Battle Royal 3.0

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Battle Royal 3.0

Post by Teaos »

Battle Royal 3.0

For some background:-

Rules we will be using, standard

Planning of the last Battle Royal when people were chatting about the turns and stategys

The Game thread

So for this game I'll post the turns here, PM me your conn and tac orders (so no one else can see them) keep the game chatter to the original chat if you want to make alliances or just talk about the round.

One winner, four losers and a couple million tons of space junk.

The losers face the sweet embrace of death, the winner shall be showered in booze and strippers.

There can be only one.

I remind you again, there are no rules in this match, you can organize alliances through PM's but they are not binding and you can pick on and stab in the back anyone. The last one standing in a functioning ship in the end is the winner.


Staplic and Sonic have:-
Norexian class

Ship is broken down into the following sections:
Head (bridge, main computer, 2 disruptor banks [forward firing], 2 torpedo launchers [each firing 2 torps per turn, forward firing])
Central Engineering (warp core, main engineering, 2 torpedo launchers [each firing 2 torps per turn, aft firing])
Port Engineering (1 disruptor bank [aft firing], port impulse engine)
Starboard Engineering (1 disruptor bank [aft firing], starboard impulse engine)
Port Wing (4 disruptor banks [forward firing/port firing], 1 torpedo launcher [forward firing, 2 torps per turn])
Starboard Wing (4 disruptor banks [forward firing/starboard firing], 1 torpedo launcher [forward firing, 2 torps per turn])
Port Nacelle (the nacelle, duh)
Starboard Nacelle (see above, this ain't quantum physics)

Each section can take 780,000 TJ before being destroyed

The shields have a max capacity of 3,240,000 TJ, giving each facing 540,000 TJ protection

Speed: 80,000 KMPT

12 disruptor banks, dealing 60,000 TJ damage (x2)
6 torpedo launchers, four forward, two aft, each firing 2 torps per turn


Forward saucer (Phaser array, 4 x Type 4 burst fire tubes)
Starboard saucer (2 type 4 Burst fire tubes)
Central saucer (Bridge, shuttlebay)
Port Saucer (2 type 4 Burst fire tubes)
Roll Bar (Phaser array, 7 type 4 burst fire tubes)
Central engineering (WC)
Aft Engineering hull (phaser array)
Port nacelle
Starboard nacelle

Hull: 213,000TJ each
Defensive systems: Standard shield system, total capacity 1,876,500 TeraJoules overall
312,750 TJ per section

3 x Type X phaser arrays, total output 20,000 TeraWatts
15 x Burst fire photon torpedo tube
3 x strike group

Speed: 95,000 KMPT
Special Feature:
Strike groups

The Akira can field 3 strike groups of 5 craft, these craft must stay in their 5 unit strike team, they have an endurance of 5 turns before they must return to the mothership. Once at the mothership they must be docked for one whole turn not including the turn they return to ship before they can be launched again, this effectively resets their endurance and reloads them. It is the commanders duty to make sure the craft do not get so far away from the ship as to be unable to return in due time.

The craft in a strike group must all be of the same type although the different strike groups can be of different makes.

Craft may go into "evasive" mode which increases the odds of dodging enemy fire but it drops speed by 1/3.

The craft options are.

Micro torpedoes: Fires 3 a turn, damage: 10,000 TJ each
Type 4 phaser: Damage 12,000
Speed: 120,000 KMPT
Shields: 30,000, Hull, 3,000
(Has the ability to run interference, places -3 firing penalty on targeted ship for duration, ship must be with in 10,000km to perform act, firing range is 80,000km)

Quantum torpedo: One QT slung under the main body of the craft, one shot. Damage 120,000TJ
Micro pulse phasers x 2, damage 12,000TJ
Speed: With QT loaded, 60,000, unloaded 90,000 KMPT
Shields: 30,000, Hull, 3,000
(The firing range of these craft is 120,000km)

