Games "If they made this" wishlist

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Games "If they made this" wishlist

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

Games I wish they'd make:

Voyager: Elite Force II (retcon the TNG-focused EF2 out of existence), fully-realized internals for all decks that are all seamlessly built on the same 'map', using code that lets the computer load on-the-fly, which some MAPPERS actually did manage to do without having to modify Elite Force II. However, load-delays on hardware always made this noticable.
We'd play the role, once more, of Alex Munro, of male or female gender, have a Love Interest in the form of Telsia (for M or F Munro), And fully go 'Alternate Timeline' by showing Harry getting promoted, while still in the Delta Quadrant. the big Plot of the game could actually be around the idea that they avoided the fate of the crew in Season 7's Workforce, so their adventures are running parallel - even perhaps in the opening act, set up that because Hazard Team weren't on the ship, but dealing with something else...

Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars remake... but in that it's... Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Bridge Commander II.
Storyline: You play as JADZIA DAX, during her stint in command of the Defiant before DS9 was retaken. You have command of the Defiant, and basically add in some management stuff, but otherwise its limited FPS stuff, but Bridge Commander otherwise. Sisko is the one who gives the mission briefings, and you have the "fleet management" of requisitioning additional ships from a limited pool, but taking too many could mean "offscreen" missions fail and those ships aren't available afterwards... so limiting your own forces is better on the long run, but makes each mission harder, but not as much as getting to a late-game mission with only a ship or two left from the pool... If the Defiant is too damaged, you can transfer to one of the other ships in your fleet (sort of like how I kind of remember the TMP era Starfleet Command game?)
Playable classes in Single Player include Defiant, Akira, Excelsior and Nebula. Also, Klingon ships sometimes available in the pool, all three classes playable: B'rel, K'Tinga, Vorcha. Non-playable that appear: Miranda, Sovereign, Negh'var.
In Multiplayer, we'd have Multiple Bridges, some that vary themselves based on your selected ship (Kind of like how the TNG Ent-D Battle Bridge was adapted for loads of other ships etc), some ship-specific like the Defiant, Intrepid and Sovereign bridges being Defiant, Intrepid and Sovereign classes-only. Much wider selection of ships to control. (ALL kitbashes of the Dom war included)

Battles aren't 1 versus 3 or 4, more like 10 to 20 versus 50 plus. (my PC at the time used to struggle at this level... when Bridge Commander was relatively new. On current 4-core-and-up computers? hell, AMD high-core-count could shine here!)

Armada III. Set in the 25th Century, and the Dominion are coming back. NO. BORG.

An 'Adventure' game for TNG that's basically mostly a new cast on the Ent-E, no 'big stakes', explory and stuff. PIcard is retired, Riker and troi are still happy on the Titan. the captain? Mr Reading Rainbow, GEORDI LAFORGE.

And a little "five minute mobile" game called "Kill the JJVERSE".
... wait sorry I-... Damn I can't delete that, sorry about that, my biasses are showing.
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Re: Games "If they made this" wishlist

Post by Atekimogus »

Another Starfleet Command.....not the brainless Starfleet Command III but a proper successor to Starfleet Command I or II with an interesting campaign and proper storytelling. Add to that a nice ship management tool where you have to really manage the crew, the ship etc. to keep them at peak efficiency.
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Re: Games "If they made this" wishlist

Post by McAvoy »

A redo of Birth of the Federation. There are alot of mods out there that have done a great job. Though they are stuck with the engine. So it will crash on huge fleet battles and it takes forever to do each turn in the battle. Like have a fleet of 1,000 ships vs. 1,000 ships assuming it doesn't crash, can take the better part of an hour.

Also loading each turn takes forever too.

But the basics are there, much larger maps, ships survive longer in battle, more alien races (replacing the one shot ones in TNG). Those alien races also will build their own large fleet with improvements and even more than a different type of ship.
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Re: Games "If they made this" wishlist

Post by Nutso »

I've never played a Star Trek video game but, if there's any Trek that's built for modern video games, surely it's the Abramsverse? No thought, zero introspection, just adrenaline-packed, what you see is what you get, shoot 'em up style games. I'd have loved to engage in a Abrams-Sulu style fencing battle. Come to think of it, isn't Star Trek prime material for the modern video games industry, by which I mean microtransactions up the ass! They could definitely earn GTA Online type revenue streams by charging us $10 per in-game currency to buy Starships' weapons upgrades and armors. Or copy Eve Online's insanity that I still can't comprehend after all these years.
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Re: Games "If they made this" wishlist

Post by Coalition »

X-Com Aftermath style game, where you do base design, and get/have to fight aliens.

For regular missions, you can either send out all NPCs, and the game is like regular X-Com games. If you want, you can have your 'hero' PC join the mission. This gives NPCs a boost in morale, time units, etc.

You level up your character, giving them skills in administration, weapons, endurance, etc. So you can decide to skip the FPS part, and make a super administrator, reducing time needed for various projects, reducing cost needed to hire people, etc.

