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Post by Teaos »

Teaos wrote:
What would be best in my opinion is a series sit in 2400ish a couple decades after the Dominion war.

Oh Jesus Tapdancing Christ please no!
Why not?

The future is the only place to go.

I would hate a retro series and another one set in 2370's would be to much. Would be hard to do with out stepping on the time line and boring. The only other option would be WAY into the future which would be hard to do also since you would have to have so much new tech it would be hard to pull off.
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Post by DBS »

I'll tell you my take on why a future series might not work well. (Not that I have any better ideas :( )

There are two possibilities for a future series, in the most general terms: A more positive (TNG-like) era, where conflicts are being resolved and the Federation is ascendant, and more perfected than ever, or a more negative (DS9-like or worse) series that shows ever greater threats to the Federation and them having to get further and further from the underlying philosophy of the Federation to survive.

The problem with the first one (which I would love to see), is that today's audience probably won't like it. We like our flawed characters, and would rather not see people who seem much more enlightened than we do.

The problem I see with the other idea is philosophical. DS9 I think pushed the limit of how (badly) the Federation could behave if it had to (and while I loved the series and the moral angst, flawed human that I am, it didn't work as Trek for me in hindsight). I don't think the serious fans would like that, either. One thing we LIKE about Trek is the "positive underlying philosophy", and I'd hate to see that compromised again.

So either way, I think we're stuck. I'd love to see option A (especially if they root out Section 31, etc.) but I don't think it would be dramatic enough. I'd love to see option B (especially if there are a lot of Glorious Battles), but it wouldn't really be Trek to me.

I don't know if that makes sense? :? Sorry, but that's my take.
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Post by Monroe »

I think Voyager kind of left it open for a 2400s season. Hell it could be placed around Enterprise E or F. Though honestly I'm kind of tired of shows being around Enterprise. I thought they should have made the latest show been around a different ship but ah well.

I do like the idea of a miniseries. I would love to see a ground based Star Trek. That's why I liked Star Trek: Enterprise. The MACOs rocked and I would love to see more SWAT Trek. But I dig that war stuff.

Oh and mini-series work like movies that are played on TV. The broadcast company pays the owner of the mini-series so much cash to have their movie played on such and such date. The Sci-Fi channel for example picks up dozens of low budget movies and pays them to be played all day on certain days and just connects the movies that way.
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Post by DBS »

True. I have seen so many cheap, crummy movies on Sci-fi (and stuff that had to have been done in the last few years), I don't see why one couldn't make a Trek miniseries in the spirit of TOS or TNG, and do it WAY better than "Dinocroc", for example :lol: :lol: :lol:
Part of me wonders why THOSE movies/shows get made and yet it is so hard to do something similar for ST, a show that is often, you know, good?
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Post by Monroe »

Having worked on a movie that didn't make it on Sci Fi the ones that do have some production value and/or friends :P
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Post by Teaos »

I do like the idea of a miniseries. I would love to see a ground based Star Trek. That's why I liked Star Trek: Enterprise. The MACOs rocked and I would love to see more SWAT Trek. But I dig that war stuff.
I wouldn't like that. To me trek is space. May as well just make a whole new universe rather than make it trek.
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

Heres an idea I just thought up after reading some of your coments.

The setting.

It is a few years after the Dominion war. The Federation is trying to usher in a new era of peace and deplomacy. However, because of the Federations new policies, some of the more aggresive admirals that rose to power during the war stand to lose a lot. This is beginning to destabalise the political and military leadership and the government is bogged down trying to apease everyone.

Enter Section 31.

Section 31's less than moral decisions during the war has made itself a lot of enemies among the more peacefull factions.
The Federation's new president is planning to shut down S31 for good. However, S31 had seen this coming and refusing to go down easily, using a fleet that had been built during the war for S31's covert missions and teaming up with the more aggresive factions in Starfleet they attempt to bring down the government.

Before the president is able to order the dissolution of S31 and the demilitarisation of Starfleet, he is asasinated by what apear to be agents of another race, but are actually agents of S31. Believing that a demilitarised Starfleet would criple the Federation fatally, S31 believes itself to be in the right and are convinced they are saving the Federation.

Using captured alien ships, S31 and rogue elements in Starfleet begin staging attacks on outposts and colonies, trying to steer the federation into war against a less powerfull enemy.

If the war happens (perhaps its foiled at the begining by the heroes) the Federation becomes more brutal and genocidal. This leads to a split in the Federation where people oppposing the war are deemed as traitors by the new government and rounded up by S31. (who are now being put to work as a secret police force)

We now have a Federation which is becoming more and more like the mirror universe equivelent and a highly militarised and nationalist Starfllet.
With war looming its up to our new crew to somehow restore peace and freedom to the Federation and bring down Section 31 and the new, corrupt govenment.

Hopefully that came out as coherent as it was in my head. :)
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Post by Teaos »

Very interesting but I think people will have a problem with the bad morals in it.

Could work as a mini series so long as everything turned out ok in the end. It could be solved by Riker and the USS Titan.

I don't see a series revolving around that though.

The plot sounds like a Romulans wet dream though :P They love that sort of stuff.

Could be Ironicly funny to see this done in the mirror universe to. Good trying to take over from bad.
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

I was thinking of it as the result of the Dominin war. Starfleet dropped a lot of their morals during the war. How I see it is that they have to win them back by throwing the corrupt and the war-mongerers out of power. Bad morals are part of the story, but its what they're fighting against.
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Post by Teaos »

Ah I see. Good idea but I think it would still work better as a mini series or two rather than a series.
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

Now that I think of it, you're right. It would work a lot better as a mini series.
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Post by Crushproof »

Teaos wrote:
Teaos wrote:
What would be best in my opinion is a series sit in 2400ish a couple decades after the Dominion war.

Oh Jesus Tapdancing Christ please no!
Why not?

The future is the only place to go.

I would hate a retro series and another one set in 2370's would be to much. Would be hard to do with out stepping on the time line and boring. The only other option would be WAY into the future which would be hard to do also since you would have to have so much new tech it would be hard to pull off.

No thanks.
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

Whats wrong with a future series?
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Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

I'd say there should be a lot of planning ahead of time for the next series.

Next series should be area-based like Deep Space Nine was but still be mobile, like the later seasons. That way local politics and such can play a major role but the crew still explores when the script calls for it. Maybe even have more then one regular ship and not have an invincable 'hero' ship. Kind of like that Star Trek Bridge Commander game where they operated out of a base but still stayed mobile most of the time. Obviously a series could do a lot more with that kind of thing. It would also have to be a bit farther in the time line so that there were new toys that they could play with, like Slipstream or Transwarp engines(I vote Slipstream) or Endgame's Ablative Armor Generators. A topic in the voyager area has already suggested some interesting ideas.
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Post by Teaos »

I wouldnt mid the series being based around the Titan. Decent series. Could maybe make it about starfleet getting a pressence there. Build a star base and have a dozen or so ships.
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