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Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 1:36 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Atekimogus wrote:
Now maybe it is just a bad trailer concentrating only on the action scenes.....but by god would it be too much to ask to not have people running away from explosions for once and just add some interesting dialogue? the end I am sure a movie like "Captain America: Civil War" will end up having more dialogue and character interaction than a freaking STAR TREK movie.
Did you miss the select quotes/scenes that seem to indicate Kirk questioning his own reasons for being there, as well as some much needed introspection? ("My father joined Starfleet because he believed in it. I joined on a dare."). I'm hopeful this film will start re-setting the balance of introspection/action that the last one fumbled. In fact, this may be closer to a TOS episode than a movie the mors I think about it.

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 8:58 pm
by Atekimogus
Sonic Glitch wrote: Did you miss the select quotes/scenes that seem to indicate Kirk questioning his own reasons for being there, as well as some much needed introspection? ("My father joined Starfleet because he believed in it. I joined on a dare."). I'm hopeful this film will start re-setting the balance of introspection/action that the last one fumbled. In fact, this may be closer to a TOS episode than a movie the mors I think about it.
Yes...I did miss it since it was the standard trailer narrative we already had in star trek 2009 for example ("Your father was captain of a starship for 12 minutes and saved yada yada lives...I dare you to do better).

It is not really an indication of having more character building scenes or better diaologe. It is just the usual stuff that is supposed to sound meaningful for the trailer. If it actually will be remains to be seen.

Idk...maybe it is because I am getting old but I find myself supremely bored by action heavy movies as of late.

I really liked the 2009 movie....but the second one.....while enjoyable...was imho ultimately not very interesting and 5 years from now it will be completely forgotten. And the same will happen here I think. It will be quite enjoyable and maybe even worth a cinema ticket....but it won't be anything outstanding.

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:51 pm
by Graham Kennedy
I dunno, it's hard to tell from the trailers but there seems to be a fair bit of introspection/character stuff here. Lighthearted, with McCoy's "At least I won't die alone...", and the "he really likes that chair" but also more serious, with the woman in voiceover talking about how dangerous space can be, and with Kirk apparently introspecting about whether he really even should be in Starfleet. It looks pretty promising to me.

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:53 pm
by Graham Kennedy
New poster



Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 1:30 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Very colorful! And that new character's front-and-center.

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 2:41 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Clear reference to TMP here :


Interestingly, no taglines on any of these posters.

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:29 pm
by McAvoy
It has freaking lens flares in that poster!

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 10:12 pm
by Nutso
Karl Urban's poster:
Let's try that again !@StarTrekMovie , full cast for 50th anniversary @ParamountPics @ParamountUK #bestfanposter

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 10:25 pm
by Graham Kennedy


Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:37 pm
by Teaos
Those look like the Cardasian planetary defence platforms from DS9.

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:27 pm
by Graham Kennedy
This one is a mild spoiler for the actual movie, I think, but has broad ramifications. Rumour has it...
In Beyond, Sulu is going to be depicted as gay, and in a relationship with another man.

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:15 am
by Mikey
I read something to that effect myself. Simple irony, or an homage?

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:01 am
by Griffin
Homage I believe, but
Takei himself
doesn't seem to approve Link

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:54 pm
by Graham Kennedy
If it was intended as a compliment, you would think they'd have taken five minutes to give the guy a call and ask about it first.

Re: Trek XIII general news and rumours

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 5:12 pm
by sunnyside
Graham Kennedy wrote:If it was intended as a compliment, you would think they'd have taken five minutes to give the guy a call and ask about it first.
They did. The selected the move as a homage to Takei, they then called him up expecting him to be overjoyed.

Instead Takei has proven to be quite loyal to Gene's vision. Apparently a lot of thought went into the character that Takei was aware of, and Sulu wasn't gay. Takei really liked the idea of a gay Starfleet officer, he just wanted them to make a new character for that.

Also, if you consider that this isn't taking place in a different dimension but only a different timeline, the concept that Sulu is the same person in both series. Being gay in Beyond then implies he was in the closet during TOS, which doesn't sit well with Takei.

( Though as YATI go, especially if we ignore not strictly cannon sources, that one would be relatively easy to rationalize around. )

Anyway it sounds like they had a number of conversations with Takei always pressuring them to make a new character, but in the end his wishes weren't honored in the matter of his own homage.