Drinking Game

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Drinking Game

Post by Foxfyre »

Found this online

Sip if any of the following occur:

Bones says "He's dead, Jim."
Bones points out he's a doctor, not a ___________
Kirk gets the girl
Kirk outwits a computer
Kirk violates the prime directive
Kirk's shirt gets ripped
Kirk bluffs his out
Kirk takes responsibility for the whole crew
Kirk saves the day with a stirring speech
Kirk kisses the girl
Kirk says "We come in peace" and "shoot to kill" in the same sentence
Kirk says "Phasers on stun"
Spock shows emotion
Spock uses the Vulcan neck pinch
Spock looks into the science station
Spock refers to the doctor as illogical
Spock says "Fascinating" or "Indeed"
Scotty complains about the warp speed requested/demanded
Scotty pulls off a miraculous technological feat
Scotty says "The engines canna take much more a this, Captain"
Chekov promotes Russian history
Chekov says "But Keptin...."
Chekov pronounces a 'w' like a 'v'
Sulu sets course
Sulu has the con
Uhura says "Hailing frequencies open"
Uhura opens a channel in all frequencies and all languages
Uhura sings
Yeoman Rand gives Kirk something to initial
Yeoman Rand serves coffee
Nurse Chapel lusts after Spock
Kyle makes his appearance as transporter chief
Lt. Leslie appears or is mentioned
A redshirt dies
The weapons are powerless
The transporter is inoperative
Dilithium crystals are drained/inoperative/missing
Communicators malfunction
The shields are about to collapse
The Enterprise goes faster than it is possibly able to
The Enterprise is taken over by a superior alien power
You see a styrofoam planet or a planet with no atmosphere
A newly discovered planet is "Much like Earth"
Klingon and Romulan technology is mixed up
Special effects people cannot tell phasers from photon torpedoes
CHUG if any of the following occur:

Kirk does not get the girl
Sulu gets a sword
Major character dies/is assumed dead
Starfleet exhonorates the crew for their violation of regulations/orders
The episode was blatantly ripped off by ST:TNG
Lt. Leslie speaks
Anybody makes a "historical" reference to the 20th century
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Re: Drinking Game

Post by Tsukiyumi »

Sounds like you pretty much just drink through the entire show. :lol:

Which is pretty much what I do anyways.
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Re: Drinking Game

Post by Nickswitz »

Tsukiyumi wrote:Sounds like you pretty much just drink through the entire show.
Thats pretty much what I was going to say, lol
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Re: Drinking Game

Post by Foxfyre »

Nickswitz wrote:
Tsukiyumi wrote:Sounds like you pretty much just drink through the entire show.
Thats pretty much what I was going to say, lol
And whats wrong with that?
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Re: Drinking Game

Post by Mikey »

Some friends and I devised something similar when TNG first aired. The funny thing was, it only took the first half of the pilot to get some of the rules down! :lol: Drink when things occur such as...

Troi says that she's "sensing" anything
Picard tugs on his tunic
Riker stands at an odd angle so his chin is thrust upward and his shoulders look tilted
Worf says "warrior" or "honorable"
Yar tries to prove just how much more manly she is than a man
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Re: Drinking Game

Post by thelordharry »

Mikey wrote:Some friends and I devised something similar when TNG first aired. The funny thing was, it only took the first half of the pilot to get some of the rules down! :lol: Drink when things occur such as...

Troi says that she's "sensing" anything
Picard tugs on his tunic
Riker stands at an odd angle so his chin is thrust upward and his shoulders look tilted
Worf says "warrior" or "honorable"
Yar tries to prove just how much more manly she is than a man
Geordie flies of the handle with excitement and exclaims 'Waaaaait a minute!'
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Re: Drinking Game

Post by Foxfyre »

Expanding this list to include all seasons and movies.

Q holds a letter upside down and is still able to read it.
Captian Picard drinks something OTHER than Tea earl grey hot.
The shot of an excelsior class shit along side the E-D is reused (planet or no planet in the background your choice)
The same shot of the enterprise going into warp is used
Data uses a contraction
Geordies VISOR becomes a serious security breach
Doctor Crusher hits on or hints at she has deep feelings for Picard.
Picard hits on or hints that he has deep feelings for Crusher.
Anyone says shut up weasley
**BONUS DRINK*** If two or more people say shut up weasely at the same time
Weasely gets killed or treatened to be killed
Data is litteraly (as in a piece of him) used to save the day or as a plot device
Data goes insane and causes havoc
An Oberth class ship has any type of scaling issues with the E-D or similar sized vessel
An Excelisor has scalling issues wiht the E-D
The Enterprise fires weapons from points on the ship that doesn't have anything to do with the weapon used.
Troi does something usefull
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Re: Drinking Game

Post by kostmayer »

Data dies or is assumed dead.
Any other major character dies or is presumed dead.
Someone escapes from the brig.
Picard cries.
"You ain't gonna get off down the trail a mile or two, and go missing your wife or something, like our last cook done, are you?"
"My wife is in hell, where I sent her. She could make good biscuits, but her behavior was terrible."
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Re: Drinking Game

Post by Foxfyre »

Weasley acts his freaken age and doesn't know everything
Doctor Crusher is shown to be an excelent marksmen
Doctor Crusher reaspons to a medical emerency with a phaser in hand
**Bonus Drink** when she uses the phaser
Guinan solves a crowd control problem with a VERY large phaser
Guinan outpreforms Worf on the phaser range
When it is hinted at that Picard and Guinan have more than just a friendship going on
Guinan is better at counciling then that freaken ships councilor
Troi is finally told to wear a freaken uniform
**Bonus Drink** when it is shown that she looks BETTER in it, particularly her bum
Doctor Crusher assumes command of the ship
**Bonus Drink** when it is shown that she actually knows what she is doing
Troi has to take command
Ro Laren disrespects a senior officer
**Bonus Drink** If Riker is involved somehow
A baby is born during a serious ship wide issue
**Bonus Drink** If worf has to deleiver
**2 Bonus Drinks** If the woman in question wants to take worfs head off or is exsaperated by worf.
Data's head is shown without the rest of him
Data says processing or increase speed
The number 47 comes up at any time.
Data appears in a red uniform
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