Head (bridge, main computer, 1 Mark 12 Disruptor)
Central Engineering (warp core, main engineering, 2 x Mark 10's)
Port Engineering (3 x Mark 10's)
Starboard Engineering (3 x Mark 10's)
Port Wing (1 Mark 12 Disruptor, 2 triple fire tubes)
Starboard Wing (1 Mark 12 Disruptor, 2 triple fire tubes)
Port Nacelle
Starboard Nacelle

3 x Mark 12 pulse disrupter cannon 80,000TJ
8 x Mark 10 disrupter cannon, total output 60,000 TJ (x2)
4 x Triple Fire photon torpedo tube

Standard shield system, total capacity 2,079,000 TeraJoules, 346,500 per section
Hull: 654,000TJ


Speed: 80,000 KMPT

Forward saucer (Phaser array x 2, 2 x Type 4 QT burst fire tubes)
Starboard saucer
Central saucer (Bridge, shuttlebay, Phaser Array x 2)
Port Saucer
Central engineering (WC)
Aft Engineering hull (phaser array x 2)
Port nacelle
Starboard nacelle

Hull: 320,000TJ per section
Defensive systems: Standard shield system, total capacity 3,800,000 TeraJoules overall
633,333 TJ per section

Type XII phaser arrays , 6 units of 100,000TJ each
2 x Burst fire Quantum torpedo tube

Speed: 120,000 KMPT

Special Feature:
MVAM (Once split it cannot rejoin in combat)

When split you have three independent vessels, Forward, Middle and Aft. Each Section will retain the stats of its original section of Forward, middle and aft, so any damage to each section before combat is retained. It only has the one hull and shield strenght, not individual sections.

The forward section retains its 2 torpedo tubes at full power but its arrays are down to 25% of their usual power due to decreased available power.

Middle section only has two phaser arrays down to 25% of total power, gains 2 Type IV burst fire QT launchers.

Aft Section has two phaser arrays, with a power boost of 50% more due to having the primary warp core, gains 1 Type IV Burst fire QT launcher.

All sections get a +2 modifier to agility.

Conn order gentlemen. So I need to know where you want to move to and at what speed (Full, half, quarter ect) and also how you want to orient your ship. Next order will be tactical once the moves have done.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

Post by Teaos »

Captain Griffin Throws his Akira in reverse, quite obviously terrified of ruining the paint job on his ship, he swings around to face Captain Sonic, sensing treachery.

Captain Spocky swings his Promethius around to bear down on Captain Staplics Romulan vessel, gentle cruising towards his first victim.

Captain Staplic, wanting none of it, follows Captain Griffins lead and throws his ship into reverse and also swings his nose up to display his belly at the approaching Promethius.

Captain Tindarian should obviously cut down on the crew parties as his bridge crew fail to move his vessel, luckily for him though his engineering team is more professional and manages to activate the cloak, his vessel starts to fade from view.

Captain Sonic seeing the pieces begin to move swings his vessel around to bear down on Captain Griffin, however with both ships aiming for each other neither manage to gain positioning and both face down the barrels of each others guns.


Two people reversing, one personal stalled but managed to cloak (So for this turn Tindarians ship is where it was shown for the next tac phase, but after that it disapears, so you can only fire at it now, until it reveals itself) and two people throwing the gauntlet down.

Tac orders gentlemen.

I suggest you quckly reread the rules on tac phase about how tight, middle and lose grouping fire affect accurasy, and how distance adds negative mods to attacks.

So for tac, I need targets and what sort of attacks.

IE, Fire all Torpedoes at Portside, middle spread, all phasers target bridge.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

Post by Teaos »

Captain Spocky shows just why the Romulans feared the Promethius. It unleashes its lethal phaser armament, the superior Federation Targeting systems prove their worth, multiple beams slash across the shields of Captain Staplics Warbird causing flares of energy to crackle across the underside and port side of the vessel. The Phasers manage to short out the shield for a split second allowing one of the beams to sear across the port wing and underside causing minor damage to the hull. Unfortunatly Federation Torpedo systems arent up to quite the same standard, and of the deadly Salvo of 8 Quantum Torpedoes that are sent toward the Romulan vessel, 5 shoot wide disapearing into the void, 3 however slam into the Starboard wing, the shields struggling to contain the barrage but holding, bleed through damage to the Starboard nacelle though is felt through out the ship.

