USS Daystrom Beta Mission

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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Teaos »

The space between the two fleets lit up in a dazzling array of colours, sub space rifts tore across the space in pure white bolts, flak torpedoes exploded in blue flashes throwing glowing globs of matter around trying to absorb the rifts. The powerful disruptor beams spewed out from the asteroid based emplacements followed by barrages of conventional torpedoes.

The USS Kursk and USS Horse-Shoe were in the leading pack of the Federation fleet bearing down on the Brotherhoods, sliding to either side of one of the massive asteroids littering the local sector. As they came around flanked by several fighters they flew right into a barrage of sub space weapons.

With no time to throw up a wall of flak the leading group absorbed the impact of several rifts. The Intrepid and Defiant class ships disappeared in massive explosions taking out their fighter escort and reducing the asteroid they had just rounded to shrapnel.

The remaining Brotherhood fleet waited for the last of the rifts to close before leaving the protection of their asteroid guns to make their final assault on the Federation fleet
What does defeat mean to you?

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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Reliant121 »

"Sir, Kursk and Horse-shoe destroyed. Swallowed by a subspace rift!" Hewer shouted over a disrupter impact. That only left the Numerical, Southern-cross, Roberts, O'Ryan and the Daystrome of the group. Not much firepower. But it'd be enough.

"Status of the Dakota?" Mikey asked. Hewer checked his panel.

"Not good sir. Her shields are holding...barely."

"Well...perhaps she needs a hand. Ge'haan! Lay in a course. All ships form up. Hewer...once were in the thick of it, Fire at will...." He sat down. "Time for the finale....Engage!" Darel keyed in the sequence.

The battered and beaten Daystrome swung about, and powered forward at full impulse. TheNumerical stayed with her, sticking close to her shield bubble and letting loose on the small attack fighters the brotherhood had deployed, blasting them apart. The severely damaged Roberts had managed to get her shields and engines up. She dragged on behind the Daystrome, providing support fire for the group with the heavy phasers at her disposal. the Southern-cross roamed in and out of the Brotherhood lines, blasting at the Assorted Klingon/cardassian ships. The Daystrome fired away, ripping apart ship apon ship of the disorganized Brotherhood fleet.

The O'Ryan came up behind the Daystrome covering the impaired Roverts, providing cover fire for the small number of fighters still left to fight. A mass of disrupter and phaser shots sliced into the fleets, cutting swathes of the lines apart.

"Sir, D'Kora class ship coming into firing position," Hewer said, instinctively grasping the nearest item he could to steady himself. Just before the leviathan Ferengi ship opened fire, the Roberts burst forward, burning at her impulse engines, and into position in front of the Daystrome. The D'Kora fired, sending a catastrophic beam of energy straight into the Roberts' saucer section. The hit struck the bridge, sparking flames that burned along the hull, grinding the hull plating into atoms. The D'Kora fired at the Daystrome, this time with the smaller cannons littering the hull. it was still enough.

The Disrupter blasts ripped into the Daystrome, blasting apart several sections of the hull and ripping apart a large portion of the port phaser array. One stray shot fired off and struck the starboard nacelle, blasting it open. Consoles all across the ship exploded, launching flailing personnel across the corridors or rooms. The lighting blinked between on and off and several stations powered down completely.

It seemed that the Daystrome was almost doomed. Only a little power left, weapons almost gone...But the timing of the 3rd flotillas arrival could not have been better. The two remaining New Orleans class ships streaked past the D'Kora, blasting away at the shields. The Abbot and the Adams pummelled the D'Kora with torpedoes, blasting through the shields and tearing into the hull. It exploded, catapulting space dust and hull fragments across space.
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Sonic Glitch »

"Send the Brawly my regards and gratitude for towing us clear. T'Laavik, I suggest you get down to engineering and try and turn some more lights on."
"Aye Commander"
"Sir," called Ligget, "it looks like the rest of our task force is moving to assist the Dakota."
"Thank you commander, though there's really not much we can do about it." Lewis replied with a grim smile.
"Aye sir." Ligget replied. Suddenly the lights came back on and many of the flickering panels regained their charge.
"Engineering to the Bridge, we have main power. Also, comms are back online."
"Thank you for that second bit commander, I hadn't noticed." Replied Lewis with good humor "What's our weapons status?"
"Phasers have recharged, torpedoe systems are ready, but we need a minute to reconfigure the deflector dish."
"Acknowledge, bridge out. Paul, plot a course to rejoin the fleet..It looks like they could use some help."
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Mikey »

Mikey's knuckles were purple from gripping the back of the captain's chair. "Report!" he barked.

