Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

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Re: Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

Post by Vic »

Oh God yes, let it be that way! Oh to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth!!! :happydevil: Let the whine fest begin! You are truly evil Graham!
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Re: Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

Post by Tyyr »

I really don't get the problem with Affleck. Has no one else watched Argo? Yeah, the guy has had some bad movies, EVERY ACTOR DOES. However he's proven recently that he can act and even better he can direct. The guy has got some chops. For the batman side of things he's fine, he certainly can't do worse than Christian, "Do you need a throat lozenge?" Bale. On the playboy Bruce Wayne side I can't imagine a better fit.

And here's the best part, have you ever known Affleck to play the dark, brooding, emotionally scarred borderline psycho? Does the guy make movies that completely go up their own ass and fall apart writing wise (Not being subtle, Rises sucked)? No, if anything his inclusion says to me that we might just have a shot at getting back to a Batman who seems functionally human, a pallet that is more than various shades of black, and dare I say it... fun? Frankly Affleck is the best shot we've got at the moment of a more TAS style Batman and maybe, finally, shake the brooding psychopath that Frank Miller and Tim Burton gave us?

Oh wait, they're doing Batman vs. Superman.

Damn it.
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Re: Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

Post by McAvoy »

I honestly just do not think he is a fit for Batman. Actors for example be the greatest in the world but would you want for example Brad Pitt to be Superman? Batman? How about Tom Cruise? Or Chris Hemsworth? John Cho? Let's go for an Asian Batman this time.

Affleck just doesn't fit.

Batman has always been a psychopath. Unless you really liked Batman and Robin. If you do then there is no hope for you.
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Re: Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

Post by Tyyr »

McAvoy wrote:I honestly just do not think he is a fit for Batman.
How? Seriously, how does he not fit as Batman? The only requirement for the costume is a strong chin. Bruce Wayne is a playboy billionaire, I kind of imagine he could pull that off. What exactly about Affleck couldn't be Batman?

Oh, and you want to talk about not fitting, Heath Ledger. Who the fuck thought that asshole could play the Joker?
Actors for example be the greatest in the world but would you want for example Brad Pitt to be Superman? Batman? How about Tom Cruise? Or Chris Hemsworth? John Cho? Let's go for an Asian Batman this time.
Aside from hair Color Hemsworth could probably play Superman quite easily, Batman... maybe. It looks like you're going off appearance or trying to. Batman doesn't have a "Look" he's an outfit. Quite literally the only part of him visible are his eyes and jawline. Everything else is black leather.
Batman has always been a psychopath. Unless you really liked Batman and Robin. If you do then there is no hope for you.
In what reality has Batman always been a psychopath? The brooding, loner, nutcase that is modern Batman didn't exist until Frank Miller and Tim Burton fucked him up. Batman from the animated series is far more indicative of how Batman has been portrayed historically and even that's on the serious end as Batman has been downright goofy in his history.
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Re: Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

Post by McAvoy »

Not going not only appearances but basically personality. Sure Affleck can pull of being a playboy but the fact is he already played Daredevil. I wasn't convinced about him playing Daredevil in that either.

Batman along with every other comic book superhero has gone through stages.

Iron Man had super tech that made his armor like spandex and had roller skates. Superman is well Superman and but he has mellowed out. Batman has had goofy stages as we all know. X-Men has had its variations too.

It is all about what the modern day super hero is imagined to be. The TAS Batman varies a lot due to it being a kid show and expanding on Tim Burton's Batman. Even animated Batman's of today are brooding.

Brooding Batman is 30 years old. Not a new concept.
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Re: Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

Post by Graham Kennedy »

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I remember how up in arms people were about Michael Keaton as Batman - there were positive howls of anguish over that one, but he turned in what may be the best Batman performance yet. And remember how people screamed about Heath Leger as the Joker?

Affleck is capable of a good performance. He hasn't always turned one in, but then the films he's been in haven't always really been the sort of film an actor can shine in. His Daredevil was fine, I thought - the problems with that film were the writing, not him.
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Re: Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

Post by Tsukiyumi »

Frank Miller obviously looked at the character and said, "Unless this guy is a psychopath, the character is ridiculous."

Which he is. His parents are murdered before his eyes as a kid, causing massive trauma to his psyche; he then trains for years and dons an outfit based on something that scared him as a child. He then proceeds to skulk about rooftops, and beat criminals within an inch of their life (go back to the beginning, before the 50's and 60's campy bullshit). And this is his "real" persona. Bruce Wayne the playboy billionaire is the front, that he uses to throw off his enemies, and keep the world from making the connection.

I don't think for a second that Batman should be "fun" as a character.

I'll give Affleck a chance, for sure. On DVD.
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Re: Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

Post by McAvoy »

GrahamKennedy wrote:I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I remember how up in arms people were about Michael Keaton as Batman - there were positive howls of anguish over that one, but he turned in what may be the best Batman performance yet. And remember how people screamed about Heath Leger as the Joker?

Affleck is capable of a good performance. He hasn't always turned one in, but then the films he's been in haven't always really been the sort of film an actor can shine in. His Daredevil was fine, I thought - the problems with that film were the writing, not him.
Forgot about Keeten. I think he sealed that with the classic line "I'm Batman".

I remember Heath Ledger and people talking about the Joker having dreads and whatnot. At the time I was pretty neutral about it.

