Gamma Mission

Lt. Staplic
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Lt. Staplic »

-USS Trojan Horse: Bridge-

Helev was already at his station when the alert went out across the ship to let the crew know they were almost to the Dominion facility. A few seconds later Munro walked through the doors entering the bridge. Taking the headset from the on duty helmsman, he moved to his center chair.

Nod wasn't far behind quickly moving through the doors and onto the Bridge, taking a place unusually close to Helev. He looked over the Romulan's tactical readout, verifying Helev's activities before slowly strolling around the Bridge.

"How long till we reach the system?" Munro suddenly asked.

"We're at T-minus four thirty." The helmsman responded.

"Centurion," Munroe said turning toward Helev. "Send the message."

"Aye sir." Helev said looking back at his display. They had found the ships transmission code for docking clearance the other week with the help of Taran'atar. They'd been instructed to send the message within a few minutes of arrival, and not to dock until clearance was given.

It amazed Helev just how fast Nod made his way across the bridge. Without appearing overly suspicious, Nod watched Helev as he prepared the transmission, a less trained individual might have missed it, but Helev knew he was being closely examined on this mission. Finally loading up the prerecorded message, Helev transmitted the code to the station, monitoring the feed, with the Klingon.

Just before the transmission, Helev spotted something unusual, pausing for a second he looked up to see, Nod hadn't seen the addition, he had turned and was again walking around pacing the bridge. Helev went through and called up the last part of the transmission again looking at the code. Sure enough there was a small bit of code that had been added on, though this was different. It was Romulan. Of that Helev was sure, it was a newer, classified coding, if Nod had seen it he wouldn't recognize its origins.

But why was there a Romulan transmission code intertwined in their docking clearance? He hadn't been notified of any new information, by anyone.

"Sovak!" Nod suddenly roared, bringing his attention back to the bridge. "Answer us, when we ask you a question!"

"Sorry, sir." Helev said.

"What is the status of our Tactical systems?" Munro repeated, if he was annoyed the voice synthesizer didn't relay it.

"All systems are standing by. We'll have full tactical readiness as soon as you command, sir." Helev reported.

He looked back at his consol, took one more, long look at the display, and then wiped it off the panel.

"Sir, we're at T-minus 2 minutes till we reach the system." the Helmsman reported.

"Centurion, maintain a watch for the docking clearance." Munroe said before turning to the operations station. "Lieutenant, scan the other ships in our force, make sure all are effectively hidden, and are far enough away to create the allusion of simple patrol craft."

Within a minute the Starfleet Lieutenant reported, "All fighters, the runabout, and the Tigerfish are giving off the proper signals. The Lacron isn't showing up on any of my sensor readings, they have successfully cloaked."

"Sir," Helev began as the reply flashed onto his consol. "We've just received clearance, we're to proceed to airlock number six. They said we're right on time." He added with a slight smile.

"We've reached the system, sir." the Helmsman finished.

"Drop us out of warp, and move us in, to airlock 6." Munro ordered.
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Reliant121 »

"I don't like this," D'Tyra said softly, lounging in her command chair. The bridge, darkened by the ambient lighting of the "cloaking mode" as a starfleet officer had named it, was eerily quiet. Even the panels didn't make sounds in this mode, instead replaced by three quick, successive flashes of the button pressed during this mode.

"You are far to eager and impulsive at times," Centurion Mi'serna observed, absently inputting scan commands to the sensor panel.

"Exhileratingly refreshing from one of our kind, is it not?" She replied quickly, triggering her wise friend to chuckle to himself. "This waiting, with little prospect of any action at's so...dull."

"Think of it as a hunt. Lying in wait for your prey, action, to arrive. I doubt this little mission will go smoothly. A battle plan never lasts past the first shot."

"There hasn't been a shot."

"That does not mean the plan is destined to work. Look to Galrian VI when we..." Mi'serna began softly, unaware of the nerve he was tensing.

"Dont. bring Galrain VI in conversation." He looked at her, and saw her pained glare. At first he thought she was merely angry with him, but he knew after a few seconds of studying her features that there was something deeper underneath her head. Galrian VI had been a disaster. A massacre of the population when they suddenly revolted. D'Tyra was ordered by her admiral to fire upon the transports the Galrian dissidents had stolen. She had been in favour of using EMP bursts to stun the ships, and capture them. She had never recovered from the killing of the dissident families. And it would probably remain that way.

A panel bleep tore him away unwillingly from his thoughts. The sensor had picked up a vessel launch from the base.

"Commander, a vessel has launched from the station. It appears to be a patrol fighter. Odd that only one has been sent."

"It's heading?"

"Toward Commander W'Trisk and the fighters."

"The fighter is scouting....They cannot get a complete signature...Maybe the fighters are too small for the station's sensor array. Alert the commander, low-band transmission. make it as covert as this bucket of bolts can. Oh, and bring me a cup of Ri'lura tea. I need refreshing."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Mark »

USS Trojan Horse - Main Bridge

The Rebel facility loomed ever larger in the eyepiece of Nod's headset. Monroe had insisted that another me made for Nod, so as not to leave his first officer completely dependent on instruments. These headsets took some getting used too. The first time he tried one on, he nearly tripped over an unoccupied chair, but as he got used to it, he learned to take advantage of it. With one eye on the so-called viewscreen, it left him with the other eye to keep an eye on the Romulan second officer.