"Starboard nacelle breached - no warp drive," commented Grr'lek quickly. "Port phaser array is gone, just the starboard array is functional. Intermittent power to most internal systems. Hull breaches... umm, lots of them, all contained."

Mikey glared at the Caitian, then turned and addressed nobody in particular. "Icy hells, I seem to remember saying to stay out of disruptor range," he said sarcastically. "Now start to back off and fire torpedoes at will. Recall two fighter flights to screen us until we get phasers back up." He slammed a fist onto the comm console on the arm of the captain's chair. "Daystrom to Shadow Fox - coffee break is over. Take our third flight and take out those damned guns on the asteroid."

Hewer commented, "Fighter flights responding. And by the way, torpedo stocks are starting to run low."

"I guess you had better hit your targets, then," answered Mikey.

M'real's voice broke over the comm system, warped by interference from dozens of wounded ships. "'Coffee break!' I- on my way. I'm picking up some anti-air fire around the cannons, though."

"Try not to get hit... until you're finished with those guns, anyway. Daystrom out."

As the Shadow Fox headed to join the fighters hugging the asteroid's terrain and looking for firing solutions on the giant guns' power systems, the Daystrom drifted back almost lazily from the main line of battle. As her torpedoes began to impact on Brotherhood ships, phaser fire began coming in from a new angle; the remains of the Shoshone's strike group limped into range and began pouring fire into the ships already damaged by the torpedo barrage. The Daystrom, O'Ryan, and Southern Cross briefly converged their torpedo batteries on the D'Kora-class, causing its shields to buckle and its power to flicker. Plasma began leaking from various parts as the massive Ferengi ship spun away uncontrolled.
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Monroe »

The weapons sytems firing at the Shadow Fox and other fighters ceased moments later Munro's voice came over the comlink to M'Real, "Munro to M'Real you can call off your attack, we've gained control over the planetary computer network, redirecting weapons towards the Brotherhood."

"You sure?" She asked as she pulled her fighter up to send it back towards the enemy fleet.

"Positive, the survivors from the ships that were lost include tactical and engineering officers. Munro out." He said then opened a messasge to the Dakota to relay the same thing."

"Congradulations Lieutiant." The Admiral replied after hearing the report. The ship rumbling some as the Brotherhood fired stray shots into it.

"Thank you sir, we've located the hostages in the subbasement, I've already told Commadore Ford and he's dispatched two hundred security personel to rescue them. We also have installation shielding operational. Thank you for your cover."

The Admiral nodded turning towards his tactical officer, "Equalize shielding, and let's move to assist the rest of the fleet."

On the planet surface the remaining walkers fired blue streaks as they emptired their torpedo magazines into any enemy fighters that got into range. The grid of defensive disruptors humed to life against the larger enemy ships blasting away at their shields as they all moved into range to attack the Dakota which now met them in the middle.
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Tsukiyumi »

" That was the last one, sir!" O'Carroll rasped. On the viewscreen, the torpedo struck the D'Kora hard in its unshielded aft; secondary explosions bloomed across its port side as it listed toward the remaining Brotherhood ships.

" Phasers?" Thompson asked, grasping his neck to stem the bleeding; when the port side of the bridge had ruptured under disruptor fire from the asteroids, a sizable chunk of shrapnel had nearly taken his head off.

He glanced to his left at the shimmering forcefield as Lorcan spoke, " A few more shots, sir. We need to withdraw, and recharge."

At this, one of the asteroids resumed its barrage, disruptor beams tearing into the Abbot's deflector dish. The Intrepid-class rolled, and the beams carved into the dorsal saucer as the ship pulled away.

" Devi, status on those asteroid weapons?" he requested; the bridge seemed exceptionally dark, and a number of multi-colored dots appeared to be swarming around his head.

" One of them is nearly destroyed, but the rest are still intact, sir. The nearest to us has full shielding There's nothing more we can do, sir." Thompson glanced at his console as she spoke.

" Damage report, please, Devi " He murmured, as he tapped the console controls.

" Sir, our shields are down, structural integrity is at 14 percent, and main power is fluctuating wildly. Whatever San'dral did, it was clearly temporary. I I recommend we abandon ship, sir " He didn't need to look at her to know the poignant expression on her face - the same look was on his.

