NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

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NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Reliant121 »

T'Varaan looked out of the window of the Savan, a Sh'Raan class cruiser, at the comparatively small Human starship berthed at Te'Pranaath. The Buran, her new posting, would be a unwelcome change to the comfortable environment she was used to aboard Vulcan starships. The logical, calm, neutral interiors. Compared to the blue, bulky and mismatched (comparatively at least) of the NX class ship. Something that would require a high level of adjustment.

She left her quarters grasping a small bag with her assorted possessions. Nothing particularly major, more devoted to incence, candles and some religious statues. Trivial items that she kept with her from her Kohlinar.It did not take long to leave the Savan. She took a moment at the end to prepare herself. It had been her home for a couple of weeks, and it represented all she had ever known. She was going deep into the unknown, a strange new experience. She had never met a Human before. And it would be a difficult period to start with.

She paced quickly through the station, striding toward the airlock that berthed the Buran. And to her new home. Standing before the great metal doors leading to the Human craft, she keyed in the access code. The door slid open. Moments later, the door of the Buran also opened, revealing a short in stature woman, with a plain face and angular eyes.

"Commander T'Varaan, Welcome to the NX-07 Buran. I am Captain Iwasake Chinatsu," The woman said. T'Varaan inclined her head in respect, then replied.
"Captain, thank you for welcoming me aboard."
"It is no trouble, commander. Now...If i may leave you in the capable hands of Mr. Al'Saradhir," She said pointing to the attending guard. "he will show you your quarters. You've been given permission for use of your candles for meditation. If you'll excuse me, i have to have a word with the chef...the sushi fridge needs refilling." off went the jolly woman. Quite a contrast to T'Varaan. Chinatsu seemed as though happyness itself flowed through her veins.

The next 15 minutes were spent finding her quarters. Once there, she began populating it with her items. Her prayer stone, her statuettes and her candles.

Now...off to explore the ship.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Teaos »

"Dealer wins" The Tellerite announced pulling the chips infront of him into the tables winnings.

"You know its not really fair for you to be better at a human game than a human" Brian said betting his last three chips.

"And its not really fair for a human to challenge another species to a game they don't know" The dealer snapped back.

"You asked for a new game" Brian mumbled tapping the table for another card.

"And you insisted on betting on it" The Tellerite smirked as he dealt himself a twenty hand.

"You were supposed to argue with me" Brian moaned as he got dealt a nine putting his hand up to twenty four.

"Never turn down the chance to gamble with a drunk human" The dealer laughed taking in the last of Brian's chips.

"Crap its 1130, I gotta be on ship in half an hour" The young human said bolting up and hurrying out of the lounge.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

Bastet was eating in the Buran's mess hall when one an ensign she didn't recognize approached her. He spoke first, "I was wondering if you'd like to go out for a drink tonight, my treat."

"Ensign, I'm of much higher rank, and it would be inappropriate for us to do what you have in mind."

"Ah, but no one has to know. Please, at least tell me your name."

Bastet grinned, "Squeaky."

"Squeaky? I'm guessing that's a nickname. How'd you get it?" asked the ensign.

"It's the sound my teeth make on the bones of men who didn't take a hint," she said with a grin. The ensign made a hasty retreat. Bastet shook her head in amusement.

A Vulcan named T'Lar looked at the exchange with amusement. She'd deny it but Bastet knew her well enough to tell her emotions. "Your charm strikes again I see."

"It worked on you didn't it?" teased Bastet.

T'Lar nodded, "point conceded." T'lar sat down and sipped her drink before continuing. "Thank you for last night. It was a unique experiance to say the least. I hope we can do it again sometime. But don't feel you have to rush back."

Bastet grinned, "oh, I'm sure I'll be this way again. But there is some time before we leave, maybe enough time for another game of kal-toh? In my quarters?"

T'Lar showed as much of a smile as one would expect from a Vulcan, "I believe you're right. I have some moves I haven't demonstrated to you yet."

"I'm all for learning new moves," said Bastet as she cleared her table and led T'Lar to her quarters.

one hour later...

"That move would actually come in handy as a submission technique," said Bastet.

"I prefer quality over quantity when it comes to moves," T'Lar said as she put her clothes back on. "Although you do seem to have quantity and quality."

