USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E: 10 Little Known Features

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USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E: 10 Little Known Features

Post by Nutso »

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Re: USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E: 10 Little Known Features

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

1. Eleven torpedo launchers. correct about initial five as designed, though the rear launchers aren't actually visible and only the quantum torpedo launcher was used in FC, while the ship does fire a torpedo from an aft launcher, but unfortunately uses an odd camera angle so could have come from a dorsal or ventral launcher (the angle actually suggests near the big shuttlebay!). As for the other six: Okay, I didn't know about the one BELOW the aft shuttlebay, though I did about the one above it. Then theres the pair above a docking port, which I assume was made non-functional. but the extra pair forward, gets dicy. The one near what we call the transporter emitters? not on the model. the one near the bridge? I don't actually know if that was modelled either.

2. Type XII phasers. ... not obscure. Any fan who has perused DITL will know this.

3. Fighter Wing. ... okay. WHAT? though, good art. But it feels "fanart" to me.

4. Shuttlebay Control Room. ... so what?

5. Neck Removed. NOT OBSCURE. NO REALLY.

6. Hydroponics Lab. Yeah. A ship has one. So did the Ent-D, and that apparently had tanks for aquatic species.

7. Saucer Seperation - I knew about this, I'm kind of vague on what I read used it in non canon books, could have sworn it was in one of Shatners' books.

8. Officers Mess. A ship for a crew of hundreds has more than one lounge. OMG THIS IS OBSCURE. *facepalming*
9. Arboretum. ... A ship in space has an area for plants. ... *still in the facepalm*
10. seat belts. ... an invention that had a variation in KIRKS TIME, but disappeared. because, I assume, only Kirks enterprise ever needed them so they didn't have them and then came Picard with the Big E-E a century later, didn't have any and- oh yeah, it didn't have them until a deleted scene set AFTER all of the other scenes of the last movie that was Nemesis. *comes out of the facepalm* a fact so obscure it's... on the DVD featurettes in 'deleted scenes' menu.
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