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Re: New Enterprise Look - Part XIX: Capabilities

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:23 pm
by DarkMoineau
SomosFuga wrote:
Tinadrin Chelnor wrote: but guess they wanted Kirk back in command asap or something.
I don´t think so because by that time Kirk was already an almirant and he went back to service because Enterprise was the only ship available and her captain didn´t had much experience.
Sonic Glitch wrote:Too be fair, cloaking devices are banned to Starfleet in the 24th century -- which didn't stop Starfleet from operating at least two ships with cloaking devices (Pegasus and Defiant). With the death of much of the Romulan leadership in Nemesis and the eventual destruction of Romulus I wouldn't be shocked that the Feds decided to "renegotiate" the treaty between the E-E and E-H.
Pegasus and Defiant aren't good examples because Pegasus was not sanctioned by SF IIRC, was an illegal reserch and Defiant was an exception to the treaty because of the dominion threat (They even had a romulan officer onboard for a while) and the device was probably withdrawn after the war (That doesn't mean they din't got a glimpse of the tech). Of course they could have renegotiate the treaty or even ignore it after the destruction of Romulus.

The Enterprise from All Good Things had cloaking device so if this universe is believable it could mean that the Treaty of Algeron is no longer an issue by this time frame.
And CBS didn't make any choice yet about that subject: cloaking device are still not present on Starfleet vessels in the latests games and years.

Re: New Enterprise Look - Part XIX: Capabilities

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:18 pm
by Spocky
Well, there is the Tactical Escort Retrofit, the Galaxy-X, and the Avenger Battle Cruiser form STO, but I thikn the ship should NOT have a cloak.

Re: New Enterprise Look - Part XIX: Capabilities

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:34 pm
by DarkMoineau
Ah ok, three models I didn't played with. ^^