Nod was watching Sovak covertly the entire mission. He couldn't explain his distrust of the Romulan but it was there nevertheless. The old warrior didn't trust Romulans on sheer principle, but this was something more basic, more personal. He hadn't survived this long by ignoring his instincts, and every instinct he had screamed that THIS Romulan was up to something.

His instincts also screamed at him that something was wrong. Very wrong.

Nod stepped over to Munroe and muttered quietly, "Something is wrong."

Modulating his synthesizer, the Breen asked in the same tone, "Such as?"

"Something .everything," Nod replied with frustration. "This is not how things should be. Why have they not scanned us? How can they feel THAT secure with the entire Dominion proper hunting them down? This ships data bank indicated that this station should have multiple ships here, but so far we've only seen one. Where are the rest?"

The Breen showed nothing as he sat silently for a moment before replying, "I concur. Something is not right. But as we don't know WHAT is wrong, we will have to carry on with our mission. Not as if we have a choice, Commander. We are seconds away from docking. It's too late to do anything but follow the plan and adapt to any situation that may unfold."

"Agreed," Nod snarled his assent "But that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it."

"You would have to be either stupid or insane to BE happy about it Commander." The Breen replied.

Nod considered sharing his suspicions about the Romulan, but dismissed the idea. He had nothing to base his feelings on, and until he did he would bide his time. Whatever the man was up too, Nod would eventually find out.

"Captain" the conn officer announced "We have arrived at our designated airlock."

With a thud, the ship docked. Munroe nodded to the Klingon, who keyed the comm system.

"Bridge to Marines" Nod announced "We are in position and have docked. You are cleared to proceed. Qa'plah!"
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
Lt. Staplic
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Lt. Staplic »

Corrin Stood ready just outside the main docking bay, a general alert had gone out across the ship, immediately mobilizing the Marine units. They'd already been prepped as to the objective of the mission, and its details.

His unit was to be some of the first through, only standing behind a Klingon Unit that was put at the front thanks to the XO Nod. Their lead was fine with Corrin, the ferocity of the Klingon attack would probably buy their boarding party a few more seconds before internal defenses were activated.

"Stand Ready." James called over his shoulder to the rest of his unit. The ship was almost to the station and would be docking any second. Their objectives were clear. Secure the docking area, killing any enemy troops present and destroying any internal defensive devices. From there, they would move through the station, branching off, in an attempt to deactivate the tactical stations. Finally, they were to kill all enemies on the facility.

"Bridge to Marines" Nod announced over the internal comm. "We are in position and have docked. You are cleared to proceed. Qa'plah!"

James could feel the men tense behind him. Within a few seconds there came the sounds of the airlock pressurizing, preparing to open. Then it happened in one instant, the doors swished open, and the Klingon's Charged forward, rifles in hand, pistols at their belts, and for most of them a Bat'leth strapped to their backs. James and his unit were right behind them. Charging into the dull gray interior of the Dominion facility. The room was empty, so, without pause, the soldiers continued on.

The Klingon Advance unit was through the door and out into a hallway running perpendicular to the one the room they were just in. James' unit was nearly to the door followed by the four other platoons of his company, and Captain Kane.

They all stayed together following each other around the same corners, making it relatively deep into the station, pretty quickly. James was starting to have a bad feeling about this. Getting this far in without seeing a single Jem'Hadar soldier or any other of the species.

Motioning to the squad leaders to hold back, James let Bertho's and Kvrani's Platoons move ahead of his. Looking back, there was a fairly large gab between his Company, and the next one, they were still half way back the hall, at a slow march rather than the light jog they were moving at.

James opened his mouth to say something to his commander when he here the unmistakable sound of a Jem'Hadar Poloron rifle firing. James dove at the Captain, knocking both of them to the floor as a large group of Jem'Hadar de-shrouded up ahead of the Klingons. Before most of them realized what had happened the entire front line lay dead. However the Klingon's weren't going down with out a fight. Quickly finding cover the Klingons opened up on the Jem'Hadar, followed quickly by the Starfleet Marines. A second later, auto-turrets dropped out of the ceiling, and began targeting the invasion force, from several different angles making it neigh on imposable to find cover.

Fortunately for them, the second company had heard the weapons fire and stopped before coming out into the open. A second later a large blast door closed cutting off James and the forward units from retreat back to the ship.

James looked over at his platoon, who had successfully found decent cover, and yelled, "Take out the turrets!"

They obeyed immediately, taking, firing at the turrets whenever they diverted to other targets. Kane stood up, quickly to find some new cover, but he choose a bad moment to do so. suddenly appearing at the other end of the hallway, behind the hall they'd entered out of, came another large unit of Jem'Hadar catching many of the Maries in the cross fire including Captain Kane. Three bolts hit him, two in the chest, instantly dropping him to the floor. Within seconds he was dead. James tucked himself into an alcove in the wall, providing pretty good cover against the two factions, and then hit his communicator.