" I concur, Devi. You've all performed extraordinarily well today, and you have my gratitude. Open a channel to the Adams, please." She complied, and the Adams' captain appeared on the viewscreen; Thompson knew he recognized the man, but he couldn't remember his name, " This is Captain William Thompson of the Shoshone. I need emergency transport of my surviving crew immediately. The ship is a total loss "

The captain responded promptly, " We'll beam the most severe injuries directly to sick bay, Captain " the man paused, looking to his console as Thompson sent the message with his own, " I understand, Captain. Good luck "

As the channel closed, O'Carroll glanced over his shoulder with a look of startled understanding, and Devi started to protest almost immediately, " Captain, you - "

Thompson cut her off, " Goodbye, Devi "

The entire bridge crew dematerialized in a cascade of light, all but Thompson.

" I love you." He whispered to the empty bridge.

The darkness threatened to overwhelm him; he forced it away. He only had one more task to complete, and he would, regardless of pain, regardless of loss. The console on his armrest looked very far away, as his hand moved glacially toward the controls.

Show her, Wild Bill, he thought, as he entered the co-ordinates, and engaged maximum thrusters, Show her who you are.

The Shoshone, missing one nacelle, atmosphere venting from gaping wounds in her hull as Thompson routed power to the engines, moved. She erupted toward the asteroid with astonishing speed, a testament to her solid design to the end. The gunners on the asteroid saw her coming, and fired; a beam lanced into the engineering section, tearing through several decks as plasma spewed from ruptured conduits into space.

" You're too late, you scum " Thompson folded his arms behind his head as the asteroid, and its weapon emplacement loomed in the viewscreen, growing larger, and larger still He saw a figure in one of the windows running away

The last thing Thompson remembered was a blinding white light.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Mikey »

"Commander, look at this," Grr'lek said quietly. He tapped some buttons and an image of the fortified asteroid appeared on the screen. Mikey watched the fighter flights entering the frame, with the Shadow Fox catching up from behind, and then saw the Shoshone heading for the gun emplacements at full speed. She shivered as several disruptor bolts cut into her hull but kept going inexorably until the ship, the guns, and a fair portion of the terrain disappeared in a blinding fireball. Grr'lek added softly, "There was one life sign aboard - it was Captain Thompson."

Mikey stood speechless for a moment while his antennae sagged to lay flat against his skull. Finally he said, half to himself, "May the Great Hearth keep you warm forever, sir."

"Did you know him, sir?" asked Grr'lek, his Caitian hearing catching Mikey's comment.

Mikey indicated the wreckage of the Shoshone still visible on the viewscreen and said simply, "I didn't need to." Narrowing his eyes and raising his voice, he continued, "Mr. Hewer - recall the flights. Have M'real form up every fighter left in the fleet and press the remaining Brotherhood ships into a kill zone in front of the fleet. Lieutenant Grr'lek?"

"Sir?" answered the Caitian, uneasy at the dangerous tone in Mikey's voice.

"If any Brotherhood vessels offer surrender or ask for terms, our communication systems are down."
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Teaos »

Narg was shouting out orders to his crew but he knew it was useless, his ship was dead in the water and the few ships that remained in the fleet were surrounded by the Federation fleet.

"Do we have any weapons power?" Narg screamed at one of his crew, the panicked look was all the answer he needed.

"Sir the Federation is moving in!" His second in commands voice boomed out from the other side of the fleet.

"Power down all systems, put out distress call to the fleet, tell the rest of the fleet to power down systems and prepare for boarding" Narg ordered slumping down into his chair watching the approaching fleet close in. He had some contacts in the Federation; maybe he could call in a few favors and get released after his trial.

The few remaining ships of the Brotherhood powered down and waited to be taken as POW's by the Federation fleet.

Narg watched as a two of the Federation ships rolled towards one of the remaining Brotherhood ships and unleashed their forward phasers ripping right through the unshielded ships and turning it into a debris field in seconds.

"I told you to sound the surrender!" Narg yelled.

"We are!" Several crew screamed as the ship shock from its own phaser impacts.

Nargs answer was cut off as the massive D'Kora class ship was engulfed in a massive fire ball as over a dozen torpedoes finished off the flagship.

In less than a minute it was over, the Federation tor through the remaining ships with fury leaving no piece of wreckage larger than a cargo container.