Captain Griffin sits in silence on his bridge, the sound the the Akiras multitude of torpedoes tubes being loaded echos though out the vessel, the sound of heavy machinery jarring in the silence of the bridge. Captain Sonics Warbird enlarged to full size on the view screen.


Torpedoes spewed forth from the Akira, the roll bar seeming throwing a wall of fire towards the Norexian while the additional Tubes on the saucer added their contribution. The tactical officer onboard Captain Sonics ships didnt even get a chance to scream a warning as the first of over a dozen torpedoes slammed into the forward section of the vessel. While almost half the salvo missed, the Akria made up for accuracy with shear volume. The front shield fared for a second before flashing away under yet another impact, the remainder finding no resistance as the forward section disapeared in a flare of detonations. As the flashes of light faded it was obvious to any observers, the front end of the Norexean wasnt damaged, it was gone. The few phaser strikes which had followed the Torpedoes just flashed across the already burnt out neck of the Romulan Ship.

Although any awards the Bridge crew of Captain Sonics get will be awards posthumously, credit is due. Facing down the daunting power of the Federation vessel infront of them, they did manage to launch a full strike a the vessel, even as their own deaths approached. The spread of torpedoes pass the incoming attack. While some go wide, enough are left to crumple to weak forward shields of the Akira, of the remaining torpedos two slam into the Akiras deadly roll bar blowing out the centre two tubes and causing power surges in one more. With the forward shields down the Romulans Disruptors slice into the Akira. Firing at the limit of their range though their attack isnt as deadly as it should be, a beam slashed across the smoking roll bar causing another tube to short out, while several more beams dance across the saucer section, sending debre spinning out into space.

Captain Staplic Norexian
Ventral Shields down to 360,000TJ
Central Engineering down to 760,000
Port Shields down to 450,000TJ
Port Wing down to 770,000
Starboard Shield 203,000
Starboard Wing 757,000

Captain Sonics Norexian
Forward shields: DOWN
Head (Bridge and computer): GONE
Neck: Critical Fire
Command of vessel assumed by chief engineer in central engineering. All rolls for conn and tac turns have a -3 modifier for losing the command crew and main computer.

Captain Griffins Akira
Front Shields: DOWN
Forward Saucer: 193,000
Central Saucer: 193,000
Roll Bar: 108,000 (Two tubes dead, two more out of commision but could be repaired)

Tindarians Vor'Cha
Sparkly clean

Spocky Promethius

Conn Orders
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

Post by Teaos »

Tindarians cloaked vessel, is cloaked...

Fearing the unseen enemy Captain Spocky swings around to face where Captain Tindarian had been and throws himself into full reverse. To the shock of the other captains his ship seems to break apart. Spocky activated Multi Vector Assult Mode.

Wanting to finish off the Romulan scum, Captain Griffin dives full speed ahead, dipping low he closes the distance to the crippled Norexian swinging a out so his full strength port shields face Captain Sonic. His Damage control teams pile into the roll bar but cant get the damaged tubes working this turn.

Everyone watching Captain Staplic would have been momentarily shocked to see him disappear. Fearing that he had suddenly cloaked the other ships were relived to see that he had in fact just warp jumped to the otherside of the field behind where Captain Griffins Akira had been.

The chief engineer, now Captain of Sonics vessel screams orders to his remaining crew, but nothing they attemp works, the crippled ship fails to move. The engineer does however manage to vent the burning neck section, corpses and equipment spew into space, but the fire is dead.


