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Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:04 pm
by Reliant121
Developed on their own. THe planets development mirrored earth in some respects, but they are completely separate.

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:32 pm
by Monroe
Are their names taken from history or did they develop those names on their own? Reason I asked if they were originally colonies or not.

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:33 pm
by Reliant121
They are developed. I named them to reflect the parallel nature

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:42 pm
by Monroe
Reliant121 wrote:They are developed. I named them to reflect the parallel nature
Alright, it may be a bit too parallel. For my tastes at least.
Now if you make them originally colonies than you've got yourself a system that makes sense I think.

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:45 pm
by Reliant121
I suppose that could work. I'd have to come up with a history as to what happened to earth and the original human race.

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:26 am
by Reliant121
ARIEL - The history of Terran foundation

{after some thought, i've come up with a little detail as to what happened with New Terra/Earth}

New Terra is not the natural location of terran/human development. It was never meant to be. Mother nature had no special favour for the sunny ball of rock that is New Terra. But it seems fate did.

In what would be 2344 AD human calendar, a scientific expedition discovered a wormhole buried deep within a nebula. This was a major discovery. Wormholes had never been discovered before, this was a singular opportunity.. The science ship, named the Magellan, took the wormhole. Traveling for mere minutes through the subspace tunnel the Magellan was deposited in a strange new region of space. Scanners did not recognize anything. No star formations, no patterns. It was all completely devoid of recognized unity.

The Research ship soon found a its first planet. This proved a major shock. It was Earth. Identical in almost every fashion, only it was devoid of sentient life. A perfect replica of Earth in its natural form. it was later found that the wormhole did not travel infinite distances of space. It traversed universes. This vortex had the singular distinction of having opened a gateway to a parallel world of our own.

The first colonists landed on New Terra. Their technology was basic and in-advanced, no faster than light travel. It took years merely to reach the wormhole. Let alone discover the planet. But a colony was founded. Communications were established (admittedly very slow communications) and all settled.


The wormhole, the cradle of New Terra's connection to Earth, collapsed. The only wormhole known to exist disappeared without trace, leaving New Terra as a separate race. The Humans on new Terra survived via sheer determination. They had to revert to older ways in order to live, farming and gathering crops. Eventually they renamed themselves Terrans. Over time New Terra developed into a hugely populated world.

300 years ago, what would be 2908 AD, but what is now known as 0 ASD (after slipstream discovery), A strange ruin was discovered buried deep in the grounds of what would be China, the nation known then as the Confederate states of Peking Song. This alien ruin was of an advanced civilization that died many thousands of years ago. New Terra was once a small scale research facility for their race. Buried with the ruins was a ship. A freighter by all accounts. The Secrets of the Slipstream drive where hidden within. After feverish study, 3 years later, the Terran Ship Terra Nova made the first Terran Slipstream jump.

No-one knows what happened to Earth. Speculation states they have just carried on as they were, while some state they were destroyed. All that is known is that the connection between Terra and Earth has long been gone...and long been forgotten.

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:14 pm
by Monroe
I like it. But now I'm currious about the mirror world and the mirror universe. :P

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:40 pm
by Reliant121
That might be a plot line.

Be careful what you wish for =D

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:18 pm
by Monroe
lol alright. Check out my Elenir thread. I'm interested to see what people think of it.

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:28 am
by Reliant121
ARIEL - Alliance Mindset

The Terrans, as a species and as a superpower, are rooted deep in Nostalgia. As an example, the capital of Fuso, the equivalent of Japan, which is Hazake, is styled in traditional japanese style: large pagoda roofs, screen doors etc. In russia, the roofs often involve the large domes similar to the Kremlin. In Britannia, townhouses are incredibly common, and large towers are built almost like turrets. Terran architecture is a curious amalgamation of traditional design features, and modern technology.

The same goes for their craft. They are all very traditionally styled. Some naval vessels for example could quite easily be mistaken for 20th/21st century human vessels. Some companies produce their ships like the great vessels of world wars 1 & 2, some style them like the sleek warships of the late 20th and early 21st century. Its purely aesthetic.

This mindset was born of the Misali exodus. The Misali, because of the technology they incorporate into their biological frames, because of the cataclysm they suffered and because of their advancing technology, have almost lost all of their cultural identity. No longer do the crystal settlements exist, no longer does their beautiful music sing in concert halls, no longer does their culture exist. Terrans are terrified that cultural fallout will happen to them, as such they overstate and make every effort to keep things in traditional style. Its more aesthetic than anything, but its still everywhere. Some people even believe in it religiously, namely the ultra-Traditionalist movement which has now become a popular religion, frowned upon by some but encouraged by others.