"Bridge. This is Lieutenant James Corrin, The station is a Trap, I repeat this is a trap, they knew who we were somehow!" James said, shooting at a turret that had found him, reducing it to spare parts.

"This is the Bridge, Lieutenant," Came a human voice over the channel. "What is your location?"

"I am with the Klingon's advance unit and the 1st Boarding Company. We are at least thirty meters into the structure, and are tied down by fire coming from two opposing directions, with auto turrets from above." James replied.

"Understood Lieutenant, the units that fell back have also been engaged and are holding off another unit from entering the ship. Where is your company commander?" The man asked.

"Dead. Captain Kane was killed by Jem'Hadar troops, we are suffering heavy casualties here. What are your orders?" James said. Shooting down any Jem'Hadar he could get in his sights.

There was a long pause then the human voice was replaced with the voice synthesizer of Commander Monroe, "Marine, you and your men will remain in that position and you will deter the Jem'Hadar. We are breaking off from the station, when we are clear we will beam you out, keep the comm. line open so we will have a Transporter lock, you have temporary command. Understood."

"Understood sir." James said, pocketing the still open communicator. Charging out from the wall towards the nearest conglomeration of troops James blindly fired at the Jem'Hadar making several kills. Fortunately all of the ceiling turrets had been destroyed. Most of his platoon was at that conglomeration, the rest already dead. Pulling out Kyfro and a few of his better men to stick with him, he ordered the rest of them to use what they could find to begin constructing a small fortification around the opening of the hall way the entered, bisecting the 'T' intersection. Then with the few men he pulled out he ordered them to move around to the various groups and move them back toward the 'T'. Kyfro was very effective, being smaller, leaner, and faster than the rest of them, he quickly made his way up to the front, guiding back the remains of Bertho's and Kvrani's Platoons to the 'T'. James meanwhile headed for the Klingons.

"We need do move to a more defendable location!" James yelled over the disruptor fire.

"Where!" the Klingon roared, clearly taking offence from the idea that James had found a more battle sound position to fight from.

"Back at the Hallway we came from, we can use the walls, and the wrecks of the turrets to cover ourselves." James yelled.

The Commander nodded his head and they slowly began to move back towards the Hall. Finally making it there, James had his first chance to see their numbers. making a quick count, he estimated they had less than 60 men left out of an original 180. The Jem'Hadar quickly closed in, around them, continuing to pick them off one by one.

James watched helplessly as their numbers fell to fifty, forty, thirty five. James fired his weapon feverantly, hitting Jemmie after Jemmie, but it never seemed to be enough. Then just when he thought it couldn't get any worse. He felt a blast hit his hip, severely wounding him, and blowing away the communicator. It took him a second to regain his balance; he took aim at another Jemmie, but never got the chance to take the shot. Just as James' finger tensed over the trigger, he was hit in the shoulder with some strange weapon, a projectile, not a phased poloron beam. Then suddenly, everything went black, James was out cold before he hit the floor.
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Reliant121 »

"I am detecting heavy weapons fire from on board the station," Mi'serna said. "Comms Traffic to the was an ambush, they were aware of our plan." D'Tyra stood bolt upright, tensing her hand against the chair.

"Bring us about, maximum impulse speed. Prepare to initiate the transporters, we must retrieve as many troops as we can. What is the status of the Trojan horse?"

"Powering up engines, preparing to leave. The station is arming what little weaponry it has. However, the shields shall prove troublesome to break."

This meant there was little point in trying to disable the stations weapons. They would have little effect on the Dominion ship itself, due to their low power. However, the Dominion were masters of ambush tactics, meaning there would likely be a large group of Dominion vessels approaching. Sure enough, sensors registered at least 10 incoming ships.

"Send a message to the fighter group, we need them to help cover the retreat. Standby to decloak the ship." She ordered, the bridge thundering into life around her. Mi'serna looked up, his expression grim.

"There are only 5 members of the team left...1 klingon, and 4 humans."

The Trojan horse sprang into life, tearing at the docking ring and tearing it away haphazardly. Two figures were ejected into space, the remaining 3 clinging onto the edge of the ring. Suddenly, each of them was enveloped in the transporter beam of the Trojan horse, and she powered away, attracting small polaron bursts from the station.

"Decloak, and formate with the Battlecruiser. We're escorting her out. Fire at will at the incoming ships, shoot to disable...or kill."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Mikey »

"Incoming low-band transmission from the Lacron, sir. One bug headed toward our position. Should I acknowledge?" McKenzie said, his eyes shining tensely in the dimmed light of the cabin.

"Negative," Mikey answered evenly. "An outgoing intrasystem signal would be like a beacon for that Jemmie ship. Besides, our safety isn't Commander D'Tyra's concern. She has her job, and we have ours... and she knows that as well as anyone. Send a simple pulse-coded signal to the flight - 'standby to follow my lead.'" Mikey steepled his fingers and waited with hooded eyes while McKenzie complied. Finally he asked, "Have you acquired the Jemmie ship?"

"I have it now, sir."