I jut do not see Affleck because he couldn't even pull off Daredevil.
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Re: Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

Post by Tyyr »

Not going not only appearances but basically personality. Sure Affleck can pull of being a playboy but the fact is he already played Daredevil. I wasn't convinced about him playing Daredevil in that either.
1) Daredevil is the stupidest superhero in Marvel's canon. A blindman with the power of... sight.
2) The script was shit. That said I don't think Affleck did bad with what he had to work with what he had to workwith was just the lamest superhero they've ever made a movie about.
3) Daredevil was ten years ago. The guy's gotten better. Go watch Argo, the guy can play a deadly serious and driven individual. But seriously, go watch Argo, it's a fantastic movie.

And as Graham pointed out, Micheal Keaton was cast as Batman and he did a pretty good job with the part. Hell, I don't think anyone who's played the part has done that awful with it. Val Kilmer did alright though pretty damn introverted. George Clooney was servicable even if the movie he was so campy the bronze age writers would have told them to reign it in. Christian Bale was ok, if you mute the movie whenever he's talking as Batman.

Batman is not that hard to play, no DC character is hard to play because they're more archetypes than fleshed out characters. Batman's the most 3D character they have and he's still pretty damn 2D compared to most. So long as Affleck doesn't insist on trying to growl every line he'll probably do fine. Batman as a character is pretty hard to screw up.
Batman along with every other comic book superhero has gone through stages.
You used the word, "always." I don't dispute they've gone in stages.
It is all about what the modern day super hero is imagined to be.
Except that modern Batman is NOT locked into one imagining. Burton's movies were dark, gothic and this was reflected in a Batman who is quite frankly, a bit of a loon. While he's less nuts in the latter movies of that era Val Kilmer and George Clooney's Bruce Wayne's are still absolutely locked into being Batman to the point where I can't honestly remember much of them as Bruce OUTSIDE of Wayne Manor. Batman utterly consumed them and his parent's death was eternally on his mind. This carries on into Nolan's Batman where Bruce again, more or less lets his non-Batman life go to shit only emerging from the cowl once in a while to attend a party before slinking off. Hell, Rises has him turn into a hermit for the better part of a decade.

That's just the movies though. In the comics he's literally whatever the latest writer wants him to be. Sometimes he's a great detective with gadgets who still manages to live a normal life sometimes. Then you have Frank Miller with his, "I'm the goddamn Batman," utterly psychotic interpretation. The problem is that because of Miller's name recognition combined with the movies have given Batman this stigma of being well... the goddamn Batman. It's far from the historical interpretation of him or even one of the interpretations going on now. However it's the one getting all the press and memes.

Maybe it's because I was still young enough to enjoy TAS when it was actually on the air and to have read pre-Miller Batman comics but the brooding emo I saw in the Burton movies and who's taken over is not "MY" Batman. Yeah, this is almost entirely my own opinion and tastes. I won't even dispute that there have been aspects of the latest movies and even Miller's stuff (misogynisitic lunacy it usually is) that have been fun. I actually like the "I'm the goddamn Batman," line and I think The Dark Knight is probably the best Batman has ever been. However I liked that Bruce Wayne used to be able to be a functioning human being outside of the cowl. That, "My parents are DEAD!" wasn't his every other thought. That there used to be some fucking FUN with Batman.
The TAS Batman varies a lot due to it being a kid show and expanding on Tim Burton's Batman. Even animated Batman's of today are brooding.
TAS Batman brooded on occasion, but it wasn't his default state outside the cowl, or inside it for that matter. When describing TAS Batman "brooding" isn't a word you'd used to describe him. When I think of the movie series it's at the top of the damn list.
Brooding Batman is 30 years old. Not a new concept.
It's not just brooding though the eternal funk is certainly part of it. It's his inability to function outside of the Batman persona. And it's 24 years old if you use the mark of the original Batman movie.
Frank Miller obviously looked at the character and said, "Unless this guy is a psychopath, the character is ridiculous."
Frank Miller thinks everyone is either a psychopath or a whore, sometimes both.
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Re: Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

Post by kostmayer »

I would never have pegged Michael Keaton as Batman / Bruce Wayne but he was great as both. I was also skeptical about Heath Ledgers Joker and thought Anne Hathaway would be terrible as Catwoman - both were exceptional in their roles.

Ben Affleck deserves a chance.
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Re: Warner Bros confirms Superman/Batman movie for 2015

Post by Atekimogus »

Tyyr wrote:
The TAS Batman varies a lot due to it being a kid show and expanding on Tim Burton's Batman. Even animated Batman's of today are brooding.
TAS Batman brooded on occasion, but it wasn't his default state outside the cowl, or inside it for that matter. When describing TAS Batman "brooding" isn't a word you'd used to describe him. When I think of the movie series it's at the top of the damn list.
TAS and the whole DC animated universe for me IS the whole DC universe. It might have been a kids show but I recently started rewatching it and up to this date there isn't anything which comes even close to the quality of TAS and it is still more than suitable for grown ups.

Compared to some DC comics I tried to read (Frank Millers Batman for example...I gave up at some point, utter stupidity and crap appearently written by an adolescent boy) it is goddamn fucking Shakespeare, true gems from a time when children were not treated as idiots.
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