With the last explosion from the dying Brotherhood the blasts of light that had light up space for the last few hours died apart from the few glowing bits of wreckage.

The battle of the Brotherhood was over
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Reliant121 »

"USS Dakota to the fleet. Job well done. We're beginning mop up operations down on the planet. I want the Numerical and the Adam's to help with the planetary operation. All other ships, form up around the Dakota and make your repairs. Congratulations. I think most of you are in for a promotion," Came the communique from the Dakota, the war scarred flagship of the Federation fleet. Commander Rochey was hardly approving of the casual nature that the admiral had used in his transmission, but he supposed it was a human thing. Something he would not experience much more if he could help it.

The remaining functional nacelle of the Daystrome flickered into life, signifying the reactivation of the warp core. The impulse engines began glowing a dim red, and the several sections of the deflector dish sprang into operation. Hundreds of lights in rooms with windows restarted, and the slowly drifting ship steadied herself as the inertial dampers groaned into a pained working order.

"Sir, the support fleet is coming in," Hewer said, flicking the barely working viewscreen to show the ships as they dropped from warp. The lead ship, the USS Fontaine, named for the nobel peace prize winner of 1913, slipped out of warp; her round hull glistening in the light of the background star. 2 Miranda class ships, the USS Heathrow and the USS Sarajevo dropped with her, along with the Freedom class USS Skydancer and 3 small freighters.

A horde of shuttle craft and support ships spewed from the 4 starfleet craft, spreading over the fleet like a swarm. Each one had its own destination. Many of them were carrying support staff destined for the Daystrom, which had more than enough space for the personnel.

Unfortunately, the Roberts had not faired so well. The blasted shell was little more than a hulk now. The few remaining crew had been beamed clear of her and the decision was made to scuttle her. The Skydancer tractored the hull into a collision course with one of the asteroids. The weakened frame put up little resistance, and she succumbed to the onslaught she had recieved/
Last edited by Reliant121 on Sat Aug 02, 2008 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Sonic Glitch »

{Prior to end of battle}

The Katana chugged her way back into the fray.
"Sir we have the warp core but I cannot guarantee it's stability. Try not to give us too many bumps." came the report from engineering.
"No promises Commander, but thanks for the warning. Helm, bring us back to the fleet. Full impulse."
"Aye sir." The Katana intercepted a B'rel class bird of prey trying to rejoin the Brotherhood fleet. "Sir, the B'rel off to starboard is lowering her shields and requesting...terms." Pearson finished belatedly after watching the B'rels neck get severed by the Katana's phasers, "Sir was that necessary?"
"Our comms are down." replied Commander Lewis by way of explanation. He was thinking about all the good officers and crewers, like Captain Ruhalter who had already died at the hands of the pirates. He saw Lieutenant Pearson open his mouth to protest, the comms were in fact operating perfectly. "Our Comms," the commander repeated, in a voice which did not broker argument, "Are Down."
"...Aye sir" replied Pearson in a voice which indicated his disagreement. The Katana rejoined the fleet.

{After the battle}
The USS Skydancer approached the Katana.
"Sir, they're hailing." reported Lieutenant Pearson.
"On screen lieutenant." A stately vulcan officer appeared on the screen.
"Commander Lewis I presume?"
"You presume correctly. Captain Ruhalter was a casualty of the battle."
"My condolonces Commander. Does the Katana require a tow back to the Starbase?"
"Thank you but no Captain. We should be able to manage, though we may have to get out and push that last quarter lightyear."
"As you wish Commander. Goodluck." the captain signed off with the raised eyebrow that all Vulcans seemed to have perfected, no doubt musing on the illogic of bravado.
They probably teach that trick to Vulcan kids in school though Commander Lewis. "Paul, form us up with the fleet."
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Monroe »

Starfleet personel walked over the clump of meshed body parts where the projectile landmine had done off a few hours earlier. "I'm detecting seven different crew men." The medic said as he used his medical tricorder to scan over the bodies. "We'll try to sort out their identities."

Munro nodded, "I was there when it happened. Good luck." He told the medic.

An ensign came running up to him, "Sir, the Admiral has just expressed thanks for helping secure the station personally. We've got orders to transport back to the Dakota and the medical ship. One of the Mirandas will stay behind to guard the installation until we can get a ship to take it apart to see what we can learn from them."

Munro nodded, "Good. I've grown tired of this place. What were our losses?"

