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Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 2:48 pm
by stitch626
Which I've said twice already. but everyone else seems to be content on slowly dying.

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:00 pm
by stitch626
We don't have time for this. I don't normally act this way, but we can't waste any more time.

I say we vote on the execution of Mark. His says his little trap was for the wolves. But it works both ways. He almost sent an innocent man to his death. And then he was the first to trough suspicion onto Slaplic just as we started getting suspicious of him. Also, it was very dangerous for him to state his suspicions to everyone, unless of course he is one of them. Yet he had no hesitation. Even Tsu, who has stated his ability to detect the wolves is cautious to not state his suspicions.

I vote yes for the execution of Mark. All those in favour, vote yes. Those against vote no.

And father, I know we're voting on a man's life, but we have no choice. If we don't make hard decisions now, we will die.

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:03 pm
by Lt. Staplic
well, I think we should now cast our votes on who to kill, I've obviously won the vote to test.

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:06 pm
by stitch626
Did you not listen to what I just said.
I've started the vote against Mark. All of those in favor vote yes. Those against vote no. If overall it is no, we start with someone else.

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:10 pm
by Angharrad
I doubt we have time for two votes.

I vote yes.

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:12 pm
by Mikey
:wave: aye.

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:21 pm
by Lt. Staplic

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:09 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Due to the necessity of making a choice. Yes.

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:52 pm
by Mark
Yeah, just for the record..............I wasn't the first to say boo about Staplic.

Now, while you all build the gallows, I'm gonna piss in the beer :happydevil:

Enjoy being wolf kibble!!!

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:08 pm
by Sionnach Glic
The townspeople spent the rest of what little light they had left building a crude gallows near the ruins of the Mayor's manor. Mark, under the watchful eyes of Father Deep and MM&I, was confined to his bar for those few hours. Deciding he wanted to spend his remaining time on Earth enjoyably, he had gotten as drunk as humanly possible. When the time came for his execution, he seemed almost happy to go.

A crowd had formed around the gallows as Mark was lead, swaying and grinning cheerfully, towards it. Seeing the gallows, he bounded happily towards it and, with the help of a couple of others, clambered up on top of the barrel that served as a platform and slid the noose over his own neck.

"Your attenshun, pleesh." He slurred, waving a bottle wildly in the direction of the crowd. "I'd jus like t' say a few words, if thash al'ight." He looked over at Mikey who had, unhappily, volunteered to act as executioner for this event. Solemnly, Mikey nodded.

"Righ'." Mark said, swaying on top of the barrel. "Firshly, I like to jush poin' ou' again tha' I'm not a waywoof, but I don' blame ya fer not belevin' me." He paused to take a swig from the bottle, then continued. "I don' have anyfin against ya for doin this, cuz I'd pobaly done the same meself. So I just wanna wish you all the besht of luck in findin these things. Sinsh I got nuffin to lose 'nymore, I think I'd just like to point the finner at someone, whose been actin' a bit funny, I think."

Mark had the crowd's full attention now. He took another swig from the bottle, and gestured dramaticaly. "My caninate fer the chief wallwolf thing is -" Suddenly, Mark slipped backwards off the barrel. There was a loud, sickening crack as his neck snapped, followed by the sound of wood breaking as the makeshift gallows collapsed under the weight.

The crowd, shocked by the sudden death, hurried forward. Mark was definitely dead. He lay on his back, eyes wide open, head twisted at an unnatural angle. The crowd paused, as if waiting for something to suddenly happen to confirm their suspicions. But Mark just lay there, staring up at the darkening sky. After a moment, they realised that nothing was going to happen.

"Now what?" Mikey asked.

"Was he one of them?" Foxx asked, looking slightly sick. Father Deep began muttering a short prayer under his breath, asking God to recieve the young man's soul.

* * *

They burried Mark's body in the church's small graveyard. With the light fading fast, they retreated quickly to their houses, once again doing their best to fortify them and prepare weapons.
As darkness crept over the town, a haunting howl soared through the air. The cry was answered by another, and then another. Three wolves, all howling in unison.

Huddled in their homes, the townspeople knew what this meant.
There were still three out there.


Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:32 am
by Sionnach Glic
Night fell over the village once more. The howling of wolves filled the air. But while the townspeople stayed hidden in their homes, one shadowy figure crept quietly towards the butcher's shop.

The attacker stalked silently forward. A long ornamental sword taken from the body of Nick was the attacker's weapon for this night.

The attacker stopped just a dozen or so feet from the butcher's shop, listening carefully. Noises were coming from within, strange noises. Creeping closer, the attacker could hear what sounded like bestial growling and snarling from inside the shop. Noises that were all too familiar.

The attacker hurried to the door, noting that it was ajar and unbarricaded. Had the monsters killed the butcher? The attacker walked slowly inside, sword raised in anticipation of an attack, eyes trying to adjust to the pitch black darkness. There was a new sound now, just as familiar as the growling, but less sinister. The sound of a cleaver cutting into meat on a chopping block was quite distinct.
The attacker paused, confused at this new revelation. The butcher sounded like he was at work as normal, but the growling noises were continuing. Was the butcher unaware that one of the monsters was hiding in his home? A second possibility, one far more uncomfortable, struck the attacker. He crept forward again, heading towards the noise of the chopping. He quickly realised that the growling sounds were coming from the same place.

