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The story so far.....

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:22 pm
by Mark
The story so far .

Shortly after the extraction of the Ba'al symbiote, the USAF Apollo experienced a malfunction with her hyperdrive, reverting to real space in proximity to the planet of Abydos. Her long range scanners detected an active power source coming from the planet, which was thought to be lifeless since the attack by Anubus, in which its native population ascended. While conducting repairs to its hyperdrive, the Apollo proceeded at sublight speed into a planetary orbit and dispatched a team. Once upon the planetary surface a previously hidden chamber below the ruins of the temple of Ra was discovered containing writings that predated anything previously discovered regarding the Goa'uld. Much to everyones excitment, the energy source had been an undiscovered ZPM that inexplicably activated.

The Apollo conducted thorough scans of the temple both from the ground and from orbit, eventually locating, unearthing, and reactivating the planets Stargate. Dr. Daniel Jackson was sent for, and then dispatched via the newly re-activated gate to the planet to conduct research and translate the ancient symbols. According to his research, the writings told of a time of Elder Goa'uld that dominated the galaxy, not only enslaving humanity but forcing their younger Goa'uld offspring to serve them as well. They were referred to as "The Titans".

Further research into this suggests that Greek mythology sprung from this event. Apparently the younger Goa'uld rebelled against the Elders they served in a titanic war that spread across the known galaxy, in which nearly three quarters of the Goa'uld population were destroyed, however somehow the Titans were eventually overthrown and banished. The records are unclear why they were not simply executed but apparently they were cast out, with all of their human and jaffa slaves via Stargate to an uncharted planet. A Stargate with EIGHT symbols, leading to the Andromeda galaxy. A cryptic warning stated that one day "The Titans would return", seemingly heralding the Goa'uld version of the Apocalypse.

The ZPM was borrowed from the Antarctic base to power a recon mission to the planet codenamed "Olympus", and SG-2 was dispatched. On the planet "Olympus" a temple similar to the one discovered on Abydos was found, where a number of different gate addressed were found, indicating a gate network in Andromeda as well. Another discovery was made, this one terrifying. The Titans had risen to near galactic domination with only a small number of planets able to resist, as the Andromeda galaxy had no apparently benevolent races such as the Asguard to hold them in check. They had amassed both a fleet and army of unsurpassed size and according to intel garnered, were planning in invasion of the Milky Way galaxy. A member of the SG-2 was captured by Jaffa forces where the First Prime of Hyperion conducted an extensive interrogation before taking him before Hyperion. He was implanted with a symbiote to verify the accuracy of the status of the Milky Way. An abortive rescue attempt by SG-2 resulted in the death of the new Goa'uld and regretably the team member, but limiting the overall intel they were able to gather about Earth forces.

Upon returning to Earth it was decided during a joint meeting of the IOA, Tok'ra, and Jaffa representatives that an expedition should be sent to the Andromeda galaxy to attempt to thwart the invasion. The newly commissioned USAF Dauntless was assigned to the expedition and assisted in locating a suitable base of operations. An uninhabited planet on the edge of the galaxy was selected and the Abydos Stargate with DHD was transported from the Milky Way along with engineers and some prefab units. A state of the art facility was in complete operation less that a year later combining Earth, Asguard, and Ancient tech. The base was equipped with the ZPM taken from Abydos as well as several Naquida generators. It was also build under a dormant volcano allowing the planets natural geothermal energy to constantly power its emergency batteries. The base is 33 levels deep and houses approximately 1200 personnel. The gate room and the ring transporter are housed on the lowest level in a specially designed chamber lower than the main deck to allow for greater defensibility and containment in the event of a foothold situation. The gate is eqquiped with an iris as well as a containment shield. Six Puddle Jumpers were taken from Atlantis and given to the Andromeda Expedition thus requiring that all personnel be given injections of the ATA gene. At present, the gene is only active in approximately 500 members of the team.

The base was formally commissioned as the Andromeda Stargate Command Headquarters, however is usually just referred to as "HQ" so as not to be confused with the SGC. Members of the command staff and Stargate teams are beginning to arrive through the Stargate, and the USAF Dauntless is expected to arrive within a week to take up her permanent post, also equipped with a ZPM borrowed from the Wraith known as "Todd" from the Pegasus galaxy.

At the moment the Antarctic ZPM will remain at the SGC until a new control chair can be found for Earth's defense system, allowing unrestricted travel between the two galaxies.