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Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:32 am
by Deepcrush
Buck and Bore moved aside to allow the Commissar passage. "We cover com'sar!" yelled Bore. Buck nodded to his brother as they started looking about for anything that could be a threat.

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:45 pm
by Coalition
Tyyr wrote:1723

"Throne damn it!" Intias bellowed as she hopped out of the Salamander. "You missed something cog-girl! Find it!" The thin line on Intias' cheek was starting to bleed properly now leaving that side of her face smeared with blood.
Litila had heard the sounds, and she searched her database for related data. If her search was successfuly, it would give her an optimal starting location for the repairs. After this was done, she would be making penance for missing a machine-spirit's distress.
Lighthawk wrote:Hilda put her head back, and lightly banged her skull against the metal hull behind her. "Not going to die on this dirt ball," she muttered. "Not not not!" Getting up from her seat, she gave Raltus a fierce glare. "This thing does not move unless me or the commissar says so, and neither do you, got it?" Without waiting for an answer, she stalked through the apc and out the back, striding over to Intias. "Ma'am," she said softly. "Perhaps you should get in the Chimera?"
"Gotcha. In the meantime since we're nice and cozy in an armored can, maybe some of you should keep an eye out for anyone with a can-opener, like a krak missile launcher, lascannon, or worse?"

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:11 am
by Tyyr

"It won't frakking TURN!" Jastilus bellowed from the Salamander.

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:44 am
by Lighthawk

Hilda's ears perked up as she caught what sounded like a lot of people, angry people, very close by. "Ah shit," she deadpanned, and fought down the immediate impulse that shot through her brain; to grab Intias, drag her into the chimera, and get the hell out there while the ogryn stalled the mob.

Instead she said, "Ma'am, time's up. Trouble's here."

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:54 am
by Tyyr

Intias looked at the Salamander then at the Chimera and back again. She could easily dive into the Chimera and leave the Ogryn to hold off whatever was coming their way, but it would mean sacrificing the Ogryn and they were the only ones beside the arbite she could count on. Chem Dogs were unreliable and prone to shooting their officers under good conditions, in these she doubted either she or the arbite would last 48 hours before suffering a friendly fire incident without the big abhumans. They needed the Salamander.

"Everyone out of the transport! Now! Grab some cover and get ready for a move on the west! Crank on the roof and find out what the hell is going on! Whoever is driving that Chimera get moved to the west door and someone get on that multilaser, move!"

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:13 am
by Lighthawk

With a resigned sigh, Hilda moved for the western door, positioning herself off to one side so she wouldn't be in the direct line of fire, but would be able to discourage anyone from trying to enter the door by sweeping the opening with her flamer.

Hak on the other hand, gave a cheerful whoop of glee. "On it Ma'am!" he shouted, scrambling up to the multilaser and taking charge of the weapon with obvious enjoyment.

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:35 am
by Coalition
Lighthawk wrote:1723

With a resigned sigh, Hilda moved for the western door, positioning herself off to one side so she wouldn't be in the direct line of fire, but would be able to discourage anyone from trying to enter the door by sweeping the opening with her flamer.

Hak on the other hand, gave a cheerful whoop of glee. "On it Ma'am!" he shouted, scrambling up to the multilaser and taking charge of the weapon with obvious enjoyment.
Raltus put on the brakes, both to let the troops out, and to make sure he didn't run over anyone, which would be impolite. Glancing at the viewscopes, he saw that people were out of the way, Once people were clear, he headed over to the west door, planing to bloxk most of the entrance, but leave the back open for people to get into when it was time to leave.

Litila had left the compartment of the Salamander, and had headed over to the Machine spirits interface port, and plugged herself in. She entered an auto-trance, attempting to link with the machine spirit, and find out which of its humors were out of balance.

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:04 pm
by Deepcrush
Buck and Boar jumped down behind the Commissar. Squirming like children... "What we do!" "Yeah, what we do now!"

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:46 am
by Tyyr

Intias pointed to the open west door. "Guard that door."

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:52 am
by Deepcrush
Buck and Boar nodded to the Commissar then raced over to the door. Finding no cover they liked. The ran back, picked up a broken down passenger auto and threw it on its side by the door. "This good!" Barked Buck, beating his chest. Yes, good for stop'ing guns!" Agreed Boar.

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:23 pm
by Lighthawk

Hilda hastily jumped back as the auto came slamming down with a dull thud of crumpling metal. She bit back a nasty retort, figuring she'd best not push her luck with the abhumans while they were wound up for a fight.

"There are too many things that could get me killed here," she complained to herself.

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:13 pm
by Mikey

"On it, your highness," Crank commented as he dashed for the stairs. Wiggling his loose-hanging rebreather mouthpiece as he ran, he added, "Care to give me a hit while I'm on my way?"

Lirk followed Buck and Boar out of the Salamander and nodded with approval at their use of a derelict vehicle for cover. He came to stand a step behind Intias and a step to the left. As the sounds of the mob moved closer, he took a couple of steps forward to cover her. Racking his gigantic shotgun, he looked down at her and asked innocently, "If war is here, where you try to go in tanks?"

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:24 pm
by Tyyr

Intias winced a bit at that. Ogryns always took a careful hand to manage. Telling them she had no intention of fighting unless they had no other choice wouldn't exactly endear her to them. "These aren't the worst enemy. The worst enemy is far away. We were going to take the tanks to go fight them, do the most good."

Nodding at Crank Intias reached up and thumbed the receiver clipped around her ear. Muttering the code phrase the little unit beeped and sent a signal to each Dog's rebreather hitting them with a dose of Slaught. She didn't want them nutso on Frenzon just yet.

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:26 pm
by Mikey

Nearly as soon as they had receded, Crank's footsteps approached back down the metal staircase. "Now would be a good time to get going," he shouted on his way down. "Large groups of hostiles approaching from north and west, with vanguards approximately one minute out." He arrived on the ground floor, looked at Intias, took a deep breath through his regulator, twitched his neck, and added, "That's the ticket. Thanks, dear."

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:28 pm
by Tyyr

"One minute cog-girl!" Intias yelled.