"Tac display." At Mikey's quiet order, a screen on a side console lit up, displaying a map of the local section of the asteroid field with small blue points representing the fighters; a larger blue cross signifying the location of the runabout Metedeconk; and a inbound red cross denoting the approaching Jem'Hadar ship. Mikey relaxed while studying the display, letting his arms fall to rest on the armrests of his chair and focusing his thoughts. "You know, I used to be considered a pretty skilled hand at ku'i-ku'i."

McKenzie turned and gazed at the seemingly random comment from his captain. "Beg pardon, sir?"

"It's an Andorian martial art... similar to what humans call 'pankration.' There are two very basic tenets, more basic than any fighting stance or maneuver. The first is 'attack first;' the second is variously translated as 'attack last' or 'attack once' - in other words, make your first shot the only shot you need."

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't-"

"Just mark the time to engage for our course -" Mikey entered a course on his console, and McKenzie bent to look at it on his own station - "to intersect the the bug... and strap yourself down. Have the fighters checked in?"

"I have 'acknowledged' codes from all fighters," answered McKenzie, a bit dubious as to what the captain had planned. Looking back down at his station, he added, "Mark!"

"Here we go," Mikey replied with his typical lopsided and feral grin. He engaged the engines and shot the runabout forward in what appeared to be a collision course with the approaching Jem'Hadar ship. At the last second, as the bug fired a pair of polaron beams, Mikey brought the nose up and then sharply down over the far side of the bug, strafing it with phasers as he went. McKenzie grunted with the effort of trying to remain in his seat. "I told you to strap in," Mikey said, chuckling with adrenaline.

McKenzie responded humorlessly, "All fighters following point." The seven Falcon-class craft bobbed in the Metedeconk's wake - some overshooting the Jemmie bug and launching close-range micro-torpedoes, some undercutting it and peppering it with phaser fire. As the last of the fighters passed it, the Jem'Hadar ship began to buckle and crack before it finally detonated from within. Wheeling the runabout around, Mikey sped away from the scene to avoid any jetsam from the explosion. The fighters all followed suit, then all checked in on McKenzie's console in pulsed code.

"Very clever, sir," McKenzie said dryly while still trying to situate himself in his chair. Suddenly serious, he continued, "I'm picking up snatches of comms from the battlecruiser. Boarding companies were ambushed... battlecruiser breaking away under Lacron's cover... I don't think they got everyone back, sir."

"Signal all fighters," Mikey answered with his face set in a grim mask. "Reform, and prepare to screen the retreat. Let's go find some cover, and get that camouflage field running."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Teaos »

Stars Corona - Alliance fleet home system

Almost completely invisible, engulfed by the pulsing a swirling corona of the red dwarf star, primary star of the alliance system, the USS Paladin sat. Shields flicking as the solar winds and debris licked at the ship, a faint dot against the immense star.

"We should be out there Andrew" The Commander Teaos said from his seat in the captains ready room. A small view screen on one of the walls showed the view from the front of the ship. The utter darkness of space juxtaposed against the violent red wall of the dwarf star, at this range no curvature could be made out, a perfectly straight horizon, tails of ejecta twisted out from the star.

"Our place is here; those men know what they're doing. If those rogues come after us, we'll be ready for them. Now would be the perfect time for them to strike, while we attack them, and I'm not deluded enough to believe they don't have information on us, the question is how much" Captain Fletcher said not looking away from the screen where flare of red plasma was curling away from the star.

"So we sit here and wait for them to attack us, the most powerful ship in the quadrant, castrated because we're too scared to go out and attack them?"

"How many lives would we lose? Rushing heedless of the danger? How many are you willing to sacrifice for revenge?" Fletcher argued, turning from the view screen for the first time.

"How many will die as we sit and wait? The Trojan Horse is gone, God knows whats happening, while we sit here and wait" Teaos said pushing off the arms of his chair and walking out to the bridge and his station.

Captain Fletcher looked at the doors of his ready room, worry obvious on his face.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Monroe »

"Sir energizing now." The ops officer informed Munro the status of the away team as the ship tore free of the docking arm.

"Beam in their stead as many of our missile compliment as possible." Munro said calmly standing up to look at the view screen. Earlier he had preprogramed the view screen to display tactical information instead of just 'pretty pictures', "Target their food processing facilities." Munro said turning to his first officer. The large Dominion ship's guns sprang to life before the station's shields were able to be extended.

Explosions sounded in the Jem'Hadar food and barracks blasting large portions of the metal apart to expose the softer structures of crew quarters. "Sir, twenty three torpedoes beamed into the station's hanger."

Munro watched with some satisfaction as the nearest section of the space station buckled under the massive explosions. The hanger was classically the best place for explosions to be set outside warp cores because of the possibility of secondary explosions. After the super nova white intensity of twenty three torpedoes igniting came a follow up of energy blasting deep into the mighty space station rocking the immense structure sideways as fire swept through the decks vaporizing any deceased boarding party members and their technology.

"Inform our cover we have initialized plan B. Ask them to make haste so we do not resort to Plan C." Munro told the communications officer as he turned around and sat back in the captain's chair.

"What's Plan C?" Nod asked.

