The Intro Sequences (TOS, TNG, DS9, Voy)

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The Intro Sequences (TOS, TNG, DS9, Voy)

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

Excluding Enterprise and Discovery on account of what their intros were.

TOS, TNG and VOY have rather... unrealistic intro sequences.

For TOS, the Enterprise looks like it's travelling with a downward pitch - the opposite of how planes actually fly (nose tilted up)

I'm, fine with the WOOSH. Both the sound and what its representing.

For TNG, it took that for the back half of the intro, which I'm... also fine with.

However, during the "Space Final Frontier" segment, It's travelling what was supposed to be our solar system, (I think it was later changed? Or changed on the remasters or something)... but still, the planets are shown way too close etcetera. like, Vulcan being visible as a MASSIVE thing in the sky of Delta Vega thing.

Voyager on the other hand, had a little problem with the size of that planet with rings - there was a reflection of the SHIP in the planet rings which was sufficient for someone on youtube to create a scale of the planet. It's like... the size of a city or something. Really not that big.

So my thoughts was, if I had the ability to do so, to reimagine all the intros (including DS9's with a slightly with-windows-edited increased station size so the puny Defiant doesn't make it seem like a Galaxy Class can't park at the pylon docking ports)... with a warpto-impulsepass-warpfrom true-scale zipping through a solar system for the Ent-D, and for Voy, a much closer and not-side-on view of the ship passing a much larger gas giant's rings, which near the ship look like they're in a straight line (rather than their curve being VERY visible in the region of the ship revealing a not-so-massive size)

DS9 should naturally have the guys who did the trailers do it. ;)
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