IW Askad-Colisels

Graham's Coalition Universe stuff
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IW Askad-Colisels

Post by Graham Kennedy »

This one is a work in progress... still need to add some detailing like sensors, thrusters, running lights, a top view...

When Humanity lost the war against the Saravan, they became slaves of the alien race. It remained that way for several
hundred years; Humans were little more than property (and even food animals on occasion). This went on until another
species, the Turgrans, encountered the Saravan.

The Turgrans knew about the Saravan years before the Saravan knew about them; recognising that conflict was inevitable
given the violent nature of the Saravan, they had time to build up their forces.

The Imperial Warship Askad-Colisels was a Turgran heavy cruiser. The ship was a rough match for Saravan
vessels of the time, and showed many improvements over the designs the Humans had been using when they
were defeated.

Most visibly, the sail system employed a four sail configuration. This gave the Colisels a top speed of 240 x c. The Colisels
sails were armoured, vastly increasing their resistance to damage. The ship's own repair systems were also a great
improvement on previous vessels. Whilst doctrine was still to leave sails in a safe place before combat if possible, the
armoured sails conferred greater flexibility of operation.

Her repellor engine was a four lobed design, which gave a sublight acceleration of 45 gees. The repellor was
protected by an armoured shroud; however, the great heat produced by an operating repellor would damage the
shroud if long periods of high acceleration were used. In fact it is a truism of any repellor drive system that armour
significant enough to give protection will melt if the drive was used at full power.

There was a single rotating pressure hull - gyrocompensators has removed the need for contra-rotating hulls.

Colisels was formidably armed. Four drop missile silos carried 224 heavy offensive missiles; a further fourteen octuple
launchers carried 112 point defence missiles. All missiles were fitted with a repellor drive and singularity warheads.
Completeing the armament were six 60 Gigawatt gamma ray laser cannon. Many of the weapons were mounted
directly onto the pressure hull; firecontrol systems had advanced to the point where targeting weapons from a rotating
hull was not significantly more difficult than previous, more stable weapons.

The Colisels was fitted to carry four subships; small transport craft were the norm, though there were some
experiments with fighter-style craft.

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Post by Teaos »

Reading your other ships I wondered why they were not armored. One problem I see is these ships don't look very moveable. But then I guess modern ships aren't very moveable either.
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

We lost the war? About time humans actually lose instead of continuosly winning against ridiclous odds.

The ship idea is quite good. Looks a lot like the style of the other ships. I like the large amount of missiles too.
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Post by DBS »

So this is an alien ship? A human resistance ship with alien technology?
Or is it done using improvements on human technology,
or something else? It just looks a lot like the same design ethic,
if it is alien. Love the design, though!!! :D

By the way, do you have any of the Saravan ships?
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Post by Graham Kennedy »

It's an alien ship.

One thing that always annoys me about Trek is that alien ships look completely different to Federation ones,
even though the technology is similar. I'm by no means suggesting that all ships should look identical... but take a
look at Navy ships today and one destroyer pretty much looks like another - similar hull shape, some sort of
superstructure, masts with sensors on around the middle, then missiles and guns of some sort forward and
possibly a helicopter aft. Everybody uses that pattern because it WORKS!The technology pretty much dictates that
that layout is the best one to use. Only as technology advances does the design change.

Similar thing here. The sail technology is inherently fragile and vulnerable, so pretty much any species hits on
the idea of a sail pod sooner or later. The pressure hull is a cylinder because it pretty much HAS to be a cylinder so
long as you use rotation to provide gravity.

That said, I've tried to make this as different from Human designs as I reasonably can; four sails instead of two,
toroidal fuel tanks instead of spherical ones, one pressure hull instead of a contra-rotating pair, and the hull is a solid
cylinder instead of a ring, weapons mounted onto the hull instead of on a zero gee section.
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Post by DBS »

GrahamKennedy wrote:It's an alien ship.

That said, I've tried to make this as different from Human designs as I reasonably can; four sails instead of two,
toroidal fuel tanks instead of spherical ones, one pressure hull instead of a contra-rotating pair, and the hull is a solid
cylinder instead of a ring, weapons mounted onto the hull instead of on a zero gee section.
I did notice the toroidal fuel tanks (after I posted, though). Hate to be so vain about it, but the way you conceive it, is there an advantage to silver/bare metal hulls?

I'd still love to see Saravan designs! So curious as to what advance makes THEM so superior!

:) :)
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Post by Graham Kennedy »

DBS wrote:I did notice the toroidal fuel tanks (after I posted, though). Hate to be so vain about it, but the way you conceive it, is there an advantage to silver/bare metal hulls?
With laser weaponry in use, hulls that are reflective to some extent have the advantage of being somewhat resistant to
those weapons.
I'd still love to see Saravan designs! So curious as to what advance makes THEM so superior!

:) :)
I am in two minds about how to go with that, actually. One is to make something about in-between the Longbow
and the Colisels here. Another would be to make the Colisels type a Saravan design, and then use something
more advanced for the Turgrans. I even have a WIP for that... but if I go that route it will mean redesigning a good
dozen or so ship classes. Not sure I want to do it.
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