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The Lainath war

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:38 pm
by Sionnach Glic
My first attempt at a story, all comments are welcome. This takes place in the year 2400, and things have changed quite a bit. Chapter one will be posted momentarily, but first, here's the over view of the major powers we all know and love, and one we don't.
The Federation.
After the Dominion war much criticism and controversy raged over Starfleets militarism and the actions of Section 31 (unknown to the public, who consider their actions to have been carried out by Starfleet forces). There is massive support to return to 'the old ways' of peace and exploration, although Starfleets admirals are wary of this, feeling it would leave them open to further attack by other, unknown, hostiles.
The Cardasians have joined the Federation for protection and aid, although many resent the fact that they are relying on former enemies to survive.
Meanwhile, Section 31's activities have been on the increase. Emboldened by their succeses during the war, they believe that they alone are all that stands between the Federation and destruction. Their actions become increasingly controversial, causing splits within the organisation, one of the largest acts of the new S31 is the creation of 'Shadow Fleets'. Fleets which do not officialy exist, using illegal or stolen technology to improve their power. These fleets engage in secretive raids and recon missions into the territories of other power, leading to increased tensions within the Alpha Quadrant as other races are convinced the Federation is preparing for another, final, war.

The Klingon Empire.
The Empire is in chaos. Atempts to join the Federation resulted in a mass uprising by conservative elements among the Empire. Martok, and indeed half the council, lie assasinated by these rebels. Although the military remains mostly on the side of the council they are powerless to stop the rate of defections growing every month. Some planets have even gone so far as to openly rebel, heedless of the fact they could not possibly stand before the Empire's military. Attempts to calm the conservative populace have been mostly unsucsessful, and the rebels activities grow more ambitious day by day. Elements of the military are also going missing and unconfirmed rumours say that they are defecting to the rebels. More worringly, however, are the ships which have not defected to the rebels but have also gone missing. The rebels have not yet been sucsessful in attempts to destroy warships, so why have dozens of ships simply dissapeared? Even more worringly, is the fact that most of these ships have gone missing near a previously unexplored are. Enveloped by civil war, and with the possibility of invasion, can the Empire hold itself together? Or is it destined to fall into chaos?

The Romulan Star Empire.
All diplomatic relations with the Federation and Klingons have ceased. Furious at the fact that they were tricked into the war, they have begun plotting their revenge. Several Federation ships have been sighted in Romulan space, some even attacked, yet Starfleet still stubournly denies any involvement. It is clear the Federation is arming for war, one which the RSE cannot hope to win. But the Romulans have far more power than the hated Federation could possibly imagine, one which would bring the humans and the Vulcans to their knees. And the traitor Shinzon's superweapon is very interesting indeed. The Federation is coming, likley the barbarian klingons will be alongside them too, but Romulus will not stand by and let their enemies take the initiative, the RSE will strike the first blow, and victory shall be theirs...

The Dominion.
Although Odo tried his best, he could not erase centuries of xenophobia and prejudice. Some listned, although most didn't. The Alpha Quadrant is falling into chaos, the allies are at each others throats and their militaries are still being rebuilt. It will not be long before the Alpha quadrant colapses in on itself, and when it does they will feel the full might of the Dominion. What the masters of the Dominon are unaware of, however, is that they are not alone in their plans of conquest...

The Lainath Imperium.
A young race, yet ambitous and advanced. If the Dominon war had been avoided it would be likely the Federation would have discovered this species, maybe they would have even joined peacefully. As it was, the ships exploring that area had been called home to serve in the fight against the Dominion, and the Lainath's first contact with an alien race would not be so peacefull...
Enslaved by another alien race for a few years, they quickly fought back against their oppresors. While the Alpha quadrant was fighting for freedom, so too were the insectoid Lainath. The war ended in the genocide of the race which had oppresed them, the orbital bombardmant of the aliens homeworld. Using stolen warships and weapons, the Lainath quickly built up a massive military and began conquering anyone and anything it found in its path.
Now, two decades after their enslavement, they have a powerful military and a determination to rule. Although their technology apears superficially to be primitive, still using projectile weapons for ground forces for example, they are more powerfull than many would immediately imagine, using their weapons to great effect. Long range scouts have detected a group of powerfull empires near their rapidly expanding border. Recon reports indicate one of these empires is currently in the grip of a massive civil war, they should be easy targets. Preparations for invasion has begun, the fleet has been readied, and they shall know victory...