The ensign took out his datapad, "According to life sign scans, out of the ten thousand men around seven thousand, eight hundred made it to the surface. Around six thousand six hundred made it inside. Around five thousand survive from the original batch. Fifty percent combat fatalities. We'll know on the causualty percentage once everyone is transported out of here."

Munro nodded, "Express my thanks to the fleet that protected us." He turned and started walking towards the transporter section that M'Real had established earlier when he paused, "Out of my three hundred how many lived?"

"We believe around 80%."

Munro nodded. "Well above and beyond the average. Maybe Commadore Ford will realize there's something about training for this situation."

Tapping his comlink he asked to speak to the Daystrom bridge, "Leuitant Munro to Daystrom, just seeing if you survived. And if so I owe Rochey some holodeck time."
How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Tsukiyumi »

All she could hear were the cries of agony from the casualties around her; all she could see were thin slats of light between her slender fingers, and a few strands of raven-colored hair from her bangs. Something solid and edged bumped into her shin; she barely flinched.

I almost had him, Devi thought, combing her hair back with her fingers. If I weren't so slow to get a lock, I could've had him. Around her, the Adams' sickbay was overflowing with casualties from the Shoshone, and panicked-looking doctors were shouting orders to even more terrified nurses and assorted medical staff. A medic waved a tricorder over Lorcan's missing eye, and motioned an orderly to clear him out. Space seemed to be at a premium.

He mouthed a short message: "I'll find you later".

She smiled at him, and turned back to the diminutive nurse at the head of the diagnostic table she was leaning against.

" She isn't going to survive, is she?" Devi's bangs fell back in front of her eyes. She didn't want to brush them away this time; she already knew that San'dral wouldn't survive her injuries, Vulcan or not. The plasma burns were too severe.

San'dral's charred lips parted in a whisper, and she motioned weakly; Devi leapt forward in an instant, straining to hear.
The Vulcan's fingers felt like iron as they gripped Devi's skull at the temples. Devi heard the nurse bellow for help, she felt the orderly struggle, uselessly, to pry open her hold, and then they were both shadows at the corner of her mind.

She knew what San'dral had done for them. Engineering had been flooded with plasma coolant, so she'd donned an environmental suit, and beamed herself inside. Ten seconds before the core breached, she manually restored the original safeties on the EPS conduits, lowered the core's output within tolerance, and only then vented the plasma coolant. The environmental suit had literally burnt away before the engineering crew could enter to help her The pain was astonishingly intense, and the calming mental disciplines could barely keep her mind lucid enough to perform a meld. Because the Captain had asked her, and she owed him the privilege. Always.

She saw herself. A disorienting moment followed of seeing herself through Thompson's eyes/of seeing Devi through his eyes. He loved her, truthfully and completely, and respected her immensely. He wanted her to truly see him/she truly saw him, and they shared a moment of clarity: they were one, through San'dral's gift.

They opened their eyes.

" Devi, can you hear me? Devi, it's Lorcan!"

She knocked the crouching nurse's tricorder away, groaned, and sat up from the floor. O'Carroll's good eye was pinned to her, overflowing with panicked tears. She smirked at him, her wide eyes dancing wildly, brimming with tears of her own.

" I'm fine, Lorcan. Really. I've never been better in my life."

Behind her, San'dral's life sign monitor blared its monotone song.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Mikey »

Mikey sighed, then said the words everyone was waiting to hear. "Stand down.
Lt. Grr'lek, please have gamma shift report to duty stations." He span slowly,
viewing everyone in the battle bridge, and continued, "Thank you, everyone.
Your conduct in dire straits has been excellent, and I am proud to have stood
with you in battle. Dismissed." Mikey later learned to his satisfaction that
every member of the senior staff went to check on their personnel or systems,
and compiled their reports, before attempting to relax.

After putting together his own report, Mikey visited sick bay. Seeing the
captain sitting up and chatting with Teaos, he walked over and handed Fletcher a
PADD. "My report, sir. I'm glad to see you well."

"And I'm glad to see the Daystrom in one piece," responded Fletcher.

"Well, it isn't, exactly, but one of the tenders is helping patch the nacelle
and jump the damaged coil. The Daystrom will be able to get home on her own
power. And, Commander," Mikey went on as he turned toward Teaos, "things might have gone very differently if not for your ingenuity. Thank you."

Looking up from the PADD, Fletcher said, "Thank you, Mr. W'trisk, for
everything. Get some rest - you've earned it."