So Tindarian is cloaked and no one knows where he now is. Staplic Warp jumped and cant fire this turn. Sonic managed to put out the fire in his ship but didnt move, Griffin closed the distance between him and Sonic but turned his injured nose and most of his weapons away. Spocky reversed increasing the distance to everyone and has split into MVAM. I didnt show this on the map this time as all the bits are pretty much in the same area, but next time they can move independently.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

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Captain Spocky nervously paces his bridge, out of range of everyone at the moment but unsure of the position of his cloaked foe.

Captain Staplics crew are racing around trying to re calibrate their readings after their short warp jump, unable to make a lock on anyone.

If sound traveled in space, the other 4 ships would hear the maniacle laughter of the Cloaked captain Tindarian.

The Chief Engineer on the crippled Norexian manage to fire all available weapons from the bridge. Without the main computer, tactical crew, or a captain though their control of tactical equipment is limited, the dual torpedo tubes fire from the two wings along with deadly green beams from the disruptors. Unfortunatly the lack of command crew the gods of war were not on their side, a single torpedo slammed into the side of the Akira, causing the shields to momentarily flair but hold.

Captain Griffins Akira manages to bring to bear a few of its Port facing tubes on the Norexean, just as the salvo of fire from the Norexean passed it by the Akira fired its two facing tubes along with its limited phaser power. Due to the close distance his tactical teams order a tight spread of fire and go for a kill shot. Passing through the unshielded front section of the ship, he manages to land two direct shots to the main engineering, one scoring a critical hit. Following up this devistating hit, one of its phaser beams manages to score a follow up hit on engineering causing additional damage.

Captain Staplic Norexian
Ventral Shields down to 360,000TJ
Central Engineering down to 760,000
Port Shields down to 450,000TJ
Port Wing down to 770,000
Starboard Shield 203,000
Starboard Wing 757,000

Captain Sonics Norexian
Forward shields: DOWN
Head (Bridge and computer): GONE
Neck: Critical Fire
Central Engineering: 600,000 (Main Engineering, Warpcore going critical, next turn must either eject by rolling a 3+ on a D6 (and have 3 turns of power left), try to contain it by rolling a 5+ on a D6. Or Die.
Command of vessel assumed by chief engineer in central engineering. All rolls for conn and tac turns have a -3 modifier for losing the command crew and main computer.

Captain Griffins Akira
Front Shields: DOWN
Forward Saucer: 193,000
Central Saucer: 193,000
Roll Bar: 108,000 (Two tubes dead, two more out of commision but could be repaired)
Port Shields: 232,750

Tindarians Vor'Cha
Sparkly clean

Spocky Promethius

Conn Orders
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

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With Klaxons sounding and crew shouting, the chief engineer of the Captain Sonics cripples Norexian preforms a miracle and manages to eject the Warp core a moment before it goes critical, it detonates safely in space leaving the ship with only reserve power. Showing the quality of Romulan Engineers they also manage to seal the neck and contain all the damage from the damaged sections.

Captains Staplic and Griffin have the same plan turning to face each other, the ships slowly close the distance between them a bit while leaving the damaged Norexian behind, Griffin also launches two wings of Falcon fights from the Akiras shuttlebay, flying in close formation around the Federation ship.

Captain Spockys still undamaged Promethius continues to head towards the impending show down, his ship in MVAM and ready for combat.

Captain Tindarian is no where to be seen.

What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

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Captain Spockys, as of yet, undamaged Promethius tests the limits of Federation weapons range and opens up with everything from all three sections at Captain Staplics Norexian, the Phaser beams lance through space, but the distance is simply to great and the dont come close, although the multiple deadly beams do announce the arrival of the Federations greatest. Of the 20 torpedoes sent in a deadly salvo, only a mere 2 manage to land a hit Staplics port side, smashing into his shields, the distance again taking its toll.

Captain Tinadrin cloaked Vor'Cha still sits under cloak, watching, waiting, looking at Pornhub.