Quietly, he pushed the door to the next room open, and carefully looked through. His pulse rate went through the roof as he saw one of the monsters there, its back to the door, a cleaver clutched in its large, clawed hands, slamming it down repeatedly on something on the cutting table.

The attacker tried to calm down, preparing for the coming fight. The Werewolf was taken completely by surprise, the door bursting open behind it as the attacker kicked it in. The monster turned and flung the cleaver at the intruder, missing his target by mere inches. The attacker brandished his sword, waiting for the Werewolve's next move. It wasn't long in coming. The Werewolf pounced at the attacker, jumping numbly over a table laden with cutting implements.

His prey dodged the jump, then turned and swung the sword wildly at the wolf. The sword struck the werewolf's side, the sharp weapon cutting through flesh easily. The wolf howled in anger, and swung a claw at the attacker. This time, his prey didn't get out of the way quick enough. The blow struck the attacker in the side of the head, sending him sprawling to the ground, the sword falling from his grip and sliding across the floor.

The attacker staggered upright as the wolf charged again. Grabbing a meat hook from the table, the attacker swung wildly, embedding the implement in the creature's upper arm. But now the wolf's prey was defenceless. The beast growled cruely, grabbing the intruder by the neck and raising the figure off the ground. With a snarl, he hurled his prey through the air. The attacker slammed down on the table, breaking it in half, and slumped to the ground, dazed. Just then the attacker spotted the sword lying under the broken table.

The attacker grabbed the sword just as the wolf lunged again, leaping through the air at his prey. With a defiant yell, the attacker grasped the sword and held it out towards the wolf, just as the creature landed on top of his prey. The sword pierced the creature's heart as it landed, its weight and momentum driving the sword into its body. It shrieked in agony and flailed wildly for a few moments, then slumped to the ground and lay still.

Breathing heavily, the attacker staggered back up again, walking over to inspect the dead creature. The attacker studied the werewolf carefully, half expecting it to turn back to its human form and reveal who it really was. But no such revelation was forthcoming. Still, it quickly became apparent just who the monster was. The attacker roamed the house, searching for any sign of the butcher. There was none, nor was there any sign of a struggle. Standing over the dead monster, the attacker knew with certainty that this thing was the butcher. One of them was finally dead.

The attacker left the sword embedded in the creature's body, choosing instead to take the butcher's cleaver as defence. Feeling bold and defiant from the kill, the attacker walked home once more.

* * *

A short distance away, the two other wolves lay hiding on the outskirts of the village. The pack-leader was impatient. The butcher should have reached them by now. With dawn fast approaching it gave up waiting and growled at its companion to follow it to their next kill.

* * *

Mikey couldn't sleep. The tavern seemed unnaturaly quiet without Mark around, even in the dead of night. Unable to sleep, Mikey left his bed and decided to check that all the doors and windows were properly secured. He had already done so three times that night, but decided to do it again anyway.

He had just left his room, heading downstairs with a pitchfork in his hands for defence, when he heard an odd banging noise. It was as if a window was being blown open and shut by the wind, but all the windows were supposed to be shut.

Carefully, pitchfork raised before him, Mikey crept towards the source of the sound, a room on the second floor. The door was ajar, giving him a good view of the window. The wooden bars holding it shut had been carefully pried off, some still hanging loose from the few nails that still held them in. Through the window, the moon was clearly visible. There was nothing in the room, however. Mikey paused, unsure. Had they run away? Why?
He crept closer to the window, pitchfork pointing towards it. He had just reached the window when the truth hit him. They're already inside!

Before he could react, something grabbed him from behind on the back of the neck, sharp claws piercing the skin of his neck. Mikey yelled in fear as the wolf tossed him unceremoniously out of the window. He hit the ground head-first, killed instantly by the impact.

* * *

Dawn broke once more, the villagers creeping slowly and carefully out of their homes. It didn't take long for them to find Mikey's body.
They burried Mikey's body in the church graveyard, along with the other victims of the creatures, after a short ceremony.

Shortly afterwards, some of the villagers set out to find MM&I, who had not been seen for some time. They found his body in his shop, wrecked from the fight the night before. Next to the body, its killer had scrawled a note, "This is the butcher."

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:39 pm
by Tsukiyumi
This is disgraceful! You cowards were supposed to come for ME!

*kicks his own shop's sign down with one strike*

You pretend to be powerful, but you are only pathetic curs!

I vote that we kill Mister Staplic at once. I know he is one of them!

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:03 pm
by stitch626
You tested him, or are you going based on a you're gut? I need to know. It will make a huge difference.

Why they didn't go after you I don't know. Now, not only have I lost my family, but a great friend as well.

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:14 pm
by Tsukiyumi
I know with certainty that Mister Staplic is one of them. The test was clear.

Re: Find the...uh..."Founders" IX

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:23 pm
by stitch626
Ok, in that case, I won't argue. You can start the vote now if you wish.
My other suggestion would be to test either the father or Ms Foxx. Thought it may not matter. But one of them is a human, and one of them is a furbrained moster. Unfortunatly, I don't know which.