What story would make a good Trek story?

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Graham Kennedy
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What story would make a good Trek story?

Post by Graham Kennedy »

So I was contemplating this question... what books, films, or TV episodes do you think could have their basic premise adapted into a Trek story? A couple I'd suggest...

Forbidden Planet

This would make a Trek movie without changing much more than the names - not surprising since it was a big influence on Trek. About the only quandry would be that since the Enterprise doesn't land, you couldn't have those "ID monster attacks the ship" scenes. I guess you could either make the monster attack in orbit, or you could use a Voyager-type ship that does land. If you wanted to stick with the Enterprise you could have them set up some sort of encampment... say six shuttles landed on the planet, with prefab shelters set up as a base for a planetary survey or something.

Blade Runner

On a Federation planet new "replicants" are being used for manual work, pleasure models, etc. Everyone insists that replicants are not thinking beings, they merely simulate it - and they have the VC test to prove it. But now several replicants have have escaped and are trying to find a way to extend their life span, and Kirk isn't so sure they aren't as human as anybody. Exploring the issue of replicants being a new type of person would be right up Trek's alley. Actually thinking about it, this would be quite similar to the "Quality of Life" episode only with people instead of Exocomps. Or maybe shades of "The Hunted" from TBG.

Any more suggestions?
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Re: What story would make a good Trek story?

Post by Mikey »

I agree that a Philip K. Dick story would make a good 'Trek teleplay, but I wouldn't use "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" I'd think that "Oh, to Be a Blobel!" would be a good one - I envision that being produced as a more ironic, somehwat tongue-in-cheek, and less preachy version of "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" - or "The Days of Perky Pat," just making the war-torn Earth into an alien world upon which the Enterprise comes and being a nice exploration of the outcomes of warfare and possibly, with the introduction of the protagonists as third-party observors, a decent exploration of the PD.
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Re: What story would make a good Trek story?

Post by Teaos »

I was thinking of something borrowing from Stargate Universe.

A huge, very advanced spaceship from literally the other side of the universe, is on a auto pilot, exploration mission across the universe. To start with we know nothing abouth this vessel appart from it is massive, does not respond to communication, seems to be very old and rather damaged, although still very powerful.

It enters into Federation space and proceeds to tansverse it, scanning all the way, maybe dropping probes ect.

Maybe some other aliens who's space it crossed are chasing it, claiming it viloated their space but in the process violate Federation space.

We follow it tring to study/board/protect it and work out what its all about. Possibly a discovery and a repository of knowledge greater than anything even considered possible.
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Re: What story would make a good Trek story?

Post by Graham Kennedy »

I like that idea...
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