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:24 pm
by Reliant121
ARIEL - strengths and weaknesses

One of the purposes of the Ariel Triumvirate, was to make a powerful group of nations that brought each others advantages together. As such, each race has its strengths and weaknesses. This is reflected heavily in military strength and weakness.


Militarily, the Terrans strength lies in its Ocean navy. Throughout history on Terra and on earth, naval warfare and naval travel has been a major type of combat. As such, The Terran alliance's experience both with naval designing and naval combat is unparalleled. The Terran alliance Navy - maritime branch is without doubt the best single maritime organisation in existance. Efficient, tactical and proud. Before Terrans came on the scene, the most other races didnt even HAVE naval warfare. They adapted to the threat of Terran naval warships. The Nishari, great assimilators of working foreign concepts, even get TERRAN designers to make their vessels.

Our main weakness is probably interstellar warfare. Terran starships are okay, but they are slow, heavy and cumbersome compared to the Nishari, inefficient compared to the Caalma and Uratha-vei vessels and weak compared to Danarian ships. We are capable ENOUGH but in an all out war with the other nations, we would lose the interstellar battle.


The Danarians strength lies in its ground troops and stellar navy. Because of their physiology, and their environmental resistance, the Danarians are able to perform combat activities in pretty harsh conditions. Their physical strength, adaptability and capability lends them perfectly to ground combat.

They are also very efficient stellar combatants, their ships are very powerful, and well armoured. They also have the largest stellar force available.

Weaknesses for the Danarians, are naval combat. They didn't even HAVE a oceanic navy before the Humans came to the Bastion. It has taken them a long time to build uip even a small force. Their inexperience, and poor designs, make them decidedly disadvantaged.


The caalma are neither strong or possessive of aggressive tendencies. They can act as needed, and will defend themselves but they are not amazingly capable at doing so. They are, however amazing tacticians. They'd ability to process information, and respond to it is unparalleled, even by some low end VI programs. Their tactical thinking is amazing, in fact many hire themselves as tactical advisers, or security planners.


The Uratha-vei are infiltration specialists. Their physiology, and biological flight ability provide a high bonus to infiltration operations. Because of their psionic tendencies, they do not require weaponry, and they are capable of reading some minds. Plus, they have a fairly indifferent view, meaning they don't care who or what they kill.

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:18 am
by Monroe
Interesting. A sci-fi world that's strength is its ocean navy. How does a ocean navy protect itself from being obliterated by a space navy? I assume they can shoot each other because of the technological abilities to shoot vast distances but what are the ways a slow moving boat can compete with a massive space ship. And then keep itself from being smashed by said space ship.

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:17 am
by Reliant121
Monroe wrote:Interesting. A sci-fi world that's strength is its ocean navy. How does a ocean navy protect itself from being obliterated by a space navy? I assume they can shoot each other because of the technological abilities to shoot vast distances but what are the ways a slow moving boat can compete with a massive space ship. And then keep itself from being smashed by said space ship.
Thats just it. They perform different functions. Warfare is based on getting a tactical gain, correct? Firing weaponry from orbit dramatically decreases its accuracy. A plasma stream cannon with almost perfect precision aim could fire into the atmosphere, and end up half a kilometre of target. This means that there is a distinct possibility that the starship may indeed hit something way off target, like perhaps a surface installation.


one of the radar-like dishes on a surface vessel is a shield projector. Those shields are often on a level equal to starships, as is the armour. The weaponry isnt. But many SSM tubes are capable of launching orbital torpedoes.

By your measure, you could say that ground combat has no purpose. Yet it obviously does, due to the fact that its featured on most major space combat. Why? Ground cities. In Ariel, there are not as many ground cities. there are great variations. There are many floating cities, many underground cities, and many underwater cities. Hence a navy.

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:29 pm
by Monroe
Gotcha. Oh I know that naval would serve a purpose just wondered how they would keep from being side lined by a fleet above them. I suppose also boats, even those on par with space ships are much cheaper to build. Because of how you say the atmosphere affects energy weapons are missiles the weapon of choice to use in navy vs space ship battles?

Re: Ariel - the background

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:34 pm
by Reliant121
Correct, because they have a far better accuracy rating.