However, the base design comes into play when you have to defend the base from some of the alien attacks. The base becomes a situation where you have to be in FPS mode (but can semi-pause to order people around). You have to be your PC here. Damage to the base costs resources to repair, so if your PC takes the multi-missile launcher and uses it inside the base, the after-battle bill will be high. A combination of optimum base design vs optimum base defense.

If your PC gets killed you can step into another character, but every NPC's morale level drops.

Modifications to UFO:Afterlight:
  • The main player base on Mars, the 'mausoleum' where ~10,000 humans are kept frozen, is used to psionically power the UFO that was given to you. This is done by killing someone. After discovering this, whenever the UFO is launched, a list of names is brought up so the player can select who is to die. (Mission - capture a giant brain from a Sectoid base to use for powering up the ship instead of killing people)
  • The player is able to wake up people ahead of schedule for reinforcements
  • The buildable robots can get additional skills, can eventually use them to help build others (instead they are just combat drones)
  • Robots gain 1/10 XP of a human, but the experience is never lost (the XP is fed to a central program, and the robot programs are copied from that central program)
  • Robot circuit boards can be installed immediately, rather than waiting (in the original game, the robots had to gain XP and advance in level in order to install circuit boards boosting their accuracy, speed, etc)
  • Extra weapon: combat shotgun, has full-auto option, uses 32 round drums, but drums are 2x2 in size, vs 8-round clips being 1x2 in size. Loses spray method, but single and triple shots are much faster. Reloading time is much longer though.
  • Instead of super-bouncing an enemy when it takes a critical hit, it just does a massive blood spray (yes, this does happen, if you do enough damage to a weak enemy their body bounces like crazy)
  • Living and unconscious enemies are on top of a pile, rather than underneath (useful when you need to kill off an opponent, and are using the 'Martian Assault' mod that gives you extra weak enemies to kill)
  • List number of items to retrieve, rather than the actual icons (at end of mission, it just tells how many of each item, instead of an icon for every weapon/ammo/body/etc) (dragging and dropping lots of small items gets boring very quickly)
  • Wave attacks vs main base, waves are continuous until last group of people are out, then main boss appears. Number of waves defeated is number of enemy attacks that are skipped (ran out of opponents) (Since you can only control 7 characters at a time, that means the base will need 8 spawn points, all set located so if a character is viewing one, they can't view another) (Essentially you select the order that troops are sent out, while the aliens have infinite troops available. As your troops get wounded you retreat them to the base and replace them with someone else. When you are down to the last 7 people is when the alien 'boss' appears)
  • Better ending movie (several minutes long, explaining the results of each person, changing if they lived or died); changing based on which factions you fought with/against (current victory ending here. Compare to original X-Com ending here)
  • For the ending, each person gets their own video, plus a memorial of people lost
  • All map areas are accessible (some of the maps had towers with no way up. Unless you had a fast precision weapon or weapon that ignored cover, a single Beastman could sit up top and be a sniper the entire time)
  • Clicking on a person based on where they are in the base opens up the relevant window (i.e. click on the person in a Hospital, opens up the Health Window) (original game you had to specifically click on the health window to see how they were healing in the hospital)
  • Enemy Main Bases get additional squads of troops based on number of territories that faction controls (otherwise, you just pop the central base immediately. This gives you a reason to pop the smaller areas first)
  • Clearing an enemy base is multi-part mission, but results from failed missions carry over to next (or multiple missions to complete destruction of Base) (Enemy bases are supposed to be tough, let the game reflect that)
Last edited by Coalition on Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Games "If they made this" wishlist

Post by McAvoy »

Another one I'd like to see is a merging of Civilization and Empire Earth/Age of Empires. Something like this could potentially be a long long game unless you do campaigns.

But here it is, you got cities like what you build in Civilization but can zoom in areas so you can lay seige to a city like Empire Earth or Age of Empires. Your armies take awhile to match point to point but you can lay camp prior to a battle to battle your enemy with your troops. Build a real fleet and fight it out in the middle of the ocean.

Like you really do command hundreds of thousands or millions of troops and you can build cities based on a layout of the terrain for maximum defense.

Think of a true world sized Empire Earth using some of the Civilization mechanics to help things out. Nothing is turn based but based on time
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Re: Games "If they made this" wishlist

Post by McAvoy »

Oh and I would love Age of Empires for a phone
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Re: Games "If they made this" wishlist

Post by bladela »

McAvoy wrote:A redo of Birth of the Federation. There are alot of mods out there that have done a great job. Though they are stuck with the engine. So it will crash on huge fleet battles and it takes forever to do each turn in the battle. Like have a fleet of 1,000 ships vs. 1,000 ships assuming it doesn't crash, can take the better part of an hour.

Also loading each turn takes forever too.

But the basics are there, much larger maps, ships survive longer in battle, more alien races (replacing the one shot ones in TNG). Those alien races also will build their own large fleet with improvements and even more than a different type of ship.
stellaris with ST: New Horizons is something like that

no way for a 1000 ship fleet unfortunately
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