SF Debris: Author, Author

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Re: SF Debris: Author, Author

Post by Tyyr »

No, but the problem is there's so much conflicting evidence that there's little chance to arrive at a sensible conclusion as opposed to everyone ranting about their pet theories. While economic gain might factor into the issues with what the Doctor does that depends on if their is an economy or not.
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Re: SF Debris: Author, Author

Post by Mikey »

Well, IMHO conflicting opinions is the raison d'etre for conversation. Like I said, the fact that the shows treated the subject idiotically doesn't invalidate it as a topic of discussion; rather, that fact makes it more worthy of discussion.
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Re: SF Debris: Author, Author

Post by McAvoy »

Tyyr wrote:This is a really bad road to take the thread down.

I actually liked the portrayal of the Doctor's holo-novel. It's anvilicious like you wouldn't believe and makes him look like an amateurish hack. Which really humanized him to me. Rather than producing an unbelievable epic like I'm sure they'd have Janeway do if she ever tried to write something, his work was amateurish in the extreme beating the reader over the head with his moral. I think it could have been interesting if from time to time you saw what the Doctor was writing and were able to see a progression from this up to something far subtler and still effective to help his cause towards the end of the series.
I definitely agree with that. The one off of the top of my head is his mobile emitter. He treats it as literally an anchor which could have been better done I think.

Come tot hink about it, why would anyone be interested in his story? Something different?
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Re: SF Debris: Author, Author

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

I thought he loved the mobile emitter... or at least would love it.

And I haven't watched the review as of yet.
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