Bastet shrugged, mostly obscured by the sheets. "I'd say I have about twice as many moves as the average human," Bastet said with a mischevous smile. T'Lar simply nodded with her equivilent of a smile. "I suppose this would be a good point to say, 'see you later,' otherwise I may pounce you again."

T'Lar nodded, "a logical precaution. I hope your mission is sucessful. Until next time, see you later."

"See you later," said Bastet as T'Lar left. Bastet sighed, "I guess I have to meet the new MACOs. I guess I need clothes for that." She reluctently began getting dressed, wearing the standard MACO uniform with a Major's insignia on it. Looking at herself in the mirror she decided she looked presentable. "I hope they're not all guys this time."
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Mikey »

Harvey closed the technical manual he'd been reading and packed it into his duffel. He had read and re-read the NX specifications for the week he'd been on the station - he had tried at one point to socialize with the Vulcans, but in the end found sitting alone with a technical readout more rewarding. Their scientific ability was without question, but they had no imagination or human ingenuity. He had finished his last conversation by commenting that ring nacelles would soon be a thing of the past and parallel nacelles allowed for more flexibility - a quality which seemed to be lost on the Vulcans - before closeting himself in his room.

When the message came that the Buran had arrived, Harvey wasted no time getting ready to go. He had a nagging feeling that maintenance would take the place of some of the research he'd been allowed aboard his old UESPA ship, but he'd be working with an actual Starfleet warp 5 engine.

As he crossed from the station's umbilical into the Buran, a young officer stood uncomfortably at attention. "Mr. Fulton? Welcome to the Buran. Er, my name is Ensign Darwin of the engineering staff. Allow me to show you to your quarters."

"How about you show me to the mess, instead," Harvey replied. "I've been on that dandelion-eater station for a week, and right now I'd kill you for a steak." To Darwin's concern, there was no indication of humor in Fulton's expression.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Sionnach Glic »

"Doctor mac Dáire?" Asked the woman as he hurried along the docking tube and into the Buran. The woman in question was wearing the uniform of one of the ship's medical staff, and was rather attractive. Cú-Roí guessed her to be in her mid to late twenties. Standing next to her was a lean man, probably in his early twenties, wearing a similar but subtly different uniform.

"That's me." He replied. She extended a hand and he placed his bag of personal effects on the ground so he could shake it.

"Amy Lesp." The woman introduced herself. "Ship's nurse."

"Pleased to meet you." Cú-Roí replied, releasing her hand and turning towards the man. "And you are?"

"Steven Foskin. Medic." The man, Foskin, replied, shaking Cú-Roí's hand. "Welcome to the Buran. Did you enjoy your stay on the station?" He asked, nodding back down the coridor his new superior had arrived down.

"So-so." The Doctor replied. "Yourselves?"

"Alright." Amy answered. Steven just shrugged and nodded simultaneously. "We've been spending a lot of our time on the ship. Making sure the sickbay is properly stocked, that all the equipment's there. You know, the usual. I think Tolin is still doing an inventory of the medicine cabinet, isn't he?" This last question was directed at Fosking, who shrugged.

"Think so. He was when I left, and it's not exactly small. But after he's done that, I think we're done."

"'Tolin'"? Cú-Roí inquired.

"Tolin Chaykor. The ship's other medic." Amy answered. "Which reminds me, perhaps we should show you where your quarters and Sickbay are?"

"By all means." Cú-Roí replied, gesturing down the coridor and picking his bag back up. "I take it that there's not much to do right now, given that the two of you are here meeting me instead of some crewer?" He commented as they began walking.

"It's pretty quiet right now." Steven answered over his shoulder as he led the way through the ship's innards. "I only stopped by because I had nothing else to do right now. I'm sure that'll change when we leave. Captains usualy like to have their crew checked up on after they head off, just to check they haven't picked anything up."

"You've served on ships before?" Cú-Roí asked. He'd figured the medic a bit young to have much experience.

"Five ships in the last two years. Three UESPA ships, a privately owned freighter and now this beast."

"Sound's like you've had a fair bit of experience then. How about you?" He asked Amy, who had been walking quietly along beside him.

"Just this ship. I did a brief stint in a hospital back on Earth before, though."

