Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by Nutso »


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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

Spot the odd one out

Episode 1 The Phantom Menace
Episode 2 Attack of the Clones
Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith

Episode 4 A New Hope
Episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back
Episode 6 Return of the Jedi

Episode 7 The Force Awakens
Episode 8 The Last Jedi *cough*
Episode 9 The Rise of Skywalker.

I can accept the Rise of Skywalker as a name, because it kind of keeps with the 3rd and 6th' name?: Revenge, Return, Rise. The first of each trilogy also fits a theme The/A Something Something. A Menace that is phantom (Sidious), A hope that is New (Luke), A force that is now awake. (Rey?)

The 2nd, and 5th, follows another pattern. Attack of the Clones. Empire that Strikes Back. Action by a group. The Clones Attack.
And TLJ doesn't fit. And unfortunately, that means that Rise of the Skywalker has a lot to do, not just because of the name. Do I have confidence they can do it? Nope. Sorry but No.

Will I be watching? I have an Cineworld Unlimited card so yes, probably. otherwise no.
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by Graham Kennedy »

History repeats itself...

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by Nutso »

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by Atekimogus »

Nutso wrote:

I found it amusing how the trailer made it sound like something "epic" is going down here...."The story of a generation bla bla....."

Now it might still have been a box office success.....but my feeling is....these movies will be quicker be forgotten than the prequel movies. Lord of the Rings Triology, Harry Potter movies etc. those where pop cultural phenomena.......but the new Star Wars movies.....

But maybe I am completely wrong and out of touch and the below 30 crowd is sucking it up.....maybe I am just too old already to enjoy this crap but then I do think they were just...really really bad. Meh..
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by McAvoy »

I think you are right about that. Alot of YouTube videos and articles are being written about it. Today's kids are about Marvel movies, that's The Franchise now, something Star Wars used to be for decades.

I think it's a combination of kids today not having the same excitement we did as kids when a new Star Wars came out. And of course the severe backlash of The Last Jedi, and the reactions of the older fans the ones that loved the original Trilogy and spent alot of money on the prequel stuff.
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

the problem with any "huge" franchise is that when a new entry comes along, people who have been fans for awhile will have expectations, and ideas of what course the franchise should go with their stories. And, well, have certain beliefs about who are actually the main characters for instance, so when a new entry doesn't focus on them, they end up in arms about it. Non-star wars example: Halo 5: Guardians. 343 were genuinely surprised when the fanbase said that the Master Chief was the main character. And I can see both sides - the MC is a faceless soldier precisely to allow the players to immerse themselves, to imagine that it is they who is fighting the covenant. but unlike gordon freeman (half life), he does have a voice, a personality and interactions with his closest friend Cortana, and he's not simply treated as an avatar for the player, the other characters dont "talk to the player", they talk to the Chief.

I haven't played Halo 5. Or 4. or 3. or 2. A little of 1. (though I DO have the MCC on xbox one, but I dont play on that often)

With Star Wars, it was actually understandable the fan reaction to The Last Jedi. And I agree that Rian Johnson should be shot. Not that I'm biased...

I loved Star Wars. I didn't grow up with it - I grew up with Trek. yet with both, I am a fan with ideas of what "they" should have done, regardless of the legal, economic and social "cost" to such endeavours.

For trek: Shut up about "prime timeline". Prime suggests 'same as TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY' when it actually means a timeline were Romulus Blew Up, which comes from the 2009 movie. And Legal blablabla '20 percent differen't or whatever value. What we should have gotten was a show post-Voyager in the *cough, clears throat* Original Timeline. Not a prequel. Not a Reboot. We should have an ensemble cast that was properly developed, rather than wasted (aka most on Voyager, some on DS9, the women and Geordi on TNG).

For Wars: Yes, it's a new generation. But for force sake dont shit on everything that came before. The prequel trilogy did, but only by *accident*. (I'm looking at you Jar Jar Abrahms. ... wait) TFA was just a remake of A New Hope and Return of the Jedi. We have 'There's a big weapon we have no HOPE of defeating'. We have a hero suddenly and quite by accident brought into the story by a droid... and we have a damsel to resue (ANH), also we have a massive assault on a planet-destroying weapon which we have to travel to, with a shield to get around through Han Solo being possibly secretly a Jedi because no seriously there's plenty of evidence that he's actually force sensitive, and the place is blown up because when you get down to it, the bad guy brought a hero to it. Am I talking vader bringing luke to the emporer, or Kylo kidnapping Rey (prompting the rescue)
doing that was kind of both a homage, and shitting on what came before like an idiot going "Look at me, you took this many films to do those things and I did it in one! I'm better!"

The Jast Ledi completely shit on both the prequel and original trilogies, and somehow also all over The Force Awakens. And basically everything that came before in the Star Wars Franchise, like how Luke is single and not married to a red-head former agent of Palpatine with kids of his own (the SW EU's Mara Jade), a failure of a jedi, his sister who canonically never had training and didn't know she was force sensitive is somehow able to survive thigns that killed fully trained Masters! in the prequel era, (I presume, otherwise THAT fan reaction doesn't make sense.) Han... okay han is dead and that's actually one thing I DONT have a gripe with TFA or Jar Jar about, as I knew long ago that Ford honestly wanted the character not to survive TESB originally (presumably money 'convinced' him otherwise) but already being dead meant it was hard for Rian to shit over his character... and somehow managed it. ... I don't know how, but I am 100% certain he managed it. He already shit on Chewbacca (like how Jar Jar did) with the whole 'my best friend DIED and I'm just fine thanks.' And it shit over the idea of strong and COMPETENT women with that girl-whatserface who somehow 'fell in love' over the course of a day and stopped "her man" from performing a heroic sacrifice...

oh, and the casino planet. CANT forget the casino planet. No matter how hard we try. Biggest waste of Benicio Del Toro since that time he spent an entire movie unconcious... (Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, or Snatch, Can't remember, think it was Lock Stock.)
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by McAvoy »

I definitely agree. You get that with fans of things like sports for example. You as the fan what player A but your team ends up getting player B. Now you are mad you didn't get player A so you end up acting like Player B sucks or the whole team sucks because you didn't get Player A.

I think us as Trek fans are more forgiven as there are many series out there, though we are hard up on the series when it comes to continuation errors.

Star Wars is at that point where it's name is now tarnished to the point where it will take along time for fans to get over the failure of this new Sequel Trilogy.

Also I think there is also the backlash over the fact how TPTB in Star Was reacted to the negative press and reviews or fan reactions. Very similar to the type of crap that went on with the Ghostbusters reboot.
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

yeah, it's like they don't know that films can be absolute pieces of crap, therefore the fan reaction is because of discriminatory fans who sway others to their opinion!
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by Nutso »

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Hmm. Never keen on a film if I come out of the trailer with no idea what it's about.
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser (Spoilers)

Post by IanKennedy »

Now, come on. Just from the still you can see it's about very large leavers.
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