The Chief Engineer on captain Sonics vessel making the most of his remaining reserve power launches everything he has at the back of the thrice damned Akira. However its lack of computer and captain is a problem it simply cannot over come. Only two of the four torpedoes land a hit dispite the short distance, in a remarkable show of skill though, all the disruptors from the port side land blows, the ones on the starboard however were not so lucky.

The Akira, still rocking from the attack on its aft, lets lose with all of its remaining forward weapons at Captain Staplic, obviously Captain Griffin has something against Romulans... The close distance plays into his hands as the remaining tubes on his roll bar along with all the ones on the saucer let lose. With an open spread the torpedoes land devestating damage to the forward shield collapsing them, and in a repeat of history, the front section of the Norexian is quite simply vaporised under the devestating attack. So ends Captain Staplic and his bridge crew. Command passing again to the Cheif engineer. Their one solace is the Akiras phaser failed to land and damage...

Captain Staplics last act as Captain was to order a full barrage at the unshielded front section of the Akira. The Falcons, which had been flanking the vunerable Akira, swooped in, their small accurate phasers lacing into the salvo of torpdoes, multiple detonations blooming from the incoming fire, hover there is simply to much incoming fire, and they can do nothing for the incoming disruptor beams. From the first to the last torpedo hitting the front of the vessel, barely two seconds passed, but to Captain Griffin on the bridge it felt like a life time. His entire ship rocked with each hit, the lights flickered and the gravity field briefly doubled as the disruptors tore into the hull. "Report" Captain Girffin screamed, getting no responce, his Opps officer lay dead on floor, a rock sticking out of his forehead from where his grantie control pannel had blown up. On the view screen it was clear to see, the front of his vessel, was gone, fire licking out the front of the remaining sections.

Captain Staplic Norexian
Forward shields: GONE
Head (Bridge and mian computer) GONE (-3 to all future rolls)
Ventral Shields down to 360,000TJ
Central Engineering down to 760,000
Port Shields down to 210,000TJ
Port Wing down to 770,000
Starboard Shield 203,000
Starboard Wing 757,000

Captain Sonics Norexian
Forward shields: DOWN
Head (Bridge and computer): GONE
Central Engineering: 600,000 (Main Engineering, Warpcore gone. 2 turns of power left.
Command of vessel assumed by chief engineer in central engineering. All rolls for conn and tac turns have a -3 modifier for losing the command crew and main computer.

Captain Griffins Akira
Front Shields: DOWN
Forward Saucer: GONE
Central Saucer: 193,000 (Critical fire, Hanger bay door fused shut, needs repair team)
Roll Bar: 108,000 (Two tubes dead, one more out of commission but could be repaired, one of the damaged tubes is now repaired)
Port Shields: 232,750
Aft Shields: 92,750

Tindarians Vor'Cha
Sparkly clean

Spocky Promethius

Conn Orders
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

Post by Teaos »

Its a shit day to be a Romulan, as it appears a new saying is born, A bird with out is head doesnt fly. Both ships under command of their chief engineers fail to move, the loss of their main computer and bridge to much for their surviving crews to over come.

Captain Griffin of the Akira nervous of Captain Staplics Norexian steering him down backs off slowly, giving himself a bit of room.

The Federations finest comes barreling in home, the Promethius tearing up the distance to the big brawl with engines at full.

And the invisible ship is no where to be seen.

What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

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Captain Sonics Cheif engineer manages to let lose with his existing disruptors and torpedoes, while the lack of computer is damaging the short distance helps. The Akiras weakened Aft shields collapse under the assult of the disruptors with the first torpedo impact smashing through them. The remaining torpedos smash into the rollbar, sending it spinning off into space.

Captain Staplics chief engineer cracks out the old strategy guide, aiming for the fighter wings infront of him, disruptors lash out, small explosions light up the battle field as one of the fighter groups lose 2/5 of its fighters and the other 1/5. A salvo of torpedoes follow up passing through the gap in the shields, but the lack of computer systems hampers targetting and only one hit their mark. An attempt at sending a boarding party can only be described as disastrous, as a fine red mist spreads out of the transporter room.

