Eminence Class

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Post by DarkOmen »

i can understand that, but it had allways bugged me how they never had warpdrive when they needed it.

Here are my specs that i have for it, tried to keep it DITL style. Give me some suggestions on the specs.


Type: Enhanced Battleship

Unit Run: NCC-1701-F USS Enterprise NX-94833 USS Eminence

Commissioned: 2387 - present

Dimensions: Length: 1051m
Beam: 490m
Height: 132m
Decks 35

Mass: 6,200,000 metric tons

Crew: 1210

Armament: 18x Type XIV phaser arrays, total output 470,000 TeraWatts
2x Rapid Fire Transphaisic torpedo tubes
4x Type II Quantum torpedo tubes
6x Type V burst fire Photon topedo tubes

Defense Systems: Dual Auto modulated shield system, total capacity 8,560,000 TeraJoules
Heavy Tritanium Double hull with 10cm static Ablative armour and auto regeneration nodes
Adaptive Ablative Armour Generator
Quantum-Level Structural Integrity Field

Propulsion: Quantum Slipstream Drive Mark I
Warp Equivalent: 9.99975 Sustained
9.9999 For Limited Time

Strength Idecies: Beam Firepower: 9400
Torpedo Firepower: 13500
Weapon Range and Accuracy: 3100
Shield Strength: 6170
Hull Armour: 7010
Speed: 40434
Combat Manuverablity: 2000

Overall Strength Index: 11105

Diplomatic Capablility: 5

Expected Hull Life: 150

Refit Cycle: Minor: 1 year
Standard: 4 years
Major: 15 years

I made this a while ago, and it could probably use some work. Of course, since its my ship i wanted it to be as awesome as possible so i gave it all the best (but i tried to be reasonable) tech possible. Cosidering the new technology voyager brought back, plus some stuff that 7o9 could provide of borg technology, the strength indecies got a little bloated and i had to take some liberties on the numbers, but i tried to stick to the DITL ship strength formula. Things like shields and phasers and manuverabiltiy i just gave a "small" time=better boost. The quantum level SIF is to make up for Federations starships inablity to remain intact during a slipstream flight. I added some what i call auto regeneration node that the Feds took from some Borg tech. While not as advanced as the borg equivalent, it can automatically replace via replicators/transporers some major components of hull and other systems when damgaged. I tried to keep all of the dimensions proportional to that of the Sovereign so i wasn't just making stuff up.

EDIT: Also, i was torn for a while if i should change the way the nacelles look, like make them another color/shape/configuration due to the new propulsion systems, but then Enterprise answered my question for me with the E-J still having the nacelles in the same spot.
Last edited by DarkOmen on Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Dean Martlou »

i don't like the superhigh maneuverability. it should be no higher than 2000 for a ship that size.

I shouldn't have told you that last part.
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Post by DarkOmen »

Good point. well i figured manuvering jets, impulse engines and inertial dampeners would increase in performance with the times too, but i can understand what you mean. I will take that into consideration.
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Post by Teaos »

The bigger a ship is the worse it handles. I'd have this ship at like 1500.

Plus I wouldn;t make this an explorer. With these stats its almost a battleship. Put it on Boarder patrol and have some Galaxy class like ship do the exploring. I doubt Starfleet would like its most powerful ships away from the boarders for to long.
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

In my opinion it should be less maneuverable and with those stats would be more of a warship than an explorer.
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Post by DarkOmen »

ok, lol, i think i will lower the manuverability a bit.

and that is a good point also about making it a battle ship, but as far as i know, the sovereign has the best stats of modern federation ships, and it is classified as an explorer.
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Post by Monroe »

You should write up a story about its creation on the fanfic section of the forums, put some background into it. I really like the design. I still think its front should curve into two points just to look meanier but that's me. I think its one of the cooler designs I've seen.
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Post by Teaos »

I think they class the Sov as a explorer because it likes to present a non military front. But that has kinda gone out the window since the Dominion war.
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Post by DBS »

Yeah, I think that the Federation has changed their thinking (again). Back in TOS, the Enterprise was an explorer, but (at least non-canonically) there were more powerful ships in the fleet (Federation class). I know it is not canon, but it is food for thought, and gets this idea started.

Then came Excelsior, and Starfleet realized that the best explorers could also be the best warships, if needed. So from that point on, the biggest and most powerful ships also had the best scientific and diplomatic equipment added on, and the big ships were usually out doing the exploring.

This culminated in the Galaxy class, which as we saw went basically from the role of explorer to flagship to battleship throughout their careers.

Now that the major conflicts are over for now, how does Starfleet spend the "peace dividend?" Do the Galaxy's go back to being explorers? Or do the Sovereign-class ships do that? Turns out that neither will. The Galaxys and Sovs are too big and valuable to send too far afield, so (at least in the books) the Luna class has supplanted them as the premier explorers.

So, this speculation has come full circle. The most advanced ships are still used for exploring, but they are not necessarily the most powerful. Like the (imagined) TOS Federation, Starfleet keeps its warships closer to home and sends medium ships out to do the exploring.
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Post by DarkOmen »

so, i should change it to what? just straight up Battleship, or should we come up with a fancy name :P
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Post by Teaos »

Yeah a battleship or something similar. This isn's an explorer or science ship. Sure it will have some science capability but lets not joke ourselves. This is ment to blow the shit out of our enemies most powerful ships not look into nebula.

I suppose you could make it a Karma class. You screw with us you get screwed right back :lol:
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Post by Monroe »

I personally like the Bismark. Guy was a genious he deserves to have big battleships named after him imo
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Post by Dean Martlou »

DarkOmen wrote:so, i should change it to what? just straight up Battleship, or should we come up with a fancy name :P
i'm all for enhanced can of whoopass.

I shouldn't have told you that last part.
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Post by Devore Sergez »

sorry to say this but the strength indacies are a little off maybe if it was the enterprise Z but she is only one step ahead of the soverign maybe something like this

Beam Weapon
Torpedo tubes
3x pulse fire Quantam Torpedo tubes
1x Transphasic Torpedo Tubes
MAX WARP 9.999


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Post by Teaos »

The enterprise Z would be like 1000000 power.

I think that the weapons figures are ok for this only the movement are high.
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