"How was that?"

"Boring. It's why I signed up for this. Ah, here's your quarters." She anounced as the three of them came to a stop next to a door that was just as unremarkable as any other he had passed. The door hissed open as they walked up to it, revealing a smallish room within.

"Cosy." Cú-Roí commented, half sarcasticaly.

"Sickbay," Lesp continued, ignoring his comment. "is down that coridor, then turn left. It's the first door on the right. You can't miss it."


"No problem. You're not due on duty for another two hours, so you there's no rush."

"Perfect. Just enough time to relax and get settled. And maybe see what ameneties the ship has."

"I think I'll have to find out, myself. Nothing's really been happening lately, what with the majority of the crew just arriving. Now, if you'll excuse me, Doctor, I need to get back to work." With a brief smile, she turned and headed off down the coridor, followed by Foskin.
Last edited by Sionnach Glic on Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Monroe »

First Sergeant Monroe walked before the Macos ready for inspection, "You'll about to meet your CO and I expect you to be up to standards." He yelled at the new MACOs. "Don't think just because you made it out of the regular army that you've got the easy road. So I expect you to show proper respect, the Major is not one who likes poor discipline. Too easy?"

"Too easy First Sergeant!" They yelled back.

"The amount of volunteers to join the NX project is enough that if you screw up you can bet we'll be shipping you back home. Tracking?"

"Yes First Sergeant." They replied.

Monroe walked to the side of the formation judging the Major to be here shortly. Within the minute she arrived, "Squadron, Attention!" He yelled and gave her a quick salue.

"At ease." She replied, sending everyone into the at ease position withh their arms behind their backs. "I've got our mission profile and roster here. The S2 has been kind enough to send over a shipment of their finest weaponary." She began to explain the mission to the squad.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Reliant121 »

All the major officers, plus a few that Captain Chinatsu had deemed 'suitable' to be briefed, were huddled around the astrometric display at the rear end of the bridge. The captain stood at the head of it, flanked by Commander T'Varaan and Lieutenant Federov on either side. On the table before them, was a map showing the region and all that was contained within.

"Good morning, ladies, gentlemen. Welcome to your voyage. And welcome to the sector. I, purely because I can, have given the vital details to the officers standing at my side and they have come up with the briefing. Each is far more capable with all this formal crap. The deal is they brief and I'll helm my ship. Now....to our liason officer, Commander T'Varaan," She said.

T'Varaan pressed a couple of keys on the table and the display shifted to show Te'Pranaath station.

"Good morning to you all. This is Te'Pranaath station, the most remote station in Alliance held territory and one of the largest maintained by the Vulcan High Command. This facility will serve as a base of operations of the Buran on its mission, which I shall explain to you now." The ears of the room perked up at this.

"Our mission is no different to other ships of the NX class: To explore the region. This is the first Alliance ship to delve into the hidden unknowns of this area. Vulcan ships have not ventured further than this station before and all the star charts we have compiled are formed from long range scans and educated predictions. We are to map, catalogue and engage in exploration activities in this region, reporting all the starsystems, races and locations we find."

"But I imagine some of you may have heard of the underlying task. Recently, a fleet of ships of the newborn Alliance, Led by the NX-01 Enterprise, the vulcan ship S'taran, the Andorian cruiser Sh'a'vok and the Tellerite ship Draal'maar engaged a drone starship and eventually defeated it. Our reports suggest it was a vessel belonging to the Romulan Star Empire. We have recieved civilian intelligence suggesting that the Romulan Star Empire, feeling threatened by our alliance's outgrowth, have begun Rapidly seizing and fortifying territory in this region. We are to scout ahead and find out if this is true. There is also a possibility of determining intelligence on the Klingon empire as well." T'Varaan finished. She stood back, and Lieutenant Federov moved forward.

"We can expect many new starship designs and technological levels but we have managed to comprise a database of possible hostile vessels." He said bringing up a image of a Romulan Bird of Prey.

"This is the standard ship of the Romulan Star empire. We have predicted that she is armed with a pair of high energy plasma cannons and one torpedo of an unknown type. We think she is capable of warp 5/6 and her defensive shields are slightly under par of our Polarizeable plates. Plus her hull is quite weak. But they normally travel in pairs or triplets to increase potency. And they have one big advantage...the cloaking device. She carries technology that renders her completely invisible to eyes and scanners alike. Luckily she has to decloak to fire. Good thing for us. There are also several already compiled databases detailing Klingon ships avaliable in the computer."