"There are still casualty and damage reports-"

"Which we will take care of. Now, go get some rest."

"Aye, sir." Mikey returned to his room, replicated a dish of roast redbat - he
was strangely in the mood for traditional Andorian food - sent an order to the
bridge for Van Pelt to begin collecting damage reports, and started to compile
the departments' lists of the dead.
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Sonic Glitch »

Starbase T-12 floateood like a beckoning beacon in the darkness. It's rotation and lights seemed to repeat Welcome Home, Welcome Home. "Wow...I must be more exhausted than I thought to be projecting poetry onto a starbase...and an ugly one at that." though Commander Lewis. He hadn't slept much since the battle and arrival of the rescue fleet. Indeed the fleet had made it home, and indeed the Katana had made in under her own power. Though Warp 5 was the best she could do, it was much the same throughout the rest of the fleet.
"Sir the starbase is hailing us."
"Put them through Mr. Pearson."
"USS Katana this is Starbase Control, how read you?"
"This is Commander Madden on board the Katana we're receiving you."
"Very good, welcome home Katana please prepare to dock, bay 94.'
"Docking Bay 94? Thank you. Will an inspection crew be available?"
"We'll send one down when we have a chance, we've a lot of ships to inspect Commander."
"I understand control," replied Lewis though the answer dissatisfied him, "awaiting tractor beam lock on for docking."
"Very good, enjoy the ride Katana. Control out."

"Sir we've just been taken in by a station tractor beam, helm control is being handled by the starbase."
"Alright. Stand down. Secure your stations and clear the bridge. Put me on intraship Paul."
"You're on Cap'n."
"Attention Crew, this is the captain. Congratulations, we've made it home. I would like you to know how proud I am of all of you. Yes, we lost friends, people we've served with for years or just met at the Starbase but in the end, we made it out alive. I was privileged to serve with you, and would gladly do so again if I had the oppurtunity. Also, as soon as I can talk to the sector commander, I'm putting you all in for a week or two of R& deserve it. Thank You." With that the commander signed off and retreated to his quarters to recover his sleep. In the night he was interrupted by a call from the Starbase, "Commander Lewis, you have a priority communique from Starfleet Headquarters." He rolled over to check the chronometerFor chrissakes..only 3hrs? It'll have to do "Pipe it down here." he replied as civily as he could manage. When he got to his computer terminal he was greeted by the vissage of the Deputy Director of Starfleet Intelligence for ELINT, Admiral Norington, his former superior.
"Admiral..." he began carefully, "to what do I owe this dubious honor?"
"Matt, you know how many people can talk to me like that and get away with it? Not many, consider yourself lucky you're one of them right now." She barely paused to acknowledge his surprised look, "I understand you were part of the fleet sent to deal with the Neutronium Brotherhood?" At his nod she continued, "and that they were vastly more prepared then the fleet expected?"
"Definitely" he replied.
"Well, some of us at SI are appalled at the lack of warning. Someone failed out there and we need it cleaned up."
"You sound like you're trying to drag me back into the intelligence business." he replied with a small, grim, smile. When she didn't disagree he was worried, "No. I got out of that field."
"We need you back Matt."
"No, you don't."
"You don't have a choice Matt."
"Oh I assure you Admiral, I do." he replied dangerously.
"Yes. I hearby tender my resignation to Starfleet. Effective immediately."
"Resignation denied."
"You can do that?"
"I have it by order of the Commander-In-Chief."
"The C-in-C does not have that authority!"
"The fleet C-in-C may not, but this one does." and she sent him the orders.
From: Dep. C-in-C for Signals, Starfleet Intelligence
Norington, Admiral
To: Commander Matthew Lewis
First Officer USS Katana
Re: New orders

In light of the debacle (albeit victorious) with the Neutronium Brotherhood and the abysmal performance of Starfleet Intelligence, Commander Lewis is hereby placed on extended duty to Starfleet Intelligence as Sector Chief for the Tholian Border effective immediatly.

In the event the recipient is resistant to the above orders it should be known that they come from the highest levels.

