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Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:54 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
nope, no Vulcans. Or at least not one of the main characters. One of the pilots who's butt I kicked in the holodeck was a vulcan I think.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:18 pm
by Reliant121
mwa ha ha ha ha! Eat that ya vegetarian logic lover!

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:30 pm
by Reliant121
Mikey wrote:I vote "aye" as well. The more the merrier!

Are you sure you don't want to join a slightly more normal crew? :wink:
Normal crew!!! How Dare such a travesty occur!!!! I would be honoured to be part of the...funny-farm, to use a cruel and simple metaphor, ship!!

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:35 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
I've learned there is no such thing as normal.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:43 pm
by Reliant121
well if everyone was normal...we would all have to be the same. And i dont like that prospect.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:17 pm
by Deepcrush
If everyone was normal, who would I have to pick on for doing stupid things?

My life without jokes, sarcasium and my amoral moments would be meaningless.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:31 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Deep wrote:I got kidnapped by Section 31 so its not like there isn't room on the crew roster.
I thought you ended up with your internal organs all over one of the shuttles? :?
Reliant wrote:I feel accepted. Although i doubt my character will, y'know being sneaky and Deceitful
Just don't piss off the XO and we'll get on fine. :P :)
Blackstar wrote:I've learned there is no such thing as normal.
Ah, but in an abnormal world, the normal man would be seen as abnormal.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:55 am
by Reliant121
Reliant121 wrote:Sorry If a little late but ah..well...

Name: Ensign Talora Retaal
Species: Romulan/Female
Post: Medic of someform

General Info:
Served with little distinction with the Tal'praex until it was found corrupt. She escaped unscathed but she was exiled of sorts. She had always loved medicine and decided to put her love to work. She graduated from Starfleet academy with distinction. And was posted on the good ship Daystrome.

If i am too late then...oh buggar.

Revised BIOS:

Name: Talora Retaal
Species: Romulan/Female
Occupation: Ensign - Nurse/Battlefield Medic
Biometric: 62 (Out of 200) ,About 5ft 8", Slim, Black hair, Operation scar on left hand.

General Info:
Served with the Tal'praex on Romulus. General Intelligence work. Fairly boring life until the Tal'shiar Uncovered a hidden coup Plot within the Tal'praex. The lower Echelons, Such as Talora, Survived the treason but had to leave their Sovereign land.
She left for the Federation and Applied for entry to Starfleet. She took General medicine, Specialised Species Medic (Chakat and Tholian. Convinient for this mission. although with Tholian she is more reconstructing the Tholian than healing it) and Basic - Intermediate Piloting. She passed Medical classes top of class and she passed Piloting with honours. She was then assigned to the Daystrome

just thought i would add some extra flavour. As for her personality and'll justn have to wait and see.....

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:24 pm
by Jabber Swarky
Umm, hey guys *waves* Heh, Blackstar told me about this here RP, and convinced me to join up.. i thought it should be fun ^^ Heh, is it ok me signing up? You seem to be having an influx of new recruits, especially in medical area.. which is where i was planning to go.. hrmm... and, uhh, well... im not too sure about the backstory for my character, seeing as im not all that good at Startreck lore, so...

Name: Jabber Swarky
Species: Caitian/Male
Occupation: Ensign - Medic (GP Doctorate Level and Surgeon training)
Biometric: About 5ft 5", Medium build, Unusual pale orange tabby markings.
Psychometric: Mostly Harmless.

Yeah, this is where it gets tricky:

General Info:
Jabbers seems pretty standard and unremarkable, other than his markings and his.. unique personality. Hailing from a backwater planet in the inner provences, with a middle class family and a School, College and Medical University educations. Because, honey, the girls LOVE a doctor. The pay aint half bad, either.

Effective propaganda... uhh, i mean, Recuiting campaigns on his home world saw that he joined up into Starfleet soon after graduating, eager to use his newfound degree in medicine to help the brave soldiers stave off whoever we might be fighting at the moment. Because, after all, it might be HIS homeworld being menaced at some point... and it made dad proud as anything.

His tour of duty saw him assigned to the Daystrom, and as people go he seems a nice chap - Usualy fairly cheery, and usually good at following orders, too. He does seem a little.. easily bored, when not on duty, though, and he does show an unusual interest in the rumours about a four legged feline being employed by starfleet, after hearing about hir from his instructor.

Oh, also, Blackstar and I had an idea.. but i was reluctant to use it, because, well, it kinda feels like im imposing a plotline on you guys. But... well, the idea was that Jabbers is from Blackie's universe, and got sent after her in a modified version of the ship she had been piloting to try and bring her back.. only to crash into something upon arrival and damage the ship, sending the pilot into emergency stasis. Heck, he could even crash into the Daystrom.. and, so he's stuck here, i dunno, the ship could be powered by something that doesnt actually exsist in this dimension or something. He'd still be basically a Caitian either way, though, so.. its your guy's call. ^-^

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:27 pm
by Minnsky
OOO a Romulan! this makes minnsky very happy. he will have to run into you at some time...after Slave camp mission.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:50 pm
by Deepcrush
Jabber, I like your original idea. I wouldn't go adding plot lines when this story already has so many in it.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:43 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Deepcrush wrote:Jabber, I like your original idea. I wouldn't go adding plot lines when this story already has so many in it.
But the second idea is more realistic...(And I came up with it) :(

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:27 pm
by Reliant121
Minnsky wrote:OOO a Romulan! this makes minnsky very happy. he will have to run into you at some time...after Slave camp mission.
I look forward to it. Don't try anything. I carry a conceiled Disrupter pistol....and i have made my excuses and such for the encounter on the slave mission.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:15 pm
by Sionnach Glic
But... well, the idea was that Jabbers is from Blackie's universe, and got sent after her in a modified version of the ship she had been piloting to try and bring her back.. only to crash into something upon arrival and damage the ship, sending the pilot into emergency stasis. Heck, he could even crash into the Daystrom.. and, so he's stuck here, i dunno, the ship could be powered by something that doesnt actually exsist in this dimension or something. He'd still be basically a Caitian either way, though, so.. its your guy's call. ^-^
You could always just crash onto the planet most of us are on. Blackstar's there as well, and I'm sure shi'd apreciate a friendly face (there's a noticable lack of them for hir at the moment).

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:19 pm
by Reliant121
I have intentions of becoming friends with as many as possible although, Rochey, i doubt your character and mine will get on very well...