Chinatsu stepped forward.

"Thats it for now. you know the mission and you know your jobs. Best of luck. We depart in 5 hours. Dismissed!"
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Tsukiyumi »

Max rushed toward the airlock, brushing past a rather annoyed-looking Vulcan as he rounded the corner, arms crammed with numerous groceries.

" Sorry, friend," he murmured, not bothering to glance back: he had all of four hours before the Buran departed, and still had to check the incoming inventory before he started on Captain Chinatsu's sashimi, and the surprise dish he'd planned for the new Vulcan Commander. He rounded another corner, dropping the container of endives; he caught it with his foot, and lightly kicked it up to the top of the pile of various fresh vegetables and assorted cheeses. A pair of young human cadets looked at him with a mixture of confusion and amusement.

" Ta-Da!" he purposely dropped a container of truffles, then kicked it up in the air, catching it on his head. The female cadet giggled and blushed brightly; her fellow seemed less amused. Max grinned, ear-to-ear, and bowed low, letting the container slide back on top of the jumble of ingredients (he'd picked them up at a discount from a passing freighter) before breaking into a run toward the Buran's dock.

Max knew that their mission was into unexplored space - his favorite kind. He expected to pick up at least a few new recipes and hopefully, some (non-poisonous) alien produce, and also hopefully, their mission would be uneventful. If he were vaporized, he'd never finish his "comprehensive guide to alien cuisine", and he certainly wouldn't be able to promote his specialized Vulcan-Human hybrid cooking style.

A young MACO greeted him with a half-awake grin at the Buran's airlock.

" Got anything hazardous, Max?" he asked, stretching into a large yawn.

" You know it, Phillip. Lemme through, before the Captain has me keel-hauled for missing dinner." He danced from foot to foot, shuffling the various sundries while trying to contain his apprehension: a real chance to prove his food was "acceptable" to a high-ranking Vulcan. Maybe he'd even get a "pleasant" from her.

" Go on, then. Best to not keep the senior staff waiting; they just left a major briefing." The MACO stepped aside, and Max literally sprinted toward the Galley, a toothy smile spreading across his face.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Mikey »

"Report!" Harvey barked at the crewman bent over the reactor console, making the young man jump. After turning to see who was yelling, the crewman stood at attention and said, "Reactor ready for maximum warp, operating at -" he glanced at a readout on the console - "94.5% conversion efficiency."

"Re-align the post-injection constrictors and get it to 97%... unless you'd LIKE our engine operation to keep degrading?"

"Er, no sir. I'll get right on it."

"Mmm. Better clean out the intakes, too - try and fix whatever you folks have been doing to that thing. You!" he growled, turning to the Andorian lieutenant manning the plasma relays.


"You people don't report to your department heads?" asked Fulton sarcastically. "What's the status there, man?"

The ensign stood a bit straighter and replied, "All relays and nacelle injectors ready for full throughput, sir. Coils in exactly 22.5-degree alignment."

"Hmm... alright. Systems?" he asked Darwin, who was nervously standing by the main console.

"All systems functioning normally, sir. Hull polarization ready for full power, but the plasma cannons seem to be charging slowly."

"I'll look at them myself," answered Fulton. "Meantime, I want you to minimize the charge time for the hull plating."

"Aye, sir," said Darwin, a little surprised at the lieutenant commander's willingness to get his hands dirty.

"And quit it with the 'sir' and standing at attention all the time, dammit!" grumped Fulton. "I don't need soldiers in here. Just answer a question when you're asked and act like you know what you're doing."


Fulton waited at the practice range door until it opened and a few MACO's filed out. He entered the room, finding a sergeant haranguing a few more MACO's. Seeing the lieutenant commander, Monroe snapped his heels together and saluted. Harvey returned the salute much more lackadaisically, and then asked, "Is your CO around?"

A feminine voice behind him said, "Right here, Lieutenant Commander."

Harvey turned, saw Major Bastet for the first time, and quietly said, "Holy crap, look at you!"