By Order of the President

Nan Bacco
President, United Federation of Planets
Office of the President, Paris, France, Earth
Upon finishing his reading Lewis leaned back in his chair,
"Satisfied Commander?"
"....Unfortunately...yes Admiral."
"You'll do it?"
"I don't really have a choice Admiral do I?" replied the Commander with an ironic smile.
"No Matt...I guess you really don't." replied the Admiral with a sympathetic smile, "if it makes you feel any better, it should only be a few years with any luck. Then you can rejoin the world of starships and starbase."
"When do I start?"
"I thought it said "immediatly"?"
"Alright...let me inform my crew."
"Of course. Goodluck, SI Out." After closing the communication he began the long trek to the bridge. The ship was small but the walk seemed longer and lonlier than usual. He had finally experienced command, really led men, and he liked it. But now he was being asked to give it all up again. "I'm going to get back out here...I swear." he promised himself.
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Mission

Post by Teaos »

The sound of the brass bell reverberated around the massive hanger, echoing off the walls before dying away only to sound again. The bell had been ringing for almost an hour, every toll a crewmen who wouldn't be returning home, a father or mother, brother or sister, son or daughter who would never again walk amongst their friends and families.

For nearly an hour thousands of individuals stood at attention, officers and crewmen shoulder to shoulder united in their grief. Not a single person moved, even those with arms in slings or leaning on support canes, anyone capable of standing was on their feet honouring their fallen comrades.

Over looking the assembled crew bellow them, all the captains who had participated in battle along with the admirals and various other officers stood at attention.

Everyone stood in their dress uniforms, several sporting medals on their breast, the older crewmen displaying the commendations they had been awarded during the Dominion war next to the newer ones from the battle of the Brotherhood.

At Fletchers insistence Mikey stood on his right for his service on the Daystom during the battle the Star-cross commendation displayed next to his other medals. On his other side stood Monroe sporting a Grankite order of tactics as well as a medal of Commendation, although the Commodore had taken much of the credit for the land battle the soldiers had rallied behind their commander and had forced the Admirals to accept the Breen on stage, thus a Breen stood between some of the highest ranking officers in the sector.

Down in the ranks the crew of the Daystrom stood rigid, the shadow of the Katana sat across some of the Daystroms crew. The ship, suspended over the assembled crew, covered in battle scares was a shocking visual reminder of the brutality of the battle fought.

Standing out front of the crew Commander Teaos stood as the senior officer of the Daystroms crew, standing with them flanked on one side by Hewer and the other by M'Real and Darel. Several of the crew sported medals for acts of individual bravery; Lt Hewer held in his hands a small black box containing the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor, awarded posthumously to one of his crewmen who had sacrificed himself to seal a hull breach during the battle.

Earlier in the ceremony awards had been presented, from the standard campaign medals to commendations for excellence in their individual fields as well as the awards for bravery, the amount of medals awarded posthumously a tragic reminder at the cost Starfleet crews continued to pay to ensure peace for everyone.

The brass bell positioned in the centre of the stage tolled a final time; the final gong seemed to echo forever through the massive hanger.

Admiral Gaffney made his way to the centre of the stage and stood at the podium positioned next to the bell. Grasping the top of the lectern with his hands he seemed to take several moments to gather himself, taking a deep breath he raised his head and looked out upon the assembled crowd.

"For over two hundred years the United Federation of Planets has sought peaceful advancement and exploration through space, to co-exist peacefully with those around us, to share and to learn off one another. Yet for just as long there have been those who wish to appose us, to destroy where we build, to corrupt what we plant, to devour for the few what we give to the many. There has always been those who go against all we stand for, go against the most basic rights of all living creatures for their own selfish wants.

This is what our mission has been since the signing of the charter that gave birth to the Federation, it will continue to be our mission for as long there are those out there who wish harm upon others, who taken advantage of the weak and needy. Our mission is and shall always be the peaceful exploration of space, to learn and to love everything we can of our universe, yet it is also our mission to protect those under out care, to take up arms against any who would harm one of our own.

There may come a day when our dream our exploration wont require the hand that holds the tri-corder to also hold the phaser, to require the scientist to also be the warrior, the day may come where the men and woman of the Federation wont be asked to lay down their lives in the defence of our way of life. But until that day does come we can all take comfort in the knowledge that there will always be individuals like the crew of the Sherry who will be there to protect our way of life.

While we secured this victory it was not with out its costs, we lost many of our friends out there. We have all lost someone we knew, someone who we worked with, someone who we shared our lives with. We all have stories about our fallen comrades and it is not until they are gone, until they have made the ultimate sacrifice, that we realise that we don't have enough stories about them, and that we will never get anymore"

Taking a deep breath the Admiral turned to join the other officers on stage, looking up at the ravaged Katana as he turned he gave a nod before taking his position again.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.