"We ram them at high speed."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Mark »

USS Trojan Horse

Nod felt his blood begin to boil as the large explosion began tore threw the station. He knew the situation was perilous but it was a satisfying moment to see the station spewing forth its atmosphere from the breach Munroe has caused.

"Inform our cover we have initialized plan B. Ask them to make haste so we do not resort to Plan C." Munro told the communications officer as he turned around and sat back in the captain's chair.

"What's Plan C?" Nod asked.

"We ram them at high speed." The Breen replied.

"I must say I'm not very fond of Plan C" the Romulan second officer replied from the tactical station.

Nod snarled in reply, "That does not surprise me."

Suddenly the Trojan Horse was rocked by several explosions. The station had opened fire on them, and torn down the ships shields like paper. Poloron beams lanced out and struck the ship surgically, causing massive damage and filling the bridge with smoke as well as causing the lights to go out. Suddenly, everyone was tossed to the deck from a sudden, stomach churning wrench.

"Emergency lights" Munroe ordered, somehow being the only one who managed to keep his seat, and then followed with "Report."

Sovak drug himself back to his feet and keyed a few commands into his console as Nod physically picked up the stunned crew and plunked them back into their seats.

"Aft shields are off line" The Romulan reported. "The generators are completely gone. Warp engines are off line. We've suffered massive structural damage as well. Everybody below C deck is trapped. Aft weapons are out as well. But the worst part is we are caught in a tractor beam."

"Can we break loose?" Munroe asked.

"Not in the shape we're in now sir." The Conn officer replied.

"It looks like it will be plan C after all." Munroe mused.

"Wait" Nod interjected. "Let me take a team over and disable that tractor beam. We will free the ship."

Munroe thought it over "I could just as well beam over some more torpedoes and knock it out that way."

A voice called over from Ops "We don't have enough power, Sir. We may be able to insert a small team, but we can't send another load like we did. Transporters are BARELY operational as it stands.

"Very well then" Munroe decided quickly. "Disable that tractor beam quickly Commander, we don't have time to waste. I will NOT allow them to capture us."

"Have no fear, Captain." Nod said. "That beam WILL be shut down."

Nod looked over at the Romulan second and asked "Care to join me?"

"If it's all the same, I think the Captain will need me here more than over there." Sovek replied.

With a growl about cowardice, Nod bolted for the door.


Rebel Dominion Facility

Nod had grabbed five more personel on his way to the transporter room. Three Klingons he has served with, all loyal sons of the Empire, as well as two Starfleet Officers. They had quickly armed themselves and been transported as close to the tractor emitter as they could.

Nod's team burst into the emitter control room and quickly opened fire on the Jem'Hadar there. Kheg and Ensign Stevens were killed in the furious exchange of fire. The remaining members of the team quickly assumed positions of cover as Nod and Lt. Jefferies attempted to decipher the console. They had just accessed tractor control when they were suddenly locked out.

"They know we're here." Jefferies exclaimed.

"We go to Plan B as the Captain would say" Nod replied. "Place the charges. We must interrupt that beam so the ship can escape.

The team quickly complied and as the last of the charges were activated, Jem'Hadar began pouring into the hallway. They all scrambled for cover as Poloron beams lanced overhead.

Kurd looked at Nod and said "If they gain entrance Commander, they can easily deactivate our charges.

With a determined glint to his eye Nod replied "I am aware of that. Therefore they MUST NOT get past us until those charges go off."

Jefferies replied in a panicked voice "We'll be killed either by the Jemmies or our own charges!"

Nod smiled wide and said "It's a good day to die!, but not for you human. Return to the ship and tell the Captain what we are doing." Nod waited for the human to signal for a return and vanish into a transporter beam, before he launched into a chorus of Klingon opera as the Jem'Hadar's assault intensified and seconds counted down what was left of his life.


USS Trojan Horse

"Sir, we have one automated recall signal from the team!" the communications officer announced.

"Beam it directly to the bridge" Munroe ordered

The bright beam coalesced into the cringing form of a human Starfleet Officer.

"Report" Munroe ordered

"Lt. Jefferies, Sir." The man stammered. "Commander Nod said to tell you as soon as you see an explosion, to go. They stayed to make sure the charges went off."

Munroe was silent for a few seconds before issuing the proper orders.


Rebel Dominion Facility

The three Klingons now stood shoulder to shoulder with Bat'leths out as the Jem'Hadar engaged in hand to hand combat, trying to get close enough to disable the charges. Even as Nod swung his blade he mentally counted down the seconds.

"Ten" Nod thrust his blade tip into the throat of one Jem'Hadar

"Six" Kord, the Klingon to his left fell to an enemy bayonet.

"Four" Nod decapitated the Jem'Hadar that slew noble Klorg.

"Three" More Jem'Hadar poured into the room, surrounding the two surviving warriors.

"Two" Nod and Kurd now stood back to back with smiles of joy on there faces at the idea of such a glorious death.

"One" A Jem'Hadar blade pierced Nod threw his heart as Kurg went down emitting a gurgling sounding howl.

Just before Nod fell, his last thought was "I should have warned the Captain about the Romulan."