"Something wrong?" frowned Bastet.

"No, you're just a big gal, ain't you? Fine by me. All the better to beat the tar out of some psycho alien. Anyway, I got a question for you. It's gonna be about two hours, apparently, until I can get a meal - and I ain't working on any plasma cannons on an empty stomach." He rolled his eyes, then continued, "I figure that means two hours worth of training with one of those... whaddaya call 'em... EM-33's. I don't plan on getting caught defenseless when it comes down to the short-and-curlies."

"Hmm. Good idea to be prepared, I suppose. Sergeant Monroe will be able to assist you, if now is convenient for him..."

"Yes, sir," answered Monroe, who then produced one of the plasma pistols from a wall locker. Walking over to Fulton, he said, "I suppose we need to start with the basics?"

"Nah," replied Fulton, "I used to have a sporting plasma rifle. I just never shot a pistol before, and I hear that these are little more souped-up than my old piece and take a little more handling."

"You bet they do, sir. We'll start with some stationary targets... adjust your stance like this..."
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

Bastet was on the shooting range talking to the cheif engineer. "Well that was disappointing" she said, putting her weapon away.

"What were you talking about Major?" asked Monroe

"I was hoping to create an energy with a spread effect, kindof like a shotgun," explained Bastet. "I believe that some day energy weapons will have setting of wide beams, and 16 energy levels, including stun, kill, heat, and vaporize."

Monroe blinked twice, "ya...I don't see that happening in the near future."

"I think that's brillient ma'am!" said Simmons, another MACO on the shooting range.

Bastet shrugged. "Well, I've got to go. Tommorrow I'll whip these boys in hand-to-hand."

"You Major?" asked Monroe.

Bastet nodded, "one of the biggist problems I've had with male team members is that they tend to be resistant to fighting females hand to hand. Some crap about chivilary. That kindof thing could get a man killed. Better I kick their asses here, then they get their asses killed out there."

"Very good Major."
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Sonic Glitch »

{Authors Note: Time period, before the briefing}

Lieutenant Federov waited anxiously at the airlock for his new commander. When he recognized her strolling toward him through the corrider he keyed the airlock. "Captain Chinatsu, welcome to the Buran. You'll be happy to know that everything is functioning normally after several weeks of high warp. Tactical is standing by, but there's a fuzzy reading in one of the Plasma Cannons. We're about to sic Engineering on it."

"Very good, sounds like everything is in order Lieutenant."

Federov smiled slightly at the complement, "Yes captain. I've been with her since construction, only a few members of engineering can say that, and we've spent quite a lot of time getting her ah..ship-shape."

"Thank you for that slight reminder that you've been here longer than I have." Federov stiffened slightly, preparing to defend his attempt at light-heartedness, "at ease lieutenant, that merely means I'm going to expect you to your job excellently." Chinatsu continued with a wink.

Federov relaxed and replied with an easy smile, "Of course...of course" and a little fake grumbling.

"I understand Tactical is compiling a database of possible hostile we might meet?" inquired the captain.

"Yes Ma'am, we were able to detail out most of the Klingon info on our own, but we're collaborating with some of the Vulcans on base for information on the Romulans. It appears they went to war with Vulcan in the past."

"Oh? How did you find this out, it wasn't in the briefing I received."

"It wasn't in mine either," replied Federov with a tight smile. Being from Russia, political intrigue was nothing new to him, "but I have friends in the Diplomatic Corp at the Embassy who have friends in the High Command who felt this info was worth knowing. The High Command still hasn't recovered from the near-incident with Andoria."

"I can understand that...but why not tell us they've had contact with the Romulans?"

"It probably suffered a little political "white wash." Afterall, how often to your countrymen speak of the India-Thailand-Burma railroad of World War Two? Or mine of the gulag?" Federov replied with another tight smile.

"Lieutenant...you almost sound like you enjoy this type of thing!" said Chinatsu with a note of incredulity.

"I'm from Russia," replied Federov with a geniune smile, "this comes naturally to me. Come, let me show you to your quarters." With that he picked up her bag and started down the corrider leaving Chinatsu standing at the entrence thinking What have I gotten myself into? and I think I'm going to like it here...
Last edited by Sonic Glitch on Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by stitch626 »

"I mean it, his exact words were 'right now I'd kill you for a steak'!"

