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Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:34 pm
by Aaron
Rôa grunts her thanks to Melroch and consults the chart she retrieved from below decks and sets sail to Painbringer. The journey is boring for most involved, Hagcrasha being one of the few used to or enjoys boats. There is much taking in, putting up and resetting of sails to keep a constant speed but in the times between she makes sure the party can rest in the hammocks of the former owners or have a warm meal thanks to the cutter's stove.

Around mid-day she hands the wheel off to a party member and casts a small drag net over the side, reeling it in an hour later and dumping a collection of fish, crabs and shellfish onto the deck, which she cleans and cooks for the evening meal.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:45 pm
by Tyyr
Asaa finds the most comfortable looking seat she can, a cask in the shade of the wheelhouse and dusts it off, and claiming it for her own. She uncorks the jug at her hip and takes a sip before trying to find the most comfortable position she can and blocking out the commotions of the other party members.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:13 am
by Monroe
The Port of Deathbringer lied ahead after no Mermen traveled up river to attack. The port was relatively crowded with trade that had halted to a near standstill. Ships were anchored along the harbor waiting for their crews. Only the bravest, or those who had more to fear from their masters, made the journey into the high seas after the defeat of the Dox Navy. The Cutter the party had captured received some stares from passerbys.

The dock market place was still busy as buyers tried to purchase the last of the fish from the oceans. Creatures of all shapes and sizes barted or bought their wares. Dox was predominantly human, corrupted human, and demon borne which made up the bulk of the citizens in the market. But visiting Minotaurs and Gargoyles from the western mountains could be seen in the thongs with the occational exile from elven lands. Orcs, Goblins, and half orcs were more dominant in the docks themselves where the creatures earned their reputations as doing the unwanted jobs of Dox. The few boats that dared to leave the safety of Painbringer were almost always crewed entirely by green skins. The price of fish having exploded their masters would risk losing a few goblins if it meant a reasonable profit.

Painbringer wasn't only the home to fish and sailing goods. The legendary Harpoon of Vengeance was said to be in the possession of Baron Reekifer. A massive Demon and relative of the great Dark Lord Xythic. Reekifer kept the Harpoon locked away somewhere in Blood Fortress on the outskirts of the city. Information could of course be bought for a price for a local.

Legendary Harpoon of Vengeance
Sells for 430 Gold
20 Pounds
+12 Damage
If struck while having the Harpoon of Vengeance Equipped it will cause +2 Damage to inflicter of damage.
Unknown Curse

The ship nears an empty stall. Continue on their orders or shall greed cause them to pause.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:19 am
by Lt. Staplic
"I think we should anchor here for a few hours, let us restock our supplies, I know the city, I came through here when I first arrived in Dox, we want to head deeper into the city, where the pickpocketing scum are much lighter." Gorath growled looking out at the city.

As he said that he thought of the enemies ahead, "Maybe we can pick up some explosives, I can drop them on enemy ships from above at night."

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:04 am
by Reliant121
Arundil, who had stood beside the ebon hand for the entirety of the battle, remained where she had sat the entire journey. She had thrown away her cloak at some point, instead clad in a shocking red blouse, and dark black trousers. The blouse had a hood that cloaked over her eyes, and rested gently upon the bridge of her nose. As the gargoyle spoke, she arose silently, looking absently toward the deck. She turned toward the city, listening intently to the strange voices and cacophany of sounds. It was almost deafening. But she liked it.

"The people will not steal from us. They know not to trouble us, why I do not know. But they will not," she said softly in a soft, delicate voice.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:15 pm
by Tyyr
Asaa sighed. "Pity, they'll be no fun at all."

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:15 pm
by Mikey
"The people will not steal from us. They know not to trouble us, why I do not know. But they will not," Arundil said softly in a soft, delicate voice.

Melroch made a rumbling noise that might have been either the weigh chain slipping off the capstan, or laughter. "There are many of my kin in this city, little girl. They may not steal from us... but they'd skin you and use your hide for new shoes, perhaps." He regarded her curiously and disturbingly for a moment, then returned to absently stringing the orc tusk he'd recovered onto a leather thong. "I'm happy to lend my pyrotechnic skill to creating firebombs for use against enemy shipping, by the way."

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:53 pm
by Monroe
Should the party decide to disembark:

The crowded fish market has 10 stalls still open selling fish for 6 gold for a day's worth. All normal supplies are being sold for x2 what they normally would be. The amount of closed businesses has fueled the thieving groups of the city. While they're smart enough not to try anything in the fish market where the Baron's guards would flay them alive, they are brave enough to still sell information for a price. Several shadowy figures representing these thieves ca be seen in the windows of otherwise abandoned businesses.

Traffic dies down further into the port of Painbringer. The town is known for its gladiator arena where a creature could earn big gold in just a short amount of time. Most goblins and Orcs the party would see work in demeaning jobs. Because of the amount of boats stranded with the loss of the Dox fleet the goblins and Orcs have been far cheaper as of late then normally and Painbringer has bought many to run the city and to build city walls which are under construction along the outskirts.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:16 am
by Lt. Staplic
"I think those of us that wish, should go get some gold in the arena. I plan to, and we can always take his magisty here. Who ever else wants to should come with me now." Gorath said putting one gigantic clawed foot on the deck railing.

After he finished addressing the group, he walked over to the Ebon Hand and whispered, "Do the Dark Lord's work, kill the arena creature before it grows too powerful."

The corpse grunted and stood to follow Gorath as he disembarked, as did many others.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:30 am
by Tsukiyumi
"I serve... Lord Xythic." The Ebon Hand croaked, and stood, the low sound of clanking gears accompanying his movement. He waited for the others to point him at this new enemy.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:20 am
by Mikey
"Indeed," rumbled Melroch, "spilling some blood and dispatching some souls would be an auspicious commencement of our quest."

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:10 am
by Monroe
The Arena was relatively close to the city's harbor. A three story structure built into a hillside. Along the outside were a series of pikes with skulls or decaying heads stacked. A heap of disemboweled bodies lay along both sides of the trail to enter. A large gutter, much like many town's sewers led away from the two heaps of bodies towards a drainage system. The sounds of the crowd could be heard as bets were made and battle raged.

A pale white corrupted human greeted those who arrived. He looked like he had not eaten in many days, "Greetings, here to place a bet or enter in combat?"

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:14 am
by Lt. Staplic
"We have come to enter in combat." Gorath growled at the puny human figure coming to meet them.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:20 am
by Monroe
He rubbed his hands together, "Ah good good. Enter the door to my left and speak to the Gladiator organizer. Let him know if you're solo or team. He'll test your meddle." The sickly man coughed up some blood into his hands as he moved aside for the group.

Through the doorway were a series of practicing Gladiators and a Gargoyle who watched over them. Turning his head the red-ish tint Gargoyle grinned at the new comers, "Fresh blood? You can make a hundred gold a fight starting out. If you're interested we have the Goblin Express Team. Which ones of you are interested?"

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:46 am
by Reliant121
Arundil stepped forward softly, and extracted the dagger from its hip holster. She held it solidly at her side. The gargoyle looked bemused by a mere elf trying to enter.

"I will fight." She said softly, stroking her finger along the edge of her dagger.