USS Trojan Horse

A small explosion could be seen on the viewscreen as the tractor beam disengaged. Munroe looked at the Conn officer and said, "Now,"
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Lt. Staplic »

-USS Trojan Horse: Bridge-

"Now." Munro ordered as the Tractor beam dropped.

Immediately the Conn officer began moving the ship forward at impulse away from the station, rolling as Helev had suggested so their port shields would protect them from any further weapons fire.

"What is the status of the Marines?" Munro asked as they pulled free.

"Unknown. My sensors are showing at least ten bio-signs, however a dampening field is in place, between that and our damaged transporters, we can't beam them out." The Ops Officer reported.

Turning to Helev, Munro continued, "Miss, target their last known coordinates, fire at will."

"Aye sir." Helev said, targeting the area around where they docked. Helev let loose a full barrage of torpedoes and poloron beams, but the shields held.

After a few seconds the Ops officer piped up again, sir, there are ten Jem'Hadar bugs inbound. Their flying right for us. We're also detecting the Lacron on sensors; she's decloaked and is moving in to support us, as have the fighters. They won't reach us until after the Bugs have intercepted however."

As the report came through, the shields finally broke, and the entire section of station was annihilated under the next salvo of torpedoes and poloron beams.

"Sir sensors are showing no life signs anywhere near the airlock." Helev reported checking his scans.

"Good, now target the incoming ships." Munro stated, phasing off the fact that they had just killed at least 10 of their own men.

Helev turned the tactical display on the incoming ships, focusing on the leading bug, he'd overloaded it's shields within seconds turning it into a floating pile of dust the next.

The ship shook beneath them as the shields took a barrage of fire from the bugs.

"Sir, I'm detecting four more ships leaving the damaged station, they are not engaging us. They are headed toward the corridor to take them back out of the system. they've just gone to warp inside the system. They must have really wanted to get out to risk that." The ops station reported.

"Sir they set off the stations self destruct." Helev called out, briefly glancing at the sensors before returning to the tactical display.

"Signal, the other ships, let's finish these Jemmies off and get out of here." Munro ordered.
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Reliant121 »

"Hard starboard, 90 degree axis rotation in same direction!" D'Tyra screamed, trying to keep the strongest dorsal shields facing the Dominion battlegroup. A flurry of disruptor pulses opened fire from the cannons, shattering the shields and eventually the hull of one, and sending a large nacelle spinning into the midsection of another.

At the tail end of the turn, the ship levelled out. Before her lay the besieged Dominion cruiser, shields under immense fire from the 6 Jem'hadar fighters that swarmed over her. One made a mistake in tracing the firing line of the forward pulse cannon. The Cruiser fired a single round, destroying the ship instantly.

At that moment, Mikey's battlegroup swooped in from a high angle, unleashing a furious storm of micro-torpedo, phaser and pulse cannon fire at the fourth fighter. It retaliated aimlessly, firing several stray shots upward in an attempt to stop the onslaught. It failed. It did not take long for the shields to collapse, and a hellstorm to charr and burn its surface. The ship was not destroyed, however. It's dorsal surface was covered in burning hull scorches, and weapons impacts, but it had not given up just yet. A final polaron beam from the Cruiser destroyed it.

"Commander, 30,000 KM to we are safe for warp speed. I am detecting heavy Dominion traffic searching the opposite end of the system. We must hurry," Mi'serna advised. The situation was precarious; if they made a warp jump to early, the twin star's gravity fields could knock them off course. Wait too long, and an entire legion of Dominion warships would be bearing down on them.

"D'Tyra to Trojan Horse, we must hurry. Our long range sensors have detected reinforcements searching the edge of the system." A cold, mechanically precise voice was her only reply.

"Acknowledged. We are channeling more power to engines, provide us with cover fire."

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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Sonic Glitch »

-USS Ravage-
The bridge crew gazed at the view screen as the Trojan Horse prepared for departure. They watched the cruiser disengage from the station, and hoped that this time things went better than the last warp test. The cruiser pivoted in space and leapt to warp, followed by the Larcon which shimmered and disappeared before leaping to warp, and a flight group from the Daystrom. Once the assault force had disappeared, tension on the bridge seemed to INCREASE if anything, and Lewis knew that each crew member was saying a silent prayer for the assault force. If he were a believer, he would've joined them. As he paced the bridge, exchanging looks with members of the crew he saw that his own thoughts were reflected in their faces. Most especially in Devi and Lorcan's faces; they too were veterans of the Brotherhood battle so long ago. As with that incident so long ago, Lewis couldn't shake the feeling that something, somewhere, somehow was going to go wrong.
Devi sat at the tactical station chewing the inside of her lip, a nervous habit she had been trying to kick for years, watching Lewis pacing the bridge. Like Captain Thompson, she reflected, he too prowled like a caged animal when force to sit on the sideline. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn't taking success for granted either. So she wasn't surprised when she heard him order "Take the ship to Yellow Alert."

Commander Sinclair however was a little startled, "Sir?"

Lewis responded "I don't feel comfortable just sitting here expecting everything to go smoothly." He realized how he sounded and let loose a self-mocking grin, "It's a captain's job to be paranoid Jordan. Give it time, you'll develop it." Sinclair just chuckled and turned his attention to the viewscreen before Lewis continued, "Do you remember those weapons upgrades the chief brought up before the nebula battle?" Sinclair did. "I'm going to suggest he implement them - if something does happen, we'll need every advantage we can get."

