Article About Shatner's Panel at the Nashvill Comic-Con

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Article About Shatner's Panel at the Nashvill Comic-Con

Post by Nutso » ... on-part-1/

This is the panel that prompted rumor mills to put out "Shatner to appear in Star Trek 3" blurbs last week. It's not quite so, according to this writer who attended the panel.
What did Shatner actually say? Basically that J. J. Abrams called him, he returned the call, they chatted about Star Trek 3, and that the director, Robert Orci, has suggested that he might be interested in using Shatner in an upcoming film if they could figure out a good way to do it. The whole thing was very sketchy—even by Hollywood standards—and Shatner expressed his own doubts that anyone could write a plausible scenario that would work.

That was it. But somehow that turned into screaming headlines.
But this not the main reason I post the article. The author writes about the harsh reality he realized goes on for the people selling their creations or themselves at the conventions, and how he felt depressed, until he went to the William Shatner Panel.
His panel was great. He came on stage, told a couple of funny stories, and then started fielding questions. Some of them were good and some were awkward, but Shatner gamely answered all, occasionally trying to make larger, more philosophical points. For example, when asked about his death scene in Star Trek: Generations, Shatner talked about people dying like they lived. He said he always saw Kirk as someone who approached the world with what he called “awe and wonder,” and he stressed the need for all of us to see our world the same way.
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Re: Article About Shatner's Panel at the Nashvill Comic-Con

Post by Mikey »

I'll tell you, I just finally saw the short film Shatner made entitled "The Captains," which was simply conversations between himself and Stewart, Brooks, Mulgrew, Bakula, and Pine. It was great - and cynically unexpected - to see Shatner as effusive about 'Trek as he was. The quote I attributed to Sir Patrick Stewart in "The New Random Thread" cam from this, and in response Shatner simply said (in so many words) thank you to Stewart for giving him the freedom - finally - to accept being known almost entirely for Star Trek, and for helping him to appreciate that for what it was and accepting it.
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Re: Article About Shatner's Panel at the Nashvill Comic-Con

Post by Nutso »

Mikey wrote:I'll tell you, I just finally saw the short film Shatner made entitled "The Captains," which was simply conversations between himself and Stewart, Brooks, Mulgrew, Bakula, and Pine. It was great - and cynically unexpected - to see Shatner as effusive about 'Trek as he was. The quote I attributed to Sir Patrick Stewart in "The New Random Thread" cam from this, and in response Shatner simply said (in so many words) thank you to Stewart for giving him the freedom - finally - to accept being known almost entirely for Star Trek, and for helping him to appreciate that for what it was and accepting it.
It's really amazing how energetic and full of life the man is at 83. Seems like a man of 63.
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Re: Article About Shatner's Panel at the Nashvill Comic-Con

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Nutso wrote:
Mikey wrote:I'll tell you, I just finally saw the short film Shatner made entitled "The Captains," which was simply conversations between himself and Stewart, Brooks, Mulgrew, Bakula, and Pine. It was great - and cynically unexpected - to see Shatner as effusive about 'Trek as he was. The quote I attributed to Sir Patrick Stewart in "The New Random Thread" cam from this, and in response Shatner simply said (in so many words) thank you to Stewart for giving him the freedom - finally - to accept being known almost entirely for Star Trek, and for helping him to appreciate that for what it was and accepting it.
It's really amazing how energetic and full of life the man is at 83. Seems like a man of 63.
I saw him at a convention once and he was all over the stage, answering questions and running around. And apparently he was just doing some Equestrian events the week before!
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