through the wormhole but as a effective defence and fleet support station the Dominion has deployed two stations of similar size on their side of the worm hole.

These stations are built in typical Dominion fashion, highly modular and heavily armed.

Able to service dozens of ships at once these twin stations pose a formidable threat to anyone crossing the wormhole.

Each station does how ever have a promenade area for non Dominion ships to dock and trade in.

The strength and capability of these stations are unknown but it is assumed they are both heavily armed and defended.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Gamma Mission Brief

Post by Teaos »

Federation Marines wrote:Federation Marines:

In 2383 the Federation council Okayed the creation of a standing Federation land force. This force was to be a multi rolled force used for any mission Starfleet may require a fighting force for.

The average Federation Marine is trained in multiple forms of fighting and is similar to Earths early MACO troops.

Roll: To be the first line of offence against enemy ship, planets and stations.

Types of troops:

Heavy marine: With full body armour capable of standing up against enemy fire that would be lethal to less armoured troops. With heavy weaponry and support craft these troops specialize in the capture of heavily fortified bases. Heavy Marines typically make up 15% of a battalion of troops.

Medium marine: With the heavy weaponry but lighter armour than heavy marines these troops specialize in the boarding and capture of enemy ships and stations. These troops typically make up 35% of a battalion.

Light Marines: With lighter weaponry and armour these troops come in after the other troops to hold captured territory and hardware. These troops typically make up the majority of troops and make up 45% of a battalions troops.

Spec opps: These troops are the crème de la crème of Federation troops, trained in a vast array of fighting styles and tactics. These troops work in small units and specialize in covert infiltration and assault. They typically make up less than 5% of a battalions troops.
Valkyire wrote:Valkyrie:

While specialized troop ships are under development they were unfortunately not ready for deployment for the alliance mission into the GQ.

Thus it was decided to use a refitted Intrepid class ship which was to be stripped and refitted for the accommodation and deployment of 2,000 troops plus equipment.

The ship was fitted with a dozen extra personal transporters and four high powered cargo transporters for the transport of the troop's equipment.

Due to the Intrepids unique planetary landing ability the internal layout was modified to allow for rapid deployment of the ships out of the widened boarding ramp.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.