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Xindi crew

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 6:22 pm
by Meste17
Okay, so at least we met the Xindi in Enterprise, HOWEVER, we never really saw them beyond that serious, other than the fact that they are Federation members.

So let's say that Starfleet actually did what they did in the 23rd century, and give ships to each aliens (the USS Eagle to the Andorians, the USS Intrepid to the Vulcans, etc.), and with that in mind, how would a Xindi crew be?

I can see the following:
Xindi-Aquatic chief medical officer? (Assuming they would be able to develop a hydro-suit or something, don't ask, just an idea y'know?)
Xindi-Primate (aka Xindi-Humanoid) chief engineer
Xindi-Reptilian security chief/tactical officer

Idk what the Insectoid or the Arboreals would do.... :/

Re: Xindi crew

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:26 pm
by McAvoy
Really this is just up to the imagination of the person making the crew.

There is no defined role they would have. Would they even be in Starfleet or the Federation at that point is also up to the imagination.

Re: Xindi crew

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:59 am
by Jim
Maybe they are hanging with the Andorians.

Re: Xindi crew

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:20 am
by Graham Kennedy
If we remember, the Enterprise-D is supposed to have flooded areas for whale and dolphin specialists. Sounds like the Xindi Aquatics might be comfortable in those areas, yes?

Re: Xindi crew

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 2:18 am
by Jim
Graham Kennedy wrote:If we remember, the Enterprise-D is supposed to have flooded areas for whale and dolphin specialists. Sounds like the Xindi Aquatics might be comfortable in those areas, yes?

I have no recollection of that at all. When was that on the show?

Re: Xindi crew

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 2:45 am
by Graham Kennedy
The Perfect Mate.

PICARD: May I suggest that you arrange to meet at another time, after the ceremony?
BRIAM: Perhaps that would be best.
LENOR: But, but...
(Briam and Picard enter a turbolift as Geordi hustles Lenor away)
LAFORGE: Listen, have you had a chance to see the dolphins yet?

Also mentioned in background materials such as the TNG Tech Manual and Enterprise-D blueprints, with concept art here by Probert, and featured in at least one of the novels (Dark Mirror). In that book Dolphins are able to talk via universal translators, manipulate tools with waldo-type devices, and float around the ship's dry areas in a forcefield-contained water bubble. It's cool stuff :)

Re: Xindi crew

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:25 pm
by Jim
I certainly remember the Famke Janssen episode but I must have completely missed the dolphin comment (each of the times I have seen the episode).