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Delta Mission IC internal messages

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:14 pm
by Mark
To: Captain W'Trisk, Commanding Officer, USS Daystrom

From: Vice Admiral Wilbur Sinclair, Sector Commander, Starbase 1121

Subject: Punitive Action

Captain, I have given a great deal of thought to your assault on Admiral Grayling. It was in no way justified, nor will behavior like that be accepted in any way, shape, or form at any level in Starfleet. However, I have taken your past service record into account, as well as our current mission requirements and have made the following decision.

I have reduced the charges from Assaulting a Flag Officer to Conduct Unbecoming a Starfleet Officer. This will allow you to keep your command. However, you will not avoid consequences for your actions. Your punitive action is as follows

1. An official reprimand will appear on your permanent record.

2. You are hereby on Probation for a period of six months.

3. You hereby forfeit one month's pay.

Keep your nose clean Captain. At the moment, we need you in that center seat, but not so much I will tolerate this behavior from anyone wearing that uniform a second time. If you do not feel you can keep your temper in check, then for God's sake let your XO deal with the Admiral and you avoid him like the plague.

End Transmission

Re: Delta Mission IC internal messages

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:03 am
by Mikey
To: Vice Admiral Wilbur Sinclair, Sector Commander, Starbase 1121
From: Captain M'karn W'trisk na-Arv'n krav Kui'kui, CO, USS Daystrom

Subject: re: punitive action

Of course I respectfully appreciate, and submit to, your judgement. I apologize for any upset to your command. I certainly meant no disrespect to you or your reputation.

I must at this juncture, however, make it plain to you that I do not intend to lend credence to Admiral Grayling's libelous and omissive report of my actions while under his command in the now-famed Gamma Quadrant mission nor will I acquiesce to slanderous defamation in the future - no matter the rank of the source - any more than I have in the incident about which you have just ruled. Again, I intend no disrespect or insubordination to you, sir; but such baseless and pointed allegations cannot be made against loyal and dedicated Starfleet officers with impunity. As an able commander of men, I'm sure you understand completely.

I will instruct my operations officer to presently upload your office's remarks in my record and to update the ship's logs and personnel records appropriately.

Captain W'trisk

Re: Delta Mission IC internal messages

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:47 am
by Mark
Captain W'trisk, Commanding Officer USS Daystrom
Captain Lewis, Commanding Officer USS Ravage

Captain Fletcher, Commanding Officer USS Paladin

Investigative plan

Gentlemen, I believe we need to come up with a plan of action. Its obvious that even with our three ships and Daystrom's support craft, we will still have an enormous amount of space to cover. How would you suggest we begin our search?

Re: Delta Mission IC internal messages

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:12 pm
by Mikey
To: Captain Fletcher, CO USS Paladin; Captain Lewis, CO USS Ravage
From: Captain W'trisk, CO USS Daystrom
Subject: re: Investigative plan

Agreed that a planning session is in order. Shall we take Captain Lewis up on his invitation to meet? If it's OK with everyone else, I'd like to bring my flight lieutenant - all assuming, of course, that you guys don't mind being seen in public with a rogue loose cannon such as myself.

Re: Delta Mission IC internal messages

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:25 pm
by Mark
From: Captain Fletcher

To: Captain Lewis, CO USS Ravage
Captain W'trisk, CO USS Daystrom

If you bring enough Andorian Ale, I think we can stomach you Mikey. By the way, we better bring our First Officers as well. My new one has been with me since the GQ and is a hell of an officer, but seems to be lacking personality. The liquer might be good for him.

Also, I've been chatting with Mas. He's one of the Geg's that own that massive bar on the Prominade. He's been teaching me a bit about Geg politics. Even though their King signed several treaties with us, several of their Noble Houses are against us being here and may try and interfere. He mentioned two of them that may actually try to resist us with force. We should be ready. The Clans Drugar and Libek are among the most violently opposed to us. The Dukes of both Drugar and Libek may be looking for a fight.

Re: Delta Mission IC internal messages

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:01 pm
by Mikey
To: Captain Fletcher, CO USS Paladin
Captain Lewis, CO USS Ravage

From: Captain W'trisk, CO USS Daystrom

Subject: re: Investigative plan

NP regarding the ale. My new XO could use some, too. He's the very model of Academy efficiency and polish - so afraid to be proactive or creative I think he'd split in two if he had to have an original thought. Thanks for the info on the Geg... are those couple of hostile clans enough to account for the losses? I hadn't thought so, based on the briefings.

See you tonight, gentlemen.

Re: Delta Mission IC internal messages

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:04 am
by Mark
Captain W'Trisk, USS Daystrom
Captain Lewis, USS Ravage

Captain Flether, USS Paladin

Priority One Message

As much as I dislike the necessity, I think we are going to have to split our forces. I suggest I take the Paladin to aid the USS Farseer while Captain Lewis and the Ravage try to pick up a trace of the lost USS Telford. I believe that Captain W'Trisk should take the Daystrom to cover the Ravage, who might need the protection with her reduced weapons capacity.

Thoughts gentlemen? We must hurry.

Re: Delta Mission IC internal messages

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:55 pm
by Mikey
To: Captain Fletcher, CO USS Paladin
Captain Lewis, CO USS Ravage

From: Captain W'trisk, CO USS Daystrom

Re: Priority One message

I'm forced to agree. Both situations represent a chance to uncover a lead, and I don't want to miss any possible opportunity. That is, of course, if Captain Lewis and his redoubtable XO don't mind having me nearby.

Re: Delta Mission IC internal messages

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:03 pm
by Sonic Glitch
To: Captain W'trisk, CO USS Daystrom
Captain Fletcher, CO USS Paladin

From: Captain Lewis, CO USS Ravage

Re: Priority One Message

It does seem to be the best reaction. Captain W'trisk, I suppose we can tolerate your presence at least for this mission -- providing you behave yourself you maverick, you.