"Aye sir. That we will. I'll tell him to get right on it."

"Thanks Jordan, Oh," Lewis continued with a slight twinkle in his eye, "let him know that Cmdr. Jordan will be at his disposal."

"I'm sure she'll love that " Sinclair left to go down to main engineering when he arrived the Chief was nowhere to be seen. He rectified this by simply shouting "CHIEF!"
And Chief MacDuff came crawling out of a Jefferies tube where he had been fine tuning the sensors for the antimatter containment field.

"You screamed Commander?" he said gruffly in greeting.

Sinclair chuckled to himself before informing the MacDuff that he was allowed to begin his weapons modifications. "How long will they take?"

MacDuff considered a moment before replying, "Normally? 10 to 12 hours. BUT, I doubt we have 10 to twelve hours, I'll have it done in 5."

Sinclair told him, with a wink, in reply, "You know I used to be an engineer. You don't have to play the repair estimate game with me. I'll sufficiently edit it for the captain." MacDuff laughed at that and went on his way to begin the repairs. Sinclair yelled after him, "One more thing, Commander Jordan's department and resources are at your disposal."

MacDuff stopped as a small smile spread across his face, "Thank you Commander. Thank you very much."
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Mark »

USS Tigerfish - Main Bridge

"Hard to Port" Hewer commanded. "Bring us out of the asteroid field in position relative to Trojan Horse. Escort distance!"

Holmes sat quietly for once at an unoccupied station at the rear of the small ships bridge. Forgotten for the moment were the snide comments, the cutting barbs, and the witty rhetoric. All he could think of was the terror that was threatening to overwhelm him. The Captain didn't understand the Doctor's real reason for not wanting to go on the Tigerfish. Ever since the Dominion War, combat scared the hell out of him. When he took that Jem'Hadar's poloron blast that ruined his leg, he realized for the first time that even he, the great Watson Holmes could die. Everything that he knew, learned, and was could be lost in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, on that battlefield he had an epiphany. He realized how pointless and senseless war was. He also realized that no matter what else, it would always continue.

The Tigerfish swung into a covering position for the captured battlecruiser, from which the extent of the damage it suffered to its aft section was clear as day.

Commander Hewer made a gesture to his Ops officer, "Raise Captain Munroe."

The Breen Captain's helmeted visage filled the viewscreen broken by heavy static due likely to the damage to the ship, and said, "You rang?"

"Sir, you've taken some pretty serious damage." Hewer said "Do you need any assistance?"

"I don't think you've got the manpower" the Breen replied. "I've got every able body that can fit in Engineering trying to restore warp speed, but most of those casualties we took WERE the engineering staff that studied this ship. At least the people I've got working are familiar with this tech."

Holmes sat up straighter when he heard the word "Casualties". He painfully stood up and limped over to the center seat where Hewer conversed with the Breen Captain.

"Commander," Holmes interrupted. "Excuse me for a minute."

Looking pointedly at the Breen on the viewscreen Holmes demanded "Do you HAVE a medical facility over there?"

"DOCTOR!" Hewer began to cut off the insubordinate surgeon, but Captain Munroe seemed oblivious to Holmes' rude behavior

"We don't need one," The Breen replied "Anyone who cannot perform their duties due to injuries wasn't expected to survive the mission if the injuries were beyond the abilities of the marines medics. This was a VERY dangerous mission. We didn't care to risk one of the fleets few doctors."

"How many casualties do you have over there, Captain?" Hewer asked.

Munroe looked off to the side, "According to my first off .my second officer, that is, we have 27 confirmed dead, and 51 wounded seriously enough that they cannot function."

Holmes looked at the two officers like toddlers that had eaten dog food, decided they liked it, and went back for more. He took a calming breath and said "If you're not too busy, why not transport them over the Tigerfish. After all, they seem to need a doctor and hey, what do you know .I just happen to be one."

Hewer said, "We don't have anything even close to a facility large enough to treat that many injuries, Doctor."

"Then we'll put them on cots in the hallways!" Holmes insisted with heat.

Glancing at the viewscreen, Hewer asked Munroe, "Do you have any objections, Sir?"

"None." The Breen replied.

"It's about damned time" Holmes acknowledged. "I need to go get ready to receive the wounded. And I may need to draft some help along the way".

As he limped off the bridge he saw three attractive women down serving as part of a standby damage control team. Pointing to them, he said "You, you, and you. Congratulations, you just became nurses. Now come and help me scrub up. Or I'll help you. Whichever you prefer."

He limped off mentally preparing himself for the influx of wounded, with his new draftees following along, more than a little confused.
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Reliant121 »

Another polaron beam tore into the small hole at the rear of the starboard shields, tracing a small line of carbon scoring across the whole. The bridge shook again, this time shattering a small auxiliary console at the right hand side. The officer there took a glass section to his hand, but kept working, refusing to go to the sickbay.

