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The enterprise had to be different?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 5:15 pm
by AlexMcpherson79
Read an article (on my mobile so dont have the address or even what site it was on) that said that given how the IP was divided up after the paramount viacom ownership crap, thats why the JJ Prise was different, and why DISC had yet another different enterprise... and wasn't allowed to actually use the original design. ... If anyone recalls the article and can link, go ahead, but basically it means: The people making Star Trek, couldn't show a Star Trek Ship. Ergo: ITS NOT STAR TREK.

... and yet the Enterprise was in BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.

Re: The enterprise had to be different?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 6:00 pm
by Graham Kennedy
And the Millennium Falcon was in First Contact.


Re: The enterprise had to be different?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:30 pm
by AlexMcpherson79
exactly. They're happy using things from star wars (R2-D2 was in ... Star Trek the... um... ST:... um... That One Where Thor is Kirk's dad, Emma, the daughter of Snow White, is also Kirk's Mother, Sylar has moved from stealing powers to stealing body parts from aliens, The ships doctor is John Grimm "Reaper", hence why that one they call Bones, They're fighting the Hulk who's forgotten how to transform into a giant rage monster, The Helmsman is Harold, (Probably why he forgot to take off the brakes... in a spaceship), Gamora is on a break from Starlord and to hide has taken to looking like a human, The Engineer is a Comedian, (No, really), and Then There's Chris Pine as Kirk. Nuff Said.)

... that punchline ran away from me and came back married with kids.