Captain Spocky and Griffin seem to have similar ideas and a love of simplicity, as both their ships open up with everything they have at Captain Staplics Norexian. The Akira manages to get off a full volly before its Roll bar was destroyed followed uo by its light phasers. The Promethius shows just why the Romulans feared this vessel. A deadly blue volly of QT's joined the volly of the Akira followed up by its state of the art phaser. With its preexisting damgem the Norexian had no chance. It didnt explode so much, as it was totally vaporized.

Captain Tinadrin is still putting on his big boy pants before joining the fight.

Captain Staplic Norexian

Captain Sonics Norexian
Forward shields: DOWN
Head (Bridge and computer): GONE
Central Engineering: 600,000 (Main Engineering, Warpcore gone. 1 turns of power left.
Command of vessel assumed by chief engineer in central engineering. All rolls for conn and tac turns have a -3 modifier for losing the command crew and main computer.

Captain Griffins Akira
Front Shields: DOWN
Forward Saucer: GONE
Central Saucer: 113,000 (Hanger bay door fused shut, needs repair team)
Roll Bar: DEAD
Port Shields: 232,750
Aft Shields: GONE
Falcon group A: 3/5
Falcon group B: 4/5

Tindarians Vor'Cha
Sparkly clean

Spocky Promethius

Conn Orders
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

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After the death of Captain Staplic, the Captains of the two Federation vessels take a break, Captain Spocky content to wait for his gunner to reload, while Captain Griffins Akira successfully manages to repair his hanger doors.

Captain Sonics chief engineer uses the last of his thruster power to close the distance between himself and the damaged Akira, hoping to make a noble last stand.

Captain Tinadrin is still nowhere to be found.

What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

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Captain Sonics Chief Engineer makes a heroic last stand as the last of the vessels power drains and the life support fails. He manages a final Salvo from his surviving weapons. Their disruptors prove lethal at the short distance, tearing through the unshielded hull and striking at the warp core, a power surge fires through the Akira blowing out conduits across the ship (-1 to rolls next 2 rolls) and causing a surge in the core (Next conn on a D6 you need to roll a 3+ to stablise, failure voids that turn). Unfortunatly the last torpedo salvo goes wide, the lack of computer proving fatal for guidance. Not willing to let his ship fall into enemy hands the Chief staggers into the armory as the last of the life support fails, in his last defiant act he detonates the remaining weaponry, engulfing the vessel in a staggering blast.

Captain Spocky sensing weakness in his fellow Federation Captain unleashes the full power of the MVAM vessels, 20 Quantums along with numerous deadly beams of power, the Akira shows its glass jaw as its shields quickly collapse under the vicious assult. The deadly salvo of Quantums quickly rip into the hull sending burst of fire through out the vessel, finally rupturing the Antimatter storage pods causing the crippled vessel to explode in a blinding flash of destructive power.

Appearing 222,000k off the port side of Spocky captain Tindarian of the Klingon Vor'Cha appearing ready for battle. A full barrage of its heavy DIsruptors followed up by its photon torpedo armament head directly for the already weakened forward section of the split Promethius. Its shields quickly collapsing under the heavy assult allowing the Torpedoes to slap into the hull. Showing the high quality of Klingon gunners several score critical hits, the final torpedo was the hair that broke the Promethius' back though as the forward section splits apart, the burning hulk spinning off into space.

Captain Staplic Norexian

Captain Sonics Norexian

Captain Griffins Akira

Tindarians Vor'Cha
Sparkly clean

Spocky Promethius
Front Section:

Middle Section:
Hull: 320,000
Shield: 633,333

Back Section:
Hull: 320,000
Shield: 633,333

Conn Orders

For your reference as to where Tinadrin is, (Bear in mind Sonic and Griffin are now dead):

What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

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In an attempt to see who has the biggest balls both captains rush head long closing the distance to that of a long piss. The Prometheus takes advantage of its MVAM and sends the middle section lower, putting distance between the two sections and increasing firing arcs. The Prometheus tries to engage in evasive maneuvers but its head long dash takes all the focus of its pilots.