Shravak looked at Ensign Darwin with an expression that could best be described as humourous.
"I doubt our chief would eat you. He seems a little unusual, though. I have never had a senior officer not want to be refered to as sir."

Shravak was busy tidying his section of the room. He watched as Darwin pulled a little brown fury ball out of a bag.
"What is that?"

Darwin looked up. "Its a tribble. They make wonderful pets. They don't bite, never seem to get mad."
While he was petting it, the tribble started to purr. "My only complaint is that he gets lost sometimes."

Shravak shook his head. "My commander would never have let me have a pet. You pink... sorry, you humans take a while to get used to. Very different from the Imperial Guard."
He stood up. "Well, I have work to do. Have fun with your... tribble."

Darwin looked down at his little pet. "You don't think the chief was serious, do you? Of course not. Ok, time for breakfast."
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Cú-Roí eventualy left the meeting with a sense of relief at finaly getting away. As he wandered back down towards Sickbay, he wondered idly about these Romulans they were going to investigate. There hadn't been much information given about them, and he figured that little was actualy known about them. Given that their first encounter with humanity was to start shooting stuff up he figured they probably weren't that friendly.
Still, he thought as he reached Sickbay, never judge a book by its cover.

The doors to Sickbay hissed open, and he walked in and looked around. This was the first time since coming aboard the ship that he'd had a chance to come down here. Not ten minutes after he'd gotten onto the Buran a young ensign had cheerfully informed him that his presence was expected at a meeting of the ship's senior officers. After hurrying into his uniform, he'd rushed up to what had proved to be an incredibly dull affair which consisted of various officers droning on about the status of the engines, crew, weapons, supplies and seemingly every bit of machinery on the ship. His input had only been required at one point in the meeting, where the Captain had turned to him and asked him whether everything was alright in his department. How the hell was he supposed to know? He'd only been on the ship a whole fifteen minutes!
Still, he figured that that probably wasn't the best response to give, and settled on replying "Fine. Yes, everything's just fine, thank you." in a serious and official tone. That had seemed to work, and he had been allowed to remain silent for the rest of the briefing. Perhaps he'd just collar one of his staff and send them up in his place if there were any more meetings. That way, they could filter out the crap and just tell him what the important stuff was.

"Afternoon, Sir." A voice said from behind him, making him jump slightly. Turning around, he spotted a young and unhealthily thin looking man in the uniform of a medic, rooting through a medical cabinet with a checklist in one hand. He guessed that this must be the last member of his medical staff.

"Afternoon.....Tolin." He replied, recalling the young medic's name from his earlier conversation with the other members of his staff. "Doctor Cú-Roí mac Dáire. You can drop the 'sir', 'doctor' will do." He added, stepping forward to shake the man's free hand.

"No problem." Tolin said, seeming to relax a bit. "Tolin Chaykor. Medic."

"A pleasure. Been here long?"

"On the Buran? About two months. I was here when they were finishing up contruction of this thing. My first job." He added with a grin.

"You must have had a damn good resumé. How's the inventory going?"

"Alright. This is the last thing I need to check. Then I'm done." He replied as the doors hissed open again. Amy Lesp and Steven Foskin, the other members of the medical staff, walked in.

"What's up, Doc?" Steven asked with a grin, sitting down on the end of one of the beds, earning a groan from Tolin.

"Say that again and I'll have you thrown out an airlock." Cú-Roí replied with a glare of mock annoyance.

"So, what happened?" Steven asked.

"What happened with what?"

"The meeting? You were there, right?"


"Well?" Foskin asked expectantly.

"Well what?"

"Where are we going?"

"Isn't that classified?"

"I dunno, is it?" Foskin replied. Cú-Roí paused for a moment, trying to remembe whether it was or not. If it had been mentioned, then he hadn't been paying attention.

"Well, I'll tell you this much; we're going to check out a never before explored area of space."

"'An area of space'?" Amy, leaning against a wall, snorted. "How informative."

"Well, if you'd let me finish, I was going to say we're also going to make contact with a new race."

"Oh, who?"

"Some group called the Romulan Star Empire, or something."

"What are they like?" Asked Steven. Amy glared at him wearily.

