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Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:30 am
by Mark
Its been awhile since this has been a topic of discussion. We all have our alltime favorite ships, for whatever reasons. This'll start a new series of polls and dicussions. In this one, lets discuss our favorite Federation class of starships. Which class, why do you like it so much, and if you were a Starfleet Captain, what ship would you choose? As per standing guidlines, one nomination per person, but you can second whatever you'd like.

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:58 am
by Lighthawk
I've always been a fan of the Miranda class. I like the under slung nacelle look in general, and the Miranda really works that design, especially with the roll-bar. It might be old, and it might be small, but I think it's a good looking ship, and a well designed one. It doesn't strike me as fragile in appearance as most other SF ships, and there is an economical sort of sense about them. I like the compact design a lot more than the long limbed appearance of most SF ships. This is probably my own interpretation, but I've always seen the roll-bar as the proto version of the Nebula's mission pod, and imagined that it could be customized to suit different tasks, if not to the same degree as the Neb's. If I was a TOS captain, I'd definitely be happy with a Miranda. And if I was a TNG era captain I'd go for the Nebula, as I see it as the continuation of the Miranda design philosophy.

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:00 am
by Mark
So, which are you nominating?

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:07 am
by Deepcrush

Its the greatest, this thread is done.

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:10 am
by Lighthawk
Mark wrote:So, which are you nominating?
Miranda for my fav, I just mentioned the Neb because of your question about which ship I'd pick as a captain, which is somewhat dependent on the era. While the Mirandas were still in use in the TNG era, something I think speaks well of the design, they were clearly out dated.

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:18 am
by Mikey
Deepcrush wrote:EXCELSIOR!

Its the greatest, this thread is done.
Hmm. Let me go get my surprised face on. :P

I agree, BTW, with an honorable mention to the Steamrunner-class. It just looks like a sturdy little boat.

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:27 am
by Tyyr


Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:34 am
by Lighthawk
Tyyr wrote:Nebula

Well I suppose I can hardly not second the Nebula, after giving it an honorable mention. So...seconded.

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:43 am
by Reliant121
I'm gonna have to second the Excelsior. Nothing quite got that same level of grace. I'll second a Miranda as well. A perfect balance between economy, numbers and dependability.

As for my submission, I'll put forward the Akira class. A fast and powerful missile boat with some pretty graceful lines.

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:44 am
by Deepcrush
I can agree with the Neb being second place. I don't think it was anywhere near as good looking as the Excelsior but the Neb was just as solid a ship in every other category.

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:47 am
by Sionnach Glic
The Miranda, Akira and Sovereign classes all rank as my fabourites.

The Miranda is just a sturdy little boat, its simple and compact form clearly showing that it was built during TOS, when the emphasis was on building ships for combat. The fact that it's still around during the Dominion War is a testament to its durability.

The Akira is like the "modern" version of the Miranda. Slim, sleek shape, small profile when attacking head-on, and packed to the brim with torpedoes.

The Sovereign I like more for aesthetic values than anything else. It just looks like a nice ship, and there's little I can really fault it on.

As far as nominations go, I'll second the Miranda.

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:02 am
by shran
I would like to bring forth the Akira.

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:30 pm
by Captain Seafort
The Akira is cool, but she's distinctly lacking in grace.

I'll nominate the refit-Connie. I await everyone's expressions of shock and amazement that I'd do so. :)

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:20 pm
by Atekimogus
Galaxy Class

I know she isn't appreciated on this forum but I couldn't care less. I do not care about plot induced warp core instabilities etc. every ship is just as likely to blow up because of this (I vaguely remember the enil almost crashing on a planet because of no power due to some fried circuits, now THAT is an embarresment imho).

And if I were to explore the universe, it might as well be on the biggest, most capable, most advanced (sovereign...I am not impressed) and not to forget the most comfortable ship in the history of starfleet to date. (which at least in DS9 was also pretty badass in combat)

Re: Your Favorite Federation Starship Class

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:45 pm
by Mikey
Hey, I for one won't knock your right to your opinion, even if it differs from mine.

However, in your own post you included the Sovereign-class as available for comparison, so let's take a look at your claims about the GCS compared to the Sovereign:

Biggest: check.

Most comfortable: probably; but it's not as if serving on a Sovereign is comparable to crossing the Atlantic on a Bermuda sloop. Judging by Picard's quarters on the E-E vs. his quarters on the E-D, the GCS might have the edge in comfort but not to the point at which the comfort level of a Sov is a negative factor.

Most advanced: Nope. The Sovereign-class is far and away more advanced. Not through any fault of the GCS, of course, but it's not even a question.

Most capable: Nope - again, not even close. The Sov, by nature of its "new-ness" and greater technological advancement, is faster; tougher; more powerful in combat; most likely at least as capable sensor-wise; and likely more maneuverable. The GCS might have the edge in research facilities, etc. - but not enough by a long shot to say that it's more capable overall.

As to this:
Atekimogus wrote:every ship is just as likely to blow up because of this
Well, I suppose it's possible. But so is the Doctor showing up to repair the ship with a sonic screwdriver. There is evidence for a less-than-stellar (no pun intended) reliability record of the GCS in this regard, and no evidence of other classes having the same issues. You can correctly say that this is only because the E-D was the only ship on which the action was focused every week of TNG, and that any other ship might react the same if it were exposed to the continuous dangers that the E-D was; but there is absolutely zero basis for your statement that any other class definitely would react the same.