"Commander, the Battlecruiser has dropped shields in a small section. They appear to be transporting wounded over to the support ship," Mi'serna said, incredulous with disbelief. D'Tyra slammed her hand onto the chairs console, breaking it, and stood upright.

"In the middle of a battle? All it will take is one Dominion bug to fire into that gap and they could take an impulse manifold!" She screamed. "Move is just above the breach in the Battlecruiser's shields. Recongifure the disrupters to low energy rapid fire mode. RSE Lacron, point defense turret[/i], at your service." The last statement was laced with the icy barbs of discontent.

Three fighters saw the opportunity, and tried to take it. The Lacron was in position before they could however, and took the brunt of the fire. Nearly 20 polaron beams tore into the upper shields, collapsing them with ease. The armour plating she had ordered installed was a wise move, as 15 of the twenty slammed full power into the upper hull. Amazingly, the armour plate held...just. And invited the return fire from the Romulan warship. She opened fire, tearing a firestorm of shots into the group, destroying two, and damaging one. Right on cue, the fighter group slipped over the top of the Lacron, and opened fire. Pulse upon pulse of phaser fire ripped into the fighter, tearing it apart.

"Only two more. The battlecruiser is having trouble with her warpdrive, it seems. We might have to wait longer."

"Test our warp field. After that attack, I dont want to know we can't warp."

"Something is wrong commander," Mi'serna replied. "Our warp bubble is unstable..."

"Engineering, status of the warp field!"

A stern yet trouble voice replied. "Our plasma conductors are overheated. They cannot take the strain of a full load of plasma. We need to vent about half of the plasma in each nacelle so the conductors can cope with the heat."

"Won't that affect warp speeds?"

"Yes, commander. We shall be restricted to warp 5."

"Dammit...very well, begin venting process."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Mikey »

"Incoming message from the Lacron," McKenzie reported.

"Onscreen," directed Mikey. Grr'lek's familiar fuzzy face appeared on a display on the console, showing just the faintest hint of tension around his eyes. For the normally-unflappable Caitian, that spoke volumes; and Mikey's antennae stood up straight. "Status, lieutenant?"

"Ambush, sir," Grr'lek said evenly. "The expeditionary force was decimated. The battlecruiser was forced to retreat in haste. We and the Tigerfish are providing exit cover, but we have heavy pursuit. Approaching the system's exit corridor in 1.5."

"Understood. We'll be there to help." Exactly how with a runabout and a flight of fighters, I don't know, Mikey thought as he closed the channel. Snapping his fingers, he exclaimed, "McKenzie! How did our little camouflage field work?"

"Pretty well, I guess, sir," came the uncertain reply. "No way of knowing for sure, but that bug sure didn't fire until we made our intentions clear."

"It'll have to do," Mikey mused absently. "Do we have anything we can use as chaff?"

McKenzie thought for a moment. "I can set up an antimatter spread - it'll create a nice little light show. If I couple that with a limited plasma vent..."

Mikey finished for him. "...then they'd be flying on non-visual sensors only! Make sure the camouflage field is oeprational, and set it up!" He then leaned over and opened up a channel to the fighters. "All pilots - prepare to intercept incoming bogeys in pursuit of our units. We'll be creating a little light show - you're job is to hit-and-run; use as many damned attack angles as you can think of... we want to confuse the feth out of these Jemmies, make them break off pursuit. Understood?"

All the pilots responded affirmative, and took up a spread formation in order to cover all quadrants of the access corridor to the system. Within a minute, the battlecruiser came through, followed closely by the Lacron and the Tigerfish covering her. Thirty seconds behind the allied ships came a wave of Jem'Hadar attack ships. Mikey dove the Metedeconk into the corridor form the 12 o'clock position, hollering for McKenzie to activate the antimatter spread and the plasma vent. The space in the corridor was filled with bursts of light followed by billowing orange clouds of ignited plasma. The Daystrom's fighter flight swooped in from all positions, firing as they came, causing the Jem'Hadar bugs to break formation and try to track the unseen opponents.

"Status?!" Mikey called to McKenzie.

"Bogeys have slowed forward progress and are breaking formation," McKenzie answered; then, after a pause to read his console, added, "#3 is hit... bad. Transport beacon activated."

"Banks," the captain murmured. "Piggy!" Mikey yelled, even as the glow of a transporter began to fill the cabin of the runabout.

Dashing out of the rear compartment as fast as his short legs could carry him, Talknegree yelled back, "I'm on it!" and began to lean over the materializing pilot.

"Talk to me, Piggy," Mikey said in a low tone.

"It's bad," the Tellarite answered. "He'll make it, but don't expect him to fly for a while." Mikey stole a backward glance, and his eyes narrowed and his antennae flattened as he saw the blackened mass of flesh under Talknegree.

"All fighters," Mikey yelled as he opened a channel. "Stick and move! Do NOT return from the same angle you come in - they will just trace the inbound fire!" Closing the channel, he turned to McKenzie. "I've got to return to the formation and support these guys. Try to raise the Daystrom - appraise them of the situation, and tell them we need someone to get our backs."
I can't stand nothing dull
I got the high gloss luster
I'll massacre your ass as fast
as Bull offed Custer