What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

Post by Teaos »

Taking advantage of their improved firing arcs, both sections of Captain Spockys Prometheus open up with everything they have at the Vor'Cha. With weapons at maximum spread and with such a short range, only a few shots go wide of the Klingon vessel, the rest hammer into the forward and vectral shields tearing them apart like tissue paper. The deadly salvo or Quantums reap havoc across the hull of the Klingon vessel, scoring hits across its head, body and wings. One of its wing disruptors is torn clean off by a critical hit while a hit to its main body fries the circuits of another (Need to roll a 3 on a D6 to repair).

The Klingons warriors eager for a glorious victory unleash hell at the short range, its military grade disruptors slashing wide arcs across the nearest section of the Promethius. As the disruptors reak havoc on the shields, the Klingons heavy torpedoes slam home, crushing the weakened shields and scoring multiple hits across the hull, while its reduced size and increased agility help its slip by several shots, the distance is so close that most score direct hit. A direct hit take out its torpedo tubestarting a fire while another blows out the movement thrusters (need a 4+ on a D6 for repair).

Captain Staplic Norexian

Captain Sonics Norexian

Captain Griffins Akira

Tindarians Vor'Cha
Forward Shields: DOWN
Vectral Shields: DOWN
Head: 472,000
Starboard Wing: 420,000 (Disruptor Dead)
Port Wing: 428,000
Central Engineering: 489,000 (Disruptor overloaded, needs repair team)

Spocky Promethius
Front Section:

Middle Section:
Hull: 320,000
Shield: 633,333

Back Section:
Hull:109,000 (Torpedo tube down, critical fire, movement thrusters offline (Needs repair) (Can only repair one thing per turn)
Shield: DOWN

Conn Orders
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Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

Post by Teaos »

The damaged section of the Promethius ignores it damage and tries to move but its damage gets the best of it and it remains in place, burning.

The remain section performs a remarkable reverse, spinning on a dime and heading away at full speed, trying to get some distance between them.

The Klingons, battle lust running through their veins chase down the Promtheus, they do their best to keep up but the Federation ship is faster opening up a space between them. Their head long dash though prevents them from positioning the Vor'Cha as they desired. The Klingon repair teams, bloodliust in their veins, fail to repair the damaged disruptor.


Tac orders.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Battle Royal 3.0

Post by Teaos »

Phasers lance out from both sections of the Promethius, its beam weaponary showing its versatility as its Torpedoe armament was out of firing arc. The beams sliced across the Vor'cha slapping against shields and slipping within the gaps opened in the previous attack. Federation technology matched with the short range insure every attack hits. A hit to the head of the Vor'Cha send a power surge through its computer. (-1 to next turns rolls)

The Klingons sensing weakness let lose with its armament. Its lower power defensive disruptors slashed into the crippled section sending sections of hull and crew members spinning off into space as its surviving crew struggle to hold the damaged section together. The Klingons Torpedo and heavy phaser disruptors rip forward at the fleeing section. The Prometheus' heavy shields put up a mighty effort, sloughing off the heavy disruptors and holding off against most of the Klingon torpedo torpeodes, collapsing in the final moments and allowing a few strikes against its sleek hull.

Captain Staplic Norexian

Captain Sonics Norexian

Captain Griffins Akira

Tindarians Vor'Cha
Forward Shields: DOWN
Vectral Shields: DOWN
Head: 422,000
Starboard Wing: 420,000 (Disruptor Dead)
Port Wing: 428,000
Central Engineering: 489,000 (Disruptor overloaded, needs repair team)
Aft Shields: 46,500

Spocky Promethius
Front Section:

Middle Section:
Hull: 206,000
Shield: GONE

Back Section:
Hull:49,000 (Torpedo tube down, critical fire, movement thrusters offline (Needs repair) (Can only repair one thing per turn)
Shield: DOWN

Conn Orders
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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