"If we knew that," She said. "they'd hardly be a new race, would they?"

"Finished! Finaly." Tolin anounced from the corner.

"What's our supplies like?" Amy asked.

"Alright. We're missing a box of cytoprotectants, though."

"We've still got about four and a half hours 'till we leave." Cú-Roí said. "Steven, rush over to the station and see if you can pilfer any for us."

"On it." He replied, and hurried out the door.

"Right." Cú-Roí commented, heading for the door as well. "Now, I still have a while 'till I'm on duty. So if you'll excuse me."

"Where are you going?" Amy asked.

"To see if this ship has a pub."
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Reliant121 »

The bridge officers all reported to their stations, and brought their precious ship online. It was not long before the Buran was ready to ship out.

"Status, Mr. Diego?" Chinatsu called out to the helm station. The Hispanic man was dancing his fingers across the panel, checkin all was in good condition.

"We're in the green, captain. All systems prepared for the launch," He replied.

"Good. Mr. Maddox, Signal Te'Pranaath control tower, 'requesting permission to undock'," She ordered. Maddox sent the message in to the control tower. he turned back to the captain, and nodded.

"Very well. Disconnect mooring tendril. Once clear of the station, set course for whats marked as the.... Dep'namash system for our shakedown....Engage, Mr. Diego."

"Aye mam. Disengaging umbilical....now."

The hull shook slightly as the clamps released, and the ship was released. The umbilical slowly retracted into its holding place inside the station. The Buran's impulse engines powered up, and she moved away from the station, sweeping over a small Vahklas class ship that was coming in to dock.

"Warp engines warmed and ready captain," Engineer Fulton said over the comm.

"Excellen, Mr. Fulton. Helm, warp 4...Engage!" Chinatsu ordered.

The nacelles flashed....and the Buran leapt into warp.
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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Post by Mikey »

Shravak entered main engineering intending to help Darwin with his assignment on the hull polarization. Instead the Andorian found Fulton - sleeves rolled up and covered in a mix of lubricants and circuit coolants - leaning over a workbench and surrounded by a pile of notes, technical texts, and the innards of a MACO rifle.

"Sir? I thought you weren't on until 0800," Shravak remarked. As Harvey turned, showing his stubbled chin and red-rimmed eyes, the lieutenant continued, "Have you been here all night?"

"Yep," Fulton answered flippantly. Despite his obvious exhaustion, the chief engineer seemed actually happy to be elbows-deep into a project. "After I was finally able to get a decent dinner, I tackled the ship's plasma cannons. By making the field strength vary sequentially along the length of the pre-fire chamber, and adding a parallel intake port, I got the charge time down to 0.585 seconds. Then, thinking about alternating fields led me to this." Harvey held up what seemed to be a standard MACO rifle with a built-up bit at the end of the barrel. "By randomly making the field strength lopsided in the final focussing constrictor, I got the effect that Major Amazon was looking for."

"Bastet," corrected Shravak. "What effect was that?"

"Killing stuff better, of course. Now, you have engineering - try and help Darwin with the hull polarization. And be ready for full warp."


Bastet entered the target range and joined Fulton at the control console. "What did you want to see me about, Mr. Fulton?"

"I'm not one of your soldiers - call me Harvey," he replied brusquely. "Anyway, ask and you shall receive." With a flourish of self-importance he indicated the modified rifle set up on a firing rig. At her puzzled look he continued, "Didn't you ask about a spread-effect weapon? Call up a group of three targets." Bastet punched a couple of buttons and three targets appeared in formation opposite the firing position. Harvey hit the control stud; instead of a beam the rifle emitted a barrage of abbreviated bolts in a flattened cone, at maximum about 20 degrees from the rifle's axis. Hit by multiple impacts, the targets all dimmed simultaneously.

"Very nice, Harvey," smiled Bastet.

"It is, isn't it?" he replied, bemused. "Just bear in mind that this application will eat power quicker, has a reduced range, and is a little heavier than a standard rifle. Is that still something you could use?"

Bastet smiled again, somewhat more ferally. "Oh, I'm sure I could find a way."
I can't stand nothing dull
I got the high gloss luster
I'll massacre your ass as fast
as Bull offed Custer