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Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:06 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Gorath saw the ship almost immediately, flying overhead he gazed upon the crew on board, they would have to be taken care of. Gorath simply waited overhead, looking across the terrain they would have to cover for a few minutes until finally the rest of their group arrived. Tucking his wings in for a steep dive, he pulled out just ten feet up, throwing his wings open to rapidly decelerate, before landing, crushing the ground beneath him.

"This looks adequate to hold our numbers, what say you orc." Gorath asked looking at the whaler.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:11 pm
by Aaron
Rôa nods her assent and gives the craft a once over. Indicating the gangway and the sails, she launches into another rambling explanation.

"It should do us fine. Try no fe damage de sails when we board. Do no use fire!"

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:25 pm
by Mikey
"Was that directed at me, girl?" asked Melroch with a hint of annoyance. "Do not assume that my intellect is as limited as yours. I know fully well what to burn and what not to."

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:37 pm
by Aaron
Hagcrasha simply laughs in response to the Daemon borne's annoyance.

"You kyan never be fe sure with de dirt bound!"

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:14 pm
by Monroe
The cutter only had a bare bone of a crew on it enough to guard it while the rest of the ship's crew were drinking at the local tavern.

A male Orc stood up from the deck, "Boys we got company. Ugly company." He sneered and jumped down from the gang plank. Two small goblins came jumping down seconds later. "This is our boat and there's no way we're giving it to the likes of you."

"Yeah!" One of the goblins yelled echoing the orc's sentiment.

Glancing over the Orc and two goblins...

15 HP
Rusty Iron Shortsword 8.0 3 5
Iron Cuirass 30.0 85 5
Iron Helmet 6.0 25 2
Iron Shield 12.0 45 6
=13 AC. (Roll must beat a 13 to hit)
Small Health Potion (Restores 5 Health)x3
12 Gold

Strength: 9
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 2
Agility: 8
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 3

In a nutshell:
Damage: +8
To hit: +2
AC: 13

Goblin 1 and Goblin 2:
5 HP
Rusty Iron Shortsword 8.0 3 5
Rough Leather Cuirass 7.5 pounds 35 gold 3 AC
Rough Leather Shield 3 pounds 16 gold 3 AC
=6 AC

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 2
Willpower: 2
Agility: 4
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 3

In a nutshell:
Damage: +3
To hit: -2
AC: 13

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:44 pm
by Tyyr

A tall slender drow in a flame red and orange dress stepped forward but did not kneel. She kept her gaze level and her finely sculpted features impassive. "Asaa Lynis, sorceress at your disposal Lord Xythic"


"An unwise choice," Asaa said immediately before her hand came up. She extended her fingers towards the nearest goblin then snapped them primly. In a flash the goblin exploded into flames, charing the small greenskin in seconds.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:55 pm
by Mikey
"We didn't ask you to give it to us, you filth-ridden pus-bag," growled Melroch. The demon hefted his mace and swung it in a roundhouse motion, its iron head impacting with the orc's collarbone. The bone splintered and the orc's head lolled like an unstrung puppet for a moment before the creature collapsed in a heap.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:29 pm
by Sionnach Glic
With a roar, Ronkur charged forward, sweeping his mace around in a wide arc. The blow caught the final goblin in the chest, the force of the impact immediately shattering his sternum and pulping his internal organs. The lifeless corpse was lifted off the ground by the blow, landing a few feet away.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:45 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Gorath's arrow flew though the space the first goblin had been merely a second ago. Standing back up from his kneeling position, he glared at the Drow, displeased that he'd lost his kill. He then began walking toward the ship, in the direction his arrow had gone to retrieve it.

"We own the ship, let's get a move on." Gorath growled, barely hiding his anger, as he returned his arrow to the quiver on his back.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:50 pm
by Aaron
Hagcrasha bounds up onto the deck of the cutter after the last opponent falls, visibly happy to be back on the deck of a ship, however small. As the rest of the party finishes looting and joins her she starts pointing out how to raise the anchor and make sail. She gets the largest of the party to start turning the capstan, as she inspects the crafts over all condition and finds it to her liking.

To her surprise she finds the vessel almost fully stocked, right down to the firewood for it's cook stove. Clearly the crew was preparing to leave shortly.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:17 am
by The Lt.'s Girl

Another cloaked figure steps froward and kneels.

"I am Ewekrn, a high elf and healer, I pledge my allegiance to you Lord Xythic."

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:37 am
by Monroe
Cpl Kendall wrote:Hagcrasha bounds up onto the deck of the cutter after the last opponent falls, visibly happy to be back on the deck of a ship, however small. As the rest of the party finishes looting and joins her she starts pointing out how to raise the anchor and make sail. She gets the largest of the party to start turning the capstan, as she inspects the crafts over all condition and finds it to her liking.

To her surprise she finds the vessel almost fully stocked, right down to the firewood for it's cook stove. Clearly the crew was preparing to leave shortly.
By Hagcrasha's estimates it will take 1 day to reach Painbringer via river. It will take 9 days of open ocean to reach the western most part of Thalus Empire. Another additional day to enter the western bay, another two days to reach the city closes to the Naverious' tomb.

The waters between the two lands are dangerous and patrolled by Elangaran marines. You have a 20% per day encounter of meeting an Elangarian patrol ship of some kind. And a 10% chance per day to meet a Merman who have been increasing their attacks on boats traveling through the open ocean.

What is your destination?

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:56 am
by Mikey
Melroch stripped the orc's armor and replaced his own. He inspected the rusty shortsword the creature had wielded, tossed it aside with a grunt, and then removed three crystal phials from a sporran on the orc's belt. "Here, orc - for finding this tub. See that you pilot it well," Melroch rumbled, tossing one of the phials to the orc woman. He tossed one more on the quay by the rusty sword, and tucked one inside his wide belt. Standing, Melroch looked thoughtful for a moment, then reached down and wrenched one of the dead orc's tusks from it's jaw.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:33 am
by Lighthawk
" Well, that was rather unsatisfying. They barely even put up a struggle," Guthra mused as the orc and two goblins were swiftly cut down. Stepping around the crushed, managed, and burning corpses, he made his way onto the ship, taking up a position leaning against the railing near the front.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:41 am
by Tsukiyumi
The Ebon Hand watched the battle, uncaring, but silently observing it's fellow warriors' capabilities. It felt something, a feeling akin to jealousy, but was still glad to have others who could fight in the service of Lord Xythic. Properly serving Lord Xythic was the only important thing.

It watched, and learned, and followed the others onto the ship when they boarded. It shambled to the bow, taking the most forward position